The document discusses the simple future tense and be going to future in English. It provides examples of how to form sentences using will for spontaneous or predicted future actions, and be going to for planned future intentions. Patterns given include subject + will + verb and subject + be + going + to + verb. Examples are provided such as "I will open the door" and "You are going to meet Jane tonight". Time expressions that can be used with simple future are also listed from tomorrow to three days later.
Pengertian article (a, an and the), Jenis dan Contoh Kalimat dalam Bahasa Ing...Bahasa Inggris Dasar
Article dalam bahasa inggris artinya kata sandang, yaitu kata yang arti maknanya belum lengkap sebelum digabung dengan kata yang lain. Jenis kata sandang ada dua, yaitu:
Mau tau lebih lengkap?
Silahkan kunjungi
The document discusses developing the ability to understand and express meaning in short, simple transactional and interpersonal spoken conversations to interact with the local environment. It focuses on using accurate, fluent, and appropriate oral language forms when requesting, giving permission, responding to statements, paying attention to speakers, initiating, extending, and closing conversations as well as phone calls. The learning aims to enable students to respond to meaning by expressing agreement or disagreement and using common expressions to state their views.
This document defines and provides examples of the four main types of conditional sentences in English:
1. Type 0 conditional sentences refer to scientific facts or truths, using the formula "if + simple present, simple present".
2. Type 1 conditional sentences refer to possible conditions and consequences, using the formula "simple future + if + simple present".
3. Type 2 conditional sentences refer to unlikely or hypothetical conditions and consequences, using the formula "past future + if + simple past".
4. Type 3 conditional sentences refer to impossible or unlikely past conditions and their consequences, using the formula "past future perfect tense + if + past perfect".
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang tenses dalam bahasa Inggris yaitu Past Perfect Tense, Present Perfect Tense, dan Future Perfect Tense. Dijelaskan pola kalimat, contoh kalimat, dan fungsi masing-masing tenses tersebut.
The document summarizes the passive voice in English grammar. It discusses what the passive voice is and provides examples of changing sentences from active to passive voice in different tenses, including simple present, past, future and continuous tenses. It also lists examples of how the subject, verb "to be" and past participle change in passive sentences for each tense.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Future Tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa di masa depan. Terdapat dua rumus untuk membentuk Future Tense, yaitu menggunakan will/shall dan be going to. Rumus tersebut diterapkan pada kalimat verbal maupun nominal untuk membentuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan tanya di masa depan. Contoh penggunaan complement seperti hari,
The document discusses the use of gerunds in the English language. It explains that a gerund is a verb form ending in "-ing" that functions as a noun. Some key uses of gerunds include as the subject or object of a sentence, after prepositions, in idiomatic phrases like "go swimming", and to form modifiers like "swimming pool". The document provides many examples for each grammatical use and explains the formation of gerunds from different verb types. In general, it serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding and using gerunds properly in English.
The document defines analytical exposition text and discusses its generic structure and significant linguistic features. It provides an example of an analytical exposition text on integrated pest management. The text introduces integrated pest management as a safer and more effective option for agriculture compared to pesticides. It makes five arguments supporting this claim: that pesticide residues harm farm produce and the environment; pests develop resistance; pesticides harm non-target animals; eradication is expensive; and understanding ecology aids natural control. In conclusion, integrated pest management is a better agricultural pest control method.
The document contains lyrics to the song "Trouble Is a Friend" by Lykke Li. It describes trouble as an unwanted friend that is constantly present and trying to gain control. No matter what is done to get rid of trouble, it remains and continues to grow. Trouble lurks in the dark and the heart, always waiting for a chance to play a part. The song presents trouble as both a friend and foe that is difficult to escape.
Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester Genap Kurikulum 2013 dalam bentuk power point presentation yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dalam mengajar di kelas
Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau situasi yang sudah terjadi tanpa memperhatikan kapan terjadinya. Perbedaan present perfect dengan past tense adalah past tense menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lampau dengan waktu spesifik, sedangkan present perfect menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi tanpa memperhatikan waktu secara spesifik. Present perfect dapat digunakan dengan berbagai pernyataan waktu seperti ever, never, before,
This document discusses prepositions of location and time in Indonesian. It provides 14 examples of prepositions of location - in, at, on, across, around, between, among, throughout, over/above, under/beneath, below, behind, in front of/before, and next to/beside - and explains their meanings. It also lists 9 prepositions of time - at, in, on, by, before, after, since, for, and during - and gives examples of how each is used. The document is a reference for common Indonesian prepositions and their usage for location and time.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang berbagai jenis kata ganti dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu: kata ganti orang (personal pronoun), kata ganti penunjuk (demonstrative pronoun), kata ganti kepemilikan (possessive pronoun), kata ganti relatif (relative pronoun), kata ganti tanya (interrogative pronoun), kata ganti tak tentu (indefinite pronoun), dan kata ganti pantulan (reflexive pronoun).
The document provides information about descriptive texts, including their purpose, social function, structure, and language features. The social function of descriptive texts is to describe a person, place, or thing. The structure includes an identification section to identify what is being described, followed by a description section. Key language features are a focus on specific participants, use of adjectives and linking verbs, and simple present tense. An example is then given of a descriptive text about a new classroom.
Here are the answers to the questions:
1. The writer went to a "Banjar Book Store".
2. The book store was located in Banjarharjo.
3. The writer left his house at 4 pm.
4. The book looked by the writer was entitled "English is Fun".
5. Yes, there were many interesting books in the book store according to the passage. It said "I saw many interesting book there".
personal pronouns adalah kata ganti bahasa inggris yang berfungsi untuk menggantikan penyebutan nama dalam bahasa Inggris. seperti penggunaan he, she, it, you, they dan we
This document discusses the generic structure and language features of discussion texts. It provides an example of a discussion text about the issue of giving children homework. The discussion text presents arguments for and against homework by stating that some argue children do enough work at school already while others counter that homework helps children learn independently and extends the school day. The document concludes that some homework is good but it should only be given sometimes to avoid boring children with too much work.
The document provides information about procedural texts and examples of procedures. It defines procedural texts as those that describe a process in a series of steps to tell the reader how to do or make something. Two examples of procedures are then given: one for making fried rice and one for making homemade banana ice cream. Each example follows the generic structure of procedural texts, which includes the goal, materials, and a series of method steps using imperative verbs and simple present tense.
This document discusses the passive voice in Indonesian and provides rules and examples for forming sentences from the active to the passive voice in different tenses. The key points are:
- In passive sentences, the subject of the active sentence becomes the object and the object becomes the subject.
- The verbs "to be" and past participle forms are used.
- Examples are given for changing sentences from active to passive in the present, past, and future tenses. Formulas and sample conversions are provided. Exercises with sentence conversions are included at the end.
The document defines and discusses songs from several perspectives. It defines what a song is, describes the social functions of songs, and lists some linguistic characteristics of songs. It then outlines the generic structure of songs by describing the typical sections like the introduction, verse, chorus, bridge, and outro. Finally, it provides an example song analysis by discussing the theme and genre of the song "Too Good at Goodbyes" by Sam Smith.
This document discusses the difference between using hope and wish. Hope is used for things that are possible or likely to happen, while wish is used for impossible or unlikely things. For present hopes, simple present verbs are used after hope. For past hopes, past tense verbs are used after hope. For future hopes, modal auxiliaries like will or can are used. For present and future wishes, modal verbs like would or could are used or the simple past tense. For past wishes, had + past participle or could have + past participle are used.
Teks tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang Imperative Sentence dan Procedure Text. Pada bagian Imperative Sentence dijelaskan definisi, jenis, dan contoh kalimat perintah. Sedangkan pada Procedure Text diuraikan pengertian, tujuan, struktur, ciri kebahasaan, dan contoh cara membuat omelet keju dan menanam cabai.
An adjective clause modifies a noun and is introduced by a pronoun such as who, which, that, where or when. It can function as the subject, object or object of a preposition within the clause. Commas are used to set off nonrestrictive adjective clauses but not restrictive ones. Adjective clauses can be reduced to adjective phrases by omitting the subject and verb.
Presentasi ini membahas tentang Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous Tense. Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan dan fakta yang terjadi secara berulang, sedangkan Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung saat ini. Perbedaan utama antara keduanya adalah Present Continuous Tense menekankan pada aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung, sedangkan Simple Present Tense menekankan pada aktivitas yang terjadi berulang kali.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang Future Tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Future Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa di masa depan. Terdapat dua rumus untuk membentuk Future Tense, yaitu menggunakan will/shall dan be going to. Rumus tersebut diterapkan pada kalimat verbal maupun nominal untuk membentuk kalimat positif, negatif, dan tanya di masa depan. Contoh penggunaan complement seperti hari,
The document discusses the use of gerunds in the English language. It explains that a gerund is a verb form ending in "-ing" that functions as a noun. Some key uses of gerunds include as the subject or object of a sentence, after prepositions, in idiomatic phrases like "go swimming", and to form modifiers like "swimming pool". The document provides many examples for each grammatical use and explains the formation of gerunds from different verb types. In general, it serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding and using gerunds properly in English.
The document defines analytical exposition text and discusses its generic structure and significant linguistic features. It provides an example of an analytical exposition text on integrated pest management. The text introduces integrated pest management as a safer and more effective option for agriculture compared to pesticides. It makes five arguments supporting this claim: that pesticide residues harm farm produce and the environment; pests develop resistance; pesticides harm non-target animals; eradication is expensive; and understanding ecology aids natural control. In conclusion, integrated pest management is a better agricultural pest control method.
The document contains lyrics to the song "Trouble Is a Friend" by Lykke Li. It describes trouble as an unwanted friend that is constantly present and trying to gain control. No matter what is done to get rid of trouble, it remains and continues to grow. Trouble lurks in the dark and the heart, always waiting for a chance to play a part. The song presents trouble as both a friend and foe that is difficult to escape.
Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester Genap Kurikulum 2013 dalam bentuk power point presentation yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dalam mengajar di kelas
Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau situasi yang sudah terjadi tanpa memperhatikan kapan terjadinya. Perbedaan present perfect dengan past tense adalah past tense menyatakan sesuatu yang terjadi di masa lampau dengan waktu spesifik, sedangkan present perfect menyatakan sesuatu yang sudah terjadi tanpa memperhatikan waktu secara spesifik. Present perfect dapat digunakan dengan berbagai pernyataan waktu seperti ever, never, before,
This document discusses prepositions of location and time in Indonesian. It provides 14 examples of prepositions of location - in, at, on, across, around, between, among, throughout, over/above, under/beneath, below, behind, in front of/before, and next to/beside - and explains their meanings. It also lists 9 prepositions of time - at, in, on, by, before, after, since, for, and during - and gives examples of how each is used. The document is a reference for common Indonesian prepositions and their usage for location and time.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang berbagai jenis kata ganti dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu: kata ganti orang (personal pronoun), kata ganti penunjuk (demonstrative pronoun), kata ganti kepemilikan (possessive pronoun), kata ganti relatif (relative pronoun), kata ganti tanya (interrogative pronoun), kata ganti tak tentu (indefinite pronoun), dan kata ganti pantulan (reflexive pronoun).
The document provides information about descriptive texts, including their purpose, social function, structure, and language features. The social function of descriptive texts is to describe a person, place, or thing. The structure includes an identification section to identify what is being described, followed by a description section. Key language features are a focus on specific participants, use of adjectives and linking verbs, and simple present tense. An example is then given of a descriptive text about a new classroom.
Here are the answers to the questions:
1. The writer went to a "Banjar Book Store".
2. The book store was located in Banjarharjo.
3. The writer left his house at 4 pm.
4. The book looked by the writer was entitled "English is Fun".
5. Yes, there were many interesting books in the book store according to the passage. It said "I saw many interesting book there".
personal pronouns adalah kata ganti bahasa inggris yang berfungsi untuk menggantikan penyebutan nama dalam bahasa Inggris. seperti penggunaan he, she, it, you, they dan we
This document discusses the generic structure and language features of discussion texts. It provides an example of a discussion text about the issue of giving children homework. The discussion text presents arguments for and against homework by stating that some argue children do enough work at school already while others counter that homework helps children learn independently and extends the school day. The document concludes that some homework is good but it should only be given sometimes to avoid boring children with too much work.
The document provides information about procedural texts and examples of procedures. It defines procedural texts as those that describe a process in a series of steps to tell the reader how to do or make something. Two examples of procedures are then given: one for making fried rice and one for making homemade banana ice cream. Each example follows the generic structure of procedural texts, which includes the goal, materials, and a series of method steps using imperative verbs and simple present tense.
This document discusses the passive voice in Indonesian and provides rules and examples for forming sentences from the active to the passive voice in different tenses. The key points are:
- In passive sentences, the subject of the active sentence becomes the object and the object becomes the subject.
- The verbs "to be" and past participle forms are used.
- Examples are given for changing sentences from active to passive in the present, past, and future tenses. Formulas and sample conversions are provided. Exercises with sentence conversions are included at the end.
The document defines and discusses songs from several perspectives. It defines what a song is, describes the social functions of songs, and lists some linguistic characteristics of songs. It then outlines the generic structure of songs by describing the typical sections like the introduction, verse, chorus, bridge, and outro. Finally, it provides an example song analysis by discussing the theme and genre of the song "Too Good at Goodbyes" by Sam Smith.
This document discusses the difference between using hope and wish. Hope is used for things that are possible or likely to happen, while wish is used for impossible or unlikely things. For present hopes, simple present verbs are used after hope. For past hopes, past tense verbs are used after hope. For future hopes, modal auxiliaries like will or can are used. For present and future wishes, modal verbs like would or could are used or the simple past tense. For past wishes, had + past participle or could have + past participle are used.
Teks tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang Imperative Sentence dan Procedure Text. Pada bagian Imperative Sentence dijelaskan definisi, jenis, dan contoh kalimat perintah. Sedangkan pada Procedure Text diuraikan pengertian, tujuan, struktur, ciri kebahasaan, dan contoh cara membuat omelet keju dan menanam cabai.
An adjective clause modifies a noun and is introduced by a pronoun such as who, which, that, where or when. It can function as the subject, object or object of a preposition within the clause. Commas are used to set off nonrestrictive adjective clauses but not restrictive ones. Adjective clauses can be reduced to adjective phrases by omitting the subject and verb.
Presentasi ini membahas tentang Simple Present Tense dan Present Continuous Tense. Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan dan fakta yang terjadi secara berulang, sedangkan Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung saat ini. Perbedaan utama antara keduanya adalah Present Continuous Tense menekankan pada aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung, sedangkan Simple Present Tense menekankan pada aktivitas yang terjadi berulang kali.
Makalah ini membahas tentang penggunaan Present Continuous Tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Present Continuous Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu aktivitas yang sedang berlangsung pada saat ini. Makalah ini menjelaskan rumus dan contoh penggunaan Present Continuous Tense, serta kegunaannya untuk menyatakan aktivitas sementara, masa depan, dan periode waktu tertentu seperti hari ini dan minggu ini.
Phrasal verbs adalah gabungan antara kata kerja dan kata depan atau keterangan yang membentuk arti baru. Phrasal verbs sering digunakan dalam percakapan bahasa Inggris dan penting dipelajari karena artinya. Pelajar akan kesulitan menterjemahkan kalimat tanpa memahami phrasal verbs.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang tiga topik utama yaitu:
1. Past Perfect Tense yang menunjukkan suatu kejadian di masa lampau yang telah selesai, dengan rumus S + had + V3.
2. Present Perfect Continuous Tense yang menunjukkan suatu kejadian yang telah terjadi dan masih berlangsung, dengan rumus S + have/has + been + Ving.
3. Perbedaan antara Direct Speech (Kalimat Langsung) dan Indirect Speech (Kalimat Tidak Langsung) dalam men
Bahasa Inggris memiliki kaidah yang berbeda dengan Bahasa Indonesia. Mempelajari tenses Bahasa Inggris sangat penting, karena kita akan belajar kaidah penulisan yang berbeda berkaitan dengan waktu.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tentang pengertian, rumus, dan contoh penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Simple Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan, fakta umum, perasaan, dan kepemilikan yang berlaku saat ini. Rumusnya terdiri dari kata kerja bentuk 1 ditambah akhiran -s/-es untuk subjek tunggal atau orang ketiga tunggal dan diikuti contoh kalimatnya.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang berbagai waktu (tense) dalam bahasa Inggris, mulai dari Simple Present Tense, Present Continuous Tense, Present Perfect Tense, hingga Future tenses seperti Simple Future Tense, Future Continuous Tense, dan Future Perfect Tense beserta penjelasan singkat mengenai penggunaan dan contoh kalimat untuk masing-masing waktu tersebut.
Dokumen tersebut menjelaskan tentang penggunaan Tense Masa Depan Sederhana (Simple Future Tense) dalam bahasa Inggris. Terdapat tiga pola yang digunakan yaitu subject + will + verb, subject + (is/am/are) going to + verb, dan subject + (is/am/are) + verb+ing. Tense ini digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian di masa depan, baik yang diprediksi, direncanakan, atau menyatakan kesanggupan. Ada p
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang Present Tense dalam bahasa Inggris. Present Tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan atau kebenaran umum. Terdapat dua bentuk present tense, yaitu bentuk nominal dan verbal. Bentuk nominal menggunakan to be sedangkan bentuk verbal menggunakan kata kerja dasar.
There are several ways to talk about the future in English including predictions or statements of fact, intentions, and arrangements. Predictions and facts use the auxiliary verb "will". Intentions are expressed using "going to". Arrangements are discussed in the present continuous tense. Examples of how to use each are provided.
The document discusses the importance of understanding tenses when learning English. It explains that before studying tenses, students should understand sentence structure, distinguishing between verbal and nominal sentences. Verbal sentences use verbs as the predicate, while nominal sentences use adjectives, nouns, or adverbs. Both verbal and nominal sentences can be positive, negative, or interrogative depending on the use of auxiliary verbs and particles like "do" or "not." Mastering sentence structure helps learners more easily grasp English tenses.
There are several ways to talk about the future in English including predictions or statements of fact, intentions, and arrangements. Predictions and facts use the auxiliary verb "will". Intentions are expressed using "going to". Arrangements are discussed in the present continuous tense. Examples of how to use each are provided.
The document discusses the importance of understanding tenses when learning English. It explains that before studying tenses, students should understand sentence structure, distinguishing between verbal and nominal sentences. Verbal sentences use verbs as the predicate, while nominal sentences use adjectives, nouns, or adverbs. Both verbal and nominal sentences can be positive, negative, or interrogative depending on the use of auxiliary verbs and particles like "do" or "not." Mastering sentence structure helps learners more easily grasp English tenses.
The document defines and provides examples of nominal sentences. A nominal sentence uses a form of the verb "to be" as the main verb and is accompanied by a noun. The document outlines the rules for positive, negative, and interrogative nominal sentences. It also defines what types of words can be used as nominals, including nouns, adjectives, and adverbs. Examples are given to illustrate positive, negative, and interrogative nominal sentences.
Verbal sentences are sentences that contain verbs, or actions. The document provides examples of sentences in the simple past tense, which is used to describe actions that were completed in the past. Examples include "Riski sent me two letters yesterday" and "The students played at the school yard." The document also gives examples of interrogative sentences using did/did not, such as "Did you go to kudus yesterday?" and negative sentences like "He didn't go to school yesterday."
The document discusses the present perfect tense in English and Indonesian. It defines the present perfect tense as an action that began in the past and continues in the present or has effects in the present. It provides examples of affirmative, negative, and interrogative sentences using the present perfect tense. It explains that "have" is used for first person subjects while "has" is used for third person singular subjects. Lastly, it provides additional examples of sentences using the present perfect tense.
Tutorial ini menjelaskan langkah-langkah lengkap dalam membuat halaman website menggunakan Divi Builder, sebuah visual builder yang memungkinkan pengguna membangun website tanpa perlu coding.
Proses dimulai dari instalasi & aktivasi Divi, pembuatan halaman baru, hingga pemilihan layout yang sesuai. Selanjutnya, tutorial ini membahas cara menambahkan section, row, dan module, serta menyesuaikan tampilan dengan tab Design untuk mengatur warna, font, margin, animasi, dan lainnya.
Optimalisasi tampilan website juga menjadi fokus, termasuk pengaturan agar responsif di berbagai perangkat, penyimpanan halaman, serta penetapan sebagai homepage. Penggunaan Global Elements & Reusable Templates turut dibahas untuk mempercepat proses desain.
Hasil akhirnya, halaman website tampak profesional dan menarik tanpa harus coding.
Repositori Elib Perpustakaan Badan Pengawas Tenaga Nuklir (BAPETEN)Murad Maulana
PPT ini dipresentasikan dalam acara Diseminasi repositori perpustakaan BAPETEN yang diselenggarakan oleh Kepala Pusat Pengkajian Sistem dan Teknologi
Pengawasan Instalasi dan Bahan Nuklir (P2STPIBN) pada tanggal 25 Februari 2025
Present continuous tense atau present progressive tense adalah bentuk kata kerja yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi yang sedang berlangsung sekarang (present) atau rencana di
masa depan (future). Karena dapat digunakan pada present atau future, tense ini sering
diiringi adverbial of time untuk memperjelasnya.
Present continuous tense dibentuk dengan auxiliary verb be, berupa is/am/are
karena present tense (waktu sekarang), dan present participle (-ing).
Is digunakan pada subject berupa singular noun (seperti: Tita, book) dan third person singular
pronoun (seperti: she, he, it); are pada plural noun (seperti: boys, men, books), plural
pronoun (seperti: we, they) dan you; sementara am pada I.
Rumus Present Continuous Tense Contoh Present Continuous Tense
kalimat positif (+)
S + be (am/is/are) + present participle (-ing)
The ships are sailing.
(Kapal-kapal itu sedang berlayar.)
He is smiling.
(Dia sedang tersenyum.)
kalimat negatif (-)
S + be (am/is/are) + not + present participle (-ing)
The ships are not sailing.
(Kapal-kapal itu tidak sedang berlayar.)
He is not smiling.
(Dia tidak sedang tersenyum.)
kalimat interogatif (?)
be (am/is/are) + S + present participle (-ing)?
Are the ships sailing?
(Apakah kapal-kapal itu sedang berlayar?)
Is he smiling?
(Apakah dia sedang tersenyum?)
No Fungsi dan Contoh Kalimat Present Continuous Tense
Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu aksi yang sedang terjadi sekarang. Time expression (keterangan waktu) yang dapat digunakan
antara lain:
now (sekarang)
at the moment (saat ini)
over the holidays (selama hari libur)
She is brushing the bathroom floor.
(Dia sedang menyikat lantai kamar mandi.)
Im driving a car to Bandung now.
(Saya sedang mengendarai mobil ke Bandung sekarang.)
Hes learning English in order to be a great guide.
(Dia sedang mempelajari bahasa Inggris agar menjadi pemandu wisata yang hebat.)
Im living with my sister at the moment.
(Saya tinggal dengan saudara perempuan saya saat ini.)
5. 2
Present continuous tense untuk membicarakan suatu rencana atau perpindahan ke suatu tempat/kondisi. Keterangan waktu yang dapat
digunakan antara lain:
on Sunday (pada hari Minggu)
at nine oclock on Sunday (pada pukul sembilan hari Minggu)
next week/month (minggu/bulan depan)
this month (bulan ini)
Im spending my holiday on Kuta beach next month.
(Saya sedang menghabiskan liburan di pantai Kuta akhir bulan depan.)
You cant call me this night. Im going to my best friends wedding.
(Kamu tidak dapat menghubungi saya malam ini. Saya akan pergi ke pernikahan sahabat saya.)
The buses are arriving in an hour.
(Bus-bus tersebut tiba dalam satu jam.)
Im moving to West Jakarta this month.
(Saya pindah ke Jakarta Barat bulan ini.)
6. 3
Present continuous tense untuk mengungkapkan kejengkelan atas aksi yang terjadi
berulang kali.
Why is the wild dog always barking at me?
(Mengapa anjing liar itu selalu menggonggong pada saya?)
Im getting sick of you always asking the same questions.
(Saya mulai muak dengan kamu yang selalu menanyakan pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang
1. Who next to your boss?
A. is sitting
B. sitting is
C. is sitted
D. is have sitted
2. I at the hotel until the end of this month.
A. is staying
B. am staying
C. stay
D. stayed
3. They in small groups.
A. is playing
B. are playing
C. am playing
D. have played
4. We are not a trip to Thailand during rainy
A. plan
B. planning
C. is planning
D. have plan
8. 5. We how to cook French food.
A. am learning
B. are learning
C. had lerned
D. is learning
6. My friend for jobs in Jakarta.
A. am looking
B. is looking
C. are looking
D. is looked