This document discusses coding style guidelines for PHP, CSS, JavaScript, and other front-end technologies. It recommends following established style guides like PSR-1 and PSR-2 for PHP coding style. For CSS and Sass, it suggests using PostCSS instead of compilers for readability and linting support. JavaScript recommendations include using Airbnb style guidelines for both ES5 and ES6, and leveraging tools like ESLint. Tools mentioned include EditorConfig, PHP Code Sniffer, PHP Coding Standards Fixer, Stylelint, and various PostCSS plugins.
This document discusses coding style guidelines for PHP, CSS, JavaScript, and other front-end technologies. It recommends following established style guides like PSR-1 and PSR-2 for PHP coding style. For CSS and Sass, it suggests using PostCSS instead of compilers for readability and linting support. JavaScript recommendations include using Airbnb style guidelines for both ES5 and ES6, and leveraging tools like ESLint. Tools mentioned include EditorConfig, PHP Code Sniffer, PHP Coding Standards Fixer, Stylelint, and various PostCSS plugins.
Introduction to Grunt.js on Taiwan JavaScript ConferenceBo-Yi Wu
This document provides an overview of popular front-end development tools, including Node Version Manager (nvm) for managing Node.js versions, Bower for package management, CoffeeScript for compiling JavaScript, Compass for compiling CSS, RequireJS for module management, and Livereload for live reloading during development. It recommends using Grunt as a task runner to integrate these tools, describing how to configure Grunt plugins for Bower, CoffeeScript, and Compass.
This document discusses using Gearman for work queue processing in PHP. It begins with an introduction to Gearman and how it allows work to be distributed across languages and machines. Several examples are provided of using Gearman in PHP for both client and worker applications. CodeIgniter integration is also demonstrated. Overall the document provides an overview of Gearman and examples of implementing work queues in PHP using this system.
How to integrate front end tool via gruntjsBo-Yi Wu
This document discusses setting up a shared development environment for a team. It recommends using GruntJS, a JavaScript task runner, to integrate common development tools like Bower, Compass, CoffeeScript, and livereload across Windows, Linux and Mac operating systems. The document outlines initializing a project with these tools, testing it, and deploying it with tasks for minification, concatenation, cleaning files and copying to production. It provides configuration examples for Gruntfile.js and links to a GitHub repository with an integrated HTML5 template project using these tools.
Git Flow and Coding Style discusses Git merge vs Git rebase and JavaScript coding style. It explains how Git merge creates a new commit when merging branches while Git rebase replays commits from one branch onto another branch without creating additional merge commits. It recommends rebasing the master branch and testing before creating a pull request. It also discusses the Airbnb JavaScript style guide as a good reference for code examples and styles including ES6 standards. Yoda conditions are mentioned as a style to avoid assignment errors in conditional statements. Writing unit tests is suggested to prevent coding errors.
You must know about CodeIgniter Popular LibraryBo-Yi Wu
This document discusses CodeIgniter PHP framework and web application security. It covers why frameworks are useful, CodeIgniter architecture and core components. It then focuses on common web security issues like exposed admin URLs, directory listings, error messages, temporary files and SQL injections. Methods to prevent each vulnerability are also provided, such as .htaccess rules, input validation and escaping. The document aims to help secure CodeIgniter applications and webservers.
RESTful API Design & Implementation with CodeIgniter PHP FrameworkBo-Yi Wu
This document provides an overview and summary of Bo-Yi Wu's presentation on implementing a RESTful API with CodeIgniter. The presentation covers RESTful API basics like HTTP methods, JSON response format, API design best practices, and using the CodeIgniter REST Server and REST Client libraries to implement and test APIs within the CodeIgniter framework. Examples are provided for creating, updating, deleting and reading data via API requests and responses. Folder structure and routing configurations for organizing API controllers are also discussed.
The document provides an overview of model-view-controller (MVC) development using the CodeIgniter PHP framework. It discusses MVC patterns and variations, why CodeIgniter was chosen, CodeIgniter's implementation of MVC, basics of using CodeIgniter including its directory structure and core classes, and examples of building a basic web application and API with CodeIgniter.
Plone is a powerful CMS based on Python/Zope, running on Linux, Windows, or cloud service., provided by Enfold Systems, is free, easy-to-use service for creating and hosting Plone sites. This presentation, in ICOS, showcases the updated technology used by Plone.
The document discusses using Go language to build a distributed computing architecture with multiple machines. It covers using RabbitMQ and NSQ for queues, building a simple queue mechanism for single machine versions, and rewriting the architecture to address concurrency limits. It also discusses setting up a server-agent system with RPC communication and context cancellation to enable job cancellation.
This document discusses implementing a job queue in Golang. It begins by explaining buffered and unbuffered channels, and shows examples of using channels to coordinate goroutines. It then demonstrates how to build a job queue that uses a channel to enqueue jobs and have worker goroutines process jobs from the channel concurrently. It also discusses ways to gracefully shutdown workers using contexts and wait groups. Finally, it covers topics like auto-scaling agents, communicating between servers and agents, and handling job cancellation.
This document summarizes Go project layout and practices for a Go web application project. It discusses folder structure, configuration management using environment variables and files, embedding assets, command line interfaces, testing practices including fixtures, and packages for common functions like errors, middleware, models and more.
* What is different GitHub Flow and Git Flow?
* What is GitHub Actions?
* How to write the simple workflow?
* What's problem in GitHub Actions UI?
* What's problem with Secrets in GitHub Actions?
* How to write your first GitHub Actions and upload to the marketplace?
* What's a problem with environment variables in GitHub Actions?
Drone is a Continuous Delivery platform built on Docker, written in Go
* Why I don’t choose Jenkins or GitLab CI?
* What is Drone CI?
* Drone Infrastructure
* How to install Drone in five minutes?
* Integrate your project
* Create your Drone plugin
* Try drone cli without drone server
1. Why we moving API from REST to Graphql?
2. What is Graphql?
3. Graphql in Golang (Why we choose Golang)
4. How to testing Graphql in Golang
5. Deploy Graphql application
Go 語言入門介紹,底下是大綱:
* Go 語言誕生
* Go 語言優勢
* Go 語言選擇
* 誰在用 Go 語言
最後會提到 goroutine 及 channel 這兩大特性。如果對 Go 語言有興趣,可以參考線上課程
The following is my Agenda
* Why I don’t choose Jenkins or GitLab CI?
* What is Drone CI?
* Drone Infrastructure
* How to install Drone in five minutes?
* Integrate your project
* Create your Drone plugin
* Try drone CLI without drone server
more detail information you can find that in Udemy:
Go 語言 (又稱Golang) 是 Google 推出新一代的強大語言,今年 3 月 Google 公佈了去年底統計的問卷結果,發現 63% 用 Go 來寫網站,38% 用來開發系統程式,35% 用來做 DevOps,本次議題將會帶您瞭解為什麼 Go 語言適合打造微服務架構,Go 語言大給微服務什麼樣的特性以及 Go 語言適合用來開發什麼樣的系統?
This document discusses Gitea, an open source self-hosted Git service. It begins by introducing Gitea and comparing it to other Git hosting services like GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab. Key advantages of Gitea are that it is easy to install, runs well on low-resource systems, and is lightweight. The document then provides step-by-step instructions for installing Gitea and integrating continuous integration/delivery services like Drone. It concludes by encouraging contributions to the Gitea project and describing the contribution process.
Gitea is a painless self-hosted Git service. It is similar to GitHub, Bitbucket or Gitlab. The initial development have been done on Gogs but we have forked it and named it Gitea. If you want to read more about the reasons why we have done that please read this blog post.
This document discusses automating workflows with Gulp.js. It begins with an overview of typical development workflows and tasks like setup, developing, building, testing and deployment. It then introduces Gulp.js as a JavaScript task runner that can automate these workflows using streams. The rest of the document covers benefits of Gulp like being easy to use, efficient, high quality and easy to learn. It demonstrates the core Gulp functions and provides examples of common tasks. Finally, it discusses related topics like deploy processes, generators, and other Gulp technologies.
2014 OSDC Talk: Introduction to Percona XtraDB Cluster and HAProxyBo-Yi Wu
Introduction to Percona XtraDB Cluster and HAProxy in 2014 OSDC talk.