Nokia 888 is a concept phone from Nokia that is ultra thin at 5mm, has a flexible touch display, liquid battery, and can change shapes based on electronic messages. It was designed by Tamer Nakisci and won the Nokia Benelux Design Award. The phone can be rolled, bent, folded to fit in clothes or on the wrist, and takes the shape of calls, like a phone or heart, to match the context and user's mood.
Norway has developed a highly successful national sports system through consistent policy and funding since 1970. Over 40% of adults regularly participate in sports, and nearly half of Norwegians are members of the Norwegian Sports Federation. The government allocates significant funds to sports and works closely with voluntary sports organizations to promote participation from childhood through elite competition levels. As a result, Norway enjoys high levels of public health, wealth, and life expectancy according to UN reports. The country's approach has demonstrated how integrated sports policy and programs can benefit individuals and society.
This report was developed as part of term project at IIM Bangalore.
As part of study we analyzed global solar industry and how huge capacities at off-shore locations is limiting domestic manufacturing. An interesting dimension was then explored by incorporating end-of life solar waste treatment to demonstrate viability of domestic manufacturing
Nokia 888 is a concept phone from Nokia that is ultra thin at 5mm, has a flexible touch display, liquid battery, and can change shapes based on electronic messages. It was designed by Tamer Nakisci and won the Nokia Benelux Design Award. The phone can be rolled, bent, folded to fit in clothes or on the wrist, and takes the shape of calls, like a phone or heart, to match the context and user's mood.
Norway has developed a highly successful national sports system through consistent policy and funding since 1970. Over 40% of adults regularly participate in sports, and nearly half of Norwegians are members of the Norwegian Sports Federation. The government allocates significant funds to sports and works closely with voluntary sports organizations to promote participation from childhood through elite competition levels. As a result, Norway enjoys high levels of public health, wealth, and life expectancy according to UN reports. The country's approach has demonstrated how integrated sports policy and programs can benefit individuals and society.
This report was developed as part of term project at IIM Bangalore.
As part of study we analyzed global solar industry and how huge capacities at off-shore locations is limiting domestic manufacturing. An interesting dimension was then explored by incorporating end-of life solar waste treatment to demonstrate viability of domestic manufacturing
The document is India's National Telecom Policy from 2012. It aims to transform India into an empowered and inclusive knowledge-based society using telecommunications. Key goals include increasing rural teledensity, providing affordable broadband nationwide, and leveraging mobile devices and broadband to enable citizens to participate in e-governance and development initiatives in sectors like health, education, and agriculture. The policy also aims to make India a global hub for telecom manufacturing and establish standards and policies to promote innovation and R&D in the industry.
The document discusses social media marketing strategies of FC Barcelona. It notes that FC Barcelona has over 100 million followers across various social media platforms, making it the most followed sports club globally. It achieves this large following through regular posting of club news and content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. The club also has social media policies for staff and players to educate them on proper social media use. Finally, it discusses how FC Barcelona has used platforms like Weibo and Line to help expand its reach and fanbase to Asia through localized social media strategies.
This article features a collection of photographs taken by two photographers, Ashley Pospisil and Ed Ryan, for The Daily Campus. The photographs document various events and scenes around campus, such as student activities and events. Pospisil and Ryan took multiple pictures each that were included in the article.
Effective communication involves both verbal and nonverbal skills. It is important to be aware of tone, body language, and how messages may be interpreted by the receiver. Developing communication skills requires practicing active listening, maintaining eye contact, using body language to appear open and approachable, and speaking clearly without judgment of others. Both interpersonal skills like listening and understanding others as well as intrapersonal skills like self-awareness and internal dialogue are important for communication.
Sports club and corporate social responsibilityYoungsub Chun
1. Large sports clubs like FC Barcelona, Real Madrid, Manchester United, and Bayern Munich have foundations that support corporate social responsibility initiatives through philanthropic activities and community partnerships.
2. FC Barcelona partners with UNICEF in particular as a model of successful sports patronage that has helped the club gain a reputation as "more than a club".
3. For sports clubs to be successful, corporate social responsibility needs support from high-level management and integration at all levels of the organization to positively influence customer perception.
- The document proposes the "La Masia Project for East Asia", a youth football academy modeled after Barcelona's famed La Masia academy.
- It would be located in Jeju, South Korea and aim to teach over 100,000 Asian youth who travel abroad each year professional football techniques through partnerships with clubs in China, Korea, and Japan.
- The new academy hopes to introduce Barcelona to Asian football fans and clubs while creating a new profitable business model for the club through services like player development, camps, and club consulting.
YG Entertainment is a leading South Korean entertainment company known for managing successful K-pop groups like Big Bang, 2NE1, and Psy. Through innovative marketing strategies on social media and reality competition shows, YG has engaged fans worldwide and established strong brands for its artists. The document discusses YG's customer-centric approach, focusing on developing musicians' unique styles and empowering fan participation. It attributes YG's success to visionary leadership, effective management practices, and an emphasis on creativity, social responsibility, and continuous innovation.
- East Asia Sport Management Institute (EASMI) will provide a top-quality Master's program in sport marketing and sponsorship, as well as competitive consulting services.
- EASMI aims to establish a cooperative network between itself and sport representatives in Korea, China, Japan, and Taiwan to provide advanced sport education and expertise to the East Asian market.
- The financial plan projects that EASMI will have no revenue in 2015 but will generate $70,000 in 2016 from consulting and product sales, growing to $1.66 million in revenue and $450,000 in net income by 2017 from its Master's program.
Embedded war correspondents are limited in their ability to provide an unbiased and comprehensive view of war. Being embedded with a single military unit restricts reporters from seeing the full scope and impact of the conflict. They are also subject to ground rules set by the military that censor what they can report. True coverage of war requires speaking to civilians and multiple sides, not just the experiences of the embedded unit. Overall alternatives like minimizing embedding time or using new technologies can provide better war reporting.
This document discusses the marketing strategies of YG Entertainment (YGE), a major South Korean entertainment company known for launching the careers of popular K-pop groups like Big Bang and Psy. It summarizes how YGE focuses on developing talented trainees into skilled musicians, builds strong brand value for its artists, partners with global companies for international expansion, and activates social media marketing to interact directly with fans. Overall, the document analyzes YGE's approach as setting the standard for the next "Jobs and Apple" of the entertainment industry.
Itinerari seguint la mar entre Alcossebre i Torrenostra on es poden observar costes baixes, mitjanes, estanys, serradals, marjals i zones urbanitzades.
Real es un pueblo situado en la provincia de Valencia. Sus principales caracter鱈sticas incluyen una poblaci坦n de 2,329 habitantes, la iglesia parroquial de San Pedro construida en 1587, y los restos del castillo medieval de Alcalans. Un plato t鱈pico de Real es la paella con pollo y conejo, que suele acompa単arse con an鱈s seco.
Monserrat es un municipio de la Comunidad Valenciana, Espa単a, ubicado a los pies de la monta単a del Castellet. La Sierra del Castellet es uno de los s鱈mbolos m叩s queridos de Monserrat y se origin坦 hace unos 180 millones de a単os cuando el mar cedi坦 su lugar a las tierras emergidas. Algunas de las fiestas principales de Monserrat incluyen la Semana Taurina a mediados de agosto, la Falla de Monserrat en marzo y las paellas el Primero de Mayo.
Montserrat fue una alquer鱈a y fortaleza isl叩mica otorgada por Jaime I en 1240. Se encuentra a los pies de la monta単a del Castellet, en un peque単o cerro con el nombre de "serrat" debido a una falla que lo corta por la mitad. El pueblo conserva calles estrechas de tipolog鱈a morisca y celebra eventos como "La Falla de Monserrat" y actividades el D鱈a del Trabajador.
Monserrat es un municipio de la provincia de Valencia en Espa単a. Fue una alquer鱈a y fortaleza isl叩mica otorgada por Jaime I en 1240, y recibi坦 carta puebla en 1245. Algunas de sus fiestas t鱈picas son la Falla de Monserrat y Nuestra Se単ora de la Asunci坦n y San Roque. Monumentos notables incluyen La Querencia, la Sierra del Castellet y varios yacimientos arqueol坦gicos.
El documento resume la historia del pueblo de Montroy en Espa単a. Explica que en 1307, Pedro Soler, Maestre de la Orden del Temple, otorg坦 el pueblo de Montroy. M叩s tarde, en 1348, el rey Pedro IV el Ceremonioso vendi坦 Montroy al Maestre de Montesa. Finalmente, el Maestre de Montesa incorpor坦 Montroy a la Corona espa単ola.
Este documento proporciona un resumen de la historia y lugares de inter辿s de Montserrat, Espa単a. Los primeros vestigios datan de la Edad de Bronce y la 辿poca romana. La presencia musulmana se evidencia en las ruinas de los castillos de Alcal叩 y Castellet. La poblaci坦n actual se origin坦 probablemente de una alquer鱈a musulmana. El Castillo de Alcal叩, construido en el siglo XI, era la fortaleza m叩s importante de la zona. Lugares notables incluyen el Castillo de Alcal叩, la Fuente del
El documento describe el municipio espa単ol de Real en la Comunidad Valenciana. Real se encuentra en la comarca de Ribera Alta del J炭car y su econom鱈a se basa principalmente en la agricultura de regad鱈o y secano, incluyendo naranjos, frutales, hortalizas, vid, olivo y algarrobo. La ganader鱈a y avicultura tambi辿n juegan un papel importante en la econom鱈a local.
Este documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre la historia, festividades, monumentos y peri坦dico local de Montserrat. Brevemente describe que Montserrat se ubica al pie de la monta単a del Castellet y toma su nombre de un cerro cortado por una falla. Enumera las principales festividades como la Falla de Monserrat en marzo, el D鱈a de las Paellas el 1 de mayo, y las fiestas de Nuestra Se単ora de la Asunci坦n y San Roque. Tambi辿n menciona monumentos locales como la Sierra del Castellet, la Cueva F
2. On es situa?
Montserrat, tamb辿
conegut com
d'Alcal , 辿s un
municipi del Pa鱈s
Valenci que es
troba a la
comarca de la
Ribera Alta.
3. Geografia
Situat als peus de la muntanya del
Castellet, en un xicotet tossal que
s'anomena en l'actualitat l'Era Alta. El
terme municipal es troba en el
denominat Vall dels Alcalans: antiga
comarca hist嘆rica que s'integr
posteriorment a la Ribera Alta com a
subcomarca. Aquesta estava formada
pels municipis de Montserrat, Montroi,
Real de Montroi, Llombai, Tor鱈s, Alfarb
i Catadau.
El riu Magre serveix de l鱈mit natural amb
el terme de Montroi en una longitud de
3.600 metres i vessa les seues aig端es
al riu X炭quer.
El terme municipal de Montserrat limita
amb Llombai, Montroi, Real de Montroi
i Tur鱈s (a la mateixa comarca); i amb
Picassent i Torrent (a l'Horta Sud).
4. Festes
A Montserrat, com a tants indrets
de la nostra geografia, es
planten falles, per嘆 el detall que
les caracteritza 辿s que es fan
dos diumenges despr辿s de
sant Josep.
A banda, les festes oficials s坦n el
23 d'abril, Sant Vicent Ferrer, i
el 16 d'agost, Sant Roc. A m辿s
a m辿s, dins d'aquestes festes
d'agost (les principals del
poble), t辿 lloc la Setmana
Internacional de M炭sica de
Cambra (SIMC) on tots els
anys hi actuen prestigiosos
musics de tot el m坦n de m炭sica
5. Monuments
El poble conserva la fesomia morisca amb els
t鱈pics carrers i atzucacs torts i estrets. El
patrimoni montserrat鱈 ens mostra:
揃Castell d'Alcal o Castellet de Montserrat.
Constru誰t pels rabs sobre un empla巽ament
ib竪ric. Tingu辿 molta importncia en 竪poca
taifal . Actualment, tot i estar declarat b辿
d'inter辿s cultural, no hi ha m辿s que alguns
trossos de la muralla i dels fonaments de les
揃Esgl辿sia de Nostra Senyora de l'Assumpci坦.
Herreriana, de 1637. Alberga imatges i obres
d'art interessants.
揃El P嘆sit. Antic edifici agr鱈cola, de 1792.
Actualment 辿s la Biblioteca P炭blica.
揃Escoles Velles. De 1889. A hores d'ara alberga
es dedica a diferents activitats p炭bliques.
揃Barri de l'Era Alta. Des d'on es pot albirar un
bon panorama.
6. Llocs d'inter辿s
Hi ha diversos paratges naturals
com ara la serra del Castellet,
que per la seua morfologia, en
forma de dents de serra, diuen
que podria donar nom al poble;
la cova Fumada, on es poden
observar aus migrat嘆ries; o les
fonts del Pant , lloc d'esbarjo al
red坦s d'un antic embassament
del XVII; la de la Quer竪ncia i les
de Birlongo i la de la Soroixa
entre les quals es poden trobar