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Associate Information
SSN# ***-**-0876
First Name TIMOTHY
Middle Initial J
Display Name Timothy Seifrig
Email: t.seifrig@diamondscrewproducts.com
Manager Jon Cary
Position Title Inventory Mgr./ Personal/ IT
Date of Hire 06/01/2013
HR Amy Baldw in
Geographic RegionNORTH AMERICA
Country US
Facility/Department 1
Job Entry Date 06/01/2013
Internal Experience
From Date To Date Title DivisionDepartment Location Facility/Club/Store
06/01/2013 current Diamond Screw Products
08/15/2009 06/01/2013 Non-Metro Assistant Mgr - WM 1-J 26 0255 5236
02/18/2006 08/14/2009 Non-Metro Assistant Mgr - WM 1-J 26 0255 299
02/04/2006 02/17/2006 Non-Metro Assistant Mgr - WM 1-J 26 0255 682
09/03/2005 02/03/2006 Asst Manager 1-J26 0255 682
04/16/2005 09/02/2005 Asst Manager 1-J26 0255 272
01/30/2004 04/15/2005 Area Manager 1-J 26 0255 922
11/01/2003 01/29/2004 Asst Manager 1-J26 0255 922
07/12/2003 10/31/2003 Trainee Hourly 1-J26 0255 870
Expat Experience - From (Year)To (Year) - Title Country - External Experience From(Year)To (Year)– Company Name Type of Business –
Functional Area – Title - Outside of Home Country (If 'yes', enter Country)
1994 1996 Bush Gardens -Arts, Entertainment - and Recreation –O perations Ride Ops. No
1999 2005 U.S.Army Military Information Technology – SGT. E-5 – Yes - Iraq
School, Major, Degree, Country, Status, Year Completed (if applicable), Comments
U.S.Army Communication Other United States
Completed 1999 Singars and Radio commo
and repair
U.S.Army Other
Other United States
Completed 1999 Firefinder Radar Ops.
U.S.Army Management Other United States
Completed 2003 Completed PLDC and Combat leadership
Pike County HighSchool
General Studies, High School Diploma, United States
Completed 1997
Vinncennes Universty
Law Other United States
Also 8 credit hrs. short of 2 year drafting degree
Geographic Mobility
Date Mobility
Global Region
Country Preference
(if any)
State/Province or Territory
Relocation Timeframe
01/16/2011 Limited North America
United States Indiana No Preference Not mobile for the next 12 months
Primary Language English
Additional Language Skills If other,please indicate language SpeakingProficiency Reading Proficiency Writing ProficiencyTr anslation
German Beginner None None Beginner
Technical Skills Years of Experience Comments
-Warehouse ManagementSystems
11+ years Includes computer tracking and excelbased inventor repoting and corrections.
-Vendor Management
- 11+ years Worked side by side w ith vendors to produce higher sales and profit. w orked to market different local
Time And Motion Study
-11+ years Worked w ith TaskManagement systems to streamline the w orkforce and increase productivity in
the areas of stocking, unloading, and associate management.
Strategic Planning
- 11+ years I have w orked with US Army to develop base layouts and secerity. Worked w ith SpecialForces units
to plan out raids on know n targets with perpose to gain intel. Work w ith Wal-mart inc. in planning for
AnnualEvents such as BlackFriday. Also w orked with store remodels and floor layout plans.
Store Design
- 11+ years Experance in remodels and Dept. floor plan layout and Modular relays.
Risk Management
- 11+ years Trained in area of Combat Risk Management as w ellas business level. CPR trained, ECO Lab
trained, Serve Safe trained.
Public Speaking
- 11+ years Taught classes in military as w ellas Wal-mart. Public speaking w ith Bush Gardens as show
Public Relations
- 11+ years Worked w ith localleaders in Iraq to develop Public Relations and establish base locations. Worked
in Wal-mart helping to drive sales by contacting localbusinesses to market product.
Product Assortment AndPresentation
-11+ years Workin Stockroom inventory, Warehouse Inventory, sales floor displays and merchandising of basic
Process Mapping
- 11+ years Militray experance in this field
Process Development AndDeployment
-11+ years Military experance in this field. Workw ith w al-mart on associate development and training. Aswellas
Individual development and training.
Policy And Procedures
-11+ years Military and Law Enforcement experance and training in this field. Work in Wal-mart inc. w ith
Associateson policy and SOP training and enforcement. This includes accountability of associates
w ho fallin violation of company policy.
Organizational Change Management
-11+ years Military and Law Enforcement training in this field. Workin Wal-mart inc. w ith Associates and
Online Marketing
- 7 - 10 years Workin Wal-mart inc. w ith Pick-up-Today programand Site-to-Store. Both of w hich are internet
based shopping w ere the store must keep site up to date w ith current onhand and instocklevels.
Negotiating Skills
- 11+ years Military and Law Enforcement training in this field. Workw ith Wal-mart inc. w ith Vendors on displays
and mark-up amounts. Also customer base w ith returns, TLE services.
Inventory Management
-11+ years Workin Wal-mart inc. maintaining backroom instocklevels. Maintaining sales and profit forecast for a
205,000 SQF store w ith sales of 90 million.
Facilities Planning
- 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc.
- 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc.
- 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc. Military based w ith U.S>Army Supply.
- 11+ years Have training in Custom Car Audio install.(Self emploied for 4 years) Military training w ith Defence
prep. Wal-mart inc. training w ith store and Dept. ;ayouts.
Customer Research
- 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc.
Contracts Negotiation
- 11+ years Military Experance in this area. Worked in Iraq w ith Brown and Roots to build and fortify base of Ops.
- 11+ years
Company Planning
- 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc.
- 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc.
Business Continuity Planning
-11+ years
Benefits Design AndAdministration
-11+ years Military Experance in this field
Business Analysis
- 11+ years
Professional Memberships Organization Key Role (if applicable)Member Since End Date
Timeless Classics of Pike County Member 01/01/2006
Rualatan International Officer 01/01/2001 01/01/2003
VFW( Veteran Of Foregin Wars) Member 05/15/2005
DAV(Disabled American Vet.) Member 05/15/2005
Effective Date Expiration Date State/Country Issued (if applicable)
Other - Scissor Lift Operator 08/15/2009 KY
Other - Forklift Operator 08/15/2009 KY
Health Care & Social Assistance - CPR Child/Infant 12/29/2010 U.S.A.
Health Care & Social Assistance - CPR Adult 12/29/2010 U.S.A.
Food Services - ServSafe Certification 09/01/2005 U.S.A.
Functional Skills, Function, Years of Experience, International Experience Comments
Supply Chain
-11+ years Yes Was in charge of supply ordering and sign in and out of military supplies.
Same in retail. Ordering normal day to day cleaning. Ect.
- 11+ years No Sales Experance in tracking, manageing and developing in the f ield of retail
Safety & Environmental
- 11+ years Yes Have training in Combat Safety, Range safety, Weapons safetyvia military.
Completed all courses with Wal-mart in Safety. Environmental training w ith
Military in both U.S. and International w aste and hasard.
-11+ years No Retail experance in Fresh and GM ordering. Including features, COMAC, ect.
- 11+ years No
Public & Government Relations
-11+ years Yes Military experance and training both U.S. and international. Helped w ith local
relations w hile deployed in Operation Iraq Freedom. Government relations in
same aspects. Public relations in both Military and Retail. Involved w ith Car
Show s to raise funds forBreast Cancer with localorginizations.
- 11+ years Yes Operations experance in Military, Law Enforcement, and Retail.
- 11+ years No
- 11+ years No Recruting w ith Military, Car Club, and Rualatan Club.
- 11+ years No
- 11+ years Yes Military training on 2 1/2 ton, 5 ton, Hummve, Genarator, and Firefinder Radar.
Civilan training in AC and Heat"Basic". Automotive training"Basic and
Advanced Body and Interor"
- 11+ years No Military training in Supply. Wal-mart training in basic inventory controland IMS
Information Technology
- 11+ years Yes Military training. Law Enforcement training. Wal-mart experance
Human Resources
- 11+ years Yes Military Training including PLDC, BNOC.
Fund Raising
- 11+ years No Worked w ith Pike Co. Timeless Classics to set up and run a annual car show
last 5 years. Set up, organized and ran car show forBreast Cancer Awarness
group for 4 years. Mulit. Wal-mart functions.
- 11+ years No
- 11+ years No Control of sale and profit of $90 million Store.
- 11+ years No
Emergency Preparedness/Security
-11+ years Yes Military Training in both peace time and w ar. Law enforcement training.
Electric Utility Operations
- 11+ years No Some training in Military. Civilian experance.
Customer Care
- 11+ years No
-11+ years Yes Military and Retail
- 11+ years Yes Military and Retail
Business & Strategic Planning
-11+ years No
- 11+ years No In Store for Wal-mart
- 11+ years Yes Military and Retail training
Leadership Scope
Largest number of direct reports
> 15 direct reports
Largest total team
51 - 100 team members
Largest budgetmanaged
$51 - $100 million
Largest sales managed
$51 - $100 million
Facilities managedat one time
1 - 10 facilities
Leadership Expertise
Area of Experience
Years of Experience
International Experience Comments
Staff roles
- 11+ years Yes Military experance and retail
P&L accountability
-11+ years No
Operational focus and accountability
- 11+ years Yes Military experance and Retail
New business development and/or start-up
-7 - 10 years No Ran my ow n Customer Car Audio shop from2000 to
2003. Closed shop due to deployment.
Managing challengingworkforce issues
-11+ years Yes Military experance in both combat and peace time
Joint ventures or alliances
- 11+ years Yes Military experance
Leadership of cross-functional task forces or projects
-11+ years No Military experance
Developing andmaintainingcritical external relationships
-11+ years Yes Experance with different clubsIhave been a member w ith
as w ellas Military
- 11+ years Yes
Career Interests
Business SegmentFunctional Area TimingComments
Walmart US Safety & Environmental R2 (2-3 yrs)
Walmart US Public & Government Relations R2 (2-3 yrs)
Walmart US Operations R2 (2-3 yrs)
Walmart US Inventory R2 (2-3 yrs)
Walmart US Information Technology R2 (2-3 yrs)
Walmart US Fund Raising R2 (2-3 yrs)
Walmart US Food/Grocery R2 (2-3 yrs)
Walmart US Emergency Preparedness/Security R2 (2-3 yrs)
Walmart US Communications R2 (2-3 yrs)
Walmart US Asset Protection R2 (2-3 yrs)
Associate Initials Date of Acknowledgment
Profile forTIMOTHY J SEIFRIG1 of 1

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  • 1. Profile for TIMOTHY J SEIFRIG Associate Information SSN# ***-**-0876 First Name TIMOTHY Middle Initial J Last Name SEIFRIG Display Name Timothy Seifrig Email: t.seifrig@diamondscrewproducts.com Manager Jon Cary Position Title Inventory Mgr./ Personal/ IT Date of Hire 06/01/2013 HR Amy Baldw in Geographic RegionNORTH AMERICA Country US Division- Subdivision Region District/Market Facility/Department 1 Job Entry Date 06/01/2013 Internal Experience From Date To Date Title DivisionDepartment Location Facility/Club/Store 06/01/2013 current Diamond Screw Products 08/15/2009 06/01/2013 Non-Metro Assistant Mgr - WM 1-J 26 0255 5236 02/18/2006 08/14/2009 Non-Metro Assistant Mgr - WM 1-J 26 0255 299 02/04/2006 02/17/2006 Non-Metro Assistant Mgr - WM 1-J 26 0255 682 09/03/2005 02/03/2006 Asst Manager 1-J26 0255 682 04/16/2005 09/02/2005 Asst Manager 1-J26 0255 272 01/30/2004 04/15/2005 Area Manager 1-J 26 0255 922 11/01/2003 01/29/2004 Asst Manager 1-J26 0255 922 07/12/2003 10/31/2003 Trainee Hourly 1-J26 0255 870 Expat Experience - From (Year)To (Year) - Title Country - External Experience From(Year)To (Year)– Company Name Type of Business – Functional Area – Title - Outside of Home Country (If 'yes', enter Country) 1994 1996 Bush Gardens -Arts, Entertainment - and Recreation –O perations Ride Ops. No 1999 2005 U.S.Army Military Information Technology – SGT. E-5 – Yes - Iraq 1996 1996 GRANDYS – DISH WASHER/COOK - No Education School, Major, Degree, Country, Status, Year Completed (if applicable), Comments U.S.Army Communication Other United States Completed 1999 Singars and Radio commo and repair U.S.Army Other Technology Other United States Completed 1999 Firefinder Radar Ops. U.S.Army Management Other United States Completed 2003 Completed PLDC and Combat leadership Pike County HighSchool General Studies, High School Diploma, United States Completed 1997 Vinncennes Universty Law Other United States In-Progress Also 8 credit hrs. short of 2 year drafting degree Geographic Mobility Date Mobility Global Region Country Preference (if any) State/Province or Territory Metro/Nonmetro Relocation Timeframe 01/16/2011 Limited North America United States Indiana No Preference Not mobile for the next 12 months Primary Language English Additional Language Skills If other,please indicate language SpeakingProficiency Reading Proficiency Writing ProficiencyTr anslation German Beginner None None Beginner Technical Skills Years of Experience Comments -Warehouse ManagementSystems 11+ years Includes computer tracking and excelbased inventor repoting and corrections. -Vendor Management - 11+ years Worked side by side w ith vendors to produce higher sales and profit. w orked to market different local
  • 2. events. Time And Motion Study -11+ years Worked w ith TaskManagement systems to streamline the w orkforce and increase productivity in the areas of stocking, unloading, and associate management. Strategic Planning - 11+ years I have w orked with US Army to develop base layouts and secerity. Worked w ith SpecialForces units to plan out raids on know n targets with perpose to gain intel. Work w ith Wal-mart inc. in planning for AnnualEvents such as BlackFriday. Also w orked with store remodels and floor layout plans. Store Design - 11+ years Experance in remodels and Dept. floor plan layout and Modular relays. Risk Management - 11+ years Trained in area of Combat Risk Management as w ellas business level. CPR trained, ECO Lab trained, Serve Safe trained. Public Speaking - 11+ years Taught classes in military as w ellas Wal-mart. Public speaking w ith Bush Gardens as show introducer. Public Relations - 11+ years Worked w ith localleaders in Iraq to develop Public Relations and establish base locations. Worked in Wal-mart helping to drive sales by contacting localbusinesses to market product. Product Assortment AndPresentation -11+ years Workin Stockroom inventory, Warehouse Inventory, sales floor displays and merchandising of basic product. Process Mapping - 11+ years Militray experance in this field Process Development AndDeployment -11+ years Military experance in this field. Workw ith w al-mart on associate development and training. Aswellas Individual development and training. Policy And Procedures -11+ years Military and Law Enforcement experance and training in this field. Work in Wal-mart inc. w ith Associateson policy and SOP training and enforcement. This includes accountability of associates w ho fallin violation of company policy. Organizational Change Management -11+ years Military and Law Enforcement training in this field. Workin Wal-mart inc. w ith Associates and Merchandise. Online Marketing - 7 - 10 years Workin Wal-mart inc. w ith Pick-up-Today programand Site-to-Store. Both of w hich are internet based shopping w ere the store must keep site up to date w ith current onhand and instocklevels. Negotiating Skills - 11+ years Military and Law Enforcement training in this field. Workw ith Wal-mart inc. w ith Vendors on displays and mark-up amounts. Also customer base w ith returns, TLE services. Inventory Management -11+ years Workin Wal-mart inc. maintaining backroom instocklevels. Maintaining sales and profit forecast for a 205,000 SQF store w ith sales of 90 million. Facilities Planning - 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc. Facilitation - 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc. Distribution - 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc. Military based w ith U.S>Army Supply. Design - 11+ years Have training in Custom Car Audio install.(Self emploied for 4 years) Military training w ith Defence prep. Wal-mart inc. training w ith store and Dept. ;ayouts. Customer Research - 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc. Contracts Negotiation - 11+ years Military Experance in this area. Worked in Iraq w ith Brown and Roots to build and fortify base of Ops. Compensation - 11+ years Company Planning - 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc. Buying - 11+ years Retale based w ith Wal-mart inc. Business Continuity Planning -11+ years Benefits Design AndAdministration -11+ years Military Experance in this field Business Analysis - 11+ years Professional Memberships Organization Key Role (if applicable)Member Since End Date Timeless Classics of Pike County Member 01/01/2006 Rualatan International Officer 01/01/2001 01/01/2003 VFW( Veteran Of Foregin Wars) Member 05/15/2005 DAV(Disabled American Vet.) Member 05/15/2005 Certifications/Licenses Effective Date Expiration Date State/Country Issued (if applicable) Other - Scissor Lift Operator 08/15/2009 KY Other - Forklift Operator 08/15/2009 KY
  • 3. Health Care & Social Assistance - CPR Child/Infant 12/29/2010 U.S.A. Health Care & Social Assistance - CPR Adult 12/29/2010 U.S.A. Food Services - ServSafe Certification 09/01/2005 U.S.A. Functional Skills, Function, Years of Experience, International Experience Comments Supply Chain -11+ years Yes Was in charge of supply ordering and sign in and out of military supplies. Same in retail. Ordering normal day to day cleaning. Ect. Sales - 11+ years No Sales Experance in tracking, manageing and developing in the f ield of retail Safety & Environmental - 11+ years Yes Have training in Combat Safety, Range safety, Weapons safetyvia military. Completed all courses with Wal-mart in Safety. Environmental training w ith Military in both U.S. and International w aste and hasard. Replenishment -11+ years No Retail experance in Fresh and GM ordering. Including features, COMAC, ect. Purchasing - 11+ years No Public & Government Relations -11+ years Yes Military experance and training both U.S. and international. Helped w ith local relations w hile deployed in Operation Iraq Freedom. Government relations in same aspects. Public relations in both Military and Retail. Involved w ith Car Show s to raise funds forBreast Cancer with localorginizations. Operations - 11+ years Yes Operations experance in Military, Law Enforcement, and Retail. Merchandising - 11+ years No Membership - 11+ years No Recruting w ith Military, Car Club, and Rualatan Club. Marketing - 11+ years No Maintenance - 11+ years Yes Military training on 2 1/2 ton, 5 ton, Hummve, Genarator, and Firefinder Radar. Civilan training in AC and Heat"Basic". Automotive training"Basic and Advanced Body and Interor" Inventory - 11+ years No Military training in Supply. Wal-mart training in basic inventory controland IMS Information Technology - 11+ years Yes Military training. Law Enforcement training. Wal-mart experance Human Resources - 11+ years Yes Military Training including PLDC, BNOC. Fund Raising - 11+ years No Worked w ith Pike Co. Timeless Classics to set up and run a annual car show last 5 years. Set up, organized and ran car show forBreast Cancer Awarness group for 4 years. Mulit. Wal-mart functions. Food/Grocery - 11+ years No Finance/Accounting - 11+ years No Control of sale and profit of $90 million Store. Ethics - 11+ years No Emergency Preparedness/Security -11+ years Yes Military Training in both peace time and w ar. Law enforcement training. Electric Utility Operations - 11+ years No Some training in Military. Civilian experance. Customer Care - 11+ years No Compliance -11+ years Yes Military and Retail Communications - 11+ years Yes Military and Retail Business & Strategic Planning -11+ years No AssetProtection - 11+ years No In Store for Wal-mart Administrative - 11+ years Yes Military and Retail training Leadership Scope Largest number of direct reports > 15 direct reports Largest total team 51 - 100 team members Largest budgetmanaged $51 - $100 million Largest sales managed $51 - $100 million Facilities managedat one time 1 - 10 facilities Leadership Expertise
  • 4. Area of Experience Years of Experience International Experience Comments Staff roles - 11+ years Yes Military experance and retail P&L accountability -11+ years No Operational focus and accountability - 11+ years Yes Military experance and Retail New business development and/or start-up -7 - 10 years No Ran my ow n Customer Car Audio shop from2000 to 2003. Closed shop due to deployment. Managing challengingworkforce issues -11+ years Yes Military experance in both combat and peace time Joint ventures or alliances - 11+ years Yes Military experance Leadership of cross-functional task forces or projects -11+ years No Military experance Developing andmaintainingcritical external relationships -11+ years Yes Experance with different clubsIhave been a member w ith as w ellas Military Consulting - 11+ years Yes Career Interests Business SegmentFunctional Area TimingComments Walmart US Safety & Environmental R2 (2-3 yrs) Walmart US Public & Government Relations R2 (2-3 yrs) Walmart US Operations R2 (2-3 yrs) Walmart US Inventory R2 (2-3 yrs) Walmart US Information Technology R2 (2-3 yrs) Walmart US Fund Raising R2 (2-3 yrs) Walmart US Food/Grocery R2 (2-3 yrs) Walmart US Emergency Preparedness/Security R2 (2-3 yrs) Walmart US Communications R2 (2-3 yrs) Walmart US Asset Protection R2 (2-3 yrs) Acknowledgment Associate Initials Date of Acknowledgment Profile forTIMOTHY J SEIFRIG1 of 1