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Poland is also famous for its bogs and
marshes. There is Europe only  anastomotic
river. There is only one other river like this 
Okavango river in Africa.
This picture shows another Polish beauty the
broadleaved forest  Puszcza Kampinowska.
An enormous National park with some areas
that have stayed completely wild.
Unrecognizable in winter.
In some of its parts
unreachable and dark.

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Puszcza kampinowska

  • 1. Poland is also famous for its bogs and marshes. There is Europe only anastomotic river. There is only one other river like this Okavango river in Africa. This picture shows another Polish beauty the broadleaved forest Puszcza Kampinowska. An enormous National park with some areas that have stayed completely wild.
  • 3. In some of its parts unreachable and dark.