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Trenton Hicks
1045 E. Woodward Heights Blvd #319, Hazel Park, MI 48030  (313) 422-5111  Trent5111@gmail.com
Mechanical Enginner with experience in the defense and energy industries seeking new opportunities, applying education and
professional experience to pursue rewarding challenges in an engineering field. Team player who truly understands
independent responsibilities for interdependent success, derived from producing excellent measurable results in fast-paced and
deliberate team-centric envirornments to exceed the expecatations of management, peers and personal goals.
Michigan State University East Lansing, MI
Bachelor of Science, 05/2015
 Major: Mechanical Engineering
Renaissance High School Detroit, MI
 Diploma, September 2005  June 2009
General Dynamics Sterling Heights, MI
Quality Assurance Engineer - Contractor 10/2015  07/2016
 Worked with products mangers, systems integrators, and other QA team members to ensure high quality products.
 Responsible for establishing test strategies and methods for new systems on both Abrams and Stryker platforms.
 Wrote and performed final inspections records, delivering 10 multi-million dollar assets to the US Government.
 Executed software validations on 2 new software releases to ensure engineering compliance to customer requirements.
 Completed pre and post vehicle checkouts to establish engineering baselines ahead of prototype testing.
DTE Energy Downtown Detroit, MI
Fossil Generation Procurement  Intern 5/2014  8/2014
 Reviewed old vendor contracts for renegotiation.
 Reviewed purchase orders to place suppliers on contract.
 Identified areas for cost savings.
DTE Fermi II Nuclear Plant Frenchtown Charter Township, MI
Inventory Analyst  Co-Op 1/2014  5/2014
 Used SAP and SRM to pull inventory information.
 Analyzed inventory to pick up on trends and outliers in material purchases and usage.
 Kept track of material reservations during outage to suggest purchases or removal.
 Suggested items to keep on stock as well as items to delete from stock.
General Electric Louisville, KY
Supplier Quality - Co-Op 5/2013 8/2013
 Conducted projects to reduce service call rate and customer complaints.
 Communicated with service techs regarding field issues.
 Tested damaged field parts.
 Created monthly reports of year-to-date damage cost for Sourced Finished Goods team.
General Electric Louisville, KY
Business Team Leader  BTL Co-Op 8/2012  12/2012
 Managed final assembly on washing machine assembly line.
 Supervised 40 line operators.
 Tracked defects.
 Created hour-by-hour spreadsheet for 3 of 4 lines in factory.
Volunteer 6/2013  8/2013
 Assisted in constructing homes for low-income families.
 Aided in cleaning and maintaining the landscape and areas surrounding the homes.

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  • 1. Trenton Hicks 1045 E. Woodward Heights Blvd #319, Hazel Park, MI 48030 (313) 422-5111 Trent5111@gmail.com PROFILE Mechanical Enginner with experience in the defense and energy industries seeking new opportunities, applying education and professional experience to pursue rewarding challenges in an engineering field. Team player who truly understands independent responsibilities for interdependent success, derived from producing excellent measurable results in fast-paced and deliberate team-centric envirornments to exceed the expecatations of management, peers and personal goals. EDUCATION Michigan State University East Lansing, MI Bachelor of Science, 05/2015 Major: Mechanical Engineering Renaissance High School Detroit, MI Diploma, September 2005 June 2009 WORK EXPERIENCE General Dynamics Sterling Heights, MI Quality Assurance Engineer - Contractor 10/2015 07/2016 Worked with products mangers, systems integrators, and other QA team members to ensure high quality products. Responsible for establishing test strategies and methods for new systems on both Abrams and Stryker platforms. Wrote and performed final inspections records, delivering 10 multi-million dollar assets to the US Government. Executed software validations on 2 new software releases to ensure engineering compliance to customer requirements. Completed pre and post vehicle checkouts to establish engineering baselines ahead of prototype testing. DTE Energy Downtown Detroit, MI Fossil Generation Procurement Intern 5/2014 8/2014 Reviewed old vendor contracts for renegotiation. Reviewed purchase orders to place suppliers on contract. Identified areas for cost savings. DTE Fermi II Nuclear Plant Frenchtown Charter Township, MI Inventory Analyst Co-Op 1/2014 5/2014 Used SAP and SRM to pull inventory information. Analyzed inventory to pick up on trends and outliers in material purchases and usage. Kept track of material reservations during outage to suggest purchases or removal. Suggested items to keep on stock as well as items to delete from stock. General Electric Louisville, KY Supplier Quality - Co-Op 5/2013 8/2013 Conducted projects to reduce service call rate and customer complaints. Communicated with service techs regarding field issues. Tested damaged field parts. Created monthly reports of year-to-date damage cost for Sourced Finished Goods team. General Electric Louisville, KY Business Team Leader BTL Co-Op 8/2012 12/2012 Managed final assembly on washing machine assembly line. Supervised 40 line operators. Tracked defects. Created hour-by-hour spreadsheet for 3 of 4 lines in factory. VOLUNTEER HABITAT FOR HUMANITY Volunteer 6/2013 8/2013 Assisted in constructing homes for low-income families. Aided in cleaning and maintaining the landscape and areas surrounding the homes.