This document discusses engaging learners in e-learning versus classroom training and measuring the impact of learning. It presents the Kirkpatrick framework for evaluating learning which includes reaction, learning, behavior, and results. As an example, it summarizes that the NHS found implementing ECDL training saved 26 minutes per day per employee, yielded an 187% ROI, and increased positive attitudes about new systems from 12% to 82%. The document encourages measuring the impact of learning.
The document describes changes made to an employee appraisal process. Before the changes, only 3% of managers had submitted completed appraisals. An external supplier delivered training face-to-face, but the training budget was reduced. After implementing online training courses and forms to collect review data, the completion rate increased significantly, with 92% of one department completing appraisals in the first year and an overall 65% increase authority-wide. Data from reviews is now regularly reported and being used for development planning.
The document discusses various aspects of communication, including verbal and non-verbal channels, good and poor body language, communication tips, the importance of feedback and listening, factors that make communication effective, and considerations for communication across cultural differences. It provides guidance on maintaining eye contact, handshakes, posture, facial expressions, distance, pronunciation, avoiding slang, being brief and precise, delivering messages directly, and showing empathy.
Graphic Design and it's application in my work as a Human Centered Designeraalapd
This is a the presentation from a talk I gave on graphic design and it's applications in my work as a Human Centered Designer at the University of Michigan Health System. The graphic design work presented here contains posters, business cards, t-shirts, a toolkit and websites. A lot of my graphic pieces presented are pieces that invite collaboration and action, which forms a deep form of my work as a Human Centered Designer.
NOTE: The work presented on slides 17 and 18 belongs to Candy Chang whom I greatly admire.
The document discusses the opportunity for transformation in healthcare through connecting patients, clinicians, and organizations using information and communication technologies. It provides examples of Cisco solutions that have improved healthcare delivery through applications like telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and unified communications. These solutions helped increase access to care, improve outcomes, and reduce costs.
Learn BEM fundamentals as fast as possible. What is BEM (Block, element, modifier), BEM syntax, how it works with a real example, etc.
Plone is a powerful CMS based on Python/Zope, running on Linux, Windows, or cloud service., provided by Enfold Systems, is free, easy-to-use service for creating and hosting Plone sites. This presentation, in ICOS, showcases the updated technology used by Plone.
探索 API 開發的挑戰與解決之道 | .NET Conf 2023 TaiwanAlan Tsai
相信大家對於為什麼要把服務 API 化的原因都清楚了,但是該怎麼開始呢?如果要走 API Design First 那怎麼可以產生出好持續維護的 OpenAPI (Swagger) 文件作為溝通的 Contract 呢?API 開發完上線之後怎麼能夠確保安全,以及出錯如何追蹤問題呢?如果只是單純的 DB 異動的 CRUD 需要建立後端 API 嗎?隨著 API 數量變多怎麼收攏所有有提供的 API 呢?
在這場,我們來看一下針對一些 API First 遇到的問題,微軟提供了那些解決方案給我們。
This document discusses engaging learners in e-learning versus classroom training and measuring the impact of learning. It presents the Kirkpatrick framework for evaluating learning which includes reaction, learning, behavior, and results. As an example, it summarizes that the NHS found implementing ECDL training saved 26 minutes per day per employee, yielded an 187% ROI, and increased positive attitudes about new systems from 12% to 82%. The document encourages measuring the impact of learning.
The document describes changes made to an employee appraisal process. Before the changes, only 3% of managers had submitted completed appraisals. An external supplier delivered training face-to-face, but the training budget was reduced. After implementing online training courses and forms to collect review data, the completion rate increased significantly, with 92% of one department completing appraisals in the first year and an overall 65% increase authority-wide. Data from reviews is now regularly reported and being used for development planning.
The document discusses various aspects of communication, including verbal and non-verbal channels, good and poor body language, communication tips, the importance of feedback and listening, factors that make communication effective, and considerations for communication across cultural differences. It provides guidance on maintaining eye contact, handshakes, posture, facial expressions, distance, pronunciation, avoiding slang, being brief and precise, delivering messages directly, and showing empathy.
Graphic Design and it's application in my work as a Human Centered Designeraalapd
This is a the presentation from a talk I gave on graphic design and it's applications in my work as a Human Centered Designer at the University of Michigan Health System. The graphic design work presented here contains posters, business cards, t-shirts, a toolkit and websites. A lot of my graphic pieces presented are pieces that invite collaboration and action, which forms a deep form of my work as a Human Centered Designer.
NOTE: The work presented on slides 17 and 18 belongs to Candy Chang whom I greatly admire.
The document discusses the opportunity for transformation in healthcare through connecting patients, clinicians, and organizations using information and communication technologies. It provides examples of Cisco solutions that have improved healthcare delivery through applications like telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and unified communications. These solutions helped increase access to care, improve outcomes, and reduce costs.
Learn BEM fundamentals as fast as possible. What is BEM (Block, element, modifier), BEM syntax, how it works with a real example, etc.
Plone is a powerful CMS based on Python/Zope, running on Linux, Windows, or cloud service., provided by Enfold Systems, is free, easy-to-use service for creating and hosting Plone sites. This presentation, in ICOS, showcases the updated technology used by Plone.
探索 API 開發的挑戰與解決之道 | .NET Conf 2023 TaiwanAlan Tsai
相信大家對於為什麼要把服務 API 化的原因都清楚了,但是該怎麼開始呢?如果要走 API Design First 那怎麼可以產生出好持續維護的 OpenAPI (Swagger) 文件作為溝通的 Contract 呢?API 開發完上線之後怎麼能夠確保安全,以及出錯如何追蹤問題呢?如果只是單純的 DB 異動的 CRUD 需要建立後端 API 嗎?隨著 API 數量變多怎麼收攏所有有提供的 API 呢?
在這場,我們來看一下針對一些 API First 遇到的問題,微軟提供了那些解決方案給我們。
2. About Me Manic Chuang PIXNET (2008~), PHP Programer Half Rails Developer since 2009 PIXNET Rails Team in 2011, April