This document discusses effective messaging strategies. It emphasizes determining the target market by identifying why you are advertising, what you are advertising, who you are trying to reach, and where you will advertise. It recommends charting these factors and choosing a creative strategy that fits the target audience and advertising medium. Effective messaging involves brainstorming respectfully, keeping the message short and focused on benefits for the target customer. The overall goal is to build relationships by fitting the right message to the correct audience.
The document discusses occupational rehabilitation in the Australian Defence Force (ADF). It outlines the establishment of the Directorate of Rehabilitation Services (DRS) and ADF Rehabilitation Program (ADFRP), developments since 2006, and plans to transform the ADFRP going forward ("Opportunity Knocks"). The ADFRP aims to assist injured or ill ADF members return to duty through rehabilitation services. Upcoming changes include a new regional workforce structure and transition process to provide more consistent and flexible rehabilitation support across Australia.
El documento describe varios sitios culturales y monumentos en Santiago L坦pez que representan el patrimonio cultural de la regi坦n m叩s all叩 de solo los sitios antiguos, incluyendo la Laguna de Ozogoche, el Monumento a San Pedro, y eventos que muestran la cultura hisp叩nica y canaria.
Jerry & Harrison's update on TBN, housekeeping and new developments with the new website and social media.
Don't forget to Tweet (#TBNMDC), and follow us on Twitter & LinkedIn
The document provides information about Facebook Deals, a new feature that allows businesses to offer deals and discounts to customers who check in on Facebook. It discusses how deals can help businesses acquire new customers, spread word-of-mouth marketing, and build customer loyalty. It also outlines the four types of deals (individual, loyalty, friend, and charity deals), and provides best practices and guidelines for businesses to effectively create and promote deals and ensure a positive customer experience.
This document provides instructions for connecting a Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition project to an Access database and populating a list box with student data from a database table. The steps include creating a new Windows Forms project, adding list and button controls, connecting to an Access database file, selecting database tables, and writing code to retrieve and display student records in the list box on button clicks. The code uses a dataset and table adapter to fill the list box with student first and last names from the database.
Micha L. Rieser: How GLAM can support WikipediansBeat Estermann
The document discusses how galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM) can support Wikipedians by providing images and information from their collections. It notes that GLAM institutions often restrict photography and require lengthy permission processes, creating barriers for Wikipedians. The document proposes solutions like GLAM uploading high-quality images under free licenses, communicating directly with Wikipedians, and designating staff as open knowledge experts.
Southwest communities already have high levels of charities, social enterprises, and volunteering, with many relying heavily on voluntary services. The document calls on the government to invest in supporting voluntary and community groups if it wants to successfully implement the Big Society initiative. It also urges local authorities and public bodies to adopt Big Society principles, and asks stakeholders to develop a charter to prevent community empowerment from increasing inequalities and support the Empowerment Works campaign.
This document provides a practitioner's guide to social media marketing. It discusses various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and blogs. It notes that social media marketing takes effort through posts, but the benefits can include increased website visitors, requests for information, new customers, lower support costs, free market research, and improved customer loyalty. The document concludes by listing additional services provided by the author like mobile apps, websites, and search engine optimization.
This document discusses challenges in attitudes towards aging within health services. It notes that while average life expectancy is increasing globally and nationally, stereotypes still view older adults negatively as not contributing economically and increasing costs. The document then provides statistics on the growing aging population in England and examples of potential age discrimination in healthcare, such as less likelihood of referrals or treatments for those over 65. It calls for action to address ongoing issues like malnutrition of older patients in hospitals despite some improvements from campaigns in recent years.
Berkata bahwa taubat adalah pintu utama menuju keberuntungan dan ampunan dosa. Hadits mengajak umat Islam untuk selalu bertaubat kepada Allah agar mendapatkan rahmat-Nya.
Jerry & Harrison's update on TBN, housekeeping and new developments with the new website and social media.
Don't forget to Tweet (#TBNMDC), and follow us on Twitter & LinkedIn
The document provides information about Facebook Deals, a new feature that allows businesses to offer deals and discounts to customers who check in on Facebook. It discusses how deals can help businesses acquire new customers, spread word-of-mouth marketing, and build customer loyalty. It also outlines the four types of deals (individual, loyalty, friend, and charity deals), and provides best practices and guidelines for businesses to effectively create and promote deals and ensure a positive customer experience.
This document provides instructions for connecting a Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition project to an Access database and populating a list box with student data from a database table. The steps include creating a new Windows Forms project, adding list and button controls, connecting to an Access database file, selecting database tables, and writing code to retrieve and display student records in the list box on button clicks. The code uses a dataset and table adapter to fill the list box with student first and last names from the database.
Micha L. Rieser: How GLAM can support WikipediansBeat Estermann
The document discusses how galleries, libraries, archives, and museums (GLAM) can support Wikipedians by providing images and information from their collections. It notes that GLAM institutions often restrict photography and require lengthy permission processes, creating barriers for Wikipedians. The document proposes solutions like GLAM uploading high-quality images under free licenses, communicating directly with Wikipedians, and designating staff as open knowledge experts.
Southwest communities already have high levels of charities, social enterprises, and volunteering, with many relying heavily on voluntary services. The document calls on the government to invest in supporting voluntary and community groups if it wants to successfully implement the Big Society initiative. It also urges local authorities and public bodies to adopt Big Society principles, and asks stakeholders to develop a charter to prevent community empowerment from increasing inequalities and support the Empowerment Works campaign.
This document provides a practitioner's guide to social media marketing. It discusses various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and blogs. It notes that social media marketing takes effort through posts, but the benefits can include increased website visitors, requests for information, new customers, lower support costs, free market research, and improved customer loyalty. The document concludes by listing additional services provided by the author like mobile apps, websites, and search engine optimization.
This document discusses challenges in attitudes towards aging within health services. It notes that while average life expectancy is increasing globally and nationally, stereotypes still view older adults negatively as not contributing economically and increasing costs. The document then provides statistics on the growing aging population in England and examples of potential age discrimination in healthcare, such as less likelihood of referrals or treatments for those over 65. It calls for action to address ongoing issues like malnutrition of older patients in hospitals despite some improvements from campaigns in recent years.
Berkata bahwa taubat adalah pintu utama menuju keberuntungan dan ampunan dosa. Hadits mengajak umat Islam untuk selalu bertaubat kepada Allah agar mendapatkan rahmat-Nya.
2. Eurov鱈kendy
Individu叩ln鱈 z叩jezdy na m鱈ru
Odlety z Prahy, z V鱈dn
(p鱈poje Brno, Bratislava, Ostrava, za p鱈platek)
Celoron, odlety vt邸inou denn
Pobyty lze prodlou転it
Lety pravideln箪mi linkami s pevn箪mi asy
5. Pa鱈転 od 7 020 K
Svatebn鱈 cesty, romantick辿 pobyty, Disneyland
SmartWings, SA, Austrian, Air Berlin
Hotely v centru doporuujeme hotely od 3*
Hotely 2* - v箪hodn叩 cena a polohu, jednoduch辿 slu転by
Transfer lze zajistit za poplatek
V箪lety v e邸tin To nejlep邸鱈 z Pa鱈転e, Paris Open Tour
6. Nov辿 hotely v Pa鱈転i
Od 7 020 K
poloha u
v bl鱈zkosti
pam叩tek /
vybaven鱈 a
sn鱈dan, 2*
7. Nov辿 hotely v Pa鱈転i
Od 8 840 K
Jazzov叩 tvrt
Hned u metra
Velice kvalitn鱈
Skupiny /
8. Nov辿 hotely v Pa鱈転i
Od 9 360 K
100 m od
Hned u
Bl鱈zko v邸ech
9. Nov辿 hotely v Pa鱈転i
Od 9 440 K
5 minut ch哲ze
od zast叩vky
autobusu z
Hned u Opery,
Luxusn鱈 hotel
10. Doporuen辿 v箪lety v Pa鱈転i
760 K
1,5 hod
V箪klad do sluch叩tek v
Zahrnuje hlavn鱈
11. Doporuen辿 v箪lety v Pa鱈転i
1 210 K
2 denn鱈 j鱈zdenka
4 trasy
V箪klad do sluch叩tek
v e邸tin
Zast叩vky po cel辿m
12. Doporuen辿 v箪lety v Pa鱈転i
840 K
3 denn鱈 j鱈zdenka
Centrum, z坦na 1-3
Doporuujeme i kartu
na z坦nu 1-6 platnou
vetn dopravy z leti邸t,
Disneylandu, Versailles
13. 鱈m od 6 210 K
Vhodn箪 za pam叩tkami, n叩kupy, pro skupiny
SmartWings, SA, Austrian, Alitalia
Hotely v centru nebo pobl鱈転 centra,
Nejprod叩vanj邸鱈 je Parker, Center 1,2,3, Donatello ***
Luxusn鱈 hotely v historick辿m centru
Transfer lze zajistit za poplatek
V箪lety ve svtov箪ch jazyc鱈ch
14. Nejprod叩vanj邸鱈 hotely v 鱈m
Od 6 300 K
15 minut
ch哲ze od
zast叩vky vlaku
z leti邸t
Cca 1,5 km od
Kolosea, Fora
15. Nejprod叩vanj邸鱈 hotely v 鱈m
Od 9 190 K
Super poloha
u Via Veneto a
obchody v
16. Doporuen辿 v箪lety v 鱈m
820 K
2 denn鱈 j鱈zdenka
Okru転n鱈 autobus po
cel辿m mst
16 zast叩vek
V箪klad v 16 jazyc鱈ch
N叩stup / v箪stup kdekoliv
a kdykoliv
17. Kypr 16 870 K
odpoinek a pozn叩v叩n鱈
Lety s SA
Teploty listopad cca 22 oC
, bezen 18 oC
4* hotel Napa Plaza v Ayia Nap
18. Nice 8 940 K
odpoinek a pozn叩v叩n鱈
Lety s Air Berlin z V鱈dn
Teploty listopad a bezen cca 15 oC
Hotely v centru Nice
Dobr叩 dostupnost do Monaka, Monte Carla
19. New York 24 740 K
V箪hodn辿 n叩kupy, outletov叩 centra, v箪prodeje
Atrakce, divadla
P鱈m箪 let s Delta Air Lines z Prahy
Leden bezen n鱈zk叩 sez坦na
Hotely v centru nap. hotel Wellington 3*
20. Sportovn鱈 utk叩n鱈 na転ivo
Vstupenky na z叩pasy Liga mistr哲, NHL v Evrop
NBA, MOTO GP, Davis Cup, French Open, Wimbledon
21. Exotika
Individu叩ln鱈 z叩jezdy na m鱈ru
Odlety z Prahy, z V鱈dn
(p鱈poje Brno, Bratislava, Ostrava, za p鱈platek)
Term鱈ny celoron, odlety mo転n辿 vt邸inou denn,
pobyty lze prodlou転it
Lety pravideln箪mi linkami s pevn箪mi asy
22. Emir叩ty od 21 120 K
Celoron鱈 destinace
V箪hodn辿 n叩kupy, koup叩n鱈, 邸irok箪 v箪br aktivit
Turkish Airlines z Prahy pes Istanbul, p鱈m辿 lety
Emirates za p鱈platek
Prodlou転en箪 v鱈kend na 5 noc鱈
Elektronick叩 v鱈za
Hotel v centru
23. Mauritius od 35 340 K
Obl鱈ben叩 bezpen叩 zem
Cesty listopad bezen, tropick辿 klima
Mo転nost kombinace Mauritius & Dubaj
Kr叩sn辿 pl叩転e, luxusn鱈 hotely
Pr叩vn platn辿 svatby slevy pro nevstu a転 50 % z ceny
ubytov叩n鱈, spousta v箪hod
24. Incentivn鱈 skupiny
Motivace zamstnanc哲 a partner哲
Term鱈ny a d辿lka pobytu dle p叩n鱈
V箪daje lze zahrnout do n叩klad哲
Kombinace s veletrhy, n叩v邸tvou poboek
Oborov辿 zamen鱈 farmacie, poji邸泥ovny, stroj鱈renstv鱈
Bohat箪 program, kvalitn鱈 slu転by, pr哲vodce po celou dobu
25. Rezervace letenek skupiny
Rezervace blok哲 k Va邸im z叩jezd哲m, od 10 osob
Garance ceny, doplatek cca 1 2 ms鱈ce ped odletem
Zmny jm辿na ped tiskem letenek zdarma
Deposit obvykle jen 10 % nebo 1 000 1 500 K / os
Air Berlin zdarma ka転d叩 21. osoba vetn let. tax!