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Email: alberto_castrejon_rivas@hotmail.com Page # 1
+523315374015 Mobile
Bilingual general manager with 30 years experience working with world-class international companies OEMs and contract
manufacturers. The areas under my responsibility as GM includes Sales, operations, logistics, P&L, forecast, business
development, customers relationship developing quality systems and friendly work environment in order to make easy the
achievement of operational, customer and profitability company targets.
Black beltcertified. Proven manager to develop lean & 6-sigma programs within a domestic environment. Demonstrated ability
to quickly turn back an operation from losses to profit. Proven effective leadership to drive cultural changes improving quality
and productivity through people involvement. Winner of the Quality National award.
Industrial Electronic Engineer, Instituto Tecnologico de Chihuahua,(1980-1985)
Master in Business Administration, Universidad Aut坦noma de Chihuahua,(1990  1992)
Planning and Manufacturing Systems, UNIVA Zapopan Jalisco, (2002-2003)
Management Skills & Decision Making, ITESM Campus Guadalajara,(2004)
The Effective Negotiating Course, Karrass Institute California,(December 2004)
Lean Manufacturing & 6-Sigma 120 hrs, CADELEC Zapopan Jalisco,(March 2005)
Black Belt certification, Six Sigma Socconini Institute,Guadalajara Mex, (Nov. 2010)
Leadership Workshop, Harvard Business School,USA, (March 2007)
Emotional Intelligence in the organizations, Integralis Mexico DF, (Feb. 2006)
CCL, Zapopan Jalisco Jun 13  Nov 16
CCL is a designer and manufacturer of specialized & security labels, die-cuts and display windows for the global electronics
industry with worldwide footprint. First class operations in compliance with international quality standards such ISO9000,
ISO14000, NEEC, Social responsibility and in certification process of TS16949
My responsibility includes Americas sales and operations of the Guadalajara Mexico facility with 40K Sq/Ft., 400 employees,
$40M sales in a very challenging environmentofhigh mix of ~3K FG products and ~4K raw material partnumbers. Our products
are shipped out within Mexico, US, Brazil to about 100 manufacturing sites from many different industries such as electronics,
automotive, electric appliance and medical.
Full Sales, P&L and Operations responsibility such as quality, human resources, logistics, process, equipment, program
management, business development, finance.
 100% Sales increased attracting new customers and growing the existing ones thoughtraw material price negotiations,
overhead cost optimization,improving machinery% people efficiency.
 Positioned the Mexico facility from the 4th
. To the 2nd
. Largestoperation within companyworldwide footprint.
 Justification & Acquisition of new machine and be able to manufacture more complexproducts.
 The deploymentof lean approach including the use oflean tools,lean accounting,continuous improvementoperating
system and kaizen events.
 The improvementofKPIs such as OTD, Efficiencies,Turnaround time,inventory turns, OP, working capital through the root
cause analysis and action plans or use ofthe 4-quadrantformat.
 People developmentproviding coaching to recently promoted or recently hired managementareas.
 First time in my career having ex-path managers as partofmy directstaff.
Sanmina, Tlajomulco Jalisco Apr 09  Jun 13
Sanmina is a Tier-1 contract manufacturer company offering vertical integration solution through PCBAs manufacturing,
enclosures, after service repairs, and logistics. First class company in compliance with international quality standards such
ISO9000, QS9000, TS16949, OSHAS 18000, ESD 20.20, AS9100.
Email: alberto_castrejon_rivas@hotmail.com Page # 2
My responsibility includes the sales and operation of a facility of 150K Sq/Ft., 1,000 employees, $30M sales, repairing high
complexity telecomm products and directorder fulfilment logistics services to different customers (Alcatel-Lucent, Ciena, DDN,
Dish Networks, Motorola, Mitel, Oracle/Sun,).
Full Sales and P&L responsibility such as all operational areas; quality assurance, human resources, logistics, process, test
equipment, program management, business development, finance
 To turn back the operation from historical negative margins into a consistentprofitable operation.The lasttwo years
considered as the bench mark profitable site within other ~21 sites.
 Deploymentof my own customized lean program including the use oflean tools,lean accounting,continuous improvement
operating system and kaikaku events
 Most of the key metrics such as OTD,Productivity, Turn around time,inventory turns, showing continuous Improvements
trough the daily basis tracking using the 4-quadrantformat.
 Customers retention changing from bad to good operation reputation with excellence execution and focused to exceed
customer expectations.
 Business growth from few to current 10 differentcustomers,duplicating revenue and developing the correct pricing and
service models.Dish Mexico is one good example of this accomplishment.
 Share and deployBest manufacturing practices within the worldwide Sanmina facilities and standardizing models
Flextronics, Zapopan Jalisco Apr 08  Apr 09
Flextronics Guadalajara is contracting Manufacturer Company in compliance of international quality standards such ISO9000,
QS9000, TS16949, OSHAS 18000, ESD 20.20,AS9100. The firstCM companyin Mexico awarded with the Shingo Prize (Nobel
prize of manufacturing),a social responsible companyand demonstrated excellence in lean manufacturing methodologies and
continuous improvement systems (Six Sigma, TOC, Lean Manufacturing).
Responsible of the operations of 10 SMT lines for PCBAs using FUJI Machines (NXT, CP6, CP8). Around $300M in annual
sales, 300k SqFt. of manufacturing floor, 1,500 employees.
Full P&L responsibility and all operational areas under my responsibility such as Quality, Manufacturing, Process, Equipment,
Test, Program management, Finance
 Awarded as Director Benchmark by external International consultantin Shingijutsu LEAN quarterly events
 Awarded as bestsuppliers byone of the internal customers Tyco
 Turn back from negative to positive operation profit the computing segmentaccounts in a period of 6 months
 Consistentcontinuous improvementin KEY metrics such;directlabor as % of VAM, scrap as % of BOM, freight as % of
BOM, EDM as % of BOM, manuf. OH as % BOM, OP
 Implementation of4-quadrantmethodologyin daily ops.Meetings;Attainment to plan, yields,productivity, clear to build
 Successfullyintroduction oftwo new customers;Ingersoll Rand including conformal coating and Aram seismic modules with
very high quality standards IPC class III
JABIL, Zapopan Jalisco Dec 97 to Jan 08
Areas under my responsibilityincludes;Finance,Manufacturing,Process Engineering,Industrial Engineering, Facilities, Quality,
Test, Planning, Purchasing, Inventory Control, and Human Resources.
Recognized companyas the highest manufacturing practices such as standards ISO9000, TL9000, ISO14000, ISO13485, gold
medal award in lean manufacturing byCisco,state & national qualityaward,state & national export award, national labor award,
national familyresponsible companyaward,state excellence in training & people developmentaward,state excellence in health
& safety award, including company award. Company recognized as best place to work.
Facility considered as one ofthe mostcomplexoperation within +50 Jabil facilities worldwide. Processes includes; SMT (mpm,
hsp,gsm,reflow oven, wave solder, conformal coating, manual placement), Test (DFT, ICT, FVT, ESS, Hass, 5DX, AOI, on line
software download ),Mechanical & finish good assembly(back planes,enclosures, cabling, screwing, touch painting, cosmetic
inspection, configuration, mechanical inspection).
Email: alberto_castrejon_rivas@hotmail.com Page # 3
 Successfullyintroduction of6 new customers within one year.As a resultof improving plantutilization and profit.
 Continuous improvementin customer satisfaction.All customers retained and scorecards in green & yellow. Scorecards
criteria are based on OTS (on time shipments),Cost,NPIs,Quality levels, and responsiveness.
 Continuous improvementin work environment(the lowestturnover in the region,the lowestaccidentindex)
 Focuses on lean manufacturing & costoptimization to make possible a healthyfinancial operation in a very low margin
business environment(one digit)
 To be able to manage a high revenue facility but also high mixof products (RF, Routers,VOIP phones,metering devices,
satellite phones,consoles,enclosures,backplanes,mass storage cabinets,settop boxes)
 Winner of National Quality & Social responsibilityaward in 2006 (companywith the bestmanufacturing practices,
nondiscrimination,respectfor the employees,hiring program for people with disabilities)
 Significantreduction in Freight in costmoving from 80%-20% to 20%/80% air/ocean
JABIL CIRCUIT, Zapopan Jalisco Feb 01 to May 05
Duties and main responsibilities includes;P&L,pricing,cash flow management,directcontact and communication with
customer,day to day operational execution activities through the work cell staff in a direct fulfillmentope ration.Products being
manufactured were medium to high end switches and routers for Cisco.
 Turn back the quarterly customer satisfaction indexfrom the lowestto the highestranked within Jabil sites,parameters
under evaluation (responsiveness,quality,NPIs,technology, cost)
 To make the mostprofitable business outofthe 15 Jabil GDL accounts in terms of pre-tax% and plantcontribution $.
 Continuous transfers from other CMs and other Jabil plants in the USA
 Implementation ofbestmanufacturing practices (5S,Kanban,printon demand,automation ofbundle kitting)
JABIL CIRCUIT, Zapopan Jalisco Dec 97 to Feb 01
Responsible for a group of 250 technical people including Assistantmanager,Lead testengineers,testengineers,test
technician,diagnose technicians,failure analysis engineers,testdevelopmentEngineers.Testprocesses includes In circuit test,
functional test, environmental stress test,automatic optic inspection, 2D & 3D x-ray test, high accelerated stress test.
 Creation of Failure Analysis Lab (At componentlevel).
 Creation of the Test Developmentgroup (Design & Build testequipment).
 Design ofControl IntelligentProcess (CIP) system to have better trace ability and control in the manufacturing floor.
 Creation of SWATT Diagnose Team.
 Personal developmentplans and promotions.
 Test platform evaluations (5dxx-ray equipment,flying prove testers,Teradyne ICT)
GENERAL INSTRUMENTS, Nogales Sonora Jul.96 to Dec 97
Responsible for the introduction of new products interfacing with the designers group USA(Hatboro, Pennsylvania) and the
manufacturing facility(Nogales,Son.).Product introduced were RF amplifiers for cable encoders.Responsibilities:Proper
selection oftest instruments interfaces,driving computers.RepeatabilityAnalysis in testplans,testparameter assignments (test
limits),RFCalibration routines,and Engineering change orders evaluation.
 Several NPIS successfullyintroduced into the Nogales Sonora plant
 Optimization of the test platform to make it portable and useful in the design area (USA)
 A lot of RF learning working with the USA designers.
Data General (Computing Repair Center), Chihuahua, Chih Jul.90 to Jul.96
ZENITH 04 (Cable Products), Chihuahua, Chih. May 86 to Jul 90

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resume A Castrejon Dec16 1

  • 1. Email: alberto_castrejon_rivas@hotmail.com Page # 1 JOSE ALBERTO CASTREJON alberto_castrejon_rivas@hotmail.com +523315374015 Mobile SUMMARY Bilingual general manager with 30 years experience working with world-class international companies OEMs and contract manufacturers. The areas under my responsibility as GM includes Sales, operations, logistics, P&L, forecast, business development, customers relationship developing quality systems and friendly work environment in order to make easy the achievement of operational, customer and profitability company targets. Black beltcertified. Proven manager to develop lean & 6-sigma programs within a domestic environment. Demonstrated ability to quickly turn back an operation from losses to profit. Proven effective leadership to drive cultural changes improving quality and productivity through people involvement. Winner of the Quality National award. EDUCATION / TRAINING Industrial Electronic Engineer, Instituto Tecnologico de Chihuahua,(1980-1985) Master in Business Administration, Universidad Aut坦noma de Chihuahua,(1990 1992) Planning and Manufacturing Systems, UNIVA Zapopan Jalisco, (2002-2003) Management Skills & Decision Making, ITESM Campus Guadalajara,(2004) The Effective Negotiating Course, Karrass Institute California,(December 2004) Lean Manufacturing & 6-Sigma 120 hrs, CADELEC Zapopan Jalisco,(March 2005) Black Belt certification, Six Sigma Socconini Institute,Guadalajara Mex, (Nov. 2010) Leadership Workshop, Harvard Business School,USA, (March 2007) Emotional Intelligence in the organizations, Integralis Mexico DF, (Feb. 2006) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE CCL, Zapopan Jalisco Jun 13 Nov 16 GENERAL MANAGER CCL is a designer and manufacturer of specialized & security labels, die-cuts and display windows for the global electronics industry with worldwide footprint. First class operations in compliance with international quality standards such ISO9000, ISO14000, NEEC, Social responsibility and in certification process of TS16949 My responsibility includes Americas sales and operations of the Guadalajara Mexico facility with 40K Sq/Ft., 400 employees, $40M sales in a very challenging environmentofhigh mix of ~3K FG products and ~4K raw material partnumbers. Our products are shipped out within Mexico, US, Brazil to about 100 manufacturing sites from many different industries such as electronics, automotive, electric appliance and medical. Full Sales, P&L and Operations responsibility such as quality, human resources, logistics, process, equipment, program management, business development, finance. Accomplishments: 100% Sales increased attracting new customers and growing the existing ones thoughtraw material price negotiations, overhead cost optimization,improving machinery% people efficiency. Positioned the Mexico facility from the 4th . To the 2nd . Largestoperation within companyworldwide footprint. Justification & Acquisition of new machine and be able to manufacture more complexproducts. The deploymentof lean approach including the use oflean tools,lean accounting,continuous improvementoperating system and kaizen events. The improvementofKPIs such as OTD, Efficiencies,Turnaround time,inventory turns, OP, working capital through the root cause analysis and action plans or use ofthe 4-quadrantformat. People developmentproviding coaching to recently promoted or recently hired managementareas. First time in my career having ex-path managers as partofmy directstaff. Sanmina, Tlajomulco Jalisco Apr 09 Jun 13 VP GENERAL MANAGER Sanmina is a Tier-1 contract manufacturer company offering vertical integration solution through PCBAs manufacturing, enclosures, after service repairs, and logistics. First class company in compliance with international quality standards such ISO9000, QS9000, TS16949, OSHAS 18000, ESD 20.20, AS9100.
  • 2. Email: alberto_castrejon_rivas@hotmail.com Page # 2 My responsibility includes the sales and operation of a facility of 150K Sq/Ft., 1,000 employees, $30M sales, repairing high complexity telecomm products and directorder fulfilment logistics services to different customers (Alcatel-Lucent, Ciena, DDN, Dish Networks, Motorola, Mitel, Oracle/Sun,). Full Sales and P&L responsibility such as all operational areas; quality assurance, human resources, logistics, process, test equipment, program management, business development, finance Accomplishments: To turn back the operation from historical negative margins into a consistentprofitable operation.The lasttwo years considered as the bench mark profitable site within other ~21 sites. Deploymentof my own customized lean program including the use oflean tools,lean accounting,continuous improvement operating system and kaikaku events Most of the key metrics such as OTD,Productivity, Turn around time,inventory turns, showing continuous Improvements trough the daily basis tracking using the 4-quadrantformat. Customers retention changing from bad to good operation reputation with excellence execution and focused to exceed customer expectations. Business growth from few to current 10 differentcustomers,duplicating revenue and developing the correct pricing and service models.Dish Mexico is one good example of this accomplishment. Share and deployBest manufacturing practices within the worldwide Sanmina facilities and standardizing models Flextronics, Zapopan Jalisco Apr 08 Apr 09 Sr. OPERATIONS DIRECTOR Flextronics Guadalajara is contracting Manufacturer Company in compliance of international quality standards such ISO9000, QS9000, TS16949, OSHAS 18000, ESD 20.20,AS9100. The firstCM companyin Mexico awarded with the Shingo Prize (Nobel prize of manufacturing),a social responsible companyand demonstrated excellence in lean manufacturing methodologies and continuous improvement systems (Six Sigma, TOC, Lean Manufacturing). Responsible of the operations of 10 SMT lines for PCBAs using FUJI Machines (NXT, CP6, CP8). Around $300M in annual sales, 300k SqFt. of manufacturing floor, 1,500 employees. Full P&L responsibility and all operational areas under my responsibility such as Quality, Manufacturing, Process, Equipment, Test, Program management, Finance Accomplishments: Awarded as Director Benchmark by external International consultantin Shingijutsu LEAN quarterly events Awarded as bestsuppliers byone of the internal customers Tyco Turn back from negative to positive operation profit the computing segmentaccounts in a period of 6 months Consistentcontinuous improvementin KEY metrics such;directlabor as % of VAM, scrap as % of BOM, freight as % of BOM, EDM as % of BOM, manuf. OH as % BOM, OP Implementation of4-quadrantmethodologyin daily ops.Meetings;Attainment to plan, yields,productivity, clear to build Successfullyintroduction oftwo new customers;Ingersoll Rand including conformal coating and Aram seismic modules with very high quality standards IPC class III JABIL, Zapopan Jalisco Dec 97 to Jan 08 GENERAL MANAGER Areas under my responsibilityincludes;Finance,Manufacturing,Process Engineering,Industrial Engineering, Facilities, Quality, Test, Planning, Purchasing, Inventory Control, and Human Resources. Recognized companyas the highest manufacturing practices such as standards ISO9000, TL9000, ISO14000, ISO13485, gold medal award in lean manufacturing byCisco,state & national qualityaward,state & national export award, national labor award, national familyresponsible companyaward,state excellence in training & people developmentaward,state excellence in health & safety award, including company award. Company recognized as best place to work. Facility considered as one ofthe mostcomplexoperation within +50 Jabil facilities worldwide. Processes includes; SMT (mpm, hsp,gsm,reflow oven, wave solder, conformal coating, manual placement), Test (DFT, ICT, FVT, ESS, Hass, 5DX, AOI, on line software download ),Mechanical & finish good assembly(back planes,enclosures, cabling, screwing, touch painting, cosmetic inspection, configuration, mechanical inspection). Accomplishments:
  • 3. Email: alberto_castrejon_rivas@hotmail.com Page # 3 Successfullyintroduction of6 new customers within one year.As a resultof improving plantutilization and profit. Continuous improvementin customer satisfaction.All customers retained and scorecards in green & yellow. Scorecards criteria are based on OTS (on time shipments),Cost,NPIs,Quality levels, and responsiveness. Continuous improvementin work environment(the lowestturnover in the region,the lowestaccidentindex) Focuses on lean manufacturing & costoptimization to make possible a healthyfinancial operation in a very low margin business environment(one digit) To be able to manage a high revenue facility but also high mixof products (RF, Routers,VOIP phones,metering devices, satellite phones,consoles,enclosures,backplanes,mass storage cabinets,settop boxes) Winner of National Quality & Social responsibilityaward in 2006 (companywith the bestmanufacturing practices, nondiscrimination,respectfor the employees,hiring program for people with disabilities) Significantreduction in Freight in costmoving from 80%-20% to 20%/80% air/ocean JABIL CIRCUIT, Zapopan Jalisco Feb 01 to May 05 BUSINESS UNIT MANAGER / OPERATIONS MANAGER Duties and main responsibilities includes;P&L,pricing,cash flow management,directcontact and communication with customer,day to day operational execution activities through the work cell staff in a direct fulfillmentope ration.Products being manufactured were medium to high end switches and routers for Cisco. Accomplishments: Turn back the quarterly customer satisfaction indexfrom the lowestto the highestranked within Jabil sites,parameters under evaluation (responsiveness,quality,NPIs,technology, cost) To make the mostprofitable business outofthe 15 Jabil GDL accounts in terms of pre-tax% and plantcontribution $. Continuous transfers from other CMs and other Jabil plants in the USA Implementation ofbestmanufacturing practices (5S,Kanban,printon demand,automation ofbundle kitting) JABIL CIRCUIT, Zapopan Jalisco Dec 97 to Feb 01 TEST MANAGER. Responsible for a group of 250 technical people including Assistantmanager,Lead testengineers,testengineers,test technician,diagnose technicians,failure analysis engineers,testdevelopmentEngineers.Testprocesses includes In circuit test, functional test, environmental stress test,automatic optic inspection, 2D & 3D x-ray test, high accelerated stress test. Accomplishments: Creation of Failure Analysis Lab (At componentlevel). Creation of the Test Developmentgroup (Design & Build testequipment). Design ofControl IntelligentProcess (CIP) system to have better trace ability and control in the manufacturing floor. Creation of SWATT Diagnose Team. Personal developmentplans and promotions. Test platform evaluations (5dxx-ray equipment,flying prove testers,Teradyne ICT) GENERAL INSTRUMENTS, Nogales Sonora Jul.96 to Dec 97 Sr. STAFF ENGINEER Responsible for the introduction of new products interfacing with the designers group USA(Hatboro, Pennsylvania) and the manufacturing facility(Nogales,Son.).Product introduced were RF amplifiers for cable encoders.Responsibilities:Proper selection oftest instruments interfaces,driving computers.RepeatabilityAnalysis in testplans,testparameter assignments (test limits),RFCalibration routines,and Engineering change orders evaluation. Accomplishments: Several NPIS successfullyintroduced into the Nogales Sonora plant Optimization of the test platform to make it portable and useful in the design area (USA) A lot of RF learning working with the USA designers. Data General (Computing Repair Center), Chihuahua, Chih Jul.90 to Jul.96 AUTOMATIC TEST EQUIPMENT MANAGER. ZENITH 04 (Cable Products), Chihuahua, Chih. May 86 to Jul 90 SUPPORT & PRODUCT ENGINEER