Cançoner tardor de la recepta de la mestra de músicamsubir34
This document is a collection of songs and poems about autumn in Catalan. It describes various aspects of fall such as gathering chestnuts, mushrooms, leaves falling from trees, and children playing outdoors. The poems celebrate the sights, sounds, and activities associated with the season of autumn in Catalonia.
This document contains a collection of activities for early childhood education during the 2020 confinement period in Catalonia. It includes over 30 pages of activities categorized by skill level and topic such as fine motor skills, math, logic, self-knowledge, and more. The activities provide directions and templates/worksheets for children to trace, color, cut, and paste. The introduction explains that the activities can be explored based on each child's individual pace and interests rather than strictly by age level.
The document appears to be a poem or rhyme in Catalan. It describes various nature objects including leaves dancing in the wind without stopping, acorns that bring fear causing everyone to flee instantly, a small snail like a hazelnut that is not an ox, chestnuts that are chocolate colored and explode with great fury when put in the oven, and a mushroom with a bed and hat that stands upright.
This document contains a list of 20 Spanish words in no particular order. The words cover a variety of categories including objects, animals, weather, body parts, and more. There is no other context provided about the purpose or meaning of this assorted list of terms.
This document contains a collection of activities for early childhood education during the 2020 confinement period in Catalonia. It includes over 30 pages of activities categorized by skill level and topic such as fine motor skills, math, logic, self-knowledge, and more. The activities provide directions and templates/worksheets for children to trace, color, cut, and paste. The introduction explains that the activities can be explored based on each child's individual pace and interests rather than strictly by age level.
The document appears to be a poem or rhyme in Catalan. It describes various nature objects including leaves dancing in the wind without stopping, acorns that bring fear causing everyone to flee instantly, a small snail like a hazelnut that is not an ox, chestnuts that are chocolate colored and explode with great fury when put in the oven, and a mushroom with a bed and hat that stands upright.
This document contains a list of 20 Spanish words in no particular order. The words cover a variety of categories including objects, animals, weather, body parts, and more. There is no other context provided about the purpose or meaning of this assorted list of terms.
This document contains a list of Spanish words in no particular order. Some of the words are common nouns like "casa" (house) and "mesa" (table). Others are verbs like "bebe" (drinks) or objects like "pelota" (ball). The list seems to include over 50 different words from across the Spanish language without any grouping or organization.
Sessió informativa (juliol de 2013) sobre l‘estudi realitzat al 2n cicle d’educació infantil en referència a l’ensenyament – aprenentatge de la lectoescriptura.
Este documento presenta varios principios didácticos como la normalización, vivencial, globalización, socialización, lúdico, individualización, actividad y creatividad. Explica cada uno de estos principios y cómo se aplican en el aula para favorecer el aprendizaje y desarrollo de los estudiantes.
This document appears to be an educational resource that presents Spanish words beginning with various letters of the alphabet. Each page features words starting with a different letter or combination of letters. The resource was created by Raquel Girau i Susana Soler, who are identified as P.T. teachers, likely meaning physical education teachers. The document exposes young learners to many common Spanish words through a visually engaging format with illustrations.
This document contains a series of multiplication problems with the answers provided to check the results. It includes 20 multiplication problems ranging from 2 x 0 to 5 x 8, with the numbers multiplied getting larger throughout. The purpose is to practice multiplication skills and verify the calculated answers.
The document discusses the minimum common multiple (MCM) and maximum common divisor (MCD) of two numbers. It provides examples of finding the MCM of 4 and 5, which is 20, and the MCD of 24 and 30, which is 6. To find the MCM, it lists the multiples of the two numbers and finds the smallest number that is a multiple of both. To find the MCD, it lists the divisors of the two numbers and finds the largest number that divides both.
The Roman cities were organized according to a grid plan with two main streets intersecting at the center, where there was a forum for political and commercial life. Cardo and decumanus were the names of the two main streets crossing each other at right angles. Public buildings such as temples, basilicas, baths, and theaters were located near the forum at the intersection of the cardo and decumanus.
The document discusses Roman cities and their urban planning. Roman cities had a standardized layout with main roads intersecting to form city blocks. Public spaces and buildings such as forums, temples, baths, and amphitheaters were located near the center of towns for all citizens to access. Roman urban design principles focused on functionality, order, and civic amenities which influenced city planning for centuries.
This document contains a list of Spanish words in no particular order. There is no other context or information provided about the meaning or usage of these words. The list includes common nouns from various semantic categories as well as verbs and other parts of speech.
This document contains a list of Spanish words in no particular order. There are over 100 words from different categories including objects, animals, family members, foods, activities, and more. The words range from common terms to more obscure vocabulary.
The document contains a series of short words that start with consonants followed by vowels, with some repetition. Many of the words resemble Spanish words but are likely gibberish when taken together without context. The high level information provided is minimal as the document just seems to be a list of nonsensical letter combinations.
This document asks what geometric shapes are represented by various objects and provides the options of sphere, cube, cylinder, prism, pyramid, and repeats those options. It seems to be asking the reader to identify geometric shapes and match them with the names provided.