Los estudiantes recibieron nuevos computadores y comenzaron a tomar clases en un nuevo sal坦n de tecnolog鱈a. Durante la clase, realizaron la pr叩ctica 1 de Word Avanzado, utilizando varias herramientas de Word. La profesora explic坦 la actividad a los l鱈deres de cada mesa para que luego se la transmitieran a sus compa単eros. El estudiante considera que la clase estuvo dispersa debido a problemas con la conexi坦n a Internet, lo que dificult坦 aprovechar el tiempo ya que pasaron gran parte de la clase fu
Este documento describe los aspectos fundamentales de la educaci坦n a distancia y virtual. Explica que este tipo de educaci坦n ofrece flexibilidad y responsabilidad para los estudiantes al permitirles estudiar sin asistir presencialmente a clases a trav辿s del uso de tecnolog鱈as. Tambi辿n discute los roles clave como estudiantes, tutores e instituciones, as鱈 como estrategias de aprendizaje como el autoaprendizaje y aprendizaje colaborativo que son importantes para tener 辿xito en este modelo educativo.
The document discusses research conducted on magazine advertisements. It defines advertising as a form of communication intended to persuade consumers to take action by promoting products and services. The research analyzed different types of ads for various items and identified key features like bold text, photos, release dates, color contrast, and details on bonus features. The goal was to understand what makes an effective ad in order to design an original magazine advertisement.
Hello Fellow Tea Sippers (and Coffee Addicts)! I am so excited to announce that we will be having Greg Burge from PointCentral on the show in April! We are going to talk all about how Smart Home Adoption can save you so much time and energy, as well as getting your gets the best rental experience.
Hello Fellow Tea Lovers (and Coffee Cravers)! This month we are switching things up a bit and it's going to be a ton of fun. We are going to the annual VRMA Eastern Conference and we will be featuring a live recap webisode right here on Tea with Brittany Lea! So of you cant go to VRMA East we have you covered! ;)
El documento describe las diferentes funciones de Microsoft Word que permiten mejorar la presentaci坦n y lectura de documentos, incluyendo la inserci坦n de videos, temas, encabezados, pies de p叩gina y dise単os de cuadros de texto. Tambi辿n explica c坦mo Word facilita la edici坦n de tablas, im叩genes y la navegaci坦n en la vista de lectura.
The music video uses forms and conventions of real music videos by showing relationships between the lyrics, music, and visuals. There is a relationship between the lyrics about ADHD and the visuals of the artist getting distracted. The upbeat, indie punk style of the music is reflected in the fast-paced visuals. A variety of shots are used, including close-ups emphasized by a magnified circle. Audience feedback showed that the video successfully portrayed the intended housestyle and genre, though some felt the effects could have been more natural. The artist learned that audience feedback is important for success. A variety of media technologies were used at different stages, including cameras, Adobe software, YouTube, and social media for research, planning
Este documento discute el uso de nuevas tecnolog鱈as en la educaci坦n. Explica que las tecnolog鱈as educativas incluyen computadoras y otros medios de comunicaci坦n que transmiten informaci坦n a trav辿s de varios canales sensoriales. Tambi辿n cubre diferentes m辿todos de instrucci坦n como el aprendizaje basado en teor鱈as. El documento concluye que aunque la tecnolog鱈a es s坦lo un veh鱈culo para transmitir un mensaje, la multimedia puede hacer que el aprendizaje sea interesante si se implementa de manera efectiva.
El reglamento de la sala de computaci坦n establece que los estudiantes deben anotar su nombre antes de usar un computador, no guardar archivos en los equipos porque ser叩n borrados, y revisar con antivirus cualquier dispositivo de almacenamiento externo antes de conectarlo para evitar infectar otros computadores. Adem叩s, queda prohibido chatear, jugar o ver sitios no educativos en los computadores, comer o beber dentro de la sala, e interrumpir clases en curso.
This document summarizes the qualifications and experience of an engineering professional with 3 years of experience in development. They have expertise in mobile application development using technologies like Java, Android, and IBM Worklight. They have worked on projects including a Bhamashah mobile app and web application for the Government of Rajasthan. They are highly skilled in Java, Spring, and Hibernate and are looking for new opportunities to contribute using their technical skills.
This document discusses the importance of code documentation and introduces YARD as a documentation tool for Ruby. It recommends documenting code for maintainability and knowledge transfer. It also provides examples of using YARD tags and generating class diagrams from code documentation.
El documento resume la sesi坦n n炭mero 24 de un curso. Los estudiantes deben marcar su desempe単o en 6 actividades usando una escala del 5 al 10. Luego suman sus calificaciones y dividen por el n炭mero total de actividades para obtener su promedio para la sesi坦n. Las actividades incluyeron una bienvenida, una discusi坦n sobre correos electr坦nicos promocionales, y la creaci坦n de un correo electr坦nico en Publisher.
Este informe describe la historia y conceptos fundamentales de la enfermer鱈a. Comienza definiendo la enfermer鱈a y su objetivo de cuidar a los enfermos y heridos. Luego resume brevemente la historia de la enfermer鱈a desde los primeros tiempos hasta la Edad Contempor叩nea, destacando hitos como el desarrollo de la primera escuela de enfermer鱈a en la India en el 250 a.C. y las contribuciones de Florence Nightingale en el siglo XIX que sentaron las bases de la enfermer鱈a moderna. Finalmente, identifica algun
The video summarizes the relationships between the lyrics, music, and visuals in the music video. It shows how the visuals illustrate the song lyrics about having ADHD by depicting the singer getting distracted. The upbeat, indie punk music is matched by the fast-paced visuals of different things happening. Close ups are used, sometimes with a magnifying effect, to draw attention to details beyond just the singer's face.
El documento describe cinco tipos de m辿todos de ense単anza: descubrimiento, observaci坦n, memor鱈stico, colaborativo y significativo. El m辿todo de descubrimiento implica que el profesor proporciona conceptos para que el estudiante los descubra y relacione. El m辿todo de observaci坦n se basa en que el estudiante adquiere conocimiento a trav辿s de la observaci坦n o imitaci坦n. El m辿todo memor鱈stico implica ense単ar una serie de conocimientos sin esperar comprensi坦n del estudiante. El m辿todo colaborativo se
Este documento trata sobre los diferentes tipos de violencia como la verbal y sexual. Discute que nadie merece ser maltratado y que debemos aprender a defendernos y exigir respeto. Finalmente, hace un llamado a poner fin a los abusos contra ni単os, adolescentes y adultos en el mundo.
G&R Technologies was founded in 2009 to build technologies enabling a sustainable online ecosystem in Bangladesh. In 2011, they launched Bangladesh's first and only ad network, which is their flagship product. Their mission is to make the internet more meaningful for consumers, websites, and advertisers in Bangladesh. They also created an ad creator tool to make ad design easy for small businesses that lack design skills. The tool allows users to select ad sizes, images, texts, and buttons to create ads they can save and use on the G&R ad network. Each year, G&R produces a presentation webpage reviewing major online events in Bangladesh that year, which they use for marketing and to showcase their developers' skills.
This document describes the layout of a multi-page printed piece. It includes a gatefold section and a booklet with front and back covers and inside pages. The booklet has additional front and back covers and interior pages.
This document describes the layout of a multi-page printed piece. It includes a gatefold section and a booklet with front and back covers and inside pages. The booklet has additional front and back covers and interior pages.
Proposal One suggests a music video for a song about ADHD that shows flashes of a busy market with footage of creative acts like performing, BMXing, and graffiti. The word "Physical Reaction" would be revealed in scruffy handwriting using different materials.
Proposal Two describes a narrative love story music video following a boy and girl meeting in the street and showing their growing relationship through texting, dates, and live band performances.
Proposal Three presents a comedic video of a man having a string of bad luck accidents in one day, like cabs driving off and spills, who overreacts angrily to each one with live band performances at each location.
The music video will be filmed in Waterloo Park in Norwich on a rainy day to set a certain mood. Elliot, not the band Glory Glory, will be the star of the video. Scenes will include Elliot eating cake uncontrollably, waving umbrellas aggressively, and using silly string and chalkboards. He will constantly move around playing guitar to the music from various camera angles around the park. Elliot will wear scruffy punk clothes and be filmed playing guitar in the park tunnel, appearing to instantly move around in it.
The music video uses forms and conventions of real music videos by showing relationships between the lyrics, music, and visuals. There is a relationship between the lyrics about ADHD and the visuals of the artist getting distracted. The upbeat, indie punk style of the music is reflected in the fast-paced visuals. A variety of shots are used, including close-ups emphasized by a magnified circle. Audience feedback showed that the video successfully portrayed the intended housestyle and genre, though some felt the effects could have been more natural. The artist learned that audience feedback is important for success. A variety of media technologies were used at different stages, including cameras, Adobe software, YouTube, and social media for research, planning
Este documento discute el uso de nuevas tecnolog鱈as en la educaci坦n. Explica que las tecnolog鱈as educativas incluyen computadoras y otros medios de comunicaci坦n que transmiten informaci坦n a trav辿s de varios canales sensoriales. Tambi辿n cubre diferentes m辿todos de instrucci坦n como el aprendizaje basado en teor鱈as. El documento concluye que aunque la tecnolog鱈a es s坦lo un veh鱈culo para transmitir un mensaje, la multimedia puede hacer que el aprendizaje sea interesante si se implementa de manera efectiva.
El reglamento de la sala de computaci坦n establece que los estudiantes deben anotar su nombre antes de usar un computador, no guardar archivos en los equipos porque ser叩n borrados, y revisar con antivirus cualquier dispositivo de almacenamiento externo antes de conectarlo para evitar infectar otros computadores. Adem叩s, queda prohibido chatear, jugar o ver sitios no educativos en los computadores, comer o beber dentro de la sala, e interrumpir clases en curso.
This document summarizes the qualifications and experience of an engineering professional with 3 years of experience in development. They have expertise in mobile application development using technologies like Java, Android, and IBM Worklight. They have worked on projects including a Bhamashah mobile app and web application for the Government of Rajasthan. They are highly skilled in Java, Spring, and Hibernate and are looking for new opportunities to contribute using their technical skills.
This document discusses the importance of code documentation and introduces YARD as a documentation tool for Ruby. It recommends documenting code for maintainability and knowledge transfer. It also provides examples of using YARD tags and generating class diagrams from code documentation.
El documento resume la sesi坦n n炭mero 24 de un curso. Los estudiantes deben marcar su desempe単o en 6 actividades usando una escala del 5 al 10. Luego suman sus calificaciones y dividen por el n炭mero total de actividades para obtener su promedio para la sesi坦n. Las actividades incluyeron una bienvenida, una discusi坦n sobre correos electr坦nicos promocionales, y la creaci坦n de un correo electr坦nico en Publisher.
Este informe describe la historia y conceptos fundamentales de la enfermer鱈a. Comienza definiendo la enfermer鱈a y su objetivo de cuidar a los enfermos y heridos. Luego resume brevemente la historia de la enfermer鱈a desde los primeros tiempos hasta la Edad Contempor叩nea, destacando hitos como el desarrollo de la primera escuela de enfermer鱈a en la India en el 250 a.C. y las contribuciones de Florence Nightingale en el siglo XIX que sentaron las bases de la enfermer鱈a moderna. Finalmente, identifica algun
The video summarizes the relationships between the lyrics, music, and visuals in the music video. It shows how the visuals illustrate the song lyrics about having ADHD by depicting the singer getting distracted. The upbeat, indie punk music is matched by the fast-paced visuals of different things happening. Close ups are used, sometimes with a magnifying effect, to draw attention to details beyond just the singer's face.
El documento describe cinco tipos de m辿todos de ense単anza: descubrimiento, observaci坦n, memor鱈stico, colaborativo y significativo. El m辿todo de descubrimiento implica que el profesor proporciona conceptos para que el estudiante los descubra y relacione. El m辿todo de observaci坦n se basa en que el estudiante adquiere conocimiento a trav辿s de la observaci坦n o imitaci坦n. El m辿todo memor鱈stico implica ense単ar una serie de conocimientos sin esperar comprensi坦n del estudiante. El m辿todo colaborativo se
Este documento trata sobre los diferentes tipos de violencia como la verbal y sexual. Discute que nadie merece ser maltratado y que debemos aprender a defendernos y exigir respeto. Finalmente, hace un llamado a poner fin a los abusos contra ni単os, adolescentes y adultos en el mundo.
G&R Technologies was founded in 2009 to build technologies enabling a sustainable online ecosystem in Bangladesh. In 2011, they launched Bangladesh's first and only ad network, which is their flagship product. Their mission is to make the internet more meaningful for consumers, websites, and advertisers in Bangladesh. They also created an ad creator tool to make ad design easy for small businesses that lack design skills. The tool allows users to select ad sizes, images, texts, and buttons to create ads they can save and use on the G&R ad network. Each year, G&R produces a presentation webpage reviewing major online events in Bangladesh that year, which they use for marketing and to showcase their developers' skills.
This document describes the layout of a multi-page printed piece. It includes a gatefold section and a booklet with front and back covers and inside pages. The booklet has additional front and back covers and interior pages.
This document describes the layout of a multi-page printed piece. It includes a gatefold section and a booklet with front and back covers and inside pages. The booklet has additional front and back covers and interior pages.
Proposal One suggests a music video for a song about ADHD that shows flashes of a busy market with footage of creative acts like performing, BMXing, and graffiti. The word "Physical Reaction" would be revealed in scruffy handwriting using different materials.
Proposal Two describes a narrative love story music video following a boy and girl meeting in the street and showing their growing relationship through texting, dates, and live band performances.
Proposal Three presents a comedic video of a man having a string of bad luck accidents in one day, like cabs driving off and spills, who overreacts angrily to each one with live band performances at each location.
The music video will be filmed in Waterloo Park in Norwich on a rainy day to set a certain mood. Elliot, not the band Glory Glory, will be the star of the video. Scenes will include Elliot eating cake uncontrollably, waving umbrellas aggressively, and using silly string and chalkboards. He will constantly move around playing guitar to the music from various camera angles around the park. Elliot will wear scruffy punk clothes and be filmed playing guitar in the park tunnel, appearing to instantly move around in it.
The music video will be filmed in Waterloo Park in Norwich on a rainy day to set a certain mood. Elliot, not the band Glory Glory, will be the star of the video acting in an uncontrollable manner while stuffing his face with cake, waving umbrellas aggressively, and constantly moving around playing guitar. Various camera angles will be used to film Elliot wearing scruffy punk clothes in different positions in the park's tunnel, edited to appear as if he is teleporting, as well as close-up shots of him shouting at the camera.
A digipak is a type of packaging for music CDs and DVDs. It consists of a foldable paperboard outer case with plastic trays inside to hold the disc. Digipaks were an early alternative to jewel cases for major record labels. They allow for more artwork and information to be displayed compared to jewel cases. While digipaks are more durable and environmentally friendly than jewel cases, they can also be more expensive and prone to damage over time as parts like the trays can break. Many popular artists across different music genres have released albums and other content in digipak packaging.
The document appears to be lyrics for a song called "Distraction" that discusses how the singer finds everything distracting and has an unplanned physical reaction. They try to stop talking and relax but feel they are getting boring. The chorus repeats that the singer can't help their physical reaction and finds everything distracting.
How to Setup WhatsApp in Odoo 17 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
Integrate WhatsApp into Odoo using the WhatsApp Business API or third-party modules to enhance communication. This integration enables automated messaging and customer interaction management within Odoo 17.
How to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to use Init Hooks in Odoo 18. In Odoo, Init Hooks are essential functions specified as strings in the __init__ file of a module.
QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online How to Make the MoveTechSoup
If you use QuickBooks Desktop and are stressing about moving to QuickBooks Online, in this webinar, get your questions answered and learn tips and tricks to make the process easier for you.
Key Questions:
* When is the best time to make the shift to QuickBooks Online?
* Will my current version of QuickBooks Desktop stop working?
* I have a really old version of QuickBooks. What should I do?
* I run my payroll in QuickBooks Desktop now. How is that affected?
*Does it bring over all my historical data? Are there things that don't come over?
* What are the main differences between QuickBooks Desktop and QuickBooks Online?
* And more
Computer Application in Business (commerce)Sudar Sudar
The main objectives
1. To introduce the concept of computer and its various parts. 2. To explain the concept of data base management system and Management information system.
3. To provide insight about networking and basics of internet
Recall various terms of computer and its part
Understand the meaning of software, operating system, programming language and its features
Comparing Data Vs Information and its management system Understanding about various concepts of management information system
Explain about networking and elements based on internet
1. Recall the various concepts relating to computer and its various parts
2 Understand the meaning of softwares, operating system etc
3 Understanding the meaning and utility of database management system
4 Evaluate the various aspects of management information system
5 Generating more ideas regarding the use of internet for business purpose
How to Configure Restaurants in Odoo 17 Point of SaleCeline George
Odoo, a versatile and integrated business management software, excels with its robust Point of Sale (POS) module. This guide delves into the intricacies of configuring restaurants in Odoo 17 POS, unlocking numerous possibilities for streamlined operations and enhanced customer experiences.
Database population in Odoo 18 - Odoo slidesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the database population in Odoo 18. In Odoo, performance analysis of the source code is more important. Database population is one of the methods used to analyze the performance of our code.
APM People Interest Network Conference 2025
-Autonomy, Teams and Tension: Projects under stress
-Tim Lyons
-The neurological levels of
team-working: Harmony and tensions
With a background in projects spanning more than 40 years, Tim Lyons specialised in the delivery of large, complex, multi-disciplinary programmes for clients including Crossrail, Network Rail, ExxonMobil, Siemens and in patent development. His first career was in broadcasting, where he designed and built commercial radio station studios in Manchester, Cardiff and Bristol, also working as a presenter and programme producer. Tim now writes and presents extensively on matters relating to the human and neurological aspects of projects, including communication, ethics and coaching. He holds a Masters degree in NLP, is an NLP Master Practitioner and International Coach. He is the Deputy Lead for APMs People Interest Network.
Session | The Neurological Levels of Team-working: Harmony and Tensions
Understanding how teams really work at conscious and unconscious levels is critical to a harmonious workplace. This session uncovers what those levels are, how to use them to detect and avoid tensions and how to smooth the management of change by checking you have considered all of them.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
SOCIAL CHANGE(a change in the institutional and normative structure of societ...DrNidhiAgarwal
This PPT is showing the effect of social changes in human life and it is very understandable to the students with easy language.in this contents are Itroduction, definition,Factors affecting social changes ,Main technological factors, Social change and stress , what is eustress and how social changes give impact of the human's life.