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Denise M. Konkol
denisekonkol@att.net  www.linkedin.com/in/denisekonkol  602-899-2359
Its simple: tell a compelling story, and you have the key to engaging your audience. As a writer,
Ive worked to build trusting relationships to help clients and companies succeed in branding them-
selves by how they communicate, whether its creating strong digital content, promotional materials
or events. My expertise:
Social Media Management Writing & Design Media & Public Relations
Print Production Proofreading & Editing Word Press Web Management
Project Management Blogging Events Coordination & Planning
Constant Contact Marketing
 Implemented standards to improve error rates for advertising for four straight quarters
 Managed approximately 200 projects per year, achieving 100 percent on-time to deadline
 Directed a yearly corporate budget of $3.3 million, managing estimates to fall within 2 percent to actual
 Managed direct mail projects to achieve 99 percent in-home-date targets
2010 to Present  Owner, Social Butter鍖y Marketing/Creative Writing Services, LLC
 Develop social media networks for nonpro鍖ts, increasing brand exposure, media relations and aware-
ness, increasing engagement by 17.8 percent
 Increase media attendance and awareness for events, to triple the number of earned media impres-
 Created content for 82-page website (www.bodybeautifulspa.net) using WordPress platform, increasing
impressions 51 percent, new visits increased 42 percent; average visit 2:47
 Gained a strong working knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator and HTML code
2014 to 2015  Executive Assistant to the Mayor, City of Muskego, Wisconsin
 Enhanced communications and public relations, applying the discretion and protocol the of鍖ce de-
 Wrote press releases, edited City portion of newsletter, wrote/edited Mayoral correspondence
 Managed social media, built Facebook engagement by 18 percent, 17 percent on Twitter
 Assisted with media relations, increasing the number of media impressions by 40 percent
 Updated areas of City website, particularly Health and Human Services
2013 - 2014  Interim Executive Director, Muskego Area Chamber of Commerce
 Directed all activities and initiatives of the Chamber during transition
 Built strong communications with members, media and other organizations via weekly newsletter
and events
 Built brand presence of the Chamber via website, email marketing and social media, increasing
traf鍖c to all sites by 12-16 percent
2010 - 2013  Writer/Editor - Muskego Patch, Aol / Patch Media Corporation
 Wrote and edited articles and features; social media promotion on Twitter and Facebook
 Community outreach through marketing events; training and public speaking; conducting inter-
 Built Facebook Page to 1,100+ likes; Twitter follows at 400+
 Doubled unique visitors to the website from 2011 to 2012, to re鍖ect 75 percent of the citys popula-
 Established trusting relationships with leaders in government, business, law enforcement and non-
2010 - 2011  Event Coordinator, Muskego Area Chamber of Commerce (temporary assignment)
 Coordinated Jammin on Janesville, a series of summer events designed to promote traf鍖c to
downtown businesses during a major road construction project
 Built the brand through media buying, public relations including press release writing and serving
as public spokesperson; fundraising through sponsorships; social media promotion
 Achieved inaugural attendance of approximately 2,000 to 4,000 per event
2007 to 2008  Production Manager, Charleston-Orwig
 Managed client advertising campaigns, including estimating projects and coordinating with adver-
tising vendors, creative team and clients; proofreading and editing client collateral
 Achieved 100 percent on time ful鍖llment based on client deadlines; zero re-print rate for errors
Bachelor of Arts, Journalism / Advertising Sequence, Marquette University, Milwaukee WI
SOFTWARE - MS Of鍖ce, PowerPoint, iMovie, Photoshop, Illustrator, Keynote, Prezi
Digital, web and specialty printing processes, Wordpress, Working knowledge of HTML

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Resume current 2015

  • 1. Denise M. Konkol denisekonkol@att.net www.linkedin.com/in/denisekonkol 602-899-2359 WRITING AND COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONAL Its simple: tell a compelling story, and you have the key to engaging your audience. As a writer, Ive worked to build trusting relationships to help clients and companies succeed in branding them- selves by how they communicate, whether its creating strong digital content, promotional materials or events. My expertise: Social Media Management Writing & Design Media & Public Relations Print Production Proofreading & Editing Word Press Web Management Project Management Blogging Events Coordination & Planning Constant Contact Marketing Implemented standards to improve error rates for advertising for four straight quarters Managed approximately 200 projects per year, achieving 100 percent on-time to deadline Directed a yearly corporate budget of $3.3 million, managing estimates to fall within 2 percent to actual Managed direct mail projects to achieve 99 percent in-home-date targets PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 2010 to Present Owner, Social Butter鍖y Marketing/Creative Writing Services, LLC Develop social media networks for nonpro鍖ts, increasing brand exposure, media relations and aware- ness, increasing engagement by 17.8 percent Increase media attendance and awareness for events, to triple the number of earned media impres- sions Created content for 82-page website (www.bodybeautifulspa.net) using WordPress platform, increasing impressions 51 percent, new visits increased 42 percent; average visit 2:47 Gained a strong working knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator and HTML code 2014 to 2015 Executive Assistant to the Mayor, City of Muskego, Wisconsin Enhanced communications and public relations, applying the discretion and protocol the of鍖ce de- manded Wrote press releases, edited City portion of newsletter, wrote/edited Mayoral correspondence Managed social media, built Facebook engagement by 18 percent, 17 percent on Twitter Assisted with media relations, increasing the number of media impressions by 40 percent Updated areas of City website, particularly Health and Human Services 2013 - 2014 Interim Executive Director, Muskego Area Chamber of Commerce Directed all activities and initiatives of the Chamber during transition Built strong communications with members, media and other organizations via weekly newsletter and events Built brand presence of the Chamber via website, email marketing and social media, increasing traf鍖c to all sites by 12-16 percent
  • 2. 2010 - 2013 Writer/Editor - Muskego Patch, Aol / Patch Media Corporation Wrote and edited articles and features; social media promotion on Twitter and Facebook Community outreach through marketing events; training and public speaking; conducting inter- views Built Facebook Page to 1,100+ likes; Twitter follows at 400+ Doubled unique visitors to the website from 2011 to 2012, to re鍖ect 75 percent of the citys popula- tion Established trusting relationships with leaders in government, business, law enforcement and non- pro鍖ts 2010 - 2011 Event Coordinator, Muskego Area Chamber of Commerce (temporary assignment) Coordinated Jammin on Janesville, a series of summer events designed to promote traf鍖c to downtown businesses during a major road construction project Built the brand through media buying, public relations including press release writing and serving as public spokesperson; fundraising through sponsorships; social media promotion Achieved inaugural attendance of approximately 2,000 to 4,000 per event 2007 to 2008 Production Manager, Charleston-Orwig Managed client advertising campaigns, including estimating projects and coordinating with adver- tising vendors, creative team and clients; proofreading and editing client collateral Achieved 100 percent on time ful鍖llment based on client deadlines; zero re-print rate for errors EDUCATION Bachelor of Arts, Journalism / Advertising Sequence, Marquette University, Milwaukee WI SOFTWARE - MS Of鍖ce, PowerPoint, iMovie, Photoshop, Illustrator, Keynote, Prezi Digital, web and specialty printing processes, Wordpress, Working knowledge of HTML