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Dan Jones
150 Highland Ave  Bellville, Ohio  ideasforteachers@yahoo.com  419-565-3960
Middle School English/ Language Arts and Social Studies
Intuitive teacher inspiring high productivity levels: repeated success guiding students through curriculum as well as on
the Ohio Achievement Assessment. Establish, build, and maintain productive relationships with external agencies to
incorporate a connection between the classroom and the community. Strong interpersonal and communication skills:
proactively convey learning goals to students, parents, and team.
Core Competencies
- Common Core Standards - Multiple Intelligences - Differentiation
- Team Building - High Student Engagement - Student Proficiency
- Distance Learning - Project Based Instruction - Flipped Classroom
Professional Experience
Richland Academy School of Excellence
6th, 7th, 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher and 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher 08/11- Present
Responsibilities include ensuring that all Common Core Content Standards are taught and mastered by all students.
Innovative leadership and people skills to inspire exceptional performance from both staff and students. Maximize test
results on the Ohio Achievement Assessment. Maintain student focused in planning lessons. Create an energetic
classroom that delivers curriculum in an experiential manner to boost retention of students. Engage and inspire students
through the use of technology and authentic learning experiences.
Selected Contributions:
 Teamed with the middle school staff to develop integrated Language Arts units that involved multiple
learning intelligences
 Selected to be part of an LPDC team
 Assisted in the hiring of staff
 Developed individualized learning plans to improve student achievement in the classroom
 Provided students with engaging learning opportunities to stimulate their interests in content
 Integrated Language Arts standards into the Social Studies curriculum to maximizes my classroom
 Built relationships with the National Archives, U.S. Capitol, and The White House Historical Association to
create authentic learning experiences for my students
Discovery School
6th ,7th ,8th Grade Social Studies Teacher and 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher 08/08-08/11
Responsibilities included the mapping out of content standards for Social Studies and English/ Language Arts. Maintain
consistent communication with parents, students, and staff. Lead staff development in technology. Plan middle school
field trips to out of state destinations. Create lessons that engages students multiple learning styles. Look at end results
and design a course of action to ensure success. Organize events that were family focused as support for out of state
Selected Contributions:
 Mapped current curriculum for middle school social studies and language arts.
 Actively integrated technology as a teaching tool to enhance and enrich curriculum.
 Wrote a grant to Connections for a social studies enrichment program.
 Helped design RTIs, 504s, and IEPs for students.
 Created themed interdisciplinary units that reached across multiple grade levels.
 Planned and implemented fund-raising activities.
Bucyrus Middle School
7th Grade English Teacher 08/07-07/08
Responsibilities included improving test scores in the area of writing. Integrating the terms used in the high school into
the 7
grade curriculum. Coordinate lessons with other teachers on the 7
grade team to ensure the success of the
students. Team teach with the Intervention Specialist to ensure that students on IEPs had their needs met within an
inclusion setting
 Students achieved an 85% on the Ohio Achievement Assessment
 Integrated subject matter from the 7th grade social studies curriculum into the English standards set
forth by the state.
 Coordinated lessons with teachers who were on the 7th grade team
 Tutored students after school in an OAT Preparation Class
 Worked closely with the Intervention Specialist to develop lessons that were appropriate for students on
an IEP
Dan Jones Professional ExperienceContinued
Bucyrus High School 08/05-06/07
Intervention Specialist, English I teacher, Reading teacher
Responsibilities included providing special education services to 25 students, as well as writing IEPs for each student to
ensure compliance with state regulations. Teaching the Ohio State Content Standards to freshman using engaging
strategies to boost retention. Moving students from At-risk to proficient in the area of Reading fluency.
 Generated both short term and long term goals for students and monitored their progress
 Reviewed and implemented state standards
 Utilized technology to enhance the presentation of materials
 Organized material to be introduced into concise units that could be easily understood
 Outlined clear guidelines of performance and expectations for students of diverse ethnic, economic,
and educational backgrounds
 Designed and researched materials and courses of study to be presented to both team members and
 Achieved both personal and mandated goals and deadlines
American College of Education  Indianapolis, IN Expected Graduation December 2015
Master of Education, Curriculum and Instruction
Specialization, Digital Learning and Teaching
Ashland University  Ashland, OH Graduated December 2003
Bachelor of Science, Middle School Education
Specialization, Social Studies and Language Arts/ English
The Ohio State University  Columbus, OH Graduated June 2000
Bachelor of Arts, Communication Studies
Professional Development
 Spoke at the National Middle School Conference in Louisville, KY on the use of technology in the
classroom (November 2011)
 Spoke at the Ohio Middle School Association Conference on the use of technology in the classroom
(February 2011)
 Advisor to Fords Theater, Washington, D.C. for the Integration of Technology into the Classroom
Project (March 2011)
 Guest blogger for Edutopia.com. Edutopia is George Lucas website that is dedicated to encouraging
teachers to incorporate the arts as well as technology into more core content curriculum (June 2011)
 Presented at the Ohio Alliance of Public Charter Schools Conference on the Flipped Classroom and
Project Based Learning (October 2014)
 Initiated and helped develop distance learning opportunities with the National Archives, The U.S.
Capitol, and The White House Historical Association (November 2014- January 2015)
 Presented at the Ohio Middle Level Association Conference on the Flipped Classroom and Project
Based Learning (February 2015)

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Resume 2014

  • 1. Dan Jones 150 Highland Ave Bellville, Ohio ideasforteachers@yahoo.com 419-565-3960 Middle School English/ Language Arts and Social Studies Intuitive teacher inspiring high productivity levels: repeated success guiding students through curriculum as well as on the Ohio Achievement Assessment. Establish, build, and maintain productive relationships with external agencies to incorporate a connection between the classroom and the community. Strong interpersonal and communication skills: proactively convey learning goals to students, parents, and team. Core Competencies - Common Core Standards - Multiple Intelligences - Differentiation - Team Building - High Student Engagement - Student Proficiency - Distance Learning - Project Based Instruction - Flipped Classroom Professional Experience Richland Academy School of Excellence 6th, 7th, 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher and 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher 08/11- Present Responsibilities include ensuring that all Common Core Content Standards are taught and mastered by all students. Innovative leadership and people skills to inspire exceptional performance from both staff and students. Maximize test results on the Ohio Achievement Assessment. Maintain student focused in planning lessons. Create an energetic classroom that delivers curriculum in an experiential manner to boost retention of students. Engage and inspire students through the use of technology and authentic learning experiences. Selected Contributions: Teamed with the middle school staff to develop integrated Language Arts units that involved multiple learning intelligences Selected to be part of an LPDC team Assisted in the hiring of staff Developed individualized learning plans to improve student achievement in the classroom Provided students with engaging learning opportunities to stimulate their interests in content Integrated Language Arts standards into the Social Studies curriculum to maximizes my classroom effectiveness Built relationships with the National Archives, U.S. Capitol, and The White House Historical Association to create authentic learning experiences for my students Discovery School 6th ,7th ,8th Grade Social Studies Teacher and 8th Grade Language Arts Teacher 08/08-08/11 Responsibilities included the mapping out of content standards for Social Studies and English/ Language Arts. Maintain consistent communication with parents, students, and staff. Lead staff development in technology. Plan middle school field trips to out of state destinations. Create lessons that engages students multiple learning styles. Look at end results and design a course of action to ensure success. Organize events that were family focused as support for out of state trips. Selected Contributions: Mapped current curriculum for middle school social studies and language arts. Actively integrated technology as a teaching tool to enhance and enrich curriculum. Wrote a grant to Connections for a social studies enrichment program. Helped design RTIs, 504s, and IEPs for students. Created themed interdisciplinary units that reached across multiple grade levels. Planned and implemented fund-raising activities. Bucyrus Middle School 7th Grade English Teacher 08/07-07/08 Responsibilities included improving test scores in the area of writing. Integrating the terms used in the high school into the 7 th grade curriculum. Coordinate lessons with other teachers on the 7 th grade team to ensure the success of the students. Team teach with the Intervention Specialist to ensure that students on IEPs had their needs met within an inclusion setting Students achieved an 85% on the Ohio Achievement Assessment Integrated subject matter from the 7th grade social studies curriculum into the English standards set forth by the state. Coordinated lessons with teachers who were on the 7th grade team Tutored students after school in an OAT Preparation Class Worked closely with the Intervention Specialist to develop lessons that were appropriate for students on an IEP
  • 2. Dan Jones Professional ExperienceContinued Bucyrus High School 08/05-06/07 Intervention Specialist, English I teacher, Reading teacher Responsibilities included providing special education services to 25 students, as well as writing IEPs for each student to ensure compliance with state regulations. Teaching the Ohio State Content Standards to freshman using engaging strategies to boost retention. Moving students from At-risk to proficient in the area of Reading fluency. Generated both short term and long term goals for students and monitored their progress Reviewed and implemented state standards Utilized technology to enhance the presentation of materials Organized material to be introduced into concise units that could be easily understood Outlined clear guidelines of performance and expectations for students of diverse ethnic, economic, and educational backgrounds Designed and researched materials and courses of study to be presented to both team members and students Achieved both personal and mandated goals and deadlines Education American College of Education Indianapolis, IN Expected Graduation December 2015 Master of Education, Curriculum and Instruction Specialization, Digital Learning and Teaching Ashland University Ashland, OH Graduated December 2003 Bachelor of Science, Middle School Education Specialization, Social Studies and Language Arts/ English The Ohio State University Columbus, OH Graduated June 2000 Bachelor of Arts, Communication Studies Professional Development Spoke at the National Middle School Conference in Louisville, KY on the use of technology in the classroom (November 2011) Spoke at the Ohio Middle School Association Conference on the use of technology in the classroom (February 2011) Advisor to Fords Theater, Washington, D.C. for the Integration of Technology into the Classroom Project (March 2011) Guest blogger for Edutopia.com. Edutopia is George Lucas website that is dedicated to encouraging teachers to incorporate the arts as well as technology into more core content curriculum (June 2011) http://www.edutopia.org/blog/xbox-kinect-summer-pd Presented at the Ohio Alliance of Public Charter Schools Conference on the Flipped Classroom and Project Based Learning (October 2014) Initiated and helped develop distance learning opportunities with the National Archives, The U.S. Capitol, and The White House Historical Association (November 2014- January 2015) Presented at the Ohio Middle Level Association Conference on the Flipped Classroom and Project Based Learning (February 2015)