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Pokart waz ere
My project is about imposing; crossing several borders and
                  forming relationships.

 Pokart is a pseudo name derived from a combination of my
      initials. The waz ere is a reference to a popular
contemporary English graffiti culture of which Im very much
                         subscribed to.
 My personal take is that we need to be more lenient on the
emphasis of telling a story of Africa, and concentrate more
  on the process which begets the story. Let Africa be the
 canvas! Its one of two things; Africa can be your canvas or
     your catalyst and this is what I attempt to convey.
 These works were made in different cities and locations in
              Nigeria, Tchad, Sudan and Ethiopia
Presentation of works, 10 images
Presentation of works, 10 images
Presentation of works, 10 images
Presentation of works, 10 images
Presentation of works, 10 images
Presentation of works, 10 images
Presentation of works, 10 images
I wanted to look at ways to create a 3D effect in my photography, then I
came across what is called anaglyphic photography. This is the use of
coloured filters to layer two images therefore separating them to feed
the left eye and the right eye simultaneously. I also wanted to look at
the idea of movement in photography as a form of 3D. So I looked at
Eadweard Muybridge.
Muybridge reflections
I decided to work on my
Muybridge images as
collages, by layering them
in the Style of Gilbert and

                              Gilbert and George reflections
I also tried to re-create this effect on Photoshop

People have been traveling the seas and far beyond from the beginning of time.
Foot, horses, camels, donkeys, carts, boats, Ships, Cars, buses, trains, planes, jets,

The oldest of these was done on foot.

Each moment taken step by step, absorbing the essence of the the journey whilst
reflecting on the goal ahead.

The meditative process involved before commencing on pilgrimage and the
beauty of the moments shared in transit with nature.

These images were taken during a 45day road trip from Lagos, Nigeria to Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia with Invisible Borders Photography Project
Presentation of works, 10 images
Presentation of works, 10 images

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Presentation of works, 10 images

  • 1. Pokart waz ere My project is about imposing; crossing several borders and forming relationships. Pokart is a pseudo name derived from a combination of my initials. The waz ere is a reference to a popular contemporary English graffiti culture of which Im very much subscribed to. My personal take is that we need to be more lenient on the emphasis of telling a story of Africa, and concentrate more on the process which begets the story. Let Africa be the canvas! Its one of two things; Africa can be your canvas or your catalyst and this is what I attempt to convey. These works were made in different cities and locations in Nigeria, Tchad, Sudan and Ethiopia
  • 9. I wanted to look at ways to create a 3D effect in my photography, then I came across what is called anaglyphic photography. This is the use of coloured filters to layer two images therefore separating them to feed the left eye and the right eye simultaneously. I also wanted to look at the idea of movement in photography as a form of 3D. So I looked at Eadweard Muybridge.
  • 11. I decided to work on my Muybridge images as collages, by layering them in the Style of Gilbert and George. Gilbert and George reflections
  • 12. I also tried to re-create this effect on Photoshop Combinations
  • 13. People have been traveling the seas and far beyond from the beginning of time. Foot, horses, camels, donkeys, carts, boats, Ships, Cars, buses, trains, planes, jets, concords, The oldest of these was done on foot. Each moment taken step by step, absorbing the essence of the the journey whilst reflecting on the goal ahead. The meditative process involved before commencing on pilgrimage and the beauty of the moments shared in transit with nature. These images were taken during a 45day road trip from Lagos, Nigeria to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia with Invisible Borders Photography Project