Mlsp bpcAtanas CvetanovМинистерството на труда и социалната политика подписа с Българската православна църква Споразумение за сътрудничество в социалната област
Cape st Claire Community Beach ProjectBill SzczytkoThe document outlines seven potential capital improvement projects for beaches and parks identified by Cape St. Claire to address issues like shoreline erosion. It discusses evaluating each project and developing concepts, gathering community input on the current status, and the next steps of scheduling site visits with regulators, drafting recommendations, selecting projects to move forward, and obtaining permits and beginning construction. Regulatory oversight prefers natural or "living shorelines" solutions using oyster aquaculture and reefballs combined with environmental education.
Climate change & capitalismGhassan KaramThis document discusses the relationship between climate change and capitalism. It argues that (I) climate change is directly caused by the current social structure of capitalism, and (II) capitalism cannot deal with meaningful solutions to climate change. It further argues that (III) a climate change catastrophe is inevitable given these factors. It provides rationale for these arguments, citing sources that discuss how capitalism prioritizes capital accumulation and economic growth over environmental concerns. The document concludes that climate change is irreversible and that mainstream solutions are insufficient, advocating instead for social and economic changes like reduced consumption and accumulation.
The left forumGhassan KaramThis powerpoint presentation is a condensed outline of a lecture that I gave at Pace University during the Earth Day 2011 celebrations. I would be happy to respond to requests for further clarifications. I can be reached at:
Jumblatt speech 1956Ghassan KaramKamal Jumblatt gave a speech in 1956 arguing for an Arab/Palestinian/Jewish federation as a potential solution to the long-standing Arab-Israeli conflict. The speech transcript is being published in 1972 without commentary in order to allow the reader to form their own opinion. The publisher believes the rare manuscript has historical significance as it was a well-researched speech by the learned politician and scholar Kamal Jumblatt that dared to clearly propose and persuasively argue for a federation as an analysis-based solution to the problem.
Sustainability can we get there from here 1-1Ghassan KaramThe document outlines 9 proposals to help achieve a more sustainable future, including avoiding wars, eliminating excess gadgets, using savings to help poorer states, doing away with fashion trends as a mental disease, limiting human population growth, designing products for durability, regulating energy consumption, and promoting leisure time.
Reshenie nadzoren syvet_noi_25072011Atanas CvetanovНадзорният съвет на Националния осигурителен институт утвърди отчета за изпълнение на Закона за бюджета на държавното обществено осигуряване за 2010 г.
Pril.9Atanas CvetanovПриложение № 9 към чл. 11, ал. 1
по чл. 3 – 5 и 14 от НАРЕДБА за изчисляване и изплащане на паричните обезщетения и помощи от държавното обществено осигуряване
Mer55 dAtanas CvetanovСписък на икономическите дейности, свързани с производството на стоки и предоставянето на услуги, подпомагащи опазването на околната среда
Postanovlenie 119Atanas CvetanovОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ № 119 на МС от 5.05.2011 г. за изменение и допълнение на Постановление № 251 на Министерския съвет от 2009 г. за определяне на условията и реда за предоставяне на ваучери за обучение на безработни и заети лица по приоритетни оси 1 и 2 по Оперативна програма "Развитие на човешките ресурси 2007 - 2013"
Jumblatt speech 1956Ghassan KaramKamal Jumblatt gave a speech in 1956 arguing for an Arab/Palestinian/Jewish federation as a potential solution to the long-standing Arab-Israeli conflict. The speech transcript is being published in 1972 without commentary in order to allow the reader to form their own opinion. The publisher believes the rare manuscript has historical significance as it was a well-researched speech by the learned politician and scholar Kamal Jumblatt that dared to clearly propose and persuasively argue for a federation as an analysis-based solution to the problem.
Sustainability can we get there from here 1-1Ghassan KaramThe document outlines 9 proposals to help achieve a more sustainable future, including avoiding wars, eliminating excess gadgets, using savings to help poorer states, doing away with fashion trends as a mental disease, limiting human population growth, designing products for durability, regulating energy consumption, and promoting leisure time.
Reshenie nadzoren syvet_noi_25072011Atanas CvetanovНадзорният съвет на Националния осигурителен институт утвърди отчета за изпълнение на Закона за бюджета на държавното обществено осигуряване за 2010 г.
Pril.9Atanas CvetanovПриложение № 9 към чл. 11, ал. 1
по чл. 3 – 5 и 14 от НАРЕДБА за изчисляване и изплащане на паричните обезщетения и помощи от държавното обществено осигуряване
Mer55 dAtanas CvetanovСписък на икономическите дейности, свързани с производството на стоки и предоставянето на услуги, подпомагащи опазването на околната среда
Postanovlenie 119Atanas CvetanovОСТАНОВЛЕНИЕ № 119 на МС от 5.05.2011 г. за изменение и допълнение на Постановление № 251 на Министерския съвет от 2009 г. за определяне на условията и реда за предоставяне на ваучери за обучение на безработни и заети лица по приоритетни оси 1 и 2 по Оперативна програма "Развитие на човешките ресурси 2007 - 2013"
Annex 1 to art. 1, para. 1Atanas CvetanovПриложение № 1, към чл. 1, ал. 1 за отпускане на парични обезщетения за безработица, придобити при условията на чл. 54а, ал. 1 от Кодекса за социално осигуряване (КСО)