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E Mail: dhprasad.ind@gmail.com Contact: +91 9100179379
Professional Overview
 A competent professional with over 7+ years of rich experience in Corporate Sales , Channel sales & Direct Sales, Relationship
Management & Team Management.
 CCNA, MCSE certified at foundation level
 Presently working with Profound Computer Services Pvt. Ltd as Key Account Manager
 Business focus for all IT related Hardware & Networking product sales (System integration)
 Product like laptops, desktops, headsets, switches, routers, antivirus, firewalls etc..
 Handling key accounts of Microsoft, Google India, Deloitte, Franklin Templeton,Oracle, Amazon, Fact set, C3I etc
 Deft in handling overall functioning of Sales & Business Development processes
 Proficient in managing & leading teams for running successful Sales operations & experience of developing new clients, service
standards for business excellence.
 Possess excellent interpersonal, communication & organizational skills with proven abilities in team management, customer
relationship management.
Areas of Expertise
Operations Management
 Framing work direction and plan for the associates after thorough assessment of their capabilities.
 Preparing & presenting various weekly/monthly Sales reports pertaining to productivity.
Customer Relationship Management
 Mapping Key clients, identifying improvement areas & implementing measures to maximize client satisfaction levels.
 Ensuring continuous interaction with the customer to make sure that area of concern can be worked upon for improved Sales
& service levels.
Team Management
 Leading, mentoring & monitoring the performance of team members to ensure efficiency in process operations and meeting of
individual & group targets.
 Set goals for the team and communicate goals  Review.
 Hold one-on-one meetings with team members and give feedback to the team members.
 Conduct annual performance review.
 Sanction leave-providing infrastructure to all team members.
 Proactively resolve people issues and ensure that attrition is well below the defined target.
Client management
 Communicate with the client on a regular basis to discuss Sales & Service issues to resolve with in targeted time.
 Attend customer calls and meetings, pro-actively flag issues that may potentially impact the business.
 Pro-actively identify opportunities for additional business with adding new customer.
Quality Management
 Maintaining quality standards for Delivery the materials in committed time frame, getting payments in time, updating new
products & demos.
 Preparing periodic weekly & monthly reports .
 Best performer award for the period Feb 13 to April 14 by , Sales Director of True Blue Voice India Pvt Ltd.
 Received appreciation from Operation Manager (South) for escalation on time management
 Successfully devised an action plan for reaching weekly & monthly targets.
 significant role in increasing the business revenue
Engagement Overview
Organization Name Profound Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Start Date April 2015
Clients Plantronics, Lenovo (System Integration) End Date Till date
Project Location India Team Size handled 3
Role /Responsibilities
Business Development
 Daily meetings with all the Key Accounts & channels partners
 To work with engagement leadership to mitigate client concerns through use of product and
business knowledge.
 Accountable for effective and consistent communication of new product updates and regular
updates to the clients.
 Driving existing clients & new clients various line of business to ensure effective update
 Was responsible for the delivery of resource levels and forecast hours, achieving both planned
and unplanned absence targets and keep attrition level at the minimum.
 Identified & addressed training needs of team on an on-going basis & prepared Daily/Weekly
reports & Team Productivity Report.
 Performance management (Bottom Quartile Management) and cascading of performance
 Conflict resolution, Employee motivation and engagement.
 Analyze the team performance results and implement improvements.
 Publishing Day-end production reports to the Sales managers.
Organization Name True Blue Voice India Pvt Ltd. Start Date Feb 2013
Client Plantronics End Date March 2015
Project Location India Team Size handled 3
Role /Responsibilities
Key Account Manager
 Daily meetings with all the Key Accounts & channels partners
 To work with engagement leadership to mitigate client concerns through use of product and
business knowledge.
 Accountable for effective and consistent communication of new product updates and regular
updates to the clients.
 Driving existing clients & new clients various line of business to ensure effective update
 Was responsible for the delivery of resource levels and forecast hours, achieving both planned
and unplanned absence targets and keep attrition level at the minimum.
 Identified & addressed training needs of team on an on-going basis & prepared Daily/Weekly
reports & Team Productivity Report.
 Performance management (Bottom Quartile Management) and cascading of performance
 Conflict resolution, Employee motivation and engagement.
 Analyze the team performance results and implement improvements.
 Publishing Day-end production reports to the Sales managers.
Organization Name Tata Communications Internet Services Limited Start Date June 2009
Client ISP & Broadband & leased Lines End Date Jan 2013
Project Location India Team Size handled 8
Role /Responsibilities
Team Leader
 Sales through SMEs & corporate customers
 Products are internet broadband connections & leased lines
 To work with engagement leadership to mitigate client concerns through use of product and
business knowledge and prowess in building client rapport.
 Accountable for effective and consistent communication of new plans & tariff updates and
regular updates to the team members.
 Was responsible for the delivery of resource levels and forecast hours, achieving both planned
and unplanned absence targets and keep attrition level at the minimum.
 Conflict resolution, Employee motivation and engagement.
 Publishing Day-end production reports to the Sales managers.
Master of Business Administration (IT)
Sikkim Manipal University (Distance Education)
Personal info
Date of Birth: March 19th 1982
Marital status: Married
Residential address: No:4-136/2/A
RoadNo-8, Pragathinagar,
Moosapet, Hyderabad- 500018.

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  • 1. D.Harichandraprasad E Mail: dhprasad.ind@gmail.com Contact: +91 9100179379 Professional Overview A competent professional with over 7+ years of rich experience in Corporate Sales , Channel sales & Direct Sales, Relationship Management & Team Management. CCNA, MCSE certified at foundation level Presently working with Profound Computer Services Pvt. Ltd as Key Account Manager Business focus for all IT related Hardware & Networking product sales (System integration) Product like laptops, desktops, headsets, switches, routers, antivirus, firewalls etc.. Handling key accounts of Microsoft, Google India, Deloitte, Franklin Templeton,Oracle, Amazon, Fact set, C3I etc Deft in handling overall functioning of Sales & Business Development processes Proficient in managing & leading teams for running successful Sales operations & experience of developing new clients, service standards for business excellence. Possess excellent interpersonal, communication & organizational skills with proven abilities in team management, customer relationship management. Areas of Expertise Operations Management Framing work direction and plan for the associates after thorough assessment of their capabilities. Preparing & presenting various weekly/monthly Sales reports pertaining to productivity. Customer Relationship Management Mapping Key clients, identifying improvement areas & implementing measures to maximize client satisfaction levels. Ensuring continuous interaction with the customer to make sure that area of concern can be worked upon for improved Sales & service levels. Team Management Leading, mentoring & monitoring the performance of team members to ensure efficiency in process operations and meeting of individual & group targets. Set goals for the team and communicate goals Review. Hold one-on-one meetings with team members and give feedback to the team members. Conduct annual performance review. Sanction leave-providing infrastructure to all team members. Proactively resolve people issues and ensure that attrition is well below the defined target. Client management Communicate with the client on a regular basis to discuss Sales & Service issues to resolve with in targeted time. Attend customer calls and meetings, pro-actively flag issues that may potentially impact the business. Pro-actively identify opportunities for additional business with adding new customer. Quality Management Maintaining quality standards for Delivery the materials in committed time frame, getting payments in time, updating new products & demos. Preparing periodic weekly & monthly reports . Attainments: Best performer award for the period Feb 13 to April 14 by , Sales Director of True Blue Voice India Pvt Ltd. Received appreciation from Operation Manager (South) for escalation on time management
  • 2. Successfully devised an action plan for reaching weekly & monthly targets. significant role in increasing the business revenue Engagement Overview Organization Name Profound Computer Services Pvt. Ltd. Start Date April 2015 Clients Plantronics, Lenovo (System Integration) End Date Till date Project Location India Team Size handled 3 Role /Responsibilities Business Development Daily meetings with all the Key Accounts & channels partners To work with engagement leadership to mitigate client concerns through use of product and business knowledge. Accountable for effective and consistent communication of new product updates and regular updates to the clients. Driving existing clients & new clients various line of business to ensure effective update percolation. Was responsible for the delivery of resource levels and forecast hours, achieving both planned and unplanned absence targets and keep attrition level at the minimum. Identified & addressed training needs of team on an on-going basis & prepared Daily/Weekly reports & Team Productivity Report. Performance management (Bottom Quartile Management) and cascading of performance reports Conflict resolution, Employee motivation and engagement. Analyze the team performance results and implement improvements. Publishing Day-end production reports to the Sales managers. Organization Name True Blue Voice India Pvt Ltd. Start Date Feb 2013 Client Plantronics End Date March 2015 Project Location India Team Size handled 3 Role /Responsibilities Key Account Manager Daily meetings with all the Key Accounts & channels partners To work with engagement leadership to mitigate client concerns through use of product and business knowledge. Accountable for effective and consistent communication of new product updates and regular updates to the clients. Driving existing clients & new clients various line of business to ensure effective update percolation. Was responsible for the delivery of resource levels and forecast hours, achieving both planned and unplanned absence targets and keep attrition level at the minimum. Identified & addressed training needs of team on an on-going basis & prepared Daily/Weekly reports & Team Productivity Report. Performance management (Bottom Quartile Management) and cascading of performance reports Conflict resolution, Employee motivation and engagement. Analyze the team performance results and implement improvements.
  • 3. Publishing Day-end production reports to the Sales managers. Organization Name Tata Communications Internet Services Limited Start Date June 2009 Client ISP & Broadband & leased Lines End Date Jan 2013 Project Location India Team Size handled 8 Role /Responsibilities Team Leader Sales through SMEs & corporate customers Products are internet broadband connections & leased lines To work with engagement leadership to mitigate client concerns through use of product and business knowledge and prowess in building client rapport. Accountable for effective and consistent communication of new plans & tariff updates and regular updates to the team members. Was responsible for the delivery of resource levels and forecast hours, achieving both planned and unplanned absence targets and keep attrition level at the minimum. Conflict resolution, Employee motivation and engagement. Publishing Day-end production reports to the Sales managers. Education: Master of Business Administration (IT) Sikkim Manipal University (Distance Education) Personal info Date of Birth: March 19th 1982 Marital status: Married Residential address: No:4-136/2/A RoadNo-8, Pragathinagar, Moosapet, Hyderabad- 500018.