Jesus teaches a crowd from Simon's boat near the Sea of Galilee. He tells Simon to launch into deeper waters and let down his nets. Although they had fished all night with nothing, Simon obeys Jesus' words and catches a huge number of fish, filling two boats. Simon asks Jesus to depart from him, feeling unworthy. Jesus calls Simon and others to follow him and become "fishers of men". Those who obey God and remain in their divine purpose will be blessed and become a blessing to others.
This document appears to be a presentation about war and military strategy. It discusses various topics related to war, such as tribal warfare, the dawn of modern society, the relationship between war and politics, and efficiency, friction, and inflexibility in war. It also references gangs, warriors, and whether war is a public or private matter. The document concludes with contact information for Joerg Blumtritt of Datarella GmbH.
Jesus teaches a crowd from Simon's boat near the Sea of Galilee. He tells Simon to launch into deeper waters and let down his nets. Although they had fished all night with nothing, Simon obeys Jesus' words and catches a huge number of fish, filling two boats. Simon asks Jesus to depart from him, feeling unworthy. Jesus calls Simon and others to follow him and become "fishers of men". Those who obey God and remain in their divine purpose will be blessed and become a blessing to others.
This document appears to be a presentation about war and military strategy. It discusses various topics related to war, such as tribal warfare, the dawn of modern society, the relationship between war and politics, and efficiency, friction, and inflexibility in war. It also references gangs, warriors, and whether war is a public or private matter. The document concludes with contact information for Joerg Blumtritt of Datarella GmbH.
Present perfect continuous tense digunakan untuk menyatakan perbuatan atau keadaan yang dimulai di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga sekarang. Bentuk kalimatnya menggunakan have/has been + V-ing. Tense ini membutuhkan keterangan waktu seperti for, since, lately, untuk menunjukkan jangka waktu suatu peristiwa. Perbedaannya dengan present perfect tense adalah penekanan pada kelangsungan suatu kegiatan daripada hasil akhirnya
Dise単o de la unidad aicle physical geographyRicardo Forner
This document outlines a unit plan for an introduction to physical geography course taught in Spanish. The unit will last two weeks and cover key concepts, locations, climate and geography of the UK and polar regions. Learning outcomes include mastering vocabulary, locating places on maps, identifying landscapes and natural disasters. Activities include brainstorming, presentations, videos, maps and student presentations. Student understanding and participation will be evaluated through tasks, an oral presentation and teacher observation.
The document provides cost control recommendations for airlines, including optimizing fuel use through fleet management, reducing aircraft weight, and fuel hedging; improving employee productivity by managing work hours; optimizing flight operations through efficient flight plans, speeds, and landings; reducing maintenance costs by replacing old aircraft and optimizing scheduling; and simplifying operating procedures by increasing direct sales and reducing reservation costs.
The document discusses potential threats and weaknesses facing churches according to surveys. The number one threat cited is a "lost passion for God" and the top two weaknesses are a "lack of zeal or commitment among members" and a "lack of burden for lost souls." The document then examines five things that can hinder passion for God: misplaced priorities, misused spiritual gifts, unconfessed sin, an unforgiving spirit, and wrong associations. It provides biblical passages exhorting believers to focus first on God's kingdom, use their gifts for others, confess their sins, forgive others, and associate with believers.
This document provides the lyrics to the song "Starry Starry Night" by Don McLean, which describes the life and work of artist Vincent van Gogh. It encourages the reader to experience the song and accompanying slideshow depicting van Gogh's paintings. The three-stanza song reflects on van Gogh's mental suffering and inability to find appreciation for his work during his lifetime, and how his love of painting provided an outlet for his "darkness in my soul". It ultimately expresses how van Gogh's brilliance was never fully recognized until after his death.