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1219 Underhill Road, East Aurora, NY14052
716-225-0920 / jnwerbit@syr.edu
Education: Syracuse University Class of 2015
College of Engineering and Computer Science
Major: Bioengineering/ GPA: 3.2
Relevant Course Selection
Bioinstrumentation Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer
Biomechanics Engineering Materials
Process Control Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering II
Fluid Transport Quantitative Physiology
Experience: Upstate Medical Center - Medical Device Design  Syracuse, NY 2014  May 2015
Working with this Hospital on a special project, we designed a catheter style diaphragmatic pacing
stimulator that is minimally invasive for patients suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome. I was
responsible for designing and building the minimally invasive stimulator which involved a shaped wire that
was connected to a function generator.
Biomaterials Institute  Hip Implant Testing - Syracuse, NY 2013 May 2015
I Performed corrosion testing on hip implants on a confidential basis for a major hip implant manufacturer.
This includes synthesizing self-reinforced composite materials and differing polymers, and subsequent
testing to determine their viability for implementation in orthopedic devices and spinal implants.
University of Buffalo Pharmacy Dept.  Drug Treatment Testing - Buffalo, NY Summer 2014
Utilized R Studio to perform data manipulation and visual codes to produce graphs for the experiments
run in the lab which test the impact of certain drugs on the human body. This included data manipulation
relating to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for new drug treatments methods.
LexaMed Corporation  Sterilization Testing - Toledo, Ohio Summer 2013
Assisted the staff with day to day operations which included thermal mapping of newly purchased
incubator for cell cultures. Worked with laboratory staff which dealt with autoclave and ethylene oxide
B. Braun Medical, Inc.  Sterilization Consultant - Allentown, Pennsylvania 2013
While employed at Lexamed, worked and lived offsite in Allentown, PA as a billable consultant for B.
Braun assisting other Lexamed representatives to perform daily routines which included inspecting their
sterilization process, collecting data from RH and temperature data loggers and to produce corresponding
graphs and macros in Excel.
Life Science Laboratories  Synthesized Cancer Killing Compounds  Syracuse, NY 2011-2012
Individually selected to work with Syracuse University graduate students to synthesize a new cancer
killing compound. Tested the cytotoxic effects of synthesized Palladium Pyrophosphate
Dipyridophenazine complex on the lung cancer cell line A-549. Used various analytical techniques
such as mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy and fluorescence testing to classify our new
Leadership/ Secretary of S.U. Biomedical Engineering Society; Lector for Syracuse University Campus
Activities Ministry; Secretary of S.U. Running Club; Member of S.U. Triathlon Team; President of Booth Hall Floor
Eight; Member of LCS Engineering Ambassadors - Lecturing at local schools on the Engineering Field.
Skills: AutoCAD, MATLAB, COMSOL, R Studio, Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, LabVIEW
Interests: Enjoy Skiing, Tennis, Disk Golf, Playing Drums and Piano, Biking, Surfing, Golf

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John Werbitsky-Resume

  • 1. JOHN N. WERBITSKY 1219 Underhill Road, East Aurora, NY14052 716-225-0920 / jnwerbit@syr.edu Education: Syracuse University Class of 2015 College of Engineering and Computer Science Major: Bioengineering/ GPA: 3.2 Relevant Course Selection Bioinstrumentation Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer Biomechanics Engineering Materials Process Control Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering II Fluid Transport Quantitative Physiology Experience: Upstate Medical Center - Medical Device Design Syracuse, NY 2014 May 2015 Working with this Hospital on a special project, we designed a catheter style diaphragmatic pacing stimulator that is minimally invasive for patients suffering from acute respiratory distress syndrome. I was responsible for designing and building the minimally invasive stimulator which involved a shaped wire that was connected to a function generator. Biomaterials Institute Hip Implant Testing - Syracuse, NY 2013 May 2015 I Performed corrosion testing on hip implants on a confidential basis for a major hip implant manufacturer. This includes synthesizing self-reinforced composite materials and differing polymers, and subsequent testing to determine their viability for implementation in orthopedic devices and spinal implants. University of Buffalo Pharmacy Dept. Drug Treatment Testing - Buffalo, NY Summer 2014 Utilized R Studio to perform data manipulation and visual codes to produce graphs for the experiments run in the lab which test the impact of certain drugs on the human body. This included data manipulation relating to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for new drug treatments methods. LexaMed Corporation Sterilization Testing - Toledo, Ohio Summer 2013 Assisted the staff with day to day operations which included thermal mapping of newly purchased incubator for cell cultures. Worked with laboratory staff which dealt with autoclave and ethylene oxide sterilization. B. Braun Medical, Inc. Sterilization Consultant - Allentown, Pennsylvania 2013 While employed at Lexamed, worked and lived offsite in Allentown, PA as a billable consultant for B. Braun assisting other Lexamed representatives to perform daily routines which included inspecting their sterilization process, collecting data from RH and temperature data loggers and to produce corresponding graphs and macros in Excel. Life Science Laboratories Synthesized Cancer Killing Compounds Syracuse, NY 2011-2012 Individually selected to work with Syracuse University graduate students to synthesize a new cancer killing compound. Tested the cytotoxic effects of synthesized Palladium Pyrophosphate Dipyridophenazine complex on the lung cancer cell line A-549. Used various analytical techniques such as mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy and fluorescence testing to classify our new compound. Leadership/ Secretary of S.U. Biomedical Engineering Society; Lector for Syracuse University Campus Activities Ministry; Secretary of S.U. Running Club; Member of S.U. Triathlon Team; President of Booth Hall Floor Eight; Member of LCS Engineering Ambassadors - Lecturing at local schools on the Engineering Field. Skills: AutoCAD, MATLAB, COMSOL, R Studio, Microsoft Excel, Word, PowerPoint, LabVIEW Interests: Enjoy Skiing, Tennis, Disk Golf, Playing Drums and Piano, Biking, Surfing, Golf