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- kookmin university Doona Lee -
We use
Raspberry Pi
35dollar 讌襴 豐 貉危磯 覈 Raspberry Pi
 蟲 Raspberry Pi 襷れ朱,
蟲 蠍一 貉危 螻狩 蟲′ 讀讌り鍵 
襷 炎 覲企貉危一企.
Reference : http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%9D%BC%EC%A6%88%EB%B2%A0%EB%A6%AC_%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%B4#cite_note-6
: We must install OS for Raspberry Pi(Raspbian) in micro SD card. We need that three
This is
micro SD
card and
Tool of transfer
the IOS image
to the SD card.
This is
 You can install Tool of transfer the IOS image to the SD card for window here :
 You can install Raspbian IOS image here :
SD card
Select IOS
image here.
1. Execute the win32DiskImager.
2. Select IOS image and SD card.
3. Write image to SD card.
click Write
and Yes.
, hdmi貅企, , 襷一/る慨usb, 覈, 殊觜 れ micro SD豺企螳 
 蠏碁手骸 螳 郁屋伎殊語.  螳 襷讌襷 郁屋伎殊語.
1. 覿  豐蠍 login id pi
Password  raspberry.
2. Shell startx襯 ロ語.
3. 朱 覿 襭る 豌 覯讌 覃伎 給.
1覯    Enter襯 襯願 Ok襯 .
 れ 豐蠍 2.7蠍郁襷    SD豺企 覈
 蠍 .
4. 2覯 覃伎 觜覦覯碁ゼ 覲蟆   給.
5.  れ 覲蟆  れ 谿曙 譬襭螻 覿 覃  覯讌
蠏碁手骸 螳 殊覯襴  豐蠍 覃伎    給.
$ sudo raspi-config // Raspbian 蠍磯蓋 蟆 れ  覈轟.
1. Expand Filesystem : SD 豺企 豌伎   蟆 .
2. Change User Password : pi 螻 觜覦覯碁ゼ 覲蟆渚.
3. Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch : 覿 覈轟 蟆曙  GUI
Windows 蟆曙朱 .
4. Internationalisation Options : 語, る慨, Timezone 煙 れ
5. Enable Camera : Raspberry Pi  豺企朱ゼ  襦 .
6. Add to Rastrack : rastrack 覯 譴 Raspberry Pi襯 焔
.  瑚朱 覯 焔 Raspberry Pi    給
7. Over Clock : 700MHz 伎 CPU Clock 朱 覲蟆渚  給.
8. Advanced Options : Hostname 覲蟆, SSH on/off, SPI on/off, Audio
HDMI/3.5mm jack 煙 れ.
Reference : http://www.rasplay.org/?p=7736
- Write to the terminal -
$ sudo apt-get install ttf-unfonts-core
//first install hangul fonts
$ sudo apt-get install ibus-hangul
//next install ibus
Reference : http://kuroikuma.tistory.com/entry/%EB%9D%BC%EC%A6%88%EB%B2%A0%EB%A6%AC%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%B4-
1. 覦  ibus襯 壱企Ν 螻, 蠍磯蓋れ(Preferences)襯
2. ル逢 殊所係襴手骸 螳 蟲企ゼ 豢螳.
3. 磯碁 れ螻 螳 ロ.
$ sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard
//る慨 れ us kr襦 .
$ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
//讌 -蟲朱 れ伎.
$sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
//譟伎 碁 れ伎.
$sudo reboot

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Raspberry pi

  • 1. - kookmin university Doona Lee -
  • 2. We use Raspberry Pi 2 35dollar 讌襴 豐 貉危磯 覈 Raspberry Pi 蟲 Raspberry Pi 襷れ朱, 蟲 蠍一 貉危 螻狩 蟲′ 讀讌り鍵 襷 炎 覲企貉危一企. Reference : http://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%9D%BC%EC%A6%88%EB%B2%A0%EB%A6%AC_%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%B4#cite_note-6
  • 3. c : We must install OS for Raspberry Pi(Raspbian) in micro SD card. We need that three things. This is micro SD card and Adapter. Tool of transfer the IOS image to the SD card. This is IOS image.
  • 4. You can install Tool of transfer the IOS image to the SD card for window here : http://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/ You can install Raspbian IOS image here : https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/
  • 5. Select SD card here. Select IOS image here. 1. Execute the win32DiskImager. 2. Select IOS image and SD card. 3. Write image to SD card. After number2 click Write and Yes.
  • 6. , hdmi貅企, , 襷一/る慨usb, 覈, 殊觜 れ micro SD豺企螳 . 蠏碁手骸 螳 郁屋伎殊語. 螳 襷讌襷 郁屋伎殊語. microSD HDMI LAN USB
  • 7. 1. 覿 豐蠍 login id pi Password raspberry. 2. Shell startx襯 ロ語. 3. 朱 覿 襭る 豌 覯讌 覃伎 給. 1覯 Enter襯 襯願 Ok襯 . れ 豐蠍 2.7蠍郁襷 SD豺企 覈 蠍 . 4. 2覯 覃伎 觜覦覯碁ゼ 覲蟆 給. 5. れ 覲蟆 れ 谿曙 譬襭螻 覿 覃 覯讌 蠏碁手骸 螳 殊覯襴 豐蠍 覃伎 給.
  • 8. $ sudo raspi-config // Raspbian 蠍磯蓋 蟆 れ 覈轟. 1. Expand Filesystem : SD 豺企 豌伎 蟆 . 2. Change User Password : pi 螻 觜覦覯碁ゼ 覲蟆渚. 3. Enable Boot to Desktop/Scratch : 覿 覈轟 蟆曙 GUI Windows 蟆曙朱 . 4. Internationalisation Options : 語, る慨, Timezone 煙 れ . 5. Enable Camera : Raspberry Pi 豺企朱ゼ 襦 . 6. Add to Rastrack : rastrack 覯 譴 Raspberry Pi襯 焔 . 瑚朱 覯 焔 Raspberry Pi 給 . 7. Over Clock : 700MHz 伎 CPU Clock 朱 覲蟆渚 給. 8. Advanced Options : Hostname 覲蟆, SSH on/off, SPI on/off, Audio HDMI/3.5mm jack 煙 れ. Reference : http://www.rasplay.org/?p=7736
  • 9. - Write to the terminal - $ sudo apt-get install ttf-unfonts-core //first install hangul fonts $ sudo apt-get install ibus-hangul //next install ibus Reference : http://kuroikuma.tistory.com/entry/%EB%9D%BC%EC%A6%88%EB%B2%A0%EB%A6%AC%ED%8C%8C%EC%9D%B4- %ED%95%9C%EA%B8%80%EC%9E%85%EB%A0%A5
  • 10. 1. 覦 ibus襯 壱企Ν 螻, 蠍磯蓋れ(Preferences)襯 企Ν. 2. ル逢 殊所係襴手骸 螳 蟲企ゼ 豢螳. 3. 磯碁 れ螻 螳 ロ. $ sudo nano /etc/default/keyboard //る慨 れ us kr襦 . $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales //讌 -蟲朱 れ伎. $sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata //譟伎 碁 れ伎. $sudo reboot