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Definitionof Infidelity
According to the dictionary,infidelitymeans unfaithfulnessto
a sexual partner, and in layman terms this simply means that
your girlfriend / wife or your boyfriend/husband could be
cheating on you for someone else. No marriage, no matter
how rich, religious, political or powerful, is immune to the
threat of unfaithfulness, so say experts who give advice on
how to survive infidelity.
Infidelity in a marriage or in relationship is a bitter pill to
swallow. Not simply because we strive to make our
relationshipsthriveandsurvive inanall-challengingworld,but
because nobody, including you, can live along successfully
with this lie! Infidelityin relationshipcan happen to you!.
Relationship infidelity is cruel and shows no mercy to the one
left out in the cold. It doesnt really matter if you are married
or attached, it is a symbol of the worst destruction to your life
and soul which is yet to unleash to the unexciting you. This
cheating infidelity is a symbolic of having your deepest fears
and doubts exposed.
Do youknow thatthere was apollconductedto theAmericans
during the President Clintons intern scandal? These
infidelitystatistics obtainedwere somewhat shocking
22 percent of men and 14 percent of women admitted to
having sexual relations or infidelity adultery outside their
marriage sometime in the past.
About 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have
an affair at some point in some marriage, according to
Monogamy Myth, Therapist Peggy Vaugn.
5 percent of married men and 3 percent of married women
reported having sex with someone other than their spouse in
a sexual infidelitysurvey conducted on 1997.
17 percent divorces in the United States are caused by marital
Is your lover playingcheat on you at the time of reading this?
If you were to confront your lovers at point blank, it will
definitely jeopardize your current relationship. No matter
what sort of hardshipyouare facingnow suspecting yourlover
of relationshipinfidelity, there are often the smarter ways on
how you would determine your case to be true. Surely there
must be some ways to put your mind at ease for once and for
all if you suspect that your spouse is cheating you for another
How to catch a cheater
Here are the smart ways to detect signs of wife infidelity.
Remember, the future of your relationship could depend on
your abilityto spot the tell-tales signs in time.
Sudden good appearance:
First impressions alwayscount. Remember when the daysyou
met each other, you would normally go all out to dress up,
being sensitive to your attire/wardrobe, even your personal
grooming to that you would look nice in front of each other?
Well, the fact that these things do happento each if not most
of us, it is often the best tell-tales sign on whether your
partner is trying to impress or attract someone.
Is your partner treating you differently?
When your partner is involved with someone else, it is often
than not your partner will start to treat you differently from
how he/she used to. Evenon the subconsciouslevel,thiscould
be detrimental to your current relationship. Hence, it is easy
for you to pick up this alarming sign when the time comes.
A new mood of conversation?
Lets say yourwife used to talk about cooking andspend most
of her time in front of her cookery and gadgets, then suddenly
younotice asuddenswing of moodinher. Shenow talks about
grooming, talks about cars, or even start to dabble with wine
or alcohol which she never used to. Well, ask yourself, could
there be someone else who might be influencing her? Could
the stuff that she normally talks about, places that she
normally goes relate to the person shes hiding from you?
More overtime?
Lets face it. How many of us who are working for people
would rather stay in the office till wee hours than slouching
ourselves in front of the idiot box (TV)? Your partner would
normallydrives back home at close to 6 oclock in the evening.
Eventually at 7 oclock, 8.30 pm, 10 or even not going back
home? Hmmm..it is a well known understanding that your
lovers working habits will uncourtly change as her affair
unfolds. Be on the lookout for work-related tell tale signs.
No time! No time! No time!
Just asinfidelitycost yourpartner money,it may as wellended
upcausing yourloverstime. Remember that we are allgranted
by God only 24 hours a day. So its not surprising that your
partner would try to steal the time away from you just to be
with her lover.
Business traveling.
Travelling for business is the most common excuses for the
cheating lovers as well as being the best getaway from you.
Even if your lover really on business traveling, it is often the
best practice to afford a cheating lover a chance to literally
sway away from you.
Telephoneconversion behaviour
More often thannot, illicitaffairsoften take placethrough the
phone. Many foolish lovers take the risk of calling their
partners at home or having their partners call them at home.
Much to my surprise, many husbands ended up discovering
their partners infidelity either directly or indirectly by the
Your dwindlingsex life
Lets face it. The moment your partner goes after her secret
lover, do you think she might be interest in you? What more
in having sex with you? God knows how attractive the secret
lover to her. So its crucial for you to be on alert for any type
of changes or frequency of your sex life together.
Smell like an animal!
Each person has his or her own unique smell or taste. At first,
you might not notice it, but when the time comes, you would
feel completelydifferent smell or taste. Remember that every
lovers out there would do anything to make their first
impression better? It could be their bodily smell or cologne
which may attract to each other which is the reason behind
the change of smell. Friendlyadvice, be on close guard. Thisis
a warning sign for you.
Invasion of your home:
Its quite common for yourpartner to end up with her lover in
your home. When this happens, pay close attention to all the
items or belongingswhich were left behind. Scour and collect
these crucial evidence in everywhere in your house that you
could possible imagine.
Gifts but not from you?
At times you wouldend up findinga gifts which were not from
you. Look out for these tell-tales signs especially near
Valentines day or Christmas. If they are not from you, then
who else?
Email usage
What does it tell you that all of a sudden you see your partner
having an interest in using the computer? What else does this
indicate when shes using more emails than she is talking to
you? Chances are thismay as well indicatethe involvementof
her onlineor cyber affair. Dont take thislightly as most of the
time these affairs can be detrimental to your marriage.
Emotional attachment can be extremely strong, and could
progress from cyberspace to physicalreality.
Sudden spike of headphonebills.
With the advent of technology advancement in
telecommunications, its no wonder that life has been easier
for both you and yourpartner to communicate at any point of
time. But beware, this could also be a great opportunity for
your partner to stay in touch of her secret lover.
The physicalevidence waiting to be found.
Most of the time the physical evidence indication of your
lovers secret life can be easily found in front of your eyes.
When your partner is not available, check her handbags, her
wastepaper basket, her filling cabinets, drawers, or any other
sort of place you could think of. Keep your eyes open. With
luck, you couldfind yourself a new sets of physicalevidenceof
infidelityyou can find.
How would your partner behave in front of others?
Studies and reports have indicated that most men will likely
haveanaffairwith someonehe alreadyknows,either from the
women he normally comes in contact with, or even business
associates. Try to be observant, as at times your partner may
behave strangely in front of these people.
*You havepermission to publishthisarticlein yourezine or on
your website, free of charge, as long as the by-lines are
included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be
Link: bit.ly/3x8Zxjt
Link: bit.ly/3jwKzQc

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  • 1. RELATIONSHIP Definitionof Infidelity According to the dictionary,infidelitymeans unfaithfulnessto a sexual partner, and in layman terms this simply means that your girlfriend / wife or your boyfriend/husband could be cheating on you for someone else. No marriage, no matter how rich, religious, political or powerful, is immune to the threat of unfaithfulness, so say experts who give advice on how to survive infidelity. RelationshipInfidelity Infidelity in a marriage or in relationship is a bitter pill to swallow. Not simply because we strive to make our relationshipsthriveandsurvive inanall-challengingworld,but because nobody, including you, can live along successfully with this lie! Infidelityin relationshipcan happen to you!. Relationship infidelity is cruel and shows no mercy to the one left out in the cold. It doesnt really matter if you are married or attached, it is a symbol of the worst destruction to your life and soul which is yet to unleash to the unexciting you. This cheating infidelity is a symbolic of having your deepest fears and doubts exposed.
  • 2. Do youknow thatthere was apollconductedto theAmericans during the President Clintons intern scandal? These infidelitystatistics obtainedwere somewhat shocking 22 percent of men and 14 percent of women admitted to having sexual relations or infidelity adultery outside their marriage sometime in the past. About 60 percent of men and 40 percent of women will have an affair at some point in some marriage, according to Monogamy Myth, Therapist Peggy Vaugn. 5 percent of married men and 3 percent of married women reported having sex with someone other than their spouse in a sexual infidelitysurvey conducted on 1997. 17 percent divorces in the United States are caused by marital infidelity. Is your lover playingcheat on you at the time of reading this? If you were to confront your lovers at point blank, it will definitely jeopardize your current relationship. No matter what sort of hardshipyouare facingnow suspecting yourlover of relationshipinfidelity, there are often the smarter ways on
  • 3. how you would determine your case to be true. Surely there must be some ways to put your mind at ease for once and for all if you suspect that your spouse is cheating you for another man. How to catch a cheater Here are the smart ways to detect signs of wife infidelity. Remember, the future of your relationship could depend on your abilityto spot the tell-tales signs in time. Sudden good appearance: First impressions alwayscount. Remember when the daysyou met each other, you would normally go all out to dress up, being sensitive to your attire/wardrobe, even your personal grooming to that you would look nice in front of each other? Well, the fact that these things do happento each if not most of us, it is often the best tell-tales sign on whether your partner is trying to impress or attract someone. Is your partner treating you differently? When your partner is involved with someone else, it is often than not your partner will start to treat you differently from
  • 4. how he/she used to. Evenon the subconsciouslevel,thiscould be detrimental to your current relationship. Hence, it is easy for you to pick up this alarming sign when the time comes. A new mood of conversation? Lets say yourwife used to talk about cooking andspend most of her time in front of her cookery and gadgets, then suddenly younotice asuddenswing of moodinher. Shenow talks about grooming, talks about cars, or even start to dabble with wine or alcohol which she never used to. Well, ask yourself, could there be someone else who might be influencing her? Could the stuff that she normally talks about, places that she normally goes relate to the person shes hiding from you? More overtime? Lets face it. How many of us who are working for people would rather stay in the office till wee hours than slouching ourselves in front of the idiot box (TV)? Your partner would normallydrives back home at close to 6 oclock in the evening. Eventually at 7 oclock, 8.30 pm, 10 or even not going back home? Hmmm..it is a well known understanding that your lovers working habits will uncourtly change as her affair unfolds. Be on the lookout for work-related tell tale signs.
  • 5. No time! No time! No time! Just asinfidelitycost yourpartner money,it may as wellended upcausing yourloverstime. Remember that we are allgranted by God only 24 hours a day. So its not surprising that your partner would try to steal the time away from you just to be with her lover. Business traveling. Travelling for business is the most common excuses for the cheating lovers as well as being the best getaway from you. Even if your lover really on business traveling, it is often the best practice to afford a cheating lover a chance to literally sway away from you. Telephoneconversion behaviour More often thannot, illicitaffairsoften take placethrough the phone. Many foolish lovers take the risk of calling their partners at home or having their partners call them at home. Much to my surprise, many husbands ended up discovering their partners infidelity either directly or indirectly by the telephone.
  • 6. Your dwindlingsex life Lets face it. The moment your partner goes after her secret lover, do you think she might be interest in you? What more in having sex with you? God knows how attractive the secret lover to her. So its crucial for you to be on alert for any type of changes or frequency of your sex life together. Smell like an animal! Each person has his or her own unique smell or taste. At first, you might not notice it, but when the time comes, you would feel completelydifferent smell or taste. Remember that every lovers out there would do anything to make their first impression better? It could be their bodily smell or cologne which may attract to each other which is the reason behind the change of smell. Friendlyadvice, be on close guard. Thisis a warning sign for you. Invasion of your home: Its quite common for yourpartner to end up with her lover in your home. When this happens, pay close attention to all the items or belongingswhich were left behind. Scour and collect these crucial evidence in everywhere in your house that you could possible imagine.
  • 7. Gifts but not from you? At times you wouldend up findinga gifts which were not from you. Look out for these tell-tales signs especially near Valentines day or Christmas. If they are not from you, then who else? Email usage What does it tell you that all of a sudden you see your partner having an interest in using the computer? What else does this indicate when shes using more emails than she is talking to you? Chances are thismay as well indicatethe involvementof her onlineor cyber affair. Dont take thislightly as most of the time these affairs can be detrimental to your marriage. Emotional attachment can be extremely strong, and could progress from cyberspace to physicalreality. Sudden spike of headphonebills. With the advent of technology advancement in telecommunications, its no wonder that life has been easier for both you and yourpartner to communicate at any point of
  • 8. time. But beware, this could also be a great opportunity for your partner to stay in touch of her secret lover. The physicalevidence waiting to be found. Most of the time the physical evidence indication of your lovers secret life can be easily found in front of your eyes. When your partner is not available, check her handbags, her wastepaper basket, her filling cabinets, drawers, or any other sort of place you could think of. Keep your eyes open. With luck, you couldfind yourself a new sets of physicalevidenceof infidelityyou can find. How would your partner behave in front of others? Studies and reports have indicated that most men will likely haveanaffairwith someonehe alreadyknows,either from the women he normally comes in contact with, or even business associates. Try to be observant, as at times your partner may behave strangely in front of these people. *You havepermission to publishthisarticlein yourezine or on your website, free of charge, as long as the by-lines are included. A courtesy copy of your publication would be appreciated.