Limito zostao zao甜one w kwietniu 2004 roku w Gdasku i w stosunkowo kr坦tkim czasie staa si jednym z wiodcych dostawc坦w ososia norweskiego oraz innych ryb w Polsce. Obecnie z powodzeniem eksportuje te甜 swoje produkty do kraj坦w w Europie, Azji i do Australii
Pocztkowo Limito funkcjonowao jako przedsibiorstwo usugowo handlowe bez wasnego zaplecza produkcyjnego. W zwizku z rosncym zainteresowaniem konsument坦w ososiem norweskim, podjto plan budowy Zakadu Przetw坦rstwa Ryb. Na pocztku marca 2012 roku ruszya produkcja , w nowo wybudowanej fabryce Limito w Grudzidzu.
Firma Limito obecnie skupia si na produktach z ososia, g坦wnie kategorii Premium. Dodatkowo zajmuj si te甜 wstpnym przetw坦rstwem wie甜ych pstrg坦w czy dorszy oraz innych ryb, a tak甜e owoc坦w morza.
The document outlines the seven principles of the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system, which is a prevention-based food safety program that identifies hazards and monitors critical control points during food production to prevent foodborne illnesses. Key aspects of HACCP include identifying biological, chemical, and physical hazards; establishing critical limits for monitoring critical control points; and maintaining records to verify the effectiveness of the system. The principles aim to anticipate and control hazards before problems occur through monitoring at critical stages of food production.
HACCP for the safety of Livestock ProductsDr. IRSHAD A
The document provides an overview of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems for ensuring food safety. It discusses the history and definitions of HACCP, the seven principles of HACCP including hazard analysis, identifying critical control points, establishing monitoring procedures, and record keeping. The document also includes an example decision tree for determining critical control points.
Este documento describe el sistema HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points), que es un sistema preventivo para garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos. Se explica que HACCP fue desarrollado en 1960 por Pillsbury para suministrar alimentos seguros a los astronautas. El sistema HACCP se basa en 7 principios, incluyendo el an叩lisis de peligros, identificaci坦n de puntos cr鱈ticos de control, establecimiento de l鱈mites cr鱈ticos y procedimientos de monitoreo y verificaci坦n.
This document provides an overview of a food safety review class. It includes the following key points:
1) Regulatory agencies like the FDA are responsible for establishing food safety guidelines and protecting consumers.
2) Proper food handling practices like cleaning, separating, cooking, and chilling foods are important to prevent foodborne illnesses. Cross-contamination and improper holding temperatures pose food safety risks.
3) Common foodborne pathogens like Salmonella, E. coli, and Norovirus can cause illnesses if foods are contaminated during preparation or from infected food workers. Students will learn about preventing and identifying food spoilage, contamination, and hazards.
Este documento presenta los pasos para implementar un plan HACCP para la producci坦n de salsa de aj鱈. Describe brevemente cada uno de los siete principios del sistema HACCP, incluyendo la identificaci坦n de peligros, puntos cr鱈ticos de control, l鱈mites cr鱈ticos, monitoreo, acciones correctivas, verificaci坦n y registros. El objetivo es guiar la aplicaci坦n de HACCP para este producto de forma segura y unificar los conceptos clave del sistema.
HACCP is a system to identify and control potential food safety hazards. It involves identifying critical control points where hazards could occur, establishing procedures to eliminate hazards, and documenting compliance. The company has restructured all day-to-day procedures into a new Standard Operating Procedures book and log system according to HACCP principles to formalize their food safety process from receiving to disposal. Employees will now follow new and existing procedures outlined in the SOP book to control hazards identified on a flow chart at each stage of food production.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is a systematic preventative approach to food safety that identifies potential biological, chemical, and physical hazards at specific points in the food production process. It was developed in the 1960s by Pillsbury and NASA to ensure food safety for space missions. In the 1970s, the FDA adopted HACCP for low acid canned foods to reduce food poisoning. By the 1980s, HACCP use had spread throughout the US and Europe. The WHO and EU later made HACCP a legal requirement to improve global food safety standards. HACCP certification involves completing a training course on the seven HACCP principles: hazard analysis, determining critical control points, establishing critical limits
Food Safety Management System inc HACCP - The Safer Food SystemThe Safer Food System
The document discusses a food safety management system called The Safer Food System. It was developed using NASA's pioneering HACCP system from 40 years ago as well as latest web technologies. The Safer Food System is an online food safety management system and learning package that allows food businesses to easily implement a food safety system with HACCP principles to comply with UK food safety laws. Users can choose between two versions, log on online to access training videos from food experts, and download all the necessary forms and documents to implement the system into their business.
Week 5 Nutrition And Sanitation In The Food Service Industry 3 2552Pavit Tansakul
This document discusses nutrition and sanitation in the foodservice industry. It begins by outlining the chapter objectives and topics to be covered, which include discussing customers' attitudes toward nutrition when dining out and changes foodservice operators are making to offer healthier options. The document then covers nutrition from the customer's perspective, providing an overview of nutrition and the primary components of food. It also discusses factors that influence how people choose the food they eat, such as personal preference, habit, availability and convenience. The roles of fiber, fat and cholesterol in the diet are mentioned. Finally, sanitation in foodservice is briefly outlined.
El documento describe el sistema HACCP (An叩lisis de Peligros y Puntos de Control Cr鱈tico), el cual consiste en un enfoque sistem叩tico para prevenir riesgos a la salud asociados con el consumo de alimentos. El HACCP implica identificar peligros potenciales, establecer puntos cr鱈ticos de control, monitorear dichos puntos, establecer acciones correctivas y documentar todo el proceso para garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos.
food production distribution & storage in indiaThomas Aju
India needs to double its food production by 2040 to meet demand. The country produces a variety of crops across different climates and seasons. Kharif crops like rice, maize and soybeans are grown during the monsoon season while Rabi crops like wheat and mustard are grown in winter. Proper food storage and distribution is important to preserve quality and safety. Food is transported through various supply chains and the public distribution system aims to provide subsidized staples to those in need, though it faces challenges like leakage and poor implementation.
This document discusses the importance of hygiene in various settings. It emphasizes that improved hygiene at home through practices like regularly cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, and laundries can significantly reduce the spread of infectious diseases. It also stresses the importance of hygiene at the workplace, as people spend much of their time there, in order to limit the transmission of illnesses between coworkers. Maintaining hygiene at gyms and following food safety practices like preventing cross-contamination and properly storing and cooking foods are also covered as key to preventing disease.
Drainage in Commercial Kitchens is a Pre-Requisite of HACCP Food Safety Manag...Work Safe Scotland Ltd
Grease Management and Hazard Control
Food preparation and production in commercial kitchens or food processing factories naturally generate fats, oils and grease (FOG) in the waste water which can quickly lead to a build-up of solid residues in the drainage system restricting efficient flow of waste water and ultimately create blockages that can result in flooding of the food preparation area.
Unless adequate steps are taken to effectively manage FOG at source, local health and hygiene management is under extreme risk from the effects of odour, contaminated water and vermin. There area number of methods available to the specifier and user to manage FOG and an appreciation of the merits and disadvantages of each
system will be provided along with performance indicators.
Hygiene management is essential and Regulation (EC) 852/2004 applies to all food businesses and food operators. Article 5 (1) requires that permanent HACCP procedures are applied and importantly, drainage forms a pre-requisite to the supporting structure of HACCP.
The document discusses ISO 22000, an international food safety management standard. It defines the requirements for food safety management systems and applies to all organizations in the food chain. ISO 22000 builds on principles for food safety and focuses on identifying and preventing hazards through prerequisite programs and HACCP plans. It also promotes communication, continual improvement and management of the food safety system. HACCP involves identifying hazards and controlling them through prerequisite programs and critical control points in the food production process. ISO 22000 guides the HACCP process and incorporates it into its standard. Obtaining ISO 22000 compliance yields benefits like a systematic approach to identifying food safety hazards, marketing advantages, improved efficiency and customer satisfaction.
India has a large and growing population, increasing the demand for food. To improve food production and quality, the government implemented several initiatives in the 1960s and 1970s, including using fertilizers, better irrigation, and high-yielding seed varieties. This led to the "Green Revolution" which substantially increased cereal crop yields. In the 1970s, Operation Flood was launched to increase milk production through the National Dairy Development Board, making India the largest milk producer - the "White Revolution". These efforts helped India improve its food security through higher-yielding hybrid crops and seeds.
Food poisoning is caused by consuming contaminated food or water containing bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemicals. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Major foodborne pathogens include Salmonella, Clostridium, Staphylococcus and hepatitis viruses. Prevention involves proper food handling like thorough cooking, avoiding temperature danger zones during storage, separating raw and cooked foods, and maintaining good personal and kitchen hygiene. Treatment focuses on rehydration and antibiotics if invasive bacterial infection is present.
A Food safety hazard is a biological, chemical or physical agent or condition of food with the potential to cause harm or an adverse health affect at the time of consumption.
Hazard analysis & critical control point by dr vikram guptaVikram Kumar Gupta
Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) is a systematic preventative approach to food safety that identifies potential food safety hazards. It aims to take key actions to reduce or eliminate risks at critical control points along the food production process. HACCP involves conducting a hazard analysis to identify potential hazards, determining critical control points to monitor and control hazards, and establishing procedures to monitor the critical control points. The goal of HACCP is to enhance food safety by anticipating and preventing problems rather than relying on finished product testing.
Este documento presenta los pasos para implementar un plan HACCP para la producci坦n de salsa de aj鱈. Describe brevemente cada uno de los siete principios del sistema HACCP, incluyendo la identificaci坦n de peligros, puntos cr鱈ticos de control, l鱈mites cr鱈ticos, monitoreo, acciones correctivas, verificaci坦n y registros. El objetivo es guiar la aplicaci坦n de HACCP para este producto de forma segura y unificar los conceptos clave del sistema.
HACCP is a system to identify and control potential food safety hazards. It involves identifying critical control points where hazards could occur, establishing procedures to eliminate hazards, and documenting compliance. The company has restructured all day-to-day procedures into a new Standard Operating Procedures book and log system according to HACCP principles to formalize their food safety process from receiving to disposal. Employees will now follow new and existing procedures outlined in the SOP book to control hazards identified on a flow chart at each stage of food production.
HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) is a systematic preventative approach to food safety that identifies potential biological, chemical, and physical hazards at specific points in the food production process. It was developed in the 1960s by Pillsbury and NASA to ensure food safety for space missions. In the 1970s, the FDA adopted HACCP for low acid canned foods to reduce food poisoning. By the 1980s, HACCP use had spread throughout the US and Europe. The WHO and EU later made HACCP a legal requirement to improve global food safety standards. HACCP certification involves completing a training course on the seven HACCP principles: hazard analysis, determining critical control points, establishing critical limits
Food Safety Management System inc HACCP - The Safer Food SystemThe Safer Food System
The document discusses a food safety management system called The Safer Food System. It was developed using NASA's pioneering HACCP system from 40 years ago as well as latest web technologies. The Safer Food System is an online food safety management system and learning package that allows food businesses to easily implement a food safety system with HACCP principles to comply with UK food safety laws. Users can choose between two versions, log on online to access training videos from food experts, and download all the necessary forms and documents to implement the system into their business.
Week 5 Nutrition And Sanitation In The Food Service Industry 3 2552Pavit Tansakul
This document discusses nutrition and sanitation in the foodservice industry. It begins by outlining the chapter objectives and topics to be covered, which include discussing customers' attitudes toward nutrition when dining out and changes foodservice operators are making to offer healthier options. The document then covers nutrition from the customer's perspective, providing an overview of nutrition and the primary components of food. It also discusses factors that influence how people choose the food they eat, such as personal preference, habit, availability and convenience. The roles of fiber, fat and cholesterol in the diet are mentioned. Finally, sanitation in foodservice is briefly outlined.
El documento describe el sistema HACCP (An叩lisis de Peligros y Puntos de Control Cr鱈tico), el cual consiste en un enfoque sistem叩tico para prevenir riesgos a la salud asociados con el consumo de alimentos. El HACCP implica identificar peligros potenciales, establecer puntos cr鱈ticos de control, monitorear dichos puntos, establecer acciones correctivas y documentar todo el proceso para garantizar la inocuidad de los alimentos.
food production distribution & storage in indiaThomas Aju
India needs to double its food production by 2040 to meet demand. The country produces a variety of crops across different climates and seasons. Kharif crops like rice, maize and soybeans are grown during the monsoon season while Rabi crops like wheat and mustard are grown in winter. Proper food storage and distribution is important to preserve quality and safety. Food is transported through various supply chains and the public distribution system aims to provide subsidized staples to those in need, though it faces challenges like leakage and poor implementation.
This document discusses the importance of hygiene in various settings. It emphasizes that improved hygiene at home through practices like regularly cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, and laundries can significantly reduce the spread of infectious diseases. It also stresses the importance of hygiene at the workplace, as people spend much of their time there, in order to limit the transmission of illnesses between coworkers. Maintaining hygiene at gyms and following food safety practices like preventing cross-contamination and properly storing and cooking foods are also covered as key to preventing disease.
Drainage in Commercial Kitchens is a Pre-Requisite of HACCP Food Safety Manag...Work Safe Scotland Ltd
Grease Management and Hazard Control
Food preparation and production in commercial kitchens or food processing factories naturally generate fats, oils and grease (FOG) in the waste water which can quickly lead to a build-up of solid residues in the drainage system restricting efficient flow of waste water and ultimately create blockages that can result in flooding of the food preparation area.
Unless adequate steps are taken to effectively manage FOG at source, local health and hygiene management is under extreme risk from the effects of odour, contaminated water and vermin. There area number of methods available to the specifier and user to manage FOG and an appreciation of the merits and disadvantages of each
system will be provided along with performance indicators.
Hygiene management is essential and Regulation (EC) 852/2004 applies to all food businesses and food operators. Article 5 (1) requires that permanent HACCP procedures are applied and importantly, drainage forms a pre-requisite to the supporting structure of HACCP.
The document discusses ISO 22000, an international food safety management standard. It defines the requirements for food safety management systems and applies to all organizations in the food chain. ISO 22000 builds on principles for food safety and focuses on identifying and preventing hazards through prerequisite programs and HACCP plans. It also promotes communication, continual improvement and management of the food safety system. HACCP involves identifying hazards and controlling them through prerequisite programs and critical control points in the food production process. ISO 22000 guides the HACCP process and incorporates it into its standard. Obtaining ISO 22000 compliance yields benefits like a systematic approach to identifying food safety hazards, marketing advantages, improved efficiency and customer satisfaction.
India has a large and growing population, increasing the demand for food. To improve food production and quality, the government implemented several initiatives in the 1960s and 1970s, including using fertilizers, better irrigation, and high-yielding seed varieties. This led to the "Green Revolution" which substantially increased cereal crop yields. In the 1970s, Operation Flood was launched to increase milk production through the National Dairy Development Board, making India the largest milk producer - the "White Revolution". These efforts helped India improve its food security through higher-yielding hybrid crops and seeds.
Food poisoning is caused by consuming contaminated food or water containing bacteria, viruses, parasites or chemicals. Common symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Major foodborne pathogens include Salmonella, Clostridium, Staphylococcus and hepatitis viruses. Prevention involves proper food handling like thorough cooking, avoiding temperature danger zones during storage, separating raw and cooked foods, and maintaining good personal and kitchen hygiene. Treatment focuses on rehydration and antibiotics if invasive bacterial infection is present.
A Food safety hazard is a biological, chemical or physical agent or condition of food with the potential to cause harm or an adverse health affect at the time of consumption.
Hazard analysis & critical control point by dr vikram guptaVikram Kumar Gupta
Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) is a systematic preventative approach to food safety that identifies potential food safety hazards. It aims to take key actions to reduce or eliminate risks at critical control points along the food production process. HACCP involves conducting a hazard analysis to identify potential hazards, determining critical control points to monitor and control hazards, and establishing procedures to monitor the critical control points. The goal of HACCP is to enhance food safety by anticipating and preventing problems rather than relying on finished product testing.
2. Kim jestemy?
Nowoczesn fabryk ososia /system Innova, linia filetujca Marel; maszyny pakujce Multivac/
Midzynarodowe standardy /IFS, BRC, HACCP, Global G.A.P., unijny certyfikat 甜ywnoci ekologicznej
Klient坦w w Europie, Azji, Australii
Dwie marki: Limito /marka premium/ Seafood 4You /marka ekonomiczna/
5. Dane o fabryce
Nowoczesny zakad produkcyjny o powierzchni:
6800 m2
na dziace 30 000m2
Przer坦b 8 000 10 000 ton gotowego produktu:
Produkcja ososia norweskiego na poziomie:
1 000 ton rocznie pod mark Limito
4 000 ton dla marek wasnych
1 500 ton wie甜ego w MAP
3 000 ton mro甜onego
Midzynarodowe certyfikaty jakoci: IFS, BRC, HACCP, Certyfikat Organic Food, Certificate of Kashrut
Kontrola jakoci na ka甜dym etapie produkcji
Regularne niezale甜ne badania mikrobiologii w zewntrznym Laboratorium
Cotygodniowa ocena sensoryczna produkt坦w
Certyfikaty IFS, BRC, HACCP, Koszernoci
7. oso norweski
Pozostae ryby
Owoce morza
Dania gotowe
Owoce morza
oso mro甜ony
Pozostae ryby mro甜one
- Najwy甜sza jako
- Najlepsza cena
Nasze marki
8. oso norweski wdzony
Plastry wdzone na zimno 100 i 200 g
Porcje wdzone na zimno i gorco 125 g
Otwieranie Easy open
Eurolock - mo甜liwo podwieszenia
Linia Premium
9. Propozycja podania
Kolorowy pieprz z sosem koperkowo - musztardowym
Pesto z sosem pomaraczowo musztardowym
Koperek z sosem miodowo musztardowym
pakowanie MAP
Linia Premium
oso norweski marynowany + 100 % naturalny sos, plastry 150g
11. oso norweski wdzony BIO, plastry 100 g, pakowanie MAP
- z certyfikowanej norweskiej hodowli - bez hormon坦w i substancji pochodnych - spenia normy Unii Europejskiej dla 甜ywnoci organicznej
Propozycja podania
Linia BIO
12. oso do sma甜enia
Salmon Bacon to: rcznie cite plastry ososia norweskiego tradycyjnie suchosolonego i wdzonego w aromatycznej marynacie Arkansas produkt gotowy do sma甜enia Chrupice i pyszne amerykaskie niadanie
Salmon Bacon, 100 g
pakowanie vacuum
14. oso norweski i dorsz atlantycki mro甜ony
Steki z ososia norweskiego marynowane
w zioach 250 g
Porcje z ososia norweskiego 250 g
Poldwica z ososia norweskiego marynowana w zioach 400 g
Porcje z ososia norweskiego z/s 2 x 125 g
Poldwiczki z dorsza atlantyckiego b/s 2 x 125 g
15. Inne ryby
Pstrg ososiowy, wdzony, plastry 100g Z najlepszej, rodkowej czci pstrga ososiowego;
Aromatyczny zapach i soczysta struktura; Solony tradycyjnie w procesie suchosolenia;
Wdzony tradycyjnie dymem drewna bukowego;
Idealny do kanapek, saatek oraz jako przystawka.
pakowanie vacuum
16. Seafood 4 You marka ekonomiczna
oso norweski wdzony plastry 100 i 200 g
ryby mro甜one - worki 500 g - oso, dorsz
medaliony mro甜one z ososia
17. Kontakt
Tomasz Nakielski
Key Account Manager
mobile: 662 227 035