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Why do some men get friend-zoned all the time while others never struggle with ending up as 'just' a friend? In this presentation, dating coach Kristina Krilova shares her insights on what causes men to get friendzoned and what to do about it.
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Why Nice Guys Get Friendzoned
1. Why Do Nice Guys Get
4. This week, I want to explain why
some men get friend-zoned all
the time while others never even
come close to it.
5. To understand why guys get
friend zoned, we need to look at
female attraction and how many
men believe it works.
6. Lets take a friend-zone related
example to illustrate it.
7. Many guys think that actively doing
nice stuff for her, like helping her
move, will eventually make her like
them more.
8. This is their logic:
Im nice to her > She likes me > She
sees how great I am > She falls in love
9. But this is what actually happens:
Youre nice to her > She likes you > She
sees how great you are > She is glad to have
found such an awesome FRIEND
10. Think about it: Have you ever felt the butter
ies in your stomach
just because someone did something nice for you? My bet is
only if you found that person attractive in the
rst place.
11. L E S S O N # 1
Falling in love is an emotional
process, not a logical one.
More nice does not equal
more desirable.
13. Most women, like most men, enjoy being around people
who are nice to them.
14. And a smart, funny guy who cares about her and is
around whenever she needs him is a perfect companion.
15. So while she believes to have found a
friend, he believes shell eventually fall for
him if he only sticks around long enough
and proves that hes worthy of her.
16. Finally I found a guy
who wants to be just
Shes so
damn hot!!!
17. L E S S O N # 2
If you present yourself as a
friend, she will perceive you
as one.
18. And this is exactly where many nice
guys go wrong.
19. They stay in a pretend-friendship where
they are unable to state their true
31. After all this you gotta spark
emotion talk you probably wonder
how one does just that.
32. One of the best ways to trigger
emotion is through being
You cannot be an attractive and life-changing
presence to some women without being a joke
or an embarrassment to others. You simply
cant. You have to be controversial. You have
to polarize. Its the name of the game.