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Priyanka Rana
M. Tech (Power Electronics and Drives)
B.E (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering)
Contact: +91-8226026266
Email ID: priyankarana102@gmail.com
CareerObjective: Looking for a challenging position and to be placed in a company where I can utilize
my skills effectively and work as a team together more efficiently.
Experience : Six month working experience in crompton greaves.
M.TECH in (Power
Electronics And Drives)
Vellore Institute Of
Technology, Vellore(T.N)
2015 8.8 (CGPA)
B.E. in Electronics &
Institute of Technology &
Management, Gwalior( M.P)
2013 81.56%
Intermediate(10+2) SVM
Gwalior (M.P)
2009 77.4%
SSC(10th) SVM
Gwalior (M.P)
2007 87.4%
Name of industry Training priod Details of training
Crompton greaves Bhopal 21/11/2014  20/05/2015 Design and control of brake
chopper using PIC18F45k20
SOFCON pvt. ltd 23/07/2012  24/08/2012 PLC , SCADA ,variable
frequency drives and
instrumentation training
Bharat heavy electricals
limited (BHEL) Bhopal
14/06/2012  27/06/2012 Basic idea of, motor construction
,transformer, CNC controller,
milling machine, Lathe machine
RANBAXY Lab. LTD 06/06/2012  13/06/2012 Process control instrumentation
industrial training
SRF limited 02/06/2014  09/06/2014 Instrumentation and AC Drives
 M.Tech :
In this project design of brake chopper for auxiliary converter. Brake chopper is used to
dissipate excess energy generated when the load controlled by voltage source inverter drive(VSI) is
quickly slowed or stopped. When a motor is quickly slowed down, it becomes a generator, feeding
energy back into the VSI. The energy that is fed back increases the DC link voltage.
For safe operation of Auxiliary converter there is need to design and development of Brake chopper.
Here controlling of brake chopper using pic18f45k20 microcontroller.
1. New cost effective cascaded twenty one level asymmetrical inverter with reduced number of
switches and DC sources:
(This paper/project is presented and published in International IEEE Conference, "International
Conference On Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2014)
2. A Novel Topology Of Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Number Of Switches And DC Sources:
This project is the continuation of the above project. The new topology of inverter is
optimized to meet the IEEE standard 519-1992 for current and voltage harmonics, by applying
various PWM methods on the new topology.
(This paper is published in International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System
(IJPEDS, July 2014)
3. Neutral point potential balancing of three phase three level NPC:
4. 3-Level Inverter Design and Control for 690V Applications : (For Danfoss Innovator Project
(This project secured 2nd
place in Danfoss Innovator Project Award- A PG Level project
Competition conducted by Danfoss India Pvt. Ltd, Chennai Branch in 2013-2014.)
 B.E. Projects:
In this project, whenever the train engine observes a red signal on its track it will start
decreasing its speed gradually and stops automatically at some distance from the signal pole.
The aim of the project was to design a wireless light switch that commands a light or home
appliance to turn itself off or on, instead of interrupting the power line going to the light fixture.
 Skilled in MATLAB-Simulink.
 Skilled in ORCAD-pSpice.
 Basic Knowledge of Digital Signal Processors.
 Basic Knowledge of dSPace controller (DS1104).
 PIC controller programing(PIC18F45K20)
 MS Office
 Published a technical paper titled as Hardware implementation of three level NPC inverter
using dSPACE DS1104 controller interface in dSPACE user conference 2014 India organized
Dynafusion Technologies Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore on 12 September 2014
 Secured 2nd position and got rewarded with Danfoss Innovator Award-2014"in PG students
category for the Project titled as 3-Level Inverter Design and Control for 690V
Applications initiated by Danfoss Group and won the cash prize of Rs. 75,000 during January 
May 2013-2014 session at VIT University, Vellore, TN,India.
 Published a paper titled as New cost effective cascaded twenty one level asymmetrical
inverter with reduced number of switches and DC sources '' in International IEEE
Conference ICAEE14.
 Published a paper titled as A Novel Topology of Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number
of Switches and DC Sources in International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive
System(IJPEDS), Vol. 5, No. 1, July 2014, pp. 56~62, ISSN: 2088-8694.
 Published an article titled as A New Cascaded 21 Level Inverter with reduced number of
switches and DC sources for Grid Connected Solar PV system at www.EQMagLive.com in
EQ International Magazine in October 2013 edition pp 60-61.
 Secured 2nd position in Danfoss Innovator Project Award- an Intercollegiate competition
designed for final year students in UG and PG courses, conducted by Danfoss PVT.LTD,
Chennai branch.
 Authored a paper in ICAEE14, International conference on Advances in Electrical
Engineering, held at VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu.
 Achieved Business English Certificate Preliminary Council Of Europe from University of
Cambridge ESOL Examination.
 Received Certificate of Appreciation for the role as Inaugural and Valedictory committee
member in ICAEE'14 conference organised at VIT University, Vellore, TN,India, during 9-11
January 2014.
 Participated in ROBOTRYST-2012 workshop on ROBOTICS held by IIT-Kharagpur.
 Won the matches of KHO-KHO at state level in school.
 Received Certificate 1st Runner-up in badminton internal sport event in CROMPTON
GREAVES Drives and Automation devision.
I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct, up to my knowledge and I
bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above mentioned particulars.
Location - Bangalore (Priyanka Rana)

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  • 1. Priyanka Rana M. Tech (Power Electronics and Drives) B.E (Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering) Contact: +91-8226026266 Email ID: priyankarana102@gmail.com CareerObjective: Looking for a challenging position and to be placed in a company where I can utilize my skills effectively and work as a team together more efficiently. Experience : Six month working experience in crompton greaves. EDUCATIONAL DETAILS: QUALIFICATION (AREA) INSTITUTION/BOARD YEAR OF PASSING %MARKS/CGPA M.TECH in (Power Electronics And Drives) Vellore Institute Of Technology, Vellore(T.N) 2015 8.8 (CGPA) B.E. in Electronics & Instrumentation Institute of Technology & Management, Gwalior( M.P) 2013 81.56% Intermediate(10+2) SVM Gwalior (M.P) 2009 77.4% SSC(10th) SVM Gwalior (M.P) 2007 87.4% INDUSTRIAL TRAINING: Name of industry Training priod Details of training Crompton greaves Bhopal 21/11/2014 20/05/2015 Design and control of brake chopper using PIC18F45k20 controller SOFCON pvt. ltd 23/07/2012 24/08/2012 PLC , SCADA ,variable frequency drives and instrumentation training Bharat heavy electricals limited (BHEL) Bhopal 14/06/2012 27/06/2012 Basic idea of, motor construction ,transformer, CNC controller, milling machine, Lathe machine RANBAXY Lab. LTD 06/06/2012 13/06/2012 Process control instrumentation industrial training SRF limited 02/06/2014 09/06/2014 Instrumentation and AC Drives training
  • 2. PROJECTWORK: M.Tech : THESIS PROJECT : DESIGN OF BRAKE CHOPPER FOR AUXILIARY CONVERTER In this project design of brake chopper for auxiliary converter. Brake chopper is used to dissipate excess energy generated when the load controlled by voltage source inverter drive(VSI) is quickly slowed or stopped. When a motor is quickly slowed down, it becomes a generator, feeding energy back into the VSI. The energy that is fed back increases the DC link voltage. For safe operation of Auxiliary converter there is need to design and development of Brake chopper. Here controlling of brake chopper using pic18f45k20 microcontroller. PROJECTS : 1. New cost effective cascaded twenty one level asymmetrical inverter with reduced number of switches and DC sources: (This paper/project is presented and published in International IEEE Conference, "International Conference On Advances in Electrical Engineering (ICAEE), 2014) 2. A Novel Topology Of Multilevel Inverter With Reduced Number Of Switches And DC Sources: This project is the continuation of the above project. The new topology of inverter is optimized to meet the IEEE standard 519-1992 for current and voltage harmonics, by applying various PWM methods on the new topology. (This paper is published in International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System (IJPEDS, July 2014) 3. Neutral point potential balancing of three phase three level NPC: 4. 3-Level Inverter Design and Control for 690V Applications : (For Danfoss Innovator Project Award) (This project secured 2nd place in Danfoss Innovator Project Award- A PG Level project Competition conducted by Danfoss India Pvt. Ltd, Chennai Branch in 2013-2014.) B.E. Projects: INTELLIGENT TRAIN ENGINE: In this project, whenever the train engine observes a red signal on its track it will start decreasing its speed gradually and stops automatically at some distance from the signal pole. WIRELESS SWITCH The aim of the project was to design a wireless light switch that commands a light or home appliance to turn itself off or on, instead of interrupting the power line going to the light fixture. TECHNICAL PROFICIENCY: Skilled in MATLAB-Simulink. Skilled in ORCAD-pSpice. PSIM Basic Knowledge of Digital Signal Processors. Basic Knowledge of dSPace controller (DS1104). MPLAB_X_IDE PIC controller programing(PIC18F45K20) MS Office
  • 3. PUBLICATIONS AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS: Published a technical paper titled as Hardware implementation of three level NPC inverter using dSPACE DS1104 controller interface in dSPACE user conference 2014 India organized Dynafusion Technologies Pvt.Ltd, Bangalore on 12 September 2014 Secured 2nd position and got rewarded with Danfoss Innovator Award-2014"in PG students category for the Project titled as 3-Level Inverter Design and Control for 690V Applications initiated by Danfoss Group and won the cash prize of Rs. 75,000 during January May 2013-2014 session at VIT University, Vellore, TN,India. Published a paper titled as New cost effective cascaded twenty one level asymmetrical inverter with reduced number of switches and DC sources '' in International IEEE Conference ICAEE14. Published a paper titled as A Novel Topology of Multilevel Inverter with Reduced Number of Switches and DC Sources in International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive System(IJPEDS), Vol. 5, No. 1, July 2014, pp. 56~62, ISSN: 2088-8694. Published an article titled as A New Cascaded 21 Level Inverter with reduced number of switches and DC sources for Grid Connected Solar PV system at www.EQMagLive.com in EQ International Magazine in October 2013 edition pp 60-61. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Secured 2nd position in Danfoss Innovator Project Award- an Intercollegiate competition designed for final year students in UG and PG courses, conducted by Danfoss PVT.LTD, Chennai branch. Authored a paper in ICAEE14, International conference on Advances in Electrical Engineering, held at VIT University, Vellore, Tamilnadu. Achieved Business English Certificate Preliminary Council Of Europe from University of Cambridge ESOL Examination. Received Certificate of Appreciation for the role as Inaugural and Valedictory committee member in ICAEE'14 conference organised at VIT University, Vellore, TN,India, during 9-11 January 2014. Participated in ROBOTRYST-2012 workshop on ROBOTICS held by IIT-Kharagpur. Won the matches of KHO-KHO at state level in school. Received Certificate 1st Runner-up in badminton internal sport event in CROMPTON GREAVES Drives and Automation devision.
  • 4. DECLARATION: I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct, up to my knowledge and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above mentioned particulars. Location - Bangalore (Priyanka Rana)