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Resume [Dr Ashish Dongre, DTE M.P.]
Personnel Details
Abstract of Profile
Additional Assignments/Appointments
Educational Qualifications
International Exposure
B  Papers
Association with Professional & Social Bodies.
Major Trainings attended
Major Events Organized
Other Achievements
Ph.D Guided
Other Achievements:
Page | 1
[II]Abstract of Profile:
A seasoned professional public School educated having Doctorate
in Civil Engineering associated with the Technical Education
system of different parts of India including Government of
Madhya Pradesh since last twenty seven years having rich cross-
functional international exposure encompassing academics,
administration and development of academic Institutions,
authoring books, presenting, reviewing papers , member Editorial
Board of International and National Journals.
Started career as Assistant Professor in Engineering
College of Nagpur University and then worked as Reader in
Mumbai Universitys College till June96 before joining
Government Job.
Joined Govt. of Madhya Pradesh {India} in 1996 as Head
of Civil Engineering Department, promoted to the post of
Principal in March 2000 and was subsequently appointed as
Secretary Rajeev Gandhi Technological University of the
State then as The Director, Technical Education of the State
of M.P.' ,Worked as 'Vice Chancellor, RKDF University,
Bhopal. (www.rkdf.ac.in)
Presently again designated as "The Director Technical
Education M.P."(www.mptechedu.org)
Associated with Professional and Social Bodies such as
International Association of University Presidents [IAUP],
International Association of Engineers [IA ENG], Indian Society
of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Concrete Institute, Indian
Building Congress, Coronation Lodge of India, Youth Hostels
Association of India, Lions Club International.Solar Energy
Society of India
Elected as Chairman, Indian Society of Technical
Education Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh chapter for
the tenure 2011-17. (www.isteonline.in)
Appointed as Board Member and Treasurer of Association
of Universities of Asia Pacific for November 2014 -2016
[AUAP] (www.sut.ac.th/auap)
Recently nominated as Subject Expert on AICTES Board of
Technician Education.
[II]Abstract of Profile:
A seasoned professional public School educated having Doctorate
in Civil Engineering associated with the Technical Education
system of different parts of India including Government of
Madhya Pradesh since last twenty seven years having rich cross-
functional international exposure encompassing academics,
administration and development of academic Institutions,
authoring books, presenting, reviewing papers , member Editorial
Board of International and National Journals.
Started career as Assistant Professor in Engineering
College of Nagpur University and then worked as Reader in
Mumbai Universitys College till June96 before joining
Government Job.
Joined Govt. of Madhya Pradesh {India} in 1996 as Head
of Civil Engineering Department, promoted to the post of
Principal in March 2000 and was subsequently appointed as
Secretary Rajeev Gandhi Technological University of the
State then as The Director, Technical Education of the State
of M.P.' ,Worked as 'Vice Chancellor, RKDF University,
Bhopal. (www.rkdf.ac.in)
Presently again designated as "The Director Technical
Education M.P."(www.mptechedu.org)
Associated with Professional and Social Bodies such as
International Association of University Presidents [IAUP],
International Association of Engineers [IA ENG], Indian Society
of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Concrete Institute, Indian
Building Congress, Coronation Lodge of India, Youth Hostels
Association of India, Lions Club International.Solar Energy
Society of India
Elected as Chairman, Indian Society of Technical
Education Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh chapter for
the tenure 2011-17. (www.isteonline.in)
Appointed as Board Member and Treasurer of Association
of Universities of Asia Pacific for November 2014 -2016
[AUAP] (www.sut.ac.th/auap)
Recently nominated as Subject Expert on AICTES Board of
Technician Education.
[ I ] Personnel Details :
Name & Date of Birth: Dr. Ashish Dongre, 24th
July 1964
Gender /Category: Male/ General
Present Post: Director Technical Education M.P.
Address : EN-1/7, Char Imli, Bhopal - 462004
Email id / Cell: ashish.dongre@gmail.com , 9425085373
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[III] Experience:
Technical Education
State of M.P.,
Government of M.P. {India}
July 2014
till date
Vice Chancellor
[As per UGC norms]
RKDF University, Bhopal
Through Government of
Oct. 2012 to
July 2014
Technical Education,
State of M.P.,
Government of M.P. {India}
Sept08 to
Member Admission &Fee regulatory
Sept08 to
Aug11 &25th
July 2014 .....
4th pay band ,GP Rs
10000/ +S.P. 2000/-
State Technical University,
Through Government of
July07 to
[Professor Scale]
4th pay band ,GP Rs
10000/ +Special pay
Government Polytechnic &
Pharmacy College, M.P.
Affiliated to State Technical
University [RGPV]
March 2000 to
July '07 &
Aug11 to
H.O.D. Civil
[Associate Professor ]
Government College,
Government of M.P.
June 96 to
March 2000
Applied Mechanics
RGIT, New Bombay
affiliated to Bombay
University {India}
June 94 to June
Assistant Professor in
Civil Engineering
College of Engineering
Sewagram & Pusad {M.S.}
Aug. 87 to June
Page | 3
[IV ] Additional Assignments Undertaken:
Name of Organization
/Order number
AICTES Board of Technician Education ,
[Government of India ]
F. No. 31-
AIBs/2016 dated 11th
Member State level Steering Committee
Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana AICTE
MHRDs Recently
launched scheme
Treasurer &
Board of Association of Universities of Asia and
the Pacific [AUAP ]
November'14 to
December 16
M.P.& C.G.
Indian Society of Technical Education
Jan12 to Dec17
Chairman State Counselling Authority [ Augst'08 to 11 and July'14 onwards ]
Board of Directors, MP State Electronics
Development Corporation
14 Jan '15
Member ITM Universitys Board of Management. Augst11 till date
Project Leader : Canada-India Industry Institute Linkage Project Sept03 to Dec 06
Governing Body, B.O.A.T. Western Region,
Augst08 to
Governing Body, NITTTR, Bhopal. [ Augst'08 to 11 and July'14 ]
Governing Body, NITTTR, Kolkata [July'14 onwards]
Ministry of HRD GOIs Community Development
Scheme through Polytechnics Colleges.
Sept,99 to
Government of Indias Rajeev Gandhi National
Drinking Water Mission under Ministry of Rural
July2002 to Feb
[V] Educational Qualification :
 Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from States Technical University {RGPV, Bhopal}
 M.E. Structures (First with distinction) in92 from Walchand College, Sangli.
 B.E. Civil (First Division) in '87 from Nagpur University, Nagpur (M.S.).
 Certificate Course in German Language from Max Muller, Bombay.
 Selected through Government of Indias Merit Scholarship Scheme & was
placed in Scindia School, Gwalior for School Education.
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[VI] International Exposure :
 Visited Scotland under UKIERI Project ---A joint venture of UK & Indian
 Co-Chaired ISTE's International Conference on "Multidisciplinary
Research approach" in Thailand during 10-11th
June'16 organized by
Gujrat Chapter.
 Participated in AUAP'S Executive Councils meeting at Suranaree
University, Nikon Ratchasima, Thailand during 26- 28 July2015.
 Participated in AUAP'S Annual Conference and Board meeting at Sias
International Unversity, Henan Province China during 27- 31 May 2014.
 Participated in IAUPs Semi Annual Meeting in Sias International
Unversity, Henan Province China during 22-26 September 2013.
 Visited Harrow and Dudley Colleges, Oxford University of UK to establish
academic linkages, designed short term courses for Students & Faculty
Exchange - April13
 Participated in International Conference and 5th
Global meet at
Manchester During 24-26 April 2013 Organized by International
Association of University Presidents.
 Presented a paper based on Provision of Security System to Online
solutions at International Conference CITS12 during 12-19 May 2012 at
Amman, Jordan Organized by IEEE.
 Attended Training on Change Management through Appreciative
Participatory Organizational Assessment" 02-06 May 2009 at Hua Hin,
 Worked as Institutions Project Leader for implementing Vocational
Training Oriented Canada-India-Industry-Institute-Linkage-Project
 Attended Lions Clubs 88th
International Convention 2005 at Hong Kong
during 27th
June to 1st July 05 as an Indian Delegate
 Attended Dubai tour sponsored by Syngenta India Limited {A
Multinational Company} as an Eminent Citizen of City 2004.
 Associated with German International Services {GIZ IN} through CRISP
Bhopal and IGIAT, Vishakhapatnam as a Resource person.
 Executed world bank aided Technical Education improvement Projects in
various capacities.
Page | 5
[VII] Publications:
[A] Books Published
1. Knowledge Based Expert
system for Retrofitting
of Buildings
Scholars' Press,
This is a reference Book
based on my research
2. Building Design &
Satya Prakashan ,
New Delhi
This is a text Book for
Civil Engineering at
Undergraduate Level
3. Values, Spirituality and
[This a book authored
under my guidance and
initiative as Vice
Chancellor ]
Rajyoga Education
& Research
Foundation Wing,
Moun Abu
There is one full subject
based on values and
Ethics in RKDF University
and is being introduced
in other Universities as
4. Text Book on
Engineering and
Satya Prakashan,
New Delhi
This is a text Book for
Civil Engineering at
Undergraduate Level
[B] Major Papers Published & Presented:
 A Paper on Area Estimation for Web Browsing
Performance of Users by Applying Numerical Method in
International Journal of Computer application in June
2015 issue ISBN : 973-93-80887-48-1
 A paper on " Vastu Shastra Societys preference and
Construction Industrys concern" ISSN 2320-7973 Volume-1
Issue-6MonthOctober 2013 pp(14)
 Published a paper on "Two-Call Index Based Internet Traffic Sharing
Analysis in Case of Cyber Crime Environment of Computer Network"
ISSN: 2231-5381 in the International Journal of Engineering Trends and
Technology, in July 2014.
 "Probability Density Estimation Function of Browser Share Curve for
Users Web Browsing Behavior" International Journal of Engineering
Research and Development (IJERD) ISSN: 2278-800X in July 2014
 Review papers for ISTE Journal and EDA journals regularly
 At International Conference on DHARMA-DHAMMA during 22-23
September12 Organized by Government of M.P.at Bhopal{M.P.}
Page | 6
 Presented paper in International Conference {IEEE} during 13-
16May2012 at Amman, Jordan on Computer based solutions.
 Published a paper on Developing a knowledge data base for
retrofitting of pile structures in International Journal of Physical
Sciences{ISSN0970-9150} in April 2011
 Published paper on Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
in Engineering and Sciences Journal{ISSN0970-2083}IN Dec'10.
 Published paper on Some New Innovative Practices for Seismic
Retrofitting of Existing Civil Engineering Structures in Engineering and
Sciences Journal {ISSN0970-2083}IN June2010
Published paper on Modern Techniques of Surveying and Remote
sensing in National Level Technical Journal of SATI, Vidisha in April09.
 Presented paper in International Conference organized by Indian
Chapter of American Concrete on Sustainable concrete in Feb08at
Ratnagiri [India]
 Presented paper in International Seminar on Technical Education in 21st
Century held in Jan. 1998 at MANIT, Bhopal on Teacher & The Taught
 Published papers on  Concepts and Practical aspects of Establishing
Finishing Schools for Engineering and Polytechnic Institutions &
on  Dynamic Steps Required In Creating a Resonance Between The
Demand And The Curriculum for conventional Steams with
References from Civil Engineering
On Value Based Curriculum: Need of the hour at NITTTR,
[VIII]Association with Professional and Social Bodies:
 Member International Association of University Presidents [IAUP]
 Life Member International Association of Engineers [ IA ENG]
 Member of Association of Universities of Asia Pacific {AUAP}
 Associated with Institution of Engineers [IE [I] ] as Fellow member no:1202568
 Associated with Asia-Africa-Scholars Global Network [AASGON] as Board Member
 Life member Solar Energy Society of India- LM 2152 /2015
 Chief Editor Journal of Innovative trends in Science Pharmacy and Technology
 On Advisory Board of International Journal ISSN: 2249-3255
 On advisory Board for International Journal on Theoretical and applied Sciences :
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ISSN NO 2249-3247
 Executive advisory Board member Search and Research Journal ISSN NO 0975-5713
 Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education, LM22175
 Life Member of Indian Society of Earthquake Engineering
 Life member Indian Concrete Institute & Member of Indian Building Congress.
 Life Member of Youth Hostels Association of India
 Member of Lions Club International and Coronation Lodge of India
[IX]Major Trainings Attended in India:
1. Course on Official Procedures & Financial Management
at Prashasan Academy, Bhopal in April 06
01 Week
2. Short term course on Structural Dynamics applicable to
Earthquake Engineering at IIT Bombay in July04 under
01 Week
3. Short Term Course on Fundamentals of Earthquake
Engineering at IISC, Bangalore in Oct. 2003 under NPEEE
01 Week
4. Short Term Course on Earth Quake Resistant Structures
& Disaster Management in Now. 2002 at Ahmadabad
01 Week
5. Course on Strategic Planning & Institutional
Development at Administrative Academy Bhopal in
May 2000
01 Week
6. Short Course on Transfer of Technology for Rural
Development at NITTTR ,Bhopal in Jan  2000
01 Week
7. Course on Financial Management for Senior
Administrators at Administrative Academy, Bhopal in
March 1998
01 Week
8. Short term course on Low Cost Housing at NITTTR,
Bhopal in May 1997
01 Week
[X] Major Events Organized:
 One day workshop for creating awareness for quality in Education
jointly with NBA, New Delhi on 7th
Sept 15 at Bhopal
 International Conference on Development of Nation through Young
minds during 12-13 Dec 12 at Bhopal inaugurated by Dr. APJ Abdul
 International Conference on Vastu Panorama 12 during 11-13 Nov12 at
Page | 8
 International Conference on -Indias Preparedness FOR Washington
Accord in Joint Venture with NITTTR, Bhopal during 6-7 January11.
 National Workshop/Conference on Ethical Leadership presided by
Chairman UGC on 8th
February 20014 in RKDF University.
 National meet of Process Champions under Canada-India Project In
 Organized many other National Level Seminars/Conferences in various
 Several Community Development Schemes, fairs & programmes on
Entrepreneurship Development in coordination with CEDMAP, State
Technical University M.P., AICTEs EMD Centre and others
[XII]Experience to guide Ph.D students [06 Nos]:
[ Evaluation and examining of Thesis: 09 Nos ]
SN. Name of the Student Subject
2 PANKAJ SHRIVASTAVA Civil Engineering
4 SURESH KUMAR MISHRA Civil Engineering
5 JAYANT MISHRA Civil Engineering
6 VINOD KUMAR SINGHAI Civil Engineering
[XIII] Details of major research projects submitted as VC:
S.No Title of the Project
(Rs. in Lakh)
Name of
Hands on training on molecular analysis of
50,000/- MPCST
Evaluate the role of genetic modifier
genes in beta thalassemia patient 14,75000/-
M.P. council
Emerging knowledge
in Clinical Genetic &Genomic Medicine.
40,000/- MPCST
Analysis of SNPS and genetic modifier in
beta thalassaemia in tribes of India 54,58000/- DBT
S.No Title of the Project
(Rs. in Lakh)
Name of
Funding agency
1 Herbal Drugs: Indian Perspective and 1,73000/- MPCST
Page | 9
global Scenario
Conceptualizing Magic Bullet Through
Nanotechnology 1,59000/-
Mannose tethered therapeutic
nanocarriers for macrophage targeting
in tuberculosis
13,5000/- MPCST
4 Fostering Scientific Temper 50,000/- MPCST
Carrier mediated drug delivery for
management of pulmonary tuberculosis
23,00000/- DST New Delhi
6 Colon targeted polymeric Drug Delivery
System for the Management of Ulcerative
23,00000/- UGC, New Delhi
7 Investigation of Herbal
Immunomodulator And Development of
Their Formulation.
Recent trends and future perspectives in
Novel Drug delivery system
9 Development and Standardization of
some herbal drug for the treatment of
12,2000/- MPCST
[XIV]Other Achievements:
 Nominated on the Board of AASGON i.e. Asia Africa-Scholars Global
Network in 2015
 Also nominated on the Editorial Board of journal of Indian Society for
Technical Education.
 Topped MPPSC 95 Merit for the post of H.O.D. Civil Engineering.
 Bronze Medal Winner of Duke of Edinburghs Scheme of Awards
 Had been a Licensed Structural Engineer of Mumbai Municipal
Corporation for G+ 7 Storey Buildings
 Signed MOU with Brahma kumaris, Universities of UK, USA, China &
Australia for framing curriculum related to Values & in the context of
Globalization of Education.
Dr. Ashish Dongre,
EN-1/7, Near IAS Guest House ,
Char Imli, Bhopal - 462004[India ]
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Resume September

  • 1. Resume [Dr Ashish Dongre, DTE M.P.] Index I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. [XIV] Personnel Details Abstract of Profile Experience Additional Assignments/Appointments Educational Qualifications International Exposure Publications A-Books, B Papers Association with Professional & Social Bodies. Major Trainings attended Major Events Organized Other Achievements Ph.D Guided Projects Other Achievements: Page | 1
  • 2. [II]Abstract of Profile: A seasoned professional public School educated having Doctorate in Civil Engineering associated with the Technical Education system of different parts of India including Government of Madhya Pradesh since last twenty seven years having rich cross- functional international exposure encompassing academics, administration and development of academic Institutions, authoring books, presenting, reviewing papers , member Editorial Board of International and National Journals. Started career as Assistant Professor in Engineering College of Nagpur University and then worked as Reader in Mumbai Universitys College till June96 before joining Government Job. Joined Govt. of Madhya Pradesh {India} in 1996 as Head of Civil Engineering Department, promoted to the post of Principal in March 2000 and was subsequently appointed as Secretary Rajeev Gandhi Technological University of the State then as The Director, Technical Education of the State of M.P.' ,Worked as 'Vice Chancellor, RKDF University, Bhopal. (www.rkdf.ac.in) Presently again designated as "The Director Technical Education M.P."(www.mptechedu.org) Associated with Professional and Social Bodies such as International Association of University Presidents [IAUP], International Association of Engineers [IA ENG], Indian Society of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Concrete Institute, Indian Building Congress, Coronation Lodge of India, Youth Hostels Association of India, Lions Club International.Solar Energy Society of India Elected as Chairman, Indian Society of Technical Education Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh chapter for the tenure 2011-17. (www.isteonline.in) Appointed as Board Member and Treasurer of Association of Universities of Asia Pacific for November 2014 -2016 [AUAP] (www.sut.ac.th/auap) Recently nominated as Subject Expert on AICTES Board of Technician Education. [II]Abstract of Profile: A seasoned professional public School educated having Doctorate in Civil Engineering associated with the Technical Education system of different parts of India including Government of Madhya Pradesh since last twenty seven years having rich cross- functional international exposure encompassing academics, administration and development of academic Institutions, authoring books, presenting, reviewing papers , member Editorial Board of International and National Journals. Started career as Assistant Professor in Engineering College of Nagpur University and then worked as Reader in Mumbai Universitys College till June96 before joining Government Job. Joined Govt. of Madhya Pradesh {India} in 1996 as Head of Civil Engineering Department, promoted to the post of Principal in March 2000 and was subsequently appointed as Secretary Rajeev Gandhi Technological University of the State then as The Director, Technical Education of the State of M.P.' ,Worked as 'Vice Chancellor, RKDF University, Bhopal. (www.rkdf.ac.in) Presently again designated as "The Director Technical Education M.P."(www.mptechedu.org) Associated with Professional and Social Bodies such as International Association of University Presidents [IAUP], International Association of Engineers [IA ENG], Indian Society of Earthquake Engineering, Indian Concrete Institute, Indian Building Congress, Coronation Lodge of India, Youth Hostels Association of India, Lions Club International.Solar Energy Society of India Elected as Chairman, Indian Society of Technical Education Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh chapter for the tenure 2011-17. (www.isteonline.in) Appointed as Board Member and Treasurer of Association of Universities of Asia Pacific for November 2014 -2016 [AUAP] (www.sut.ac.th/auap) Recently nominated as Subject Expert on AICTES Board of Technician Education. [ I ] Personnel Details : Name & Date of Birth: Dr. Ashish Dongre, 24th July 1964 Gender /Category: Male/ General Present Post: Director Technical Education M.P. Address : EN-1/7, Char Imli, Bhopal - 462004 Email id / Cell: ashish.dongre@gmail.com , 9425085373 Page | 2
  • 3. [III] Experience: S. NO. POST & SCALE NAME OF ORGANIZATION DURATION 1. Director, Technical Education State of M.P., Government of M.P. {India} 25th July 2014 till date 2. Vice Chancellor [As per UGC norms] RKDF University, Bhopal Through Government of M.P. Oct. 2012 to 25th July 2014 3. Director, Technical Education, State of M.P., Government of M.P. {India} Sept08 to Aug11 4.--> Member Admission &Fee regulatory Committee Sept08 to Aug11 &25th July 2014 ..... 5 Secretary, 4th pay band ,GP Rs 10000/ +S.P. 2000/- State Technical University, Through Government of M.P. July07 to Sept08 6. Principal [Professor Scale] 4th pay band ,GP Rs 10000/ +Special pay 2000/- Government Polytechnic & Pharmacy College, M.P. Affiliated to State Technical University [RGPV] March 2000 to July '07 & Aug11 to sept12 7. H.O.D. Civil Engineering [Associate Professor ] Government College, Government of M.P. June 96 to March 2000 8. Reader, Applied Mechanics 3700-150-5700/- RGIT, New Bombay affiliated to Bombay University {India} June 94 to June 96 9. Assistant Professor in Civil Engineering 2200-4000/-125 College of Engineering Sewagram & Pusad {M.S.} Aug. 87 to June 96 Page | 3
  • 4. [IV ] Additional Assignments Undertaken: Designation/ Duty Name of Organization Duration/Remark /Order number Subject Expert AICTES Board of Technician Education , [Government of India ] F. No. 31- 1/AICTE/Re-Cons- AIBs/2016 dated 11th May'16 Member State level Steering Committee Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana AICTE MHRDs Recently launched scheme Treasurer & Member Board of Association of Universities of Asia and the Pacific [AUAP ] November'14 to December 16 Chairman, M.P.& C.G. Indian Society of Technical Education Jan12 to Dec17 Chairman State Counselling Authority [ Augst'08 to 11 and July'14 onwards ] Director Board of Directors, MP State Electronics Development Corporation 14 Jan '15 onwards Member ITM Universitys Board of Management. Augst11 till date Project Leader : Canada-India Industry Institute Linkage Project Sept03 to Dec 06 Member Governing Body, B.O.A.T. Western Region, Mumbai Augst08 to Augst11 Member Governing Body, NITTTR, Bhopal. [ Augst'08 to 11 and July'14 ] Governing Body, NITTTR, Kolkata [July'14 onwards] Coordinator Ministry of HRD GOIs Community Development Scheme through Polytechnics Colleges. Sept,99 to Sept012 Coordinator Government of Indias Rajeev Gandhi National Drinking Water Mission under Ministry of Rural Development July2002 to Feb 2004 [V] Educational Qualification : Ph.D. in Civil Engineering from States Technical University {RGPV, Bhopal} M.E. Structures (First with distinction) in92 from Walchand College, Sangli. B.E. Civil (First Division) in '87 from Nagpur University, Nagpur (M.S.). Certificate Course in German Language from Max Muller, Bombay. Selected through Government of Indias Merit Scholarship Scheme & was placed in Scindia School, Gwalior for School Education. Page | 4
  • 5. [VI] International Exposure : Visited Scotland under UKIERI Project ---A joint venture of UK & Indian Governments. Co-Chaired ISTE's International Conference on "Multidisciplinary Research approach" in Thailand during 10-11th June'16 organized by Gujrat Chapter. Participated in AUAP'S Executive Councils meeting at Suranaree University, Nikon Ratchasima, Thailand during 26- 28 July2015. Participated in AUAP'S Annual Conference and Board meeting at Sias International Unversity, Henan Province China during 27- 31 May 2014. Participated in IAUPs Semi Annual Meeting in Sias International Unversity, Henan Province China during 22-26 September 2013. Visited Harrow and Dudley Colleges, Oxford University of UK to establish academic linkages, designed short term courses for Students & Faculty Exchange - April13 Participated in International Conference and 5th Global meet at Manchester During 24-26 April 2013 Organized by International Association of University Presidents. Presented a paper based on Provision of Security System to Online solutions at International Conference CITS12 during 12-19 May 2012 at Amman, Jordan Organized by IEEE. Attended Training on Change Management through Appreciative Participatory Organizational Assessment" 02-06 May 2009 at Hua Hin, Thailand. Worked as Institutions Project Leader for implementing Vocational Training Oriented Canada-India-Industry-Institute-Linkage-Project Attended Lions Clubs 88th International Convention 2005 at Hong Kong during 27th June to 1st July 05 as an Indian Delegate Attended Dubai tour sponsored by Syngenta India Limited {A Multinational Company} as an Eminent Citizen of City 2004. Associated with German International Services {GIZ IN} through CRISP Bhopal and IGIAT, Vishakhapatnam as a Resource person. Executed world bank aided Technical Education improvement Projects in various capacities. Page | 5
  • 6. [VII] Publications: [A] Books Published SN. TITLE OF BOOK ISBN No./ PUBLISHER REMARK 1. Knowledge Based Expert system for Retrofitting of Buildings 978-3-639-66149-1 Scholars' Press, Germany This is a reference Book based on my research work 2. Building Design & Drawing 81-7684-917-0 Satya Prakashan , New Delhi This is a text Book for Civil Engineering at Undergraduate Level 3. Values, Spirituality and Consciousness [This a book authored under my guidance and initiative as Vice Chancellor ] Rajyoga Education & Research Foundation Wing, Moun Abu There is one full subject based on values and Ethics in RKDF University and is being introduced in other Universities as well. 4. Text Book on Transportation Engineering and Highways 81-7684-987-1 Satya Prakashan, New Delhi This is a text Book for Civil Engineering at Undergraduate Level [B] Major Papers Published & Presented: A Paper on Area Estimation for Web Browsing Performance of Users by Applying Numerical Method in International Journal of Computer application in June 2015 issue ISBN : 973-93-80887-48-1 A paper on " Vastu Shastra Societys preference and Construction Industrys concern" ISSN 2320-7973 Volume-1 Issue-6MonthOctober 2013 pp(14) Published a paper on "Two-Call Index Based Internet Traffic Sharing Analysis in Case of Cyber Crime Environment of Computer Network" ISSN: 2231-5381 in the International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology, in July 2014. "Probability Density Estimation Function of Browser Share Curve for Users Web Browsing Behavior" International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERD) ISSN: 2278-800X in July 2014 Review papers for ISTE Journal and EDA journals regularly At International Conference on DHARMA-DHAMMA during 22-23 September12 Organized by Government of M.P.at Bhopal{M.P.} Page | 6
  • 7. Presented paper in International Conference {IEEE} during 13- 16May2012 at Amman, Jordan on Computer based solutions. Published a paper on Developing a knowledge data base for retrofitting of pile structures in International Journal of Physical Sciences{ISSN0970-9150} in April 2011 Published paper on Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Buildings in Engineering and Sciences Journal{ISSN0970-2083}IN Dec'10. Published paper on Some New Innovative Practices for Seismic Retrofitting of Existing Civil Engineering Structures in Engineering and Sciences Journal {ISSN0970-2083}IN June2010 Published paper on Modern Techniques of Surveying and Remote sensing in National Level Technical Journal of SATI, Vidisha in April09. Presented paper in International Conference organized by Indian Chapter of American Concrete on Sustainable concrete in Feb08at Ratnagiri [India] Presented paper in International Seminar on Technical Education in 21st Century held in Jan. 1998 at MANIT, Bhopal on Teacher & The Taught relationship. Published papers on Concepts and Practical aspects of Establishing Finishing Schools for Engineering and Polytechnic Institutions & on Dynamic Steps Required In Creating a Resonance Between The Demand And The Curriculum for conventional Steams with References from Civil Engineering On Value Based Curriculum: Need of the hour at NITTTR, Chandigarh [VIII]Association with Professional and Social Bodies: Member International Association of University Presidents [IAUP] Life Member International Association of Engineers [ IA ENG] Member of Association of Universities of Asia Pacific {AUAP} Associated with Institution of Engineers [IE [I] ] as Fellow member no:1202568 Associated with Asia-Africa-Scholars Global Network [AASGON] as Board Member Life member Solar Energy Society of India- LM 2152 /2015 Chief Editor Journal of Innovative trends in Science Pharmacy and Technology On Advisory Board of International Journal ISSN: 2249-3255 On advisory Board for International Journal on Theoretical and applied Sciences : Page | 7
  • 8. ISSN NO 2249-3247 Executive advisory Board member Search and Research Journal ISSN NO 0975-5713 Life Member of Indian Society of Technical Education, LM22175 Life Member of Indian Society of Earthquake Engineering Life member Indian Concrete Institute & Member of Indian Building Congress. Life Member of Youth Hostels Association of India Member of Lions Club International and Coronation Lodge of India [IX]Major Trainings Attended in India: S. NO. DESCRIPTION & VENUE DURATION 1. Course on Official Procedures & Financial Management at Prashasan Academy, Bhopal in April 06 01 Week 2. Short term course on Structural Dynamics applicable to Earthquake Engineering at IIT Bombay in July04 under NPEEE 01 Week 3. Short Term Course on Fundamentals of Earthquake Engineering at IISC, Bangalore in Oct. 2003 under NPEEE 01 Week 4. Short Term Course on Earth Quake Resistant Structures & Disaster Management in Now. 2002 at Ahmadabad 01 Week 5. Course on Strategic Planning & Institutional Development at Administrative Academy Bhopal in May 2000 01 Week 6. Short Course on Transfer of Technology for Rural Development at NITTTR ,Bhopal in Jan 2000 01 Week 7. Course on Financial Management for Senior Administrators at Administrative Academy, Bhopal in March 1998 01 Week 8. Short term course on Low Cost Housing at NITTTR, Bhopal in May 1997 01 Week [X] Major Events Organized: One day workshop for creating awareness for quality in Education jointly with NBA, New Delhi on 7th Sept 15 at Bhopal International Conference on Development of Nation through Young minds during 12-13 Dec 12 at Bhopal inaugurated by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam International Conference on Vastu Panorama 12 during 11-13 Nov12 at Bhopal. Page | 8
  • 9. International Conference on -Indias Preparedness FOR Washington Accord in Joint Venture with NITTTR, Bhopal during 6-7 January11. National Workshop/Conference on Ethical Leadership presided by Chairman UGC on 8th February 20014 in RKDF University. National meet of Process Champions under Canada-India Project In Dec04. Organized many other National Level Seminars/Conferences in various capacities. Several Community Development Schemes, fairs & programmes on Entrepreneurship Development in coordination with CEDMAP, State Technical University M.P., AICTEs EMD Centre and others [XII]Experience to guide Ph.D students [06 Nos]: [ Evaluation and examining of Thesis: 09 Nos ] SN. Name of the Student Subject 1 JOGINDER PAL SINGH ARORA Civil Engineering 2 PANKAJ SHRIVASTAVA Civil Engineering 3 PRAKESH CHANDRA CHOUDHARY Civil Engineering 4 SURESH KUMAR MISHRA Civil Engineering 5 JAYANT MISHRA Civil Engineering 6 VINOD KUMAR SINGHAI Civil Engineering [XIII] Details of major research projects submitted as VC: A- DEPARTMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY: S.No Title of the Project Project expenditure (Rs. in Lakh) Name of Funding agency 1 Hands on training on molecular analysis of Haemoglobinopathies 50,000/- MPCST 2 Evaluate the role of genetic modifier genes in beta thalassemia patient 14,75000/- M.P. council of Biotechnology 3 Emerging knowledge in Clinical Genetic &Genomic Medicine. 40,000/- MPCST 4 Analysis of SNPS and genetic modifier in beta thalassaemia in tribes of India 54,58000/- DBT B- DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACY: S.No Title of the Project Project expenditure (Rs. in Lakh) Name of Funding agency 1 Herbal Drugs: Indian Perspective and 1,73000/- MPCST Page | 9
  • 10. global Scenario 2 Conceptualizing Magic Bullet Through Nanotechnology 1,59000/- MPCST 3 Mannose tethered therapeutic nanocarriers for macrophage targeting in tuberculosis 13,5000/- MPCST 4 Fostering Scientific Temper 50,000/- MPCST 5 Carrier mediated drug delivery for management of pulmonary tuberculosis 23,00000/- DST New Delhi 6 Colon targeted polymeric Drug Delivery System for the Management of Ulcerative Colitis 23,00000/- UGC, New Delhi 7 Investigation of Herbal Immunomodulator And Development of Their Formulation. 25,00000/- AICTE New Delhi 8 Recent trends and future perspectives in Novel Drug delivery system 7,00000/- AICTE New Delhi 9 Development and Standardization of some herbal drug for the treatment of Asthma. 12,2000/- MPCST [XIV]Other Achievements: Nominated on the Board of AASGON i.e. Asia Africa-Scholars Global Network in 2015 Also nominated on the Editorial Board of journal of Indian Society for Technical Education. Topped MPPSC 95 Merit for the post of H.O.D. Civil Engineering. Bronze Medal Winner of Duke of Edinburghs Scheme of Awards Had been a Licensed Structural Engineer of Mumbai Municipal Corporation for G+ 7 Storey Buildings Signed MOU with Brahma kumaris, Universities of UK, USA, China & Australia for framing curriculum related to Values & in the context of Globalization of Education. Dr. Ashish Dongre, EN-1/7, Near IAS Guest House , Char Imli, Bhopal - 462004[India ] Page | 10