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Melissa Johnson
820 June Dr.
Fort Worth, TX. 76108
Telephone: 817-246-3920
Cell number: 682-556-9669
Seeking a position in a challenging role that allows growth, while continuing to be dedicated to maintaining
high quality standards. Capable to manage my required duties, well organized and will meet expected turn
times, while making quality decisions.
Support System Analyst
3/9/15- PRESENT
The System Support Analysts must prioritize requests and provide an accelerated response to the Fiserv
Support ticket according to prescribed specifications and requestors needs. The Fiserv Support ticket will be
assigned to one of the following queues:
Profile or Access Updates
 Within the Fiserv system, some screens are available to be accessed in either Update Closed, or
Inquiry Only mode depending on the type of access authorized for a user.
 Support System Analysts is responsible for maintaining and managing the accesses for each Profile in
the system.
 Support System Analyst will perform quarterly and yearly profile security analysis to ensure all
Fiserv users have the appropriate system access required to perform their daily functionality
Customer Inquiry Task Request
 Support System Analysts is responsible for review of the ticketing system and review the request
and complete one of the following:
a. Create the CIT per instructions from Business Unit Manager
b. Update an existing CIT according to the prescribed specifications and requestors needs.
 Define what area and whom is responsible to complete the task
 Define how many days are required to complete or follow up on the task
 Archive the Customer Inquiry Task information by updating the CIT Task Setup spreadsheet
 Notify the ticket requestor (include additional managers as necessary) of system changes and close
the appropriate ticket
 Support System Analysts performs an annual CIT analysis to ensure all CITs are still in use and
required for business functionality.
New Hire Request
The System Support Analyst is responsible to:
 Create and assign LoanServ UserId (D #) and Teller Number
 Notify the Fiserv Administrator of the new LoanServ user
 Authorize Profile access to the LoanServ Servicing System per the security and profile instructions
 Archive the employee information by updating the BSI D # List spreadsheet
 Register the new user for Latitude (LoanServ Screen and Field Documentation)
 Communicate login credentials and appropriate hyperlink for system access to the ticket requestor
(include additional managers as necessary) and re-assign the ticket to the HR Department
Termination Request
Support System Analyst is responsible to maintain the integrity and security of the servicing data
 When a Termination ticket is assigned by the HR Department, the following must be completed
a) Deactivate the LoanServ UserId (D #)
b) Deactivate the Latitude (LoanServ Screen and Field Documentation) account
c) Notify the ticket requestor (include additional managers as necessary) of system changes and close
the appropriate ticket
Fiserv Password Resets
 The IT Department may request Fiserv Solutions assistance in resetting a Fiserv Users password.
When a Fiserv Password Resets ticket is assigned to a member of the Fiserv Solutions team by the IT
Department, the following must be completed within 1-2 hours of receipt during Fiserv Solutions
office hours:
 Research password violation and account status which may be suspended or canceled
 Troubleshoot login and password issues
 Notify the ticket requestor (include additional managers as necessary) of system changes and close
the appropriate ticket
Fort Worth Electric
Administration Assistant
November 2014-January 2015
Responsible for:
 Customer service with multi line phone
 Obtaining customer information and job related information
 Setting up customer file, data entry and printing blue prints
 Inputting information into the system for service calls as well as commercial bids
 Working with Project Manager in scheduling appointment for workers
 Maintain daily dispatch
 accounts receivable
Residential Credit Solutions
Collateral Specialist
May 5, 2012 to February 6, 2014
Responsible for managing 3 entity reports, FNMA, BOA and Freddie Mac, order collateral files and
 Review of Chain of title to verify that is current, responsible for drafting the document that makes the
chain of title complete.
 Referring the loan to Foreclose on a daily basis.
 Ordering Assignments with an out source company and managing the hold report from them and
resolve any issues the request was placed on hold for.
 Required to attend weekly meetings with an out source company and to manage them on a daily
Work closely with management and VP of department on the process and results of the reports.
Work Special project for the department in a timely manner.
Residential Credit Solutions
Loan Negotiator
May 2012-February 2013
Responsible for review and pre-approval or denial of Loan Modification and/or Repayment plans.
Logging it to phone Queue daily. Be on standby for over flow calls from Call center. Calling customers from
work flow to obtain documents needed and to update process of loan modification
 Responsible for research of documents for several entities such as FNMA, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA.
 Calculate borrowers income with multiple government program calculators.
 Order BPO, Credit report, tax transcript, title report and verify of additional documents and
information needed to qualify or deny for Loan Modification or Repayment plan to bring the
borrowers loan current.
JP Morgan Chase
Choc Underwriter
July 5, 2011 to May 2012
Responsible for review and approval or denial of Loan Modification and/or Repayment plans.
 Responsible for research of documents for several entities such as FNMA, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA.
 Calculate borrowers income with multiple government program calculators.
 Order BPO, Credit report, tax transcript, title report and verify of additional documents and
information needed to qualify or deny for Loan Modification or Repayment plan to bring the
borrowers loan current.
 Managed single point of contact of findings needed to proceed with the review.
 Required daily meeting to update on changing compliance with government guidelines.

Saxon Mortgage
Modification Specialist-Escalation Denial Team
February 2011 to June 2011
Responsible for researching and monitoring modification denial disputes on accounts assigned in MSP and
Sims system, updating MSP of the result of the research as well as mailing resolution letters and calling the
Researching Task request with issue of:
 Misapplied payments
 Booking error issues
 Possible reinstatement of modification
 Documenting the system of the resolution as well as closing task assigned in MSP and SIMS.
Responsible for research of assigned reports:
 Hamp to NonHamp,
 Documents sent out to borrower
Daily logging in a phone system for Hope Now Hotline providing updates to borrower or agent of the
modification or dispute of denial.
Saxon Mortgage
Customer Relations Specialist
May1, 2010 to February 2011
Responsible for researching in Fiserv for Payment issues and Fee disputes. Responding to customers written
request, CIT and e-mails in a letter form such as:
 Foreclosure issue
 Confirming deployment papers so escrow would not be applied to account
 Attorney letters
 Payment and Fee disputes
 Chain of Assignment
 Responding to Respa request
Responding to QWRs in a timely manner, as well as staying within RESPA guideline. Report non
-productivity time daily. I have attended LPS training, writing classes, and 2 Focus Group meetings.
Saxon Mortgage
Special Asset Department: Default Management
May09 - May10
Responsible for Document holds in Foreclosure Manage outsourcer LPS, and provide solutions to release the
document hold so that Foreclosure may proceed.
 Maintaining acknowledgement of continuing changing state laws that apply to the Default demand
letters sent to borrowers.
 Making decisions if the loan would need to be re-breached within the State law guidelines and then
placing the loan on hold or shut down Foreclosure in Fiserv.
 Maintain a report of ordering new breach letters with the Default Reporting Department.
 Responsible to manage the hold report and respond to LPS of updates on the hold and advise how to
proceed to help resolve the issue.
 Participate with weekly conference call to review the aged document holds and provide solutions to
resolve the issue to remove the hold.
 Processing daily mail.
Saxon Mortgage
Customer Relations Specialist
Responsible for researching in Fiserv for Payment issues and Fee disputes .Responding to customers written
request, CIT and e-mails in a letter form such as:
 Foreclosure issue
 Confirming deployment papers so escrow would not be applied to account
 Attorney letters
 Payment issues and Fee disputes
 Chain of Assignment
 Responding to Respa request
Responding to the QWR's in a timely manner, as well as staying within RESPA guideline. Report non
-productivity time daily. I have attended LPS Training, writing classes, and 2 Focus Group
Fidelity Title 2007: Escrow Assistant
Stewart Title 2006: Policy clerk
Garza Abstract and Title 2004: Escrow Assistant, Research chain of Title, Assist in research and building of
Colette Ballanger : 817-891-7830
Jacque Caldwell : 682-557-3887
Dietra Morton: 619-600-1101

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  • 1. Melissa Johnson 820 June Dr. Fort Worth, TX. 76108 Telephone: 817-246-3920 Cell number: 682-556-9669 Email:melissajohnson8691@gmail.com Objective: Seeking a position in a challenging role that allows growth, while continuing to be dedicated to maintaining high quality standards. Capable to manage my required duties, well organized and will meet expected turn times, while making quality decisions. BSI FINANCIAL Support System Analyst 3/9/15- PRESENT The System Support Analysts must prioritize requests and provide an accelerated response to the Fiserv Support ticket according to prescribed specifications and requestors needs. The Fiserv Support ticket will be assigned to one of the following queues: Profile or Access Updates Within the Fiserv system, some screens are available to be accessed in either Update Closed, or Inquiry Only mode depending on the type of access authorized for a user. Support System Analysts is responsible for maintaining and managing the accesses for each Profile in the system. Support System Analyst will perform quarterly and yearly profile security analysis to ensure all Fiserv users have the appropriate system access required to perform their daily functionality Customer Inquiry Task Request Support System Analysts is responsible for review of the ticketing system and review the request and complete one of the following: a. Create the CIT per instructions from Business Unit Manager b. Update an existing CIT according to the prescribed specifications and requestors needs. Define what area and whom is responsible to complete the task Define how many days are required to complete or follow up on the task
  • 2. Archive the Customer Inquiry Task information by updating the CIT Task Setup spreadsheet Notify the ticket requestor (include additional managers as necessary) of system changes and close the appropriate ticket Support System Analysts performs an annual CIT analysis to ensure all CITs are still in use and required for business functionality. New Hire Request The System Support Analyst is responsible to: Create and assign LoanServ UserId (D #) and Teller Number Notify the Fiserv Administrator of the new LoanServ user Authorize Profile access to the LoanServ Servicing System per the security and profile instructions Archive the employee information by updating the BSI D # List spreadsheet Register the new user for Latitude (LoanServ Screen and Field Documentation) Communicate login credentials and appropriate hyperlink for system access to the ticket requestor (include additional managers as necessary) and re-assign the ticket to the HR Department Termination Request Support System Analyst is responsible to maintain the integrity and security of the servicing data system. When a Termination ticket is assigned by the HR Department, the following must be completed a) Deactivate the LoanServ UserId (D #) b) Deactivate the Latitude (LoanServ Screen and Field Documentation) account c) Notify the ticket requestor (include additional managers as necessary) of system changes and close the appropriate ticket Fiserv Password Resets The IT Department may request Fiserv Solutions assistance in resetting a Fiserv Users password. When a Fiserv Password Resets ticket is assigned to a member of the Fiserv Solutions team by the IT Department, the following must be completed within 1-2 hours of receipt during Fiserv Solutions office hours: Research password violation and account status which may be suspended or canceled Troubleshoot login and password issues Notify the ticket requestor (include additional managers as necessary) of system changes and close the appropriate ticket Experience: Fort Worth Electric Administration Assistant November 2014-January 2015 Responsible for: Customer service with multi line phone Obtaining customer information and job related information Setting up customer file, data entry and printing blue prints Inputting information into the system for service calls as well as commercial bids
  • 3. Working with Project Manager in scheduling appointment for workers Maintain daily dispatch accounts receivable filing Residential Credit Solutions Collateral Specialist May 5, 2012 to February 6, 2014 Responsible for managing 3 entity reports, FNMA, BOA and Freddie Mac, order collateral files and assignments. Review of Chain of title to verify that is current, responsible for drafting the document that makes the chain of title complete. Referring the loan to Foreclose on a daily basis. Ordering Assignments with an out source company and managing the hold report from them and resolve any issues the request was placed on hold for. Required to attend weekly meetings with an out source company and to manage them on a daily bases. Work closely with management and VP of department on the process and results of the reports. Work Special project for the department in a timely manner. Residential Credit Solutions Loan Negotiator May 2012-February 2013 Responsible for review and pre-approval or denial of Loan Modification and/or Repayment plans. Logging it to phone Queue daily. Be on standby for over flow calls from Call center. Calling customers from work flow to obtain documents needed and to update process of loan modification Responsible for research of documents for several entities such as FNMA, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA. Calculate borrowers income with multiple government program calculators. Order BPO, Credit report, tax transcript, title report and verify of additional documents and information needed to qualify or deny for Loan Modification or Repayment plan to bring the borrowers loan current. JP Morgan Chase Choc Underwriter July 5, 2011 to May 2012 Responsible for review and approval or denial of Loan Modification and/or Repayment plans. Responsible for research of documents for several entities such as FNMA, Freddie Mac, FHA, VA. Calculate borrowers income with multiple government program calculators. Order BPO, Credit report, tax transcript, title report and verify of additional documents and information needed to qualify or deny for Loan Modification or Repayment plan to bring the borrowers loan current. Managed single point of contact of findings needed to proceed with the review. Required daily meeting to update on changing compliance with government guidelines. Saxon Mortgage Modification Specialist-Escalation Denial Team February 2011 to June 2011 Responsible for researching and monitoring modification denial disputes on accounts assigned in MSP and
  • 4. Sims system, updating MSP of the result of the research as well as mailing resolution letters and calling the borrower. Researching Task request with issue of: Misapplied payments Booking error issues Possible reinstatement of modification Documenting the system of the resolution as well as closing task assigned in MSP and SIMS. Responsible for research of assigned reports: Hamp to NonHamp, Documents sent out to borrower HAFA Daily logging in a phone system for Hope Now Hotline providing updates to borrower or agent of the modification or dispute of denial. Saxon Mortgage Customer Relations Specialist May1, 2010 to February 2011 Responsible for researching in Fiserv for Payment issues and Fee disputes. Responding to customers written request, CIT and e-mails in a letter form such as: Foreclosure issue Confirming deployment papers so escrow would not be applied to account Attorney letters Payment and Fee disputes Chain of Assignment Responding to Respa request Responding to QWRs in a timely manner, as well as staying within RESPA guideline. Report non -productivity time daily. I have attended LPS training, writing classes, and 2 Focus Group meetings. Saxon Mortgage Special Asset Department: Default Management May09 - May10 Responsible for Document holds in Foreclosure Manage outsourcer LPS, and provide solutions to release the document hold so that Foreclosure may proceed. Maintaining acknowledgement of continuing changing state laws that apply to the Default demand letters sent to borrowers. Making decisions if the loan would need to be re-breached within the State law guidelines and then
  • 5. placing the loan on hold or shut down Foreclosure in Fiserv. Maintain a report of ordering new breach letters with the Default Reporting Department. Responsible to manage the hold report and respond to LPS of updates on the hold and advise how to proceed to help resolve the issue. Participate with weekly conference call to review the aged document holds and provide solutions to resolve the issue to remove the hold. Processing daily mail. Saxon Mortgage Customer Relations Specialist 5/08-5/09 Responsible for researching in Fiserv for Payment issues and Fee disputes .Responding to customers written request, CIT and e-mails in a letter form such as: Foreclosure issue Confirming deployment papers so escrow would not be applied to account Attorney letters Payment issues and Fee disputes Chain of Assignment Responding to Respa request Responding to the QWR's in a timely manner, as well as staying within RESPA guideline. Report non -productivity time daily. I have attended LPS Training, writing classes, and 2 Focus Group meetings. Fidelity Title 2007: Escrow Assistant Stewart Title 2006: Policy clerk Garza Abstract and Title 2004: Escrow Assistant, Research chain of Title, Assist in research and building of Abstracts. References: Colette Ballanger : 817-891-7830 Jacque Caldwell : 682-557-3887 Dietra Morton: 619-600-1101