Loop | Business Innovation corporate presentationAntonio Flores
We create new business models and leading market propositions through new products and services categories. We work together with our clients to make their companies more competitive through new business models and new opportunity developments. We have over 20 years of experience helping clients increase competitiveness by generating new business models. Our services are based on looking at trends, value chains, and abstraction to develop new business plans from challenges to implementation. We aim to be strategic partners with our clients and share the risks and benefits of projects through a collaborative network approach to co-develop new opportunities.
The document discusses the target audience for a media product called "Fixation". It would appeal to both males and females aged 15 and older, as the film contains moderate sex, violence and language. The concept of jealousy is something most people can relate to. Two target profiles are described - Teresa, a 50-year-old nurse who enjoys socializing and staying active, and Roxanne, an 18-year-old student interested in advertising and travel who enjoys music and reality shows. Their preferences and media consumption habits are outlined. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is referenced in relation to themes in the film.
Loop | Business Innovation corporate presentationAntonio Flores
We create new business models and leading market propositions through new products and services categories. We work together with our clients to make their companies more competitive through new business models and new opportunity developments. We have over 20 years of experience helping clients increase competitiveness by generating new business models. Our services are based on looking at trends, value chains, and abstraction to develop new business plans from challenges to implementation. We aim to be strategic partners with our clients and share the risks and benefits of projects through a collaborative network approach to co-develop new opportunities.
The document discusses the target audience for a media product called "Fixation". It would appeal to both males and females aged 15 and older, as the film contains moderate sex, violence and language. The concept of jealousy is something most people can relate to. Two target profiles are described - Teresa, a 50-year-old nurse who enjoys socializing and staying active, and Roxanne, an 18-year-old student interested in advertising and travel who enjoys music and reality shows. Their preferences and media consumption habits are outlined. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is referenced in relation to themes in the film.
The document discusses how the filmmaker's media product uses and develops conventions from the film Se7en through the use of key frames from the film. Specifically, the filmmaker uses similar lighting, camera shots, and titles to create mystery, suspense, and convey the thriller genre. However, the filmmaker also challenges some conventions by making intentions more clear with a character caressing another's face and using a green tint to symbolize jealousy rather than the red of Se7en.
This document discusses AutoDesk Inventor and the CNC workflow at TechShop RDU. It provides information on how to get Inventor through the student version or by borrowing DVDs from TechShop. It outlines the CAD, CAM, and cutting processes used in CNC and the classes offered at TechShop on Inventor, CAM software, and different CNC machines. The Inventor Basics class summary describes learning the Inventor interface, creating 2D sketches and 3D features, and exporting an STL file.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan definisi dan penjelasan mengenai istilah-istilah bahasa Melayu yang dimulai dengan huruf A. Beberapa istilah yang dijelaskan antara lain abjad, abang, abai, abu, dan abadi. Dokumen ini juga memberikan contoh penggunaan istilah-istilah tersebut dalam kalimat.
El documento describe los diferentes tipos de factibilidad que deben considerarse para un proyecto, incluyendo la factibilidad econ坦mica, comercial, humana u operativa, t辿cnica o tecnol坦gica, legal y organizacional. Cada tipo de factibilidad eval炭a la disponibilidad de recursos y capacidades necesarias para llevar a cabo con 辿xito los objetivos de un proyecto.
Este documento presenta 3 preguntas sobre el cuidado del agua como recurso natural. La primera pregunta eval炭a la comprensi坦n del prop坦sito de un afiche sobre el agua. La segunda pregunta pide sugerir la mejor manera de promover una campa単a para ahorrar agua en la escuela. La tercera pregunta invita a identificarse con un personaje y explicar el beneficio colectivo de cuidar el agua. El documento concluye explicando c坦mo calcular la nota final basada en las respuestas a las 3 preguntas.
Este documento define la biomasa y clasifica sus diferentes tipos. Explica que la biomasa incluye toda sustancia org叩nica renovable de origen animal o vegetal. Se divide en biomasa natural, residual seca y h炭meda, y cultivos energ辿ticos. Explora las ventajas de la biomasa como fuente renovable de energ鱈a, pero tambi辿n sus desventajas como el uso de tierras para cultivos alimenticios. Finalmente, analiza el uso de la biomasa en tecnolog鱈a como biocombustibles y la generaci坦n de electricidad, as鱈 como sus
El documento proporciona consejos para comunicarse efectivamente a trav辿s de mensajes de texto o chat. Recomienda mantener los mensajes breves, claros y bien escritos; usar formatos simples sin muchos colores; escribir en p叩rrafos cortos; y no incluir informaci坦n personal innecesaria o im叩genes comprometedoras. Adem叩s, aconseja participar con educaci坦n, comunicar las ausencias y regresos, y escribir en min炭sculas en lugar de may炭sculas.
Excel puede crear varios tipos de gr叩ficos para visualizar datos, incluidos gr叩ficos de barras, l鱈neas, sectores y dispersi坦n. Los puntos de datos son los valores vinculados a cantidades, categor鱈as u otros elementos en una gr叩fica. Crear una gr叩fica en Excel implica seleccionar los datos, elegir un tipo de gr叩fico e insertarlo, y Excel graficar叩 autom叩ticamente los datos.
Este documento resume el cuento "El Vencedor" de C辿sar Vallejo. Describe la pelea entre dos ni単os, Juncos y Cancio, a la salida de la escuela y c坦mo los dem叩s ni単os apostaban por el ganador. Relata el desarrollo de la pelea entre los dos y c坦mo Juncos termina venciendo a Cancio a pesar de estar en desventaja. Sin embargo, al final todos se sienten tristes, incluso el propio Juncos, porque a pesar de haber ganado, la pelea no trajo felicidad
O documento discute a necessidade de moderniza巽達o das aulas na escola. As aulas tradicionais baseadas apenas em quadro e giz n達o atendem mais os alunos, que precisam entender para que e por que aprendem determinados assuntos. A escola deve acompanhar a evolu巽達o da sociedade para n達o se tornar ultrapassada. Aulas que utilizem recursos tecnol坦gicos podem prender mais a aten巽達o dos alunos e serem adaptadas a diferentes perfis. No entanto, a tecnologia s坦 deve ser usada para apoiar a aprendizagem, que