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Wenjie Luo 展 wluo91@gmail.com
Suneris, Inc. Brooklyn, NY
Biomedical Engineer I Jan. 2016  Present
Currently developing assays and experiments to characterize our companys premier product, VETIGEL, as well as
formulation development to optimize the products hemostatic and adhesive capabilities.
Research and Development Intern June 2015  Dec. 2015
 Created a device to characterize the degradation and swelling properties of VETIGEL
 Created assays to evaluate the mechanism of action of VETIGEL on the molecular level
Sia Lab. Columbia University, New York, NY Sept. 2014  Present
Graduate Research Assistant  Tissue Engineering/Animal Studies
 Created a culturing device for self-vascularizing micro-tissues composed of endothelial and mesenchymal stem
cell aggregates and conducting mouse operations to test the procedure in vivo
 Constructed and pitched a proposal highlighting the business value of using self-vascularizing tissue to treat
critical limb ischemia in numerous venture competitions
Batt Lab. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY July 2013  Aug. 2014
Undergraduate Research Assistant  Protein Engineering for Cancer Treatment and Vaccine Development
 Advanced research involving expression of recombinant antibodies for human clinical trials
 Created plasmid constructs for the display of J591 monoclonal antibodies (which target prostate-specific
membrane antigens on cancer cells) on the surface of yeast cells using the Aga1/Aga2 protein anchoring system
 Created plasmid constructs for the expression of virus-like particles that display an epitope of the Sm14
Schistosoma mansoni protein and the Pfs25 parasite surface protein in order to improve the effects of
schistosomiasis and malaria vaccines respectively
 Taught and performed procedures such as plasmid cloning, PCRs, restriction and ligation reactions, gel
electrophoresis, and cell (E. coli and Pichia pastoris) transformations
Soloway Lab. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Jan. 2013  July 2013
Undergraduate Research Assistant  Epigenetics Research
 Advanced research to pinpoint the locations of epigenetic modifications on DNA by using gel electrophoresis to
find the best reagent available for the mBD1 protein, which is often used to bind to methylated sequences in DNA
Columbia University, New York, NY Sept. 2014  Dec. 2015
M.S. Biomedical Engineering; GPA: 3.93
Honors: Columbia Venture Competition (Tech Challenge) winner ($15,000), CampusKudos Columbia Pitch Competition
Top 5, Columbia-Coulter Translational Research Partnership finalist
Recent Coursework: Designed a prototype and conducted proof of concept testing for a medical device to induce the
effects of gastric bypass surgery via a less invasive and cheaper device implant
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Aug. 2010  May 2014
B.S. Biological Engineering; Minor in Biomedical Engineering
Honors: Deans List (Spring 2012  Spring 2014), GE (General Electric) STAR Award 2010
Student Ambassador for The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, Activities Chair for The
Society of Women Engineers, Peer Advisor for The College of Engineering at Cornell University, Secretary for Citizens
of the World (a non-profit organization for global awareness), Delta Delta Delta Sorority
Skills: MATLAB, Java, COMSOL, SolidWorks, SonoClot, Thromboelastography, Statistical Analytics, Nano-Scale
Microscope Operations, Photolithography, Mammalian and Bacterial Cell Culture, Mouse Operations, Mandarin Chinese

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  • 1. Wenjie Luo 展 wluo91@gmail.com WENJIE LUO WORK AND RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Suneris, Inc. Brooklyn, NY Biomedical Engineer I Jan. 2016 Present Currently developing assays and experiments to characterize our companys premier product, VETIGEL, as well as formulation development to optimize the products hemostatic and adhesive capabilities. Research and Development Intern June 2015 Dec. 2015 Created a device to characterize the degradation and swelling properties of VETIGEL Created assays to evaluate the mechanism of action of VETIGEL on the molecular level Sia Lab. Columbia University, New York, NY Sept. 2014 Present Graduate Research Assistant Tissue Engineering/Animal Studies Created a culturing device for self-vascularizing micro-tissues composed of endothelial and mesenchymal stem cell aggregates and conducting mouse operations to test the procedure in vivo Constructed and pitched a proposal highlighting the business value of using self-vascularizing tissue to treat critical limb ischemia in numerous venture competitions Batt Lab. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY July 2013 Aug. 2014 Undergraduate Research Assistant Protein Engineering for Cancer Treatment and Vaccine Development Advanced research involving expression of recombinant antibodies for human clinical trials Created plasmid constructs for the display of J591 monoclonal antibodies (which target prostate-specific membrane antigens on cancer cells) on the surface of yeast cells using the Aga1/Aga2 protein anchoring system Created plasmid constructs for the expression of virus-like particles that display an epitope of the Sm14 Schistosoma mansoni protein and the Pfs25 parasite surface protein in order to improve the effects of schistosomiasis and malaria vaccines respectively Taught and performed procedures such as plasmid cloning, PCRs, restriction and ligation reactions, gel electrophoresis, and cell (E. coli and Pichia pastoris) transformations Soloway Lab. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Jan. 2013 July 2013 Undergraduate Research Assistant Epigenetics Research Advanced research to pinpoint the locations of epigenetic modifications on DNA by using gel electrophoresis to find the best reagent available for the mBD1 protein, which is often used to bind to methylated sequences in DNA EDUCATION Columbia University, New York, NY Sept. 2014 Dec. 2015 M.S. Biomedical Engineering; GPA: 3.93 Honors: Columbia Venture Competition (Tech Challenge) winner ($15,000), CampusKudos Columbia Pitch Competition Top 5, Columbia-Coulter Translational Research Partnership finalist Recent Coursework: Designed a prototype and conducted proof of concept testing for a medical device to induce the effects of gastric bypass surgery via a less invasive and cheaper device implant Cornell University, Ithaca, NY Aug. 2010 May 2014 B.S. Biological Engineering; Minor in Biomedical Engineering Honors: Deans List (Spring 2012 Spring 2014), GE (General Electric) STAR Award 2010 LEADERSHIP AND CAMPUS INVOLVEMENT Student Ambassador for The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University, Activities Chair for The Society of Women Engineers, Peer Advisor for The College of Engineering at Cornell University, Secretary for Citizens of the World (a non-profit organization for global awareness), Delta Delta Delta Sorority RELEVANT SKILLS Skills: MATLAB, Java, COMSOL, SolidWorks, SonoClot, Thromboelastography, Statistical Analytics, Nano-Scale Microscope Operations, Photolithography, Mammalian and Bacterial Cell Culture, Mouse Operations, Mandarin Chinese