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Name:- Vala Jyotsna T
No:- 38
Paper no:- 5
Topic:- Character of Elinor and Marianne
Paper Name: -The Romantic Literature
Email.id :- valajyotsna7@gmail.com
Submitted to :-
Maharaja Krishnakumar
sinhji Bhavnagar university.
Jane Austen was an English novelist.
She was born in 1775 and death in 1817.
Her first published novel Sense and Sensibility.
Most of critics understand that Austens originally title for this novel
was not Sense and Sensibility but was rather Elinor and Marianne.
She is famous for her works.
Her Works
Mr. and Mrs. Dashwoods Three
Presentation Paper :- 5
Elinor Dashwood
Sense :- Deals with common
understanding - Elinor
Sense will always have attraction for
At 19 years old.
Elinor is the oldest of the Dashwood girls.
She has a great deal of common sense.
She prefers to keep her trouble secret, as she is always
trying to make sure that her mother and sisters are
untroubled by her private woes.
Elinor personifies the sense in the title of the book.
Elinor is very different from Marianne.
When she fall in love. Though attracted to Edward.
She keeps her self-control when she learns that Lucy has
been secretly engaged to Edward and rightly concludes
that Edward felt only a youthful infatuation for the girl.
At the end she get marriage with her loves Edward and
Marianne Dashwood
Sensibility :- deals with emotion and
- Marianne.
At 17 years Marianne is the second oldest daughter in the
Dashwood family.
 Two years younger than Elinor.
Marianne is emotional and romantic.
She is very intelligent.
She reads the romantic poets and play the piano.
She prefer to express exactly what she feels and hold nothing
Marianne is a girl whose sorrows, her joys, could have no
Marianne personifies the sensibility in the title of the book.
Elinor and Marianne as main character represent the
dichotomy suggested by the title.
Elinor ,the older sister ,acts always with reason, restraint,
prudence and all around level headedness.
The younger sister Marianne acts with passion, emotion,
intensity and impulsiveness.
The two are opposites but with subtle blending Elinor
displays emotional care and Marianne is not entirely
oblivious to the need to be proper at time.
Sense and Sensibility its a really interesting
novel . Because is a love story about two
younger sister and the man they fall in love
At the end also happy ending.
Thank you

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Presentation Paper :- 5

  • 1. Name:- Vala Jyotsna T No:- 38 Paper no:- 5 Topic:- Character of Elinor and Marianne Paper Name: -The Romantic Literature Email.id :- valajyotsna7@gmail.com Submitted to :- Maharaja Krishnakumar sinhji Bhavnagar university.
  • 2. Jane Austen was an English novelist. She was born in 1775 and death in 1817. Her first published novel Sense and Sensibility. Most of critics understand that Austens originally title for this novel was not Sense and Sensibility but was rather Elinor and Marianne. She is famous for her works. Introduction
  • 4. Elinor MargaretMarianne Mr. and Mrs. Dashwoods Three Daughters:-
  • 6. Elinor Dashwood Sense :- Deals with common understanding - Elinor Sense will always have attraction for me.
  • 7. At 19 years old. Elinor is the oldest of the Dashwood girls. She has a great deal of common sense. She prefers to keep her trouble secret, as she is always trying to make sure that her mother and sisters are untroubled by her private woes. Elinor personifies the sense in the title of the book. Conti
  • 9. Elinor is very different from Marianne. When she fall in love. Though attracted to Edward. She keeps her self-control when she learns that Lucy has been secretly engaged to Edward and rightly concludes that Edward felt only a youthful infatuation for the girl. At the end she get marriage with her loves Edward and happily. Conti.
  • 10. Marianne Dashwood Sensibility :- deals with emotion and attitudes. - Marianne.
  • 11. At 17 years Marianne is the second oldest daughter in the Dashwood family. Two years younger than Elinor. Marianne is emotional and romantic. She is very intelligent. She reads the romantic poets and play the piano. She prefer to express exactly what she feels and hold nothing back. Marianne is a girl whose sorrows, her joys, could have no moderation. Marianne personifies the sensibility in the title of the book. Conti..
  • 13. Elinor and Marianne as main character represent the dichotomy suggested by the title. Elinor ,the older sister ,acts always with reason, restraint, prudence and all around level headedness. The younger sister Marianne acts with passion, emotion, intensity and impulsiveness. The two are opposites but with subtle blending Elinor displays emotional care and Marianne is not entirely oblivious to the need to be proper at time. Conti
  • 14. Sense and Sensibility its a really interesting novel . Because is a love story about two younger sister and the man they fall in love with. At the end also happy ending. Conclusion