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Rachel Broudy
941 Randolph St. NW| Washington, DC 20011
Phone (610) 675-7505 | E-mail Rachel.Broudy@dc.gov
Dual Bachelor of Arts | American University | May 2007
 Literature and Secondary Education (grades 6-12)
 Secondary English Education Certification
English Teacher: AP English Literature and Composition | DC Public Schools - McKinley Technology High
Washington, DC | August 2012 - present
 Design rigorous, common core aligned, college level preparatory classes in AP Literature using College Board standards;
Invest students in college preparedness and readiness utilizing Socratic and Paideia seminars and higher level questioning
 Invest students to make significant achievement gains; improve AP passing rate from 5%-10% SY 2012-2014
 Develop school wide AP Literature syllabus used for backwards mapping for all English teachers at
 Collaborate with all English teachers and History teachers for effective vertical alignment of skills
English I, English II, English II Honors and English IV 2007-2011
 Design unit and lesson plans aligned with Common Core standards for English I, English II, English II
honors, and English IV; emphasis on close reading strategies and Understanding By Design
 Demonstrate effectiveness; move class proficiency rate from 72% in 2009 to 88% in 2010 DC CAS
 Collaborate through PLCs to move student achievement significantly; from 46% to 90% mastery in 5
years resulting in DCPS Blue Ribbon School
 Utilize ongoing informal and formal observation assessments in order to measure effectiveness of
instructional strategies
 Utilize online learning applications such as Engrade to engage students with content and close digital
divide; emphasize technology infused within curriculum and assessment
 Responsible for backwards mapping of assessments and aligned curriculum and differentiating lessons to
meet the needs of students
English Department Chair | McKinley Technology | May 2013  present
 Facilitate Department Meetings that center on analyzing student work and data, instructional strategies
and best practices. Lead collaborative efforts on expanding literacy throughout the school through
Summer Reading Initiatives and interdisciplinary projects. Conduct informal observations of peer English
teachers and provide feedback and support to fellow teachers. Implemented a portfolio assessment
initiative within my department to analyze student growth and increase rigor and student engagement in
their learning process. Serve on Academic Leadership Team, supporting teachers and coaching colleagues in using data to
inform instruction.
One World Education 12th Grade Curriculum Writing | One World Education | June 2014-June 2015
 Construct an argumentative writing unit for 12th grade English centered around common core state
standards. Facilitate Professional development around implementing the curriculum to DCPS 12th grade
ELA teachers and participate in reviews of the curriculum for revision. Collaborate with a team on the
implementation and construction of the curriculum along with lesson plans that target common core
initiatives for argumentative writing in 12th grade in preparation for student panel presentation.
Poetry Team Sponsor | McKinley Technology | August 2012  present
 Coordinate poetry writing workshops with students from grades 9-12 that center on global and community
issues with emphasis on using literary devices in self expression. Act as liason with Split This Rock
Foundation and Louder Than a Bomb to bring spoken word poetry to the competitive Slam world.
Curriculum Writer and Reviser | DC Public Schools | February 2011- May 2012
 Collaborated with teachers and Master Educators from throughout the district to select rigorous texts for
curricular units for tenth grade English, including recommended supplemental texts, differentiated lessons
demonstrating best practices, writing based assessments, connections to global issues and suggested
instructional strategies with exemplars.
Teacher Selector Ambassador | DC Public Schools | January 2010  June 2010
 Play an integral role in the teacher selection process for DCPS by interviewing teaching candidates,
participating in professional development that focuses on interview skills, rubric interpretation, and scoring,
as well as, serving on an interview panel, responding to candidates questions, and scoring candidates sample
lessons using the IMPACT rubric.
Teaching and Learning Framework Fellow | DC Public Schools | August 2009  June 2010
 Facilitated and collaborated with a team of teachers across the city to create toolkits including sample
lessons, assessments, supplemental materials and differentiation techniques to aid other teachers in DC Public
STEM PLC Member and Teacher | McKinley Technology | April 2009  2011
 Collaborated with STEM teachers to design a new school within a school and created a new pedagogy
model for STEM with new structured behavorial and academic intervention programs for students
 Wrote the Humanities Curriculum for History teachers using project based learning
Class Sponsor | McKinley Technology | August 2009  June 2011
 Fundraised over $20,000 for the senior class through various fundraisers over three years. Planned senior
events such as Prom, Senior Night, The Class Trip, Senior Awards Ceremony and Senior Class Ring
 One World Global Educator Award for 2015
 Honored as Highly Effective educator SY 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015
 Achieve placement on the Expert LIFT scale
 AVID Conference | Atlanta, Georgia |Summer 2008
 AP Literature Training Summer 2012, 2013, and 2014
 Graduate Courses in Education Leadership, Adolescent Psychology and Curriculum Development |
Augustana University | Summer 2012 and 2013
Dr. Louise Jones | Principle | Louise.Jones@dc.gov
David Pinder | Former Principal | David.Pinder@dc.gov
Shira Fishman | Colleague | Shira.Fishman@dc.gov
Desiree Raught | Colleague | Desiree.Raught@dc.gov

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  • 1. Rachel Broudy 941 Randolph St. NW| Washington, DC 20011 Phone (610) 675-7505 | E-mail Rachel.Broudy@dc.gov EDUCATION Dual Bachelor of Arts | American University | May 2007 Literature and Secondary Education (grades 6-12) Secondary English Education Certification EXPERIENCE English Teacher: AP English Literature and Composition | DC Public Schools - McKinley Technology High School Washington, DC | August 2012 - present Design rigorous, common core aligned, college level preparatory classes in AP Literature using College Board standards; Invest students in college preparedness and readiness utilizing Socratic and Paideia seminars and higher level questioning techniques Invest students to make significant achievement gains; improve AP passing rate from 5%-10% SY 2012-2014 Develop school wide AP Literature syllabus used for backwards mapping for all English teachers at MTHS Collaborate with all English teachers and History teachers for effective vertical alignment of skills English I, English II, English II Honors and English IV 2007-2011 Design unit and lesson plans aligned with Common Core standards for English I, English II, English II honors, and English IV; emphasis on close reading strategies and Understanding By Design Demonstrate effectiveness; move class proficiency rate from 72% in 2009 to 88% in 2010 DC CAS Collaborate through PLCs to move student achievement significantly; from 46% to 90% mastery in 5 years resulting in DCPS Blue Ribbon School Utilize ongoing informal and formal observation assessments in order to measure effectiveness of instructional strategies Utilize online learning applications such as Engrade to engage students with content and close digital divide; emphasize technology infused within curriculum and assessment Responsible for backwards mapping of assessments and aligned curriculum and differentiating lessons to meet the needs of students DISTRICT AND COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP POSITIONS English Department Chair | McKinley Technology | May 2013 present Facilitate Department Meetings that center on analyzing student work and data, instructional strategies and best practices. Lead collaborative efforts on expanding literacy throughout the school through Summer Reading Initiatives and interdisciplinary projects. Conduct informal observations of peer English teachers and provide feedback and support to fellow teachers. Implemented a portfolio assessment initiative within my department to analyze student growth and increase rigor and student engagement in their learning process. Serve on Academic Leadership Team, supporting teachers and coaching colleagues in using data to inform instruction. One World Education 12th Grade Curriculum Writing | One World Education | June 2014-June 2015 Construct an argumentative writing unit for 12th grade English centered around common core state standards. Facilitate Professional development around implementing the curriculum to DCPS 12th grade
  • 2. ELA teachers and participate in reviews of the curriculum for revision. Collaborate with a team on the implementation and construction of the curriculum along with lesson plans that target common core initiatives for argumentative writing in 12th grade in preparation for student panel presentation. Poetry Team Sponsor | McKinley Technology | August 2012 present Coordinate poetry writing workshops with students from grades 9-12 that center on global and community issues with emphasis on using literary devices in self expression. Act as liason with Split This Rock Foundation and Louder Than a Bomb to bring spoken word poetry to the competitive Slam world. Curriculum Writer and Reviser | DC Public Schools | February 2011- May 2012 Collaborated with teachers and Master Educators from throughout the district to select rigorous texts for curricular units for tenth grade English, including recommended supplemental texts, differentiated lessons demonstrating best practices, writing based assessments, connections to global issues and suggested instructional strategies with exemplars. Teacher Selector Ambassador | DC Public Schools | January 2010 June 2010 Play an integral role in the teacher selection process for DCPS by interviewing teaching candidates, participating in professional development that focuses on interview skills, rubric interpretation, and scoring, as well as, serving on an interview panel, responding to candidates questions, and scoring candidates sample lessons using the IMPACT rubric. Teaching and Learning Framework Fellow | DC Public Schools | August 2009 June 2010 Facilitated and collaborated with a team of teachers across the city to create toolkits including sample lessons, assessments, supplemental materials and differentiation techniques to aid other teachers in DC Public Schools STEM PLC Member and Teacher | McKinley Technology | April 2009 2011 Collaborated with STEM teachers to design a new school within a school and created a new pedagogy model for STEM with new structured behavorial and academic intervention programs for students Wrote the Humanities Curriculum for History teachers using project based learning Class Sponsor | McKinley Technology | August 2009 June 2011 Fundraised over $20,000 for the senior class through various fundraisers over three years. Planned senior events such as Prom, Senior Night, The Class Trip, Senior Awards Ceremony and Senior Class Ring Ceremony. AWARDS AND ACCOLADES One World Global Educator Award for 2015 Honored as Highly Effective educator SY 2009-2010, 2010-2011, 2012-2013, 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 Achieve placement on the Expert LIFT scale TRAININGS AND COURSES AVID Conference | Atlanta, Georgia |Summer 2008 AP Literature Training Summer 2012, 2013, and 2014 Graduate Courses in Education Leadership, Adolescent Psychology and Curriculum Development | Augustana University | Summer 2012 and 2013
  • 3. REFERENCES Dr. Louise Jones | Principle | Louise.Jones@dc.gov David Pinder | Former Principal | David.Pinder@dc.gov Shira Fishman | Colleague | Shira.Fishman@dc.gov Desiree Raught | Colleague | Desiree.Raught@dc.gov