The document provides an overview of the foreign language programs offered at Seoul Foreign School, including Spanish, French, Korean, and English. It outlines the philosophy of language learning, which emphasizes cultural awareness, application of skills, and developing the whole person. The content, organization, and progression of the different language programs from elementary through high school are described. Courses become more advanced in high school, culminating in the IB Diploma Program language courses. Placement in courses is determined by teacher and test recommendations to best suit students' language proficiency and background.
[14 21]talent hunt of diverse workforce can be achievedAlexander Decker
The document summarizes research on differences in education systems in South Asian countries and how they impact the development of diverse workforces. It finds that parallel public and private education systems that use different mediums (e.g. English vs. Urdu) and have disparities in resources produce social class differences and graduates with unequal skills and traits. To develop a diverse talent pool, the research proposes standardizing education quality, facilities, extracurricular activities and teaching methods across systems and mediums. Interviews with students and HR managers revealed gaps in critical thinking, communication and confidence between graduates of different systems. The study aims to understand how to reform education policies and practices to provide equitable education and recruit talent of similar caliber regardless of educational
LOVE Spiceworks? Learn How YOU Can Help 'Spread the Spice'!Auskosh
SpiceCorps is a global community of over 2,300 IT professionals who meet up locally to share tips and learn from industry experts through SpiceTrainers' 211 classes attended by 1,622 SpiceHeads, generating $175,812 for SpiceTrainers so far. The document promotes getting involved in the SpiceCorps community through local meetups, Spice U classes taught by IT professionals on various topics for all experience levels from beginner to pro, and opportunities to attend, speak at, and help with IT conferences and events to keep learning and sharing knowledge freely within the IT field.
Seminar presented by Ellie Stringer and Merel van Dijke to A level students in Canary Wharf. - See more at:
- The document is a unit overview report for the science department of Seoul Foreign High School for the 2012-2013 school year.
- It outlines the various science courses offered to students from Grades 9-12, including the topics covered and timeframe for each unit across the biology, chemistry, physics, and coordinated science courses.
- The report provides a comprehensive listing of all science topics and units taught at the high school level for the academic year.
This document summarizes the key points from a report on promoting wellbeing and happiness in Lambeth, England from 2009-2012. It finds that mental health issues are unequally distributed based on socioeconomic status. While there are no specific prevention interventions, early intervention is important. The report recommends raising awareness of the benefits of mental wellbeing, focusing on enabling environments, developing leadership, and measuring progress through community-defined metrics. The overall goal is to make Lambeth a place where residents feel they belong, can participate in their community, and experience fulfillment.
This document provides an overview of social media and strategies for effective use. It discusses why businesses should use social media, including that people make recommendations based on friends and fans want information from brands they follow. Key aspects of social media include building trust through high quality content and customer experiences, always responding to comments openly and honestly, and speaking like a real person rather than just marketing. The document also provides tips on etiquette, platforms like Facebook and how to promote pages.
This document discusses exploring history in Paris using Google Earth. It mentions the guillotining of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette at Place de la Concorde during the French Revolution. It also notes Leonardo da Vinci bringing the Mona Lisa to the Louvre in 1517 and workers beginning construction of Notre Dame Cathedral in 1163 which later inspired Victor Hugo's novel. The document encourages downloading Google Earth for free to discover history in the streets of Paris through satellite imagery, maps and search.
This document provides an introduction and overview of the New Public Sites (NPS) project, which investigates overlooked public spaces through mapping, installations, tours and publications. It introduces the concept of "radical pedestrianism" and defines public space broadly. The included publication, The Typology of New Public Sites, serves to classify and describe sites, components and qualities of these new public spaces through invented terms and appropriated definitions. The goal of NPS is to draw attention to invisible sites, cultivate new publics, and resignify public space through various representational modes and participatory actions.
The document provides instructions for navigating the Quickstickz workspace. It explains that the navigator is located on the bottom right and has sections for starred pages, documents, and unfiled items. It describes how to star pages for easy access later and how the documents section can be used to organize and share files with team members. Users can upload documents by clicking the upload files link or options button in the navigator.
Deconstruct UK was contracted to remove asbestos contamination from the roof space above a hospital ward. The asbestos insulation on heating pipework had deteriorated, contaminating the 120m2 roof space. Deconstruct removed all contaminated materials while taking care not to breach the ceiling and endanger the areas below. They utilized a modular decontamination unit and carefully planned waste removal through live hospital areas. The project addressed challenges from the hazardous location over a functioning hospital.
The document discusses legal issues related to e-commerce and the internet in Latin America and Mexico. It notes that while many laws have been amended to enable electronic transactions, regulation of important areas like privacy, cybercrime, and labor law are still lacking or poorly developed. Emerging technologies like social media are also creating new challenges regarding liability for user content. The document advocates for self-regulatory approaches and international principles on privacy and data protection to address weaknesses in Mexican law.
This document provides an overview of teaching writing to L2 learners. It discusses writing as a skill and different types of writing. The document outlines the principles of a process writing approach which includes pre-writing, drafting, editing, and publishing. It also discusses how to evaluate student writing using categories like content, organization, discourse, syntax, vocabulary, and mechanics. Weighting different categories is suggested, with more weight given to content and organization. Specific feedback is emphasized as the most helpful for students.
Katherine Mansfield was an influential New Zealand writer known for her unconventional lifestyle and new style of short story writing. She published her first story at age 9 and went on to study in England. Her works were greatly influenced by Anton Chekhov and she published many short stories during her most productive period while struggling with tuberculosis. Sadly, her life was cut short at age 34 when she suffered a fatal lung hemorrhage while seeking unconventional cures for her illness.
The document discusses topics related to ubiquitous computing (ubicomp), including the transition to more distributed computing power across many devices per user. It covers key concepts in ubicomp like calm technology, natural interaction, and challenges in designing for context-aware, ambient, and long-term interaction across physical and virtual systems. The document also summarizes models of interaction, themes for ubicomp applications, and issues regarding privacy, failure handling, and the impact on existing systems. Finally, it briefly discusses concepts in information seeking behavior, game theory, and challenges for incentive-centered design.
This document discusses Aristotle's analysis of story structure that has been accepted for over 2000 years. It defines that a story contains a plot which is a pattern of cause and effect that answers questions about events, while a chronicle is just a list of events. A plot connects feelings and actions to give meaning and turns a chronicle into a story by creating mysteries and riddles for the audience to solve. All stories have a plot which is a blueprint of human behavior that shapes the narrative.
The Madonna of the pinks is an oil painting from 1506-1507 by artist Raphael. It depicts the Virgin Mary sitting on a bed holding the infant Jesus while looking at him, wearing a dress. In the background is a view of a castle through a window. The document also provides background on Raphael, noting that he was born in Urbino and worked as a court painter there before moving to Rome in 1508 where he became one of the greatest portraitists and history painters, and was later appointed architect of St. Peter's Basilica.
This document discusses trends in scholarship and knowledge in the 21st century. It covers topics like teaching and learning, research, and future directions. Some key trends mentioned are the increasing role of technology and online/digital resources, the growth of open access and digital scholarship, and changing models of scholarly communication and knowledge transmission. The future is expected to bring continued change as new networks, collaborations and publishing/sharing platforms emerge.
Cum proiectam procesul de talent management?Camelia Gavril
Prezentare conferinta Cariere, sustinuta de Madi Radulescu in martie 2016- un set complet de intrebari esentiale pentru un program de succes in evaluarea performantelor
Managementul eficient al echipelor multigenerationaleElena Badea
Managerul este creator de contexte de performan. Rolul acestuia este de a 樽nelege i influena contextul diferit al fiecrui membru al echipei pentru a genera:
(1) implicare, (2) performan i
(3) dezvoltare.
This document provides an overview of social media and strategies for effective use. It discusses why businesses should use social media, including that people make recommendations based on friends and fans want information from brands they follow. Key aspects of social media include building trust through high quality content and customer experiences, always responding to comments openly and honestly, and speaking like a real person rather than just marketing. The document also provides tips on etiquette, platforms like Facebook and how to promote pages.
This document discusses exploring history in Paris using Google Earth. It mentions the guillotining of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette at Place de la Concorde during the French Revolution. It also notes Leonardo da Vinci bringing the Mona Lisa to the Louvre in 1517 and workers beginning construction of Notre Dame Cathedral in 1163 which later inspired Victor Hugo's novel. The document encourages downloading Google Earth for free to discover history in the streets of Paris through satellite imagery, maps and search.
This document provides an introduction and overview of the New Public Sites (NPS) project, which investigates overlooked public spaces through mapping, installations, tours and publications. It introduces the concept of "radical pedestrianism" and defines public space broadly. The included publication, The Typology of New Public Sites, serves to classify and describe sites, components and qualities of these new public spaces through invented terms and appropriated definitions. The goal of NPS is to draw attention to invisible sites, cultivate new publics, and resignify public space through various representational modes and participatory actions.
The document provides instructions for navigating the Quickstickz workspace. It explains that the navigator is located on the bottom right and has sections for starred pages, documents, and unfiled items. It describes how to star pages for easy access later and how the documents section can be used to organize and share files with team members. Users can upload documents by clicking the upload files link or options button in the navigator.
Deconstruct UK was contracted to remove asbestos contamination from the roof space above a hospital ward. The asbestos insulation on heating pipework had deteriorated, contaminating the 120m2 roof space. Deconstruct removed all contaminated materials while taking care not to breach the ceiling and endanger the areas below. They utilized a modular decontamination unit and carefully planned waste removal through live hospital areas. The project addressed challenges from the hazardous location over a functioning hospital.
The document discusses legal issues related to e-commerce and the internet in Latin America and Mexico. It notes that while many laws have been amended to enable electronic transactions, regulation of important areas like privacy, cybercrime, and labor law are still lacking or poorly developed. Emerging technologies like social media are also creating new challenges regarding liability for user content. The document advocates for self-regulatory approaches and international principles on privacy and data protection to address weaknesses in Mexican law.
This document provides an overview of teaching writing to L2 learners. It discusses writing as a skill and different types of writing. The document outlines the principles of a process writing approach which includes pre-writing, drafting, editing, and publishing. It also discusses how to evaluate student writing using categories like content, organization, discourse, syntax, vocabulary, and mechanics. Weighting different categories is suggested, with more weight given to content and organization. Specific feedback is emphasized as the most helpful for students.
Katherine Mansfield was an influential New Zealand writer known for her unconventional lifestyle and new style of short story writing. She published her first story at age 9 and went on to study in England. Her works were greatly influenced by Anton Chekhov and she published many short stories during her most productive period while struggling with tuberculosis. Sadly, her life was cut short at age 34 when she suffered a fatal lung hemorrhage while seeking unconventional cures for her illness.
The document discusses topics related to ubiquitous computing (ubicomp), including the transition to more distributed computing power across many devices per user. It covers key concepts in ubicomp like calm technology, natural interaction, and challenges in designing for context-aware, ambient, and long-term interaction across physical and virtual systems. The document also summarizes models of interaction, themes for ubicomp applications, and issues regarding privacy, failure handling, and the impact on existing systems. Finally, it briefly discusses concepts in information seeking behavior, game theory, and challenges for incentive-centered design.
This document discusses Aristotle's analysis of story structure that has been accepted for over 2000 years. It defines that a story contains a plot which is a pattern of cause and effect that answers questions about events, while a chronicle is just a list of events. A plot connects feelings and actions to give meaning and turns a chronicle into a story by creating mysteries and riddles for the audience to solve. All stories have a plot which is a blueprint of human behavior that shapes the narrative.
The Madonna of the pinks is an oil painting from 1506-1507 by artist Raphael. It depicts the Virgin Mary sitting on a bed holding the infant Jesus while looking at him, wearing a dress. In the background is a view of a castle through a window. The document also provides background on Raphael, noting that he was born in Urbino and worked as a court painter there before moving to Rome in 1508 where he became one of the greatest portraitists and history painters, and was later appointed architect of St. Peter's Basilica.
This document discusses trends in scholarship and knowledge in the 21st century. It covers topics like teaching and learning, research, and future directions. Some key trends mentioned are the increasing role of technology and online/digital resources, the growth of open access and digital scholarship, and changing models of scholarly communication and knowledge transmission. The future is expected to bring continued change as new networks, collaborations and publishing/sharing platforms emerge.
Cum proiectam procesul de talent management?Camelia Gavril
Prezentare conferinta Cariere, sustinuta de Madi Radulescu in martie 2016- un set complet de intrebari esentiale pentru un program de succes in evaluarea performantelor
Managementul eficient al echipelor multigenerationaleElena Badea
Managerul este creator de contexte de performan. Rolul acestuia este de a 樽nelege i influena contextul diferit al fiecrui membru al echipei pentru a genera:
(1) implicare, (2) performan i
(3) dezvoltare.
Specializat 樽n furnizarea i promovarea educa釘iei permanente a adul釘ilor, Lifelong Learning Solutions s.r.l. v ofer servicii profesionale de consultan釘 i training 樽n domeniul organiza釘ional i 樽n cel al dezvoltrii poten釘ialului uman.
O scurta interventie asupra modului in care construim un brand de angajator puternic si a eticii in recrutare, in vederea atragerii talentelor in organizatie.
Studiu Valoria - Managementul performanei 樽n 2020Elena Badea
Studiu despre percepia directorilor executivi, managerilor i angajailor cu privire la modul 樽n care se deruleaz procesul de management al performanei 樽n 2020.
Studiu Valoria - Managementul performanei 樽n companiile din Rom但niaElena Badea
Acest studiu sondeaz percepiile directorilor executivi, managerilor i angajailor cu privire la procesul de management al perormanei din companie. Chestionarul, la care s-au primit 478 de rspunsuri, a fost aplicat 樽n perioada 20 octombrie 2019 10 ianuarie 2020. n acest raport analizm rspunsurile pe dou paliere perspectiva companiilor i cea a angajailor.
To our employees both from the national and international environment,we make available recruitment services and staff selection,consulting in recruitment and headhunting,as well as the future range of services relevant to the human capital
2. Ac釘ionm fa釘 de Ne implicm cu
toat lumea cu respect, pasiune 樽n toate
curtoazie i echitate. proiectele noastre.
Lucrm 樽n echip i 樽mprtim
Cunotin釘ele pentru a crea un mediu propice Adoptm i respectm cel mai 樽nalt
dezvoltrii, inova釘iei i progresului continuu. nivel de etic personal i profesional,
de onestitate i 樽ncredere.
Ne angajm s respectm
promisiunile fa釘 de fiecare client,
candidat sau colaborator.
specialiti 樽n testri i analize tehnice
promovm 樽ncrederea, onestitatea, corectitudinea
capabili s gsim rezolvare la orice problem
oferim sprijin pentru detectarea persoanelor sincere sau
ajutm reducerea fraudelor din companie, cu p但n la 90%,
prin intermediul utilizrii poligrafului
prevenim sustragerile din societ釘i comerciale
suntem cei care dm OK-ul pentru fiecare
venim 樽n 樽nt但mpinarea angajatorilor care doresc s testeze
樽ncrederea angaja釘ilor
realizm o evaluare concret a angaja釘ilor prin:
- sistemul computerizat poligraf (detector de minciuni)
- testare grafologic
- teste psihologice profesionale
abordm activit釘ile de resurse umane dintr-o nou perspectiv
4. Care este scopul testrii psihologice?
Testare psihologic達
pentru identificarea poten釘ialului candida釘ilor;
pentru evaluarea performan釘elor profesionale a
pentru realizarea planului 樽n carier;
pentru managementul conflictelor;
pentru identificarea rezisten釘ei la stres i situa釘iile
de criz;
pentru realizarea procesului complet de recrutare i
selec釘ie a candida釘ilor pentru un post;
pentru reconversie i reintegrare socio-profesional.
Ce rezultate se pot ob釘ine 樽n urma testelor?
profil psihologic complex al candidatului/ angajatului
descoperirea punctele forte i cele slabe ale
candidatului/ angajatului;
compatibilitatea dintre angajat, atribu釘iile
i responsabilit釘ile sale;
capacitatea de adaptare la mediul social i profesional;
profunzimea 樽n g但ndire;
capacitatea de organizare;
capacitatea de motiva釘ie;
capacitatea de adaptare la diferite situa釘ii;
exigen釘e de conducere.
5. Grafologia 樽n recrutarea i selec釘ia profesional
Grafologia ocup un loc important 樽n procesul de recrutare i selec釘ie a candida釘ilor.
Pentru ocuparea posturilor nou create 樽n cadrul companiilor sunt cutate persoanele
care corespund cel mai bine cu cerin釘ele acestora. Spiritul de echip, ini釘iativa,
creativitatea, sociabilitatea, capacitatea de adaptare i disponibilitatea sunt c但teva
exemple care nu pot fi puse 樽n eviden釘 doar din CV.
Dup clarificarea cerin釘elor postului i selectarea candida釘ilor rm但n pe lista scurt
1-3 candida釘i crora li se face analiza grafologic pentru a alege pe cel mai potrivit
pentru a ocupa postul respectiv.
Grafologia dezvluie punctele forte i punctele slabe ale unui candidat 樽n func釘ie
de fia postului i a calificrilor definite anterior de ctre recrutori.
Analiza grafologic pune accentul pe:
1. facult釘ile intelectuale: analiz, sintez, observa釘ie, memorie, concentrare, intui釘ie,
inova釘ie, logic
2. aptitudini: sim釘 practic, organizare, anticipare, elaborare, dinamism, ini釘iativ,
3. caracter i personalitate: introvert/extrovert, atitudine fa釘 de evenimente, ambi釘ie,
stp但nire de sine, pruden釘, spirit de echip, onestitate
4. capacit釘ile profesionale: rezisten釘 la stres, muncitor, sim釘ul responsabilit釘ii
Cercetrile efectuate cu privire la validitatea i
exactitatea testelor poligraf reale au avut ca rezultat o
medie a exactit釘ii 樽ntre 91-98%.
Testarea poligraf are o precizie ridicat 樽n ceea ce
privete detectarea minciunii, a persoanelor sincere i a
celor nesincere.
Testul este compus dintr-o succesiune de 樽ntrebri care
sunt de trei categorii: relevante, neutre i de control. n
total sunt 8-12 樽ntrebri, la care rspunsul va fi DA sau NU.
Nervozitatea persoanei testate nu influen釘eaz
capacitatea psihologului/poligrafistului de a diferen釘ia
persoana care spune adevrul de cea care minte, cci
reac釘iile fiziologice sunt total diferite.
Testarea poligraf se face doar cu acordul persoanei 樽n
cauz, fiind 樽ntiin釘at c are dreptul s spun NU testrii.
Se asigur confiden釘ialitatea tuturor activit釘ilor desfurate
la poligraf, precum i confiden釘ialitatea rezultatelor testrii
Testrile se efectueaz cu sistemul poligraf
computerizat, modelul Lafayette - LX-4000, de ultim
7. Evaluarea personalului angajat
Urmri釘i o evaluare sigur, precis i clar a candida釘ilor/angaja釘ilor i reducerea
fraudelor 樽n companie, cu p但n la 90%?
Vre釘i s ti釘i c但t de bine 樽ndeplinesc angaja釘ii dumneavostr sarcinile de munc?
Dori釘i s v promova釘i angaja釘ii cu poten釘ial, dar nu ave釘i siguran釘a c acetia vor face
fa釘 noilor cerin釘e i ave釘i 樽ndoieli cu privire la de釘inerea abilit釘ilor necesare de a
conduce o echip?
Metode de evaluare - testare
n func釘ie de cerin釘e, sunt utilizate urmtoarele metode de evaluare:
Testare poligraf
Testare grafologic
Punerea 樽n situa釘ie
Checkpoint 360属
Chestionare de autoevaluare
Teste de aptitudini
Teste de personalitate
Obiectivul nostru principal este oferirea de solu釘ii viabile pentru problemele cu care va confrunta釘i.