Karta projektu edukacyjnegoCentres-EUThis document is a project card for an educational project focused on creative sectors. The project was funded by the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme. The card provides information on the name of the school, title of the project, the creative sector addressed (e.g. visual arts, performing arts, film, music), project supervisors, participants, timeline, goals achieved, and presentation details.
Erasmus+ Młodzież 2016FRSEPrezentacja opisuje działania jakie można podejmować dzięki sektorowi Młodzież w programie Erasmus+. Pokaz przygotowany był na Ogólnopolski Dzień Informacyjny Programu Erasmus+ (19 stycznia 2016 r.)
Z Comeniusem dookoła Europy w ramach edukacyjnego programu „Uczenie się przez...Julia Sarnecka, née PłacheckaA guide to Comenius, the EU programme for schools, that helps foreign language learning and improves intercultural awareness.
Zaprojektuj działanie, cz. 1, Punkt Kontaktowy "Europa dla obywateli", 2015Julia Sarnecka, née PłacheckaFirst part of a guide to project development prepaired together with Monika Świetlik for the purposes of 'Europe for Citizens' programme promotion and dissemination. My responsibilties included text and interviews preparation and co-edition, as well as cooperation with an external graphic designer.
Podsumowanie projektu "Dream into Aim" w ramach Comenius RegioUrząd Gminy i Miasta ProszowiceDzięki dotacji, pozyskanej z programu Comenius Regio, gmina Proszowice nawiązała kontakty z hiszpańskim miastem Santander. Hiszpanie dwa razy gościli w Polsce, a delegacje z Proszowic trzykrotnie odwiedzały Santander.
Prezentacja po zmnianie partnera kompresja.pptxSPUstrobnaProjekt realizowany będzie w ramach Erasmus. Sektor Edukacja szkolna. Akcja 2 - Współpraca organizacji i instytucji. Typ projektu: Partnerstwa w zakresie współpracy.
Centres on-line competition litCentres-EUThe document describes an online business competition for creative industries hosted by the CENTRES project. Students submitted business ideas as PowerPoint presentations and the best ideas were selected to present at a forum. The competition topics involved developing marketing campaigns, retail concepts, communication plans, and a mobile game app. Selection criteria included the quality of the presentation, feasibility of the business idea, and clear communication of the main idea.
Guidance and models of organising entrepreneurship forumsCentres-EUThe document provides guidelines for organizing a student summer forum to promote entrepreneurship among secondary school students. The forum aims to motivate students and teach basic business skills through experiential learning techniques. Students will be divided into teams to complete business-related tasks and challenges over the course of 4-5 days. A variety of activities are outlined, including presentations, competitions, and team-building exercises. The forum seeks to develop students' business acumen as well as soft skills like leadership, collaboration, and problem-solving under tight deadlines.
Erasmus+ Młodzież 2016FRSEPrezentacja opisuje działania jakie można podejmować dzięki sektorowi Młodzież w programie Erasmus+. Pokaz przygotowany był na Ogólnopolski Dzień Informacyjny Programu Erasmus+ (19 stycznia 2016 r.)
Z Comeniusem dookoła Europy w ramach edukacyjnego programu „Uczenie się przez...Julia Sarnecka, née PłacheckaA guide to Comenius, the EU programme for schools, that helps foreign language learning and improves intercultural awareness.
Zaprojektuj działanie, cz. 1, Punkt Kontaktowy "Europa dla obywateli", 2015Julia Sarnecka, née PłacheckaFirst part of a guide to project development prepaired together with Monika Świetlik for the purposes of 'Europe for Citizens' programme promotion and dissemination. My responsibilties included text and interviews preparation and co-edition, as well as cooperation with an external graphic designer.
Podsumowanie projektu "Dream into Aim" w ramach Comenius RegioUrząd Gminy i Miasta ProszowiceDzięki dotacji, pozyskanej z programu Comenius Regio, gmina Proszowice nawiązała kontakty z hiszpańskim miastem Santander. Hiszpanie dwa razy gościli w Polsce, a delegacje z Proszowic trzykrotnie odwiedzały Santander.
Prezentacja po zmnianie partnera kompresja.pptxSPUstrobnaProjekt realizowany będzie w ramach Erasmus. Sektor Edukacja szkolna. Akcja 2 - Współpraca organizacji i instytucji. Typ projektu: Partnerstwa w zakresie współpracy.
Centres on-line competition litCentres-EUThe document describes an online business competition for creative industries hosted by the CENTRES project. Students submitted business ideas as PowerPoint presentations and the best ideas were selected to present at a forum. The competition topics involved developing marketing campaigns, retail concepts, communication plans, and a mobile game app. Selection criteria included the quality of the presentation, feasibility of the business idea, and clear communication of the main idea.
Guidance and models of organising entrepreneurship forumsCentres-EUThe document provides guidelines for organizing a student summer forum to promote entrepreneurship among secondary school students. The forum aims to motivate students and teach basic business skills through experiential learning techniques. Students will be divided into teams to complete business-related tasks and challenges over the course of 4-5 days. A variety of activities are outlined, including presentations, competitions, and team-building exercises. The forum seeks to develop students' business acumen as well as soft skills like leadership, collaboration, and problem-solving under tight deadlines.
Centres students' camp competitionCentres-EUThe document outlines the rules for a student business camp competition. It defines key terms like investors, businessmen, and tasks. Teams of camp participants will be grouped as businessmen and will complete tasks, which will be evaluated by investor teams and judges. An entrepreneurship index will be calculated based on team placements for each task. Points from each task will be totaled to determine the overall winning team. Teams are also given investment units to allocate to other teams' ideas, and additional points are awarded to accurately investing teams. Presentation guidelines including time limits and speaker participation are provided.
Exploitation CentresCentres-EUThis document outlines the plan to exploit the results of the CENTRES project. The project aims to develop tools and methodologies for teaching creativity and entrepreneurship in secondary schools. The exploitation plan identifies the project's results, including an online knowledge bank and policy recommendations. It also outlines the target groups that can benefit, such as educators, students, and policymakers. Finally, it describes the main dissemination activities and instruments to transfer the results to stakeholders, such as international conferences, workshops, and the project website.
Policy workshop_CR_reportCentres-EUThe document summarizes a policy workshop held in Prague, Czech Republic to discuss recommendations from the CENTRES project for improving creative entrepreneurship education. Workshop participants from the Ministry of Education and other organizations agreed with the CENTRES recommendations to integrate arts into curricula, develop a creative entrepreneurship curriculum, use digital technologies, and better link education and business through dedicated programs. Next steps include promoting the recommendations within national strategies on entrepreneurship and smart specialization.
Policy workshop_CR_reportCentres-EUThe document summarizes a policy workshop held in Prague, Czech Republic to discuss recommendations from the CENTRES project for improving creative entrepreneurship education. Workshop participants including government and education representatives agreed with the CENTRES recommendations, which included taking more horizontal, arts-focused, digitally-enabled, and business-linked approaches to entrepreneurship curriculum and teaching programs. Next steps discussed incorporating the recommendations into national strategies and continuing initiatives for cross-sector collaboration and teacher professional development.
Policy workshop - recommendationCentres-EUThe document summarizes a policy workshop held in Lithuania to discuss stimulating entrepreneurship and creativity. It describes presentations given by representatives from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economy, and organizations working with youth entrepreneurship. The workshop highlighted the success of the EU-funded CENTRES project in schools and recommended continued support for developing entrepreneurship skills among youth.
Polish association for creativity pilot activity review and outcomes helsink...Centres-EUThe Polish Association of Creativity Poland conducted a pilot project to increase student competence in innovation and entrepreneurship. The project involved 150 schools across Poland implementing local creative projects like fashion shows, theater festivals, and concerts between September 2013 and April 2014. Teachers received training workshops while students completed surveys. Preliminary results found that students gained experience organizing ventures and working in groups, learning valuable skills, while more outcomes will be observed as the pilots continue through May 2014.
Polish association for creativity - Pilot activity review and outcomes helsin...Centres-EUThe Polish Association of Creativity Poland conducted a pilot project to increase student competence in innovation and entrepreneurship. The project involved 150 schools across Poland implementing local creative projects like fashion shows, theater festivals, and concerts between September 2013 and April 2014. Teachers received training workshops while students completed surveys. Preliminary results found that students gained experience organizing ventures and working in groups, learning valuable skills, while more outcomes will be observed as the pilots continue through May 2014.
How can my business benefit from engaging with schoolsCentres-EUThe CENTRES project aims to promote creative entrepreneurship in schools with support from the European Commission. The document discusses how creative businesses can benefit from engaging with schools. Mr. Nicolai Juhler from Creative Enterprise notes that businesses can influence the future workforce, stay informed of developments in education, raise their profile with young people, get ideas from students, connect with the local community, and gain truthful feedback about products from children.
Denmark - How to engage with businessCentres-EUThe document discusses how schools can establish partnerships with creative businesses. It recommends that schools first map local teaching resources to identify goals and decide how businesses could help. Schools can create a network map of local businesses, survey businesses to learn what they can contribute, involve parents to identify contacts, or meet with businesses to discuss potential collaborations. When partnering, schools should define the topic, goals, participants, organization, and student involvement to ensure mutual benefits and quality experiences.
Practice firmCentres-EUThe document discusses practice firms, which are simulated companies run by students in schools. It provides context on the history and origins of practice firms in Europe. Specifically in the Czech Republic, practice firms have been part of the curriculum for 20 years and help prepare students for real-world work. The document outlines recommendations for including practice firms in different school types and curriculums. It also describes the characteristics and benefits of practice firms, as well as how they are set up and operated.
Career guidance as a creative processCentres-EUThe document discusses career guidance in schools as a creative process. It describes the CENTRES project funded by the EU to train career counselors in schools on creative entrepreneurship and career guidance. It outlines the new role of educational counselors in providing comprehensive career guidance and education to students as a lifelong process. Some of the key challenges discussed are the narrow focus of current career guidance services in schools and the need to develop students' flexibility, creativity, and entrepreneurship through innovative guidance approaches.
En introduction to creative learning and entrepreneurshipCentres-EUThe document introduces creative learning and entrepreneurship. It discusses how creativity is an important skill that allows people to solve problems and think innovatively. Creative learning focuses on developing students' imagination and creative skills, unlike art learning which emphasizes artistic expression. The document also outlines a Creative Partnerships program from the UK that aims to increase creativity in schools through collaboration between students, teachers, and creative professionals. The program involves applying creative approaches to teaching and other school activities.
Centres transnational pilotCentres-EUThe two-day event in Ljubljana, Slovenia was organized as part of the CENTRES project funded by the European Commission to encourage entrepreneurship in education. Over 70 participants including teachers, government representatives, and entrepreneurs attended workshops led by consultants from the Real Ideas Organization to learn methods for teaching creativity and entrepreneurship. The project aims to equip 30 teachers to implement entrepreneurial training in their schools and support 60 student entrepreneurship projects.
Project based method - how to startCentres-EUThe document discusses a project-based educational method for developing entrepreneurial skills in schools. It provides guidance for teachers and students on planning a project, including determining who will lead it, when and where meetings will be held, what activities will take place, creating a schedule and documenting progress. Teachers are encouraged to evaluate students' activities by assessing what supports their entrepreneurial development and analyzing how the education system cultivates skills like creativity, problem-solving, and teamwork.
Photos. group integration activityCentres-EUThe document describes an activity called "Photos. Group integration" that is intended to familiarize participants with each other and promote tolerance through the use of photos. The activity involves participants selecting photos in rounds and saying how the photos relate to their interests, dislikes, wishes for others, favorite subjects, and metaphors about an introduced concept. The facilitator should ensure participants have space to share but are not forced, and should guide discussions to focus on positive aspects and strengths. The overall goal is to help the group get to know each other through photo-based discussions and sharing.
Mysterious animal. collaboration within a groupCentres-EUThe document describes an activity where participants are divided into groups and tasked with inventing a mysterious new animal discovered in South America. Each group must draw and name the animal, describe its features and why it would make a good pet. They then prepare a presentation on the animal as if giving a press conference. The goal is to develop teamwork, presentation and cooperation skills by having the groups collaborate to create and present their imaginary animals to the others.
How to catch a kangaroo brainstorm exerciseCentres-EUThis document provides guidance for an activity called "How to catch a kangaroo or a typical brainstorming". The activity aims to teach participants about brainstorming and developing teamwork skills. Participants are asked to generate as many ideas as possible for how to catch a kangaroo. The tutor records all ideas without evaluation. After brainstorming, ideas that are unethical are removed. Feasible ideas are then selected for potential implementation in catching the imaginary kangaroo. The document outlines John Osborn's four principles of brainstorming to guide the activity.
Educational project chartCentres-EUThe document outlines an educational project chart for tracking creative sector projects funded by the European Commission. The chart includes fields to track the name of the school, project title, creative sector of the activity, persons in charge of the project, authors and implementers, duration, aims, and delivery details of individual projects.
1. CENTRES (Creative Entrepreneurship in Schools) project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which
may be made of the information contained therein.
With the support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Union
Od pomysłu do jego realizacji, czyli krok po kroku w pracy metodą projektu
Projekt edukacyjny rządzi się własnymi prawami, jest umocowany prawnie (podstawa programowa), ma bogatą metodologię, ale też może być w szkołach realizowany w sposób autonomiczny.
Pomocne podczas pracy projektowej będzie udzielenie sobie odpowiedzi na kilka pytań:
1/ KTO będzie autorem i realizatorem projektu (ile osób, jaka grupa, klasa, oddział)?
2/ KTO będzie się opiekował projektem?
3/ KIEDY i GDZIE się będą odbywały spotkania? (w szkole, domu kultury, na godzinach wychowawczych, zajęciach dodatkowych, innych lekcjach przedmiotowych)
4/ JAKI RODZAJ DZIAŁANIA zostanie wybrany? (np. organizacja koncertu szkolnych zespołów, wystawa prac szkolnych/ lokalnych artystów fotografików/ malarzy, nakręcenie lipdubu, nakręcenie reklamówki szkoły, wydanie zbioru wierszy szkolnych poetów, pokaz mody ekologicznej, itd…)
5/ JAK BĘDZIE WYGLĄDAŁ HARMONOGRAM (co i do kiedy przygotujemy, etapy pracy)
6/ GDZIE i KIEDY odbędzie się prezentacja projektu?
7/ KTO zostanie zaproszony na prezentację projektu (rodzice, lokalna społeczność)?
8/ CZY/ W JAKI SPOSÓB pozyska się sojuszników/ sponsorów przedsięwzięcia?
Uczestnicy projektu (uczniowie) dokumentują swoją pracę nad projektem w dowolny sposób (np. robiąc zdjęcia, kręcąc filmiki, tworząc prezentację), by stworzyć dziennik projektu.
Opiekunowie projektu wypełniają kartę projektu.
Jeśli nauczyciel chciałby dokonać ewaluacji działań uczniowskich warto postawić sobie i uczniom następujące pytania i uzyskać na nie odpowiedzi:
- Jakie czynniki wspierają podejmowanie przez uczniów przedsięwzięć społecznych/ przedsiębiorczych?
- W jaki sposób polski system kształcenia rozwija takie kompetencje i umiejętności jak: kreatywność, umiejętność generowania i analizy problemów, praca metodą projektu, praca zespołowa, które pomagają w procesie tworzenia innowacji?
Wyniki można zaprezentować w szkole, by stały się przedmiotem do dyskusji: jak wspierać nauczanie kreatywne, kształtowanie postawy przedsiębiorczości, by było ono efektywne dla młodych ludzi.
Polskie Stowarzyszenie Kreatywności www.p-s-k.pl psk@p-s-k.pl www.centres.org.pl