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Preliminary task
Research & Analysis
Research, Analysis & Target
As part of my research and analysis I have handed out 10 questionnaires which
have asked 7 different questions which will allow me to make critical decisions
when producing my magazine cover. Also the questionnaires I have handed out will
give me an insight into what the youngsters of today would want in a college
magazine, and different ways in which I could meet their needs. Because I am
aiming to provide the magazine for young people I would want to include what they
would want in a college magazine. Due to the magazine cover I am making being
targeted at A’ level students, I would expect them to reply to the questionnaire with
appropriate answers which will determine what I will include in my magazine cover
for a school magazine.

The target audience for my magazine cover are students who attend sixth form from
the ages of 16 to 18. As it is for students of this age, I should make sure that I
present my cover in an appropriate way. Pictures which relate to sixth form should
be included in the front cover which would make sure that the magazine cover is
effective for its purpose. The questionnaire I have handed out will help me to make
the correct decisions when producing my magazine cover.
This is the questionnaire
which I handed out to 10
people which consists of 7
questions as you can see.
From my results, the
majority of students
questioned were male with
only one female; 6 people
were aged 16 and 4, 17.
40% of them actually said
yes to buying magazines,
50% said they would pay
85p -£1, 40% said £1-£150,
and only 10% said they
would pay £1.50+. Most
topics that were mentioned
as being popular contents
were sports and information
about school. The popular
colours commented upon
were blue, and the school
colours which are white
blue yellow etc. For the last
question, 70% of the people
said yes to buying a
magazine and 30% no.
Research & Analysis
What topics would you want in   How much would you pay for a
a school magazine?              school magazine?

Do you buy magazines?           Would you consider buying a
                                school magazine?
An example of a school magazine from http://www.fearns.lancs.sch.uk/getfile.php?src=/slideshow/research-analysis-15317541/15317541/919/newsletter_summer10.pdf

 From looking at other                                                                         The colours mainly
 magazine covers I                                                                             match the school logo
 can take what's good                                                                          which is ideal for a
 about it and make                                                                             school magazine, it
 that even better on                                                                           sticks to its real colours
 my cover                                                                                      rather than journeying
                                                                                               elsewhere finding
 The image in the                                                                              different ones.
 middle is clear for
 people to see what                                                                            The thing which makes
 the main topic within                                                                         a magazine cover a hit
 the magazine could                                                                            is the picture on the
 be about.                                                                                     front cover. It is
Ways to make my                                                                                important that I select
magazine cover up to this                                                                      an ideal picture for the
standard or even better                                                                        topic.
would be, to make sure I
have the essentials, issue,                                                                    All the basic things
date, name etc. I would                                                                        have been included in
also need to have colours                                                                      this cover which are
which match the school                                                                         needed. What issue it
colours for it to be classed                                                                   is, what's actually in the
as a ‘school’ magazine.                                                                        article, and really the
                                                                                               essentials to a
 The cover has a                                                                               magazine cover.
 strap line right under
 the title.
                                                                                               A brief and snappy
 Her facial                                                                                    piece of wording which
 expressions are                                                                               supports the genre of
 looking as if she is                                                                          the magazine cover.
 enjoying school life.

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Research & analysis

  • 2. Research, Analysis & Target Audience As part of my research and analysis I have handed out 10 questionnaires which have asked 7 different questions which will allow me to make critical decisions when producing my magazine cover. Also the questionnaires I have handed out will give me an insight into what the youngsters of today would want in a college magazine, and different ways in which I could meet their needs. Because I am aiming to provide the magazine for young people I would want to include what they would want in a college magazine. Due to the magazine cover I am making being targeted at A’ level students, I would expect them to reply to the questionnaire with appropriate answers which will determine what I will include in my magazine cover for a school magazine. The target audience for my magazine cover are students who attend sixth form from the ages of 16 to 18. As it is for students of this age, I should make sure that I present my cover in an appropriate way. Pictures which relate to sixth form should be included in the front cover which would make sure that the magazine cover is effective for its purpose. The questionnaire I have handed out will help me to make the correct decisions when producing my magazine cover.
  • 3. This is the questionnaire which I handed out to 10 people which consists of 7 questions as you can see. From my results, the majority of students questioned were male with only one female; 6 people were aged 16 and 4, 17. 40% of them actually said yes to buying magazines, 50% said they would pay 85p -£1, 40% said £1-£150, and only 10% said they would pay £1.50+. Most topics that were mentioned as being popular contents were sports and information about school. The popular colours commented upon were blue, and the school colours which are white blue yellow etc. For the last question, 70% of the people said yes to buying a magazine and 30% no.
  • 4. Research & Analysis What topics would you want in How much would you pay for a a school magazine? school magazine? Do you buy magazines? Would you consider buying a school magazine?
  • 5. An example of a school magazine from http://www.fearns.lancs.sch.uk/getfile.php?src=/slideshow/research-analysis-15317541/15317541/919/newsletter_summer10.pdf From looking at other The colours mainly magazine covers I match the school logo can take what's good which is ideal for a about it and make school magazine, it that even better on sticks to its real colours my cover rather than journeying elsewhere finding The image in the different ones. middle is clear for people to see what The thing which makes the main topic within a magazine cover a hit the magazine could is the picture on the be about. front cover. It is Ways to make my important that I select magazine cover up to this an ideal picture for the standard or even better topic. would be, to make sure I have the essentials, issue, All the basic things date, name etc. I would have been included in also need to have colours this cover which are which match the school needed. What issue it colours for it to be classed is, what's actually in the as a ‘school’ magazine. article, and really the essentials to a The cover has a magazine cover. strap line right under the title. A brief and snappy Her facial piece of wording which expressions are supports the genre of looking as if she is the magazine cover. enjoying school life.