This is a training module developed in the European project SESEC. More information and the full training can be found here:
The SESEC project is designed to address the energy efficiency needs of the EU clothing industry. The Consortium relies on outstanding competences of the partners, spread over 6 countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Belgium) to provide the missing energy efficiency benchmarks and ready-to-use solutions for the large number of SMEs as well as larger companies. The SESEC project has 4 major objectives:
To develop, test and offer an Energy Efficiency tool for clothing production, made up of guidelines and web-based applications, suitable for SMEs and large companies
To transfer the project results to the sector, EURATEX members and interested companies
To offer training and support to companies to implement energy-saving measures considering cost-effectiveness
To improve opportunities for energy-efficiency for the whole European clothing industry
This is a training module developed in the European project SESEC. More information and the full training can be found here:
The SESEC project is designed to address the energy efficiency needs of the EU clothing industry. The Consortium relies on outstanding competences of the partners, spread over 6 countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Belgium) to provide the missing energy efficiency benchmarks and ready-to-use solutions for the large number of SMEs as well as larger companies. The SESEC project has 4 major objectives:
To develop, test and offer an Energy Efficiency tool for clothing production, made up of guidelines and web-based applications, suitable for SMEs and large companies
To transfer the project results to the sector, EURATEX members and interested companies
To offer training and support to companies to implement energy-saving measures considering cost-effectiveness
To improve opportunities for energy-efficiency for the whole European clothing industry
This is a training module developed in the European project SESEC. More information and the full training can be found here:
The SESEC project is designed to address the energy efficiency needs of the EU clothing industry. The Consortium relies on outstanding competences of the partners, spread over 6 countries (Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Belgium) to provide the missing energy efficiency benchmarks and ready-to-use solutions for the large number of SMEs as well as larger companies. The SESEC project has 4 major objectives:
To develop, test and offer an Energy Efficiency tool for clothing production, made up of guidelines and web-based applications, suitable for SMEs and large companies
To transfer the project results to the sector, EURATEX members and interested companies
To offer training and support to companies to implement energy-saving measures considering cost-effectiveness
To improve opportunities for energy-efficiency for the whole European clothing industry
The document summarizes the development of energy performance contracting (EnPC) in Slovakia, particularly the public sector, over the past 30 years. It outlines key periods including an early start in the late 1990s, a market shut-down from 2006-2012 due to EU grants, and a restart and stabilization from 2012-2019. In 2019, Slovakia introduced "Maastricht-neutral EnPCs" in line with Eurostat guidance to exclude private EnPC financing from public debt reporting. However, the market has slowed significantly due to limitations of Maastricht-neutral EnPCs for comprehensive building renovations and banks' risk perceptions of potential savings shortfalls.
The document is a newsletter from the Global ESCO Network providing updates on ESCO activities and developments around the world. It introduces the GEN and its goals of driving government action to scale up ESCO contributions to climate change mitigation. It then provides news about ESCO associations in Asia, Europe, and Bulgaria, including key achievements and challenges. Finally, it outlines the GEN's 2023 action plan focused on communication, data collection, and policy development to promote ESCOs globally.
Innovative financing schemes for energy efficiency and saving in buildingsKiril Raytchev
The document discusses two European Commission-funded projects - SUPER-HEERO and FinEERGo-Dom - that are developing innovative financing schemes to promote increased energy efficiency, especially in buildings. The projects aim to help overcome barriers to the uptake of such schemes for different end users like supermarkets, households, and public buildings. They are working on solutions like standardized contracts and a building energy efficiency facility to attract private financing that can boost the energy transition process. The projects offer relevant results including innovative financing schemes for supermarkets and support mechanisms to renovate public and private buildings in multiple countries.
Benefiting from Open Data in the Energy Efficiency SectorKiril Raytchev
This document discusses using open data to benefit energy efficiency projects. It outlines several open data sources that contain over 5,000 records of energy performance data. The document also discusses challenges with financing deep renovation projects and strategies for financial institutions, ESCOs, and energy consultants to overcome these challenges and unlock more energy efficiency projects and investments. These include adapting financial products, building trust through a center of excellence, and providing ready-made client and project lists to streamline the process.