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Polish hel?
Hel Peninsula

 The width of the peninsula varies from approximately 300
  m, through 100 m in the most narrow part to over 3 km at
  the tip.
 Since the peninsula was formed entirely of sand it is
  frequently turned into an island by winter storms.
 Until the 17th century the peninsula was a chain of islands
  that formed a strip of land only during the summer.
From the satelite
The tourists destination.

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Hel peninsula

  • 2. Hel Peninsula The width of the peninsula varies from approximately 300 m, through 100 m in the most narrow part to over 3 km at the tip. Since the peninsula was formed entirely of sand it is frequently turned into an island by winter storms. Until the 17th century the peninsula was a chain of islands that formed a strip of land only during the summer.