
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
 I am a very fast learner in any environment and am an independent and diligent worker
who is very capable of working without supervision.
 Certified in BLS, ACLS, PALS, and NRP.
 Excellent people skills and strong problem-solving skills.
 Experience working with matters, which require strict confidentiality on a daily basis.
 Knowledge of Microsoft operating systems, Microsoft Office programs, and all basic office
Associate of Science December 2015
Darton State College
Respiratory Care
Anticipated completion: December 2015
Associates of Science, Cum Laude May 2011
Darton State College
General Studies
High School Diploma May 2008
Lee County High School
College Preparatory Diploma
Nanny, Woodstock, Georgia
 June 2011- August 2014
 Duties included nurturing and caring for children at the employers residence, taking care of
the emotional wellbeing of the children, bathing and dressing the infants and children, and
preparing snacks and bottles for infants and children.
The Tax Shop, Albany, Georgia
 Data Entry Clerk
 January 2011  May 2011 (temporary position)
 Duties included preparing tax forms, general administrative assistant duties, document
management, and computer entry.
Darton College, Albany, Georgia
 Student Administrative Assistant for Humanities Division
 January 2009  July 2010
 Duties included normal administrative taskssuch as document management,
correspondence, answering telephones, customer service, and classroom management
 Relay for Life, 2005-2007, 2015
 Darton State College Respiratory Therapy Club member, 2014-2015
 Phi Theta Kappa member, 2014
 Elected secretary for Darton State Colleges Respiratory Care class of 2015, 2014-2015
 Riverfront Run, 2014
 Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, NICU, 2008-2009, 62 hours
 Habitat for Humanity, 2004-2006

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  • 1. REBEKAH L. YOUNGBLOOD 248 SABLE TRACE DRIVE. ACWORTH, GA 30102 PHONE (229) 854-6620 REBEKAHLIGGET@YAHOO.COM PERSONAL PROFILE/CLINICAL EDUCATION EXPERIENCE I am a very fast learner in any environment and am an independent and diligent worker who is very capable of working without supervision. Certified in BLS, ACLS, PALS, and NRP. Excellent people skills and strong problem-solving skills. Experience working with matters, which require strict confidentiality on a daily basis. Knowledge of Microsoft operating systems, Microsoft Office programs, and all basic office equipment. EDUCATION Associate of Science December 2015 Darton State College Respiratory Care Anticipated completion: December 2015 Associates of Science, Cum Laude May 2011 Darton State College General Studies High School Diploma May 2008 Lee County High School College Preparatory Diploma PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS Nanny, Woodstock, Georgia June 2011- August 2014 Duties included nurturing and caring for children at the employers residence, taking care of the emotional wellbeing of the children, bathing and dressing the infants and children, and preparing snacks and bottles for infants and children. The Tax Shop, Albany, Georgia Data Entry Clerk January 2011 May 2011 (temporary position) Duties included preparing tax forms, general administrative assistant duties, document management, and computer entry. Darton College, Albany, Georgia Student Administrative Assistant for Humanities Division January 2009 July 2010
  • 2. Duties included normal administrative taskssuch as document management, correspondence, answering telephones, customer service, and classroom management assistance. COMMUNITY AND PROFESSIONAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES Relay for Life, 2005-2007, 2015 Darton State College Respiratory Therapy Club member, 2014-2015 Phi Theta Kappa member, 2014 Elected secretary for Darton State Colleges Respiratory Care class of 2015, 2014-2015 Riverfront Run, 2014 Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, NICU, 2008-2009, 62 hours Habitat for Humanity, 2004-2006