Este documento describe diferentes tipos de actividades orales de discusi坦n grupal como el debate, la mesa redonda, el foro, el panel y el Phillips 6-6. En cada caso se especifica el n炭mero de participantes, los roles de moderador y secretario, el objetivo principal que es discutir y analizar un tema, y la duraci坦n t鱈pica de 60 minutos.
This document discusses software testing and provides guidance on best practices. It defines software testing as empirically investigating a product to provide stakeholders with quality information. The key aspects of testing discussed are modeling the system, making observations, asking useful questions, using logical reasoning, and taking a process of discovery approach. Testing is distinguished from checking and the importance of test design, exploratory testing, and testability over large automated test suites is emphasized. Credits are given to influential thinkers in the field.
This document discusses several known dwarf planets in our solar system, including Pluto, Sedna, Eris, Orcus, Ceres, Haumea, and Makemake. It provides basic information about each dwarf planet, such as their size, mass, composition, date of discovery, and recognition by the International Astronomical Union. The document aims to introduce some of the major dwarf planets that orbit our sun.
Evidence shows us that specialised mood disorder clinics deliver cost savings, better clinical outcomes and improved patient satisfaction. Presented to the Trent Division of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, November 2013, Sheffield.
tranSMART Community Meeting 5-7 Nov 13 - Session 5: The Accelerated Cure Proj...David Peyruc
tranSMART Community Meeting 5-7 Nov 13 - Session 5: The Accelerated Cure Project MS Repository Dataset as a Case Study The Accelerated Cure Project MS Repository Dataset as a Case Study
Stephen Wicks, Rancho Biosciences
The Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis is a non-profit focused on accelerating research for a cure for MS. One of their major projects over the last decade has been the generation of the ACP Repository, a collection of biological samples and associated clinical data from approximately 3200 case or control participants. More than 75 studies are underway or have been completed, in both industry and academic settings, using samples from the ACP Repository. Rancho BioSciences has partnered with ACP through Orion Bionetworks to curate and load these datasets and associated clinical CRFs into tranSMART. In this talk, we will describe the rich ACP dataset and discuss our experiences in preparing the data for analysis in tranSMART
Este documento describe diferentes tipos de actividades orales de discusi坦n grupal como el debate, la mesa redonda, el foro, el panel y el Phillips 6-6. En cada caso se especifica el n炭mero de participantes, los roles de moderador y secretario, el objetivo principal que es discutir y analizar un tema, y la duraci坦n t鱈pica de 60 minutos.
This document discusses software testing and provides guidance on best practices. It defines software testing as empirically investigating a product to provide stakeholders with quality information. The key aspects of testing discussed are modeling the system, making observations, asking useful questions, using logical reasoning, and taking a process of discovery approach. Testing is distinguished from checking and the importance of test design, exploratory testing, and testability over large automated test suites is emphasized. Credits are given to influential thinkers in the field.
This document discusses several known dwarf planets in our solar system, including Pluto, Sedna, Eris, Orcus, Ceres, Haumea, and Makemake. It provides basic information about each dwarf planet, such as their size, mass, composition, date of discovery, and recognition by the International Astronomical Union. The document aims to introduce some of the major dwarf planets that orbit our sun.
Evidence shows us that specialised mood disorder clinics deliver cost savings, better clinical outcomes and improved patient satisfaction. Presented to the Trent Division of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, November 2013, Sheffield.
tranSMART Community Meeting 5-7 Nov 13 - Session 5: The Accelerated Cure Proj...David Peyruc
tranSMART Community Meeting 5-7 Nov 13 - Session 5: The Accelerated Cure Project MS Repository Dataset as a Case Study The Accelerated Cure Project MS Repository Dataset as a Case Study
Stephen Wicks, Rancho Biosciences
The Accelerated Cure Project for Multiple Sclerosis is a non-profit focused on accelerating research for a cure for MS. One of their major projects over the last decade has been the generation of the ACP Repository, a collection of biological samples and associated clinical data from approximately 3200 case or control participants. More than 75 studies are underway or have been completed, in both industry and academic settings, using samples from the ACP Repository. Rancho BioSciences has partnered with ACP through Orion Bionetworks to curate and load these datasets and associated clinical CRFs into tranSMART. In this talk, we will describe the rich ACP dataset and discuss our experiences in preparing the data for analysis in tranSMART
Dokumen ini membahas mengenai perubahan matlamat kurikulum sekolah rendah di Malaysia sejak zaman pra-penjajahan hingga kini. Matlamat kurikulum berubah seiring dengan zaman, mulai dari pendidikan tradisional hingga pengenalan sistem pendidikan formal. Kurikulum terus disemak untuk memenuhi tujuan pendidikan nasional dan keperluan masa depan.
Tune-up disini bertujuan untuk mengembalikan engine ke kondisi standarnya sehingga kondisi mesin menjadi stabil dan halus seperti baru kembali. Disini di jelaskan bagian-bagian mana yang akan di lakukan tune-up
Las redes sociales permiten compartir fotos y videos con familiares y amigos que est叩n lejos, ayudar a encontrar personas con quienes has perdido contacto para restablecer la comunicaci坦n, unirse a grupos de inter辿s com炭n y comunicarse no solo por escrito sino tambi辿n por video para interactuar con familiares, amigos y conocidos.