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 Geological engineering ,oil, drilling fluids, drilling engineer,
 Knowledgeable in the following Drilling Fluids, Drilling Operations, Geological Engineering,
 I've more than 31 years oil field experience as a Senior Drilling Fluid Engineer, I'm seeking to
join an international company in my career.
 Courses completed include Applied Basic Mud School, Jowfe sponsored seminars and
courses, Drilling Fluids Technology Courses, IWCF Well Control, Fire Fighting, HUET
Training, Drilling Engineering and Advanced DF, Defensive Driving Course, Solid control
School ,QHSE School, Control, Standard Units and ScomIOiltools Software Courses HyPR
CALC & HyPR FORM, Operations Manual, Helicopter Underwater Escape, Fire Fighting &
Breathing Protection, H2S, Welsight Software Halliburton.
 Extensive work with Drilling Mud and Drilling Mud Engineer in daily treatment of drilling fluid,
maintaining solids control equipment, managed water loss and lost-circulation problems,
experienced in increasing mud weight (routine and wellbore intrusions) .
 Drilling Fluids Engineer: Trained in and practical application experience in construction of,
utilization, and maintenance of water based and oil based weighted ,un weighted mud
 My degree background is Geological Engineering which empowers me to relate drilling and
Completion with HSE.
 Provide onsite drilling fluid services by testing, measuring and supervising the operation of
fluid pumping and mixing, which includes technical analysis in addition to specific product and
practical recommendations for maintaining and controlling fluid properties.
 Oversee the fluid mixing and pumping while on the drilling rig, and making specific
recommendations for maintaining the fluid specifications.
 Responsible for providing effectual customer service by giving coordinators and rig-site
customers information related to the Drilling fluids in addition to creating and implementing
solutions to various Drilling problems.
Hafed Abdu Aziz Al Azzabi
Drilling Fluids Engineer
E- Mail: hafezabi@yahoo.com
Contact No:218-91-3469276 Zwara-Libya
 Responsible for treating drilling fluid maintaining ph, weight, shakers and pumping equipment
on high tech drilling rig.
 Recognized a need for more efficient fluid drilling systems in, (high natural flow) wellsl.
 Designed a drilling Fluids programs for Operator Companies,
 I have run a many important drilling fluid systems that are currently used at oil Fields:.
 Conducted research on formulation of compatible drilling fluids for high pressure (HP)/high
temperature (HT) wells.
 Provides constant support to aid operations in providing customers the most efficient,
environmentally safe drilling fluids that are available
 Developed new in depth relations with several major oil field service producers,
 These included drill-in fluids, completion fluids, and filtration systems.
 Knowledge of drilling fluids that are current used in Libya Fields offshore, onshore, Abu Dhabi
Fields. Qatar offshore.
 Operate as well as maintain stock point systems for mixing, loading and unloading drilling
fluids for offshore rigs.
 Waste Management of Haulage: arrangements to send for Disposal area.
Drilling Fluids Engineer
Halliburton, Libya
Feb 2013  Dec 2015
 Review Drilling fluid programs and corresponded with the Drilling Fluids Engineer/ Well Site
Supervisor to ensure the plan is followed.
 Extensive work with Mud Supervisor and Drilling Supervisor in daily treatment of drilling fluid,
maintaining solids control equipment, managed water loss and lost-circulation problems,
experienced in increasing mud weight (routine and wellbore intrusions) .
 Reviewed reports, with the office Supervisor, and Solids Control third party.
 I am worked as a drilling fluid specialist and I provide a technical service on the rig site for
drilling fluids with a various responsibility as mentioned below which are included, but not
Work Experience
 Responsible for providing effectual customer service by giving coordinators and rig-site
customers information related to the Drilling fluids in addition to creating and implementing
solutions to various Drilling problems.
 Mixing, Testing & Treatment of Drilling Fluids in addition to Follow up all drilling & Geological
Operations and solving down hole complications including but not limited to cement
contamination, mud loss, stuck pipe, caving, high pressure kick
 Trained in understanding the various properties and applications of water-based and invert
emulsion drilling fluids.
 Provide on-site services to the operators by measuring, testing, and supervising the drilling
fluids system.
 Analyze drilling fluid in/out of hole and apply treatment principles and procedures for
 Perform daily checks on drilling fluids, make recommendations for treatment, and maintain
sufficient inventory of chemical additives as well as liquid inventory.
Liquid Mud Plant Supervisor
M-I SWACO, UAE/Abu Dhabi
May 2012  Jan 2013
 Supervising and participating in the treatments & transfer of OBM and brine. Plant -
Responsible for all plant operation production, compounding, shipping and receiving,
maintenance and chemical unloading in a Liquid Filling plant.
 As well as assisting in the transfer of liquid mud, water, cement, barite and other various
drilling/production bulk products.
 Tested the Liquid Oil Base received and manganese in the contaminated liquids for Solids
Removal and required treatments or for proper disposal area .
 Plant - Responsible for all plant operation production, compounding, shipping and receiving,
maintenance and chemical unloading in a Liquid Filling plant.
 Maintain inventory of, and process potentially hazardous and.
 Responsible for site, operations, and inventory planning for liquid, including capital forecasts
and daily/weekly/monthly/Yearly coordination with Oil Base Mud treatments and movements
from and to Rig site, and customer service.
 Managed Mud Plant responsible for all the Operators on the site plant: vacations the Make the required
chemicals to treat the OBM and give the instructions to m
Operations Coordinator
Scomi Oil Tools, UAE/Abu Dhabi
Feb 2006  Nov 2011
 Coordinate with various staff for operational support activities of the unit serve as a liaison
between departments and operating units in the resolution of day by day administrative and
operational problems.
 Tracked and maintained status of impacting operations related to Drilling Fluids on Rig Site
and submitted required reports.
 Coordinate with various staff for operational support activities of the unit serve as a liaison
between departments and Client in the resolution of day-to-day operational problems.
 Planned, coordinated and executed employment of Special Technical Operations capabilities,
and service component operations in support of the Unified Commander's highly sensitive,
compartmented operational plans.
 Monitors, crews reporting for duty, & coordinates changes to during current day operations or
anticipated problems,
 Oversee daily rig operations including team travel, supervising all Mud Engineers l, managing
organizing daily office operations.
 Provided, coordination and supervised daily operations, recorded data and , systematically
resolved company safety, service and operational issues, performed Daily/weekly/monthly
and year-end closing reports.
 Oversaw the closure of the company's Abu Dhabi office as well as * Monitors and coordinates
operations, Time sheets receivables, Engineers payroll, schedules, hotel and Travel tickets
booking and operating expenses.
 Responsible for scheduling and coordinating of operations for 22 Engineers to include
Temporary Duty Assignments, Demolition Range Operations, Training Operations, and
 .Coordinate with Range Users, Mud Engineering and personnel to ensure that various job
requirements were coordinated properly to accomplish various responsibilities.
 Involves technical knowledge for daily conversations with Field Engineers,
 Managed and operated the payroll office smoothly for 5 years.
 Initial communication with Country manager to coordinate with field operations, leasing
agents, or owners to coordinate documentation such as rent rolls, master utility bills, or lease
 I coordinated and managed the agency's broadcast e-mail communications system, and I
also served as coordinator for the Office of Public Affairs Emergency Response Group and
Continuity of Operations activities.
 Oversaw the daily operations of the program, Coordinated care of the injured employee,
Completed all Bureau documents, Determined type of claim, Analyzed and reconciled drafts
of, bills//invoices and initiated payments, Maintained all working Files. And sent to Main office
Company promoted me as a project manager on Solid Control Equipment contract with
ADCO oil
 Provide onsite solid Control operators services, provided instructions, to ensure a smooth
workflow and adherence to Department performance-based service goals
 I manage 25-30 employees and I am equipped with a solid background in safety
 Prepare spreadsheets for cost control, inventory, equipment, labor, materials, weather,
delays and modifications, solid control Equipments understand
 project controls, procurement and Assisted Field Supervisor and interacted extensively with
 Quality Control-Oversee project work, manage Solid control equipments, utilize proper
equipment and materials relative to project work.
 Operation and maintenance of all solid's control equipment, including shakers, centrifuges, H
G Dryer, Auger, various pumps, etc.
 Provide the Main Office, Manager, and accounts division, with numerous projects such as
equipment inventory, security access control, document management as well as day-to-day
operations, Arranged employees work schedule with Field Supervisor (Excel Spreadsheets),
kept records of Daily rate via computer software, discussed defect with quality,
Control/inspections personnel to determine source of defects and equipment.
 Assisted Branch Manager and Project Owner in Backlog Reviews for Controls and
Equipment to review mid month progress towards forecasted Revenue, Margin and
Scheduled Completion,
 . Responsible for all material, service and equipment needs for ADCO Oil Company project In
Abu Dhabi, controlling inventory, overseeing shipping/receiving and fulfillment
Mud Engineer
Al Sharif HSE, Abudhabi
Aug 1998  Feb 2006
 Extensive work with as A mud Engineer in ADCO Oil Company Fields
 Using Gel mud, gel polymer mud, Kcl polymer mud, Low solid non dispersed mud, Salt
saturated mud,.
 Reporting a mud report to the client representative on a daily basis including many
information like mud type, mud parameters, consumed chemicals and their costs, losses
analysis, rig pump data, hydraulics calculations, ect..
 Watched and maintained proper mud handling equipment while overseeing mud pits and
national mud pumps.
 Pre-trip and post-trip trucks, haul water &, haul mud to storage mud tanks, send for disposal
Area, .
 Prepared mud pit according to company standards for the switch of water based mud to oil
based mud. Have a high experience in the drilling industry, with an emphasis on Field
Information Gathering, Documentation, Analysis, and Reporting.
 I have experience at onshore and offshore rig operations and I have worked with Water
Based mud systems, Oil base mud systems and different completion fluid systems.
 Pre-rig meeting, with rig personal in charge such as the TP, PE, DSV, ,.
 Drilling mud preparation and controlling its parameters within acceptable range in order to
avoid the various hole problems like hole cleaning issues, shale problems, pipe sticking, ect.
Testing fluid properties and analyzing and interpreting well site data periodically on daily
basis with running a pilot testing to safe cost and time as well as achieving the required mud
 Management mud system and evaluate its efficiency and solid control equipments and.
reporting any problems observed with recommendations to fix them
 Mud Chemicals and yard organization and viewing all the material safety data sheets for all
chemicals on the rig location.
Mud Engineer
Jan 1985  Aug 1998
 Extensive work with Drilling Mud and Drilling Mud Engineer in daily treatment of drilling fluid,
maintaining solids control equipment, managed water loss and lost-circulation problems,
experienced in increasing mud weight (routine and wellbore intrusions) .
 , provided management of solids control, equipment, well control, well bore hydraulics and
 Gel mud, gel polymer mud, Kcl polymer mud, Low solid non dispersed mud, Salt saturated
mud, INVERMUL,OBM mud.
 Reporting a mud report to the client representative on a daily basis including many
information like mud type, mud parameters, consumed chemicals and their costs, losses
analysis, rig pump data, hydraulics calculations, ect.
 Monitored mud weight and viscosity, Instructed and advised derrick man with drilling mud,
circulation material and mixed.
 Drilling Fluids Engineer: Trained in and practical application experience in construction of,
utilization, and maintenance of water based and oil based weighted mud systems;
 Analysis to prevent any risk and detection early sign of kick, stuck pipe and any losses of
drilling mud. Data entry for mud checks in/ out hourly, chemicals used daily and any
occurrences that may of occurred during the shift.
 Mixing drilling muds to specs given by customer, proper amount loading per truck and
keeping track of all load tickets, drilling fluids simulation of offshore wellbore conditions and
the respective mud to keep the wellbore from caving in.
 Mixing of drilling mud October, 1995 attached work as District Engineer
 Responsible for all daily operations, including, yard and facilities management, and safe
operation, Supervise and coordinate Mud Engineers on multiple job sites., provide them with
technical advise and discus the daily operations and any problems countered ,arrange
schedules for engineers,
 Contact and meeting with the clients to discuses the requirements to run a high performance
job and solve any problems countered while drilling operations, advise for proper proposals of
drilling fluids
Bachelor Degree
Tripoli University, Tripoli/Libya /1979  1984
I hold a bachelor of Geological Engineering degree in Faulty of petroleum and mining Engineering
and I practice as the only full time hygienist in my
Application experience of 31 years on drilling Fluids as a drilling Fluids Engineer and
work with the service companies, onshore offshore rigs most of Libya Fields and Abu
Dhabi Fields, on Qatar offshore.
 Drilling Fluids, Hydraulics Optimization, Drilling Fluids Programs & Proposals, Field Services,
Statistical Analysis, Presentation Skills, Technical Writing Skills, etc.
 Relevant Coursework: Mud Engineering, Engineering Leadership, Survey engineering,
Technical Writing.
 Extensive growing knowledge of drilling fluids (muds) and there proper application in various
hole conditions, depths, and formulas.
 Work History in Mud Engineering & Drilling Fluids F/ February 1985 to December 2015
 Experience on field work in preparing and processing Oil base and water base Mud and all
mud systems used world wide & fluids chemicals used in Libya fields and Abu Dhabi Fields.
 Mud Engineer with 31 years of experience in the drilling industry, with an emphasis on Field
Information Gathering, Documentation, Analysis, and Reporting.
 I've experience on management wise on drilling Fluids engineering, technical advises,
prepare proposals, mud formulations administrations, coordination.
Additional Information

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  • 1. 1 Geological engineering ,oil, drilling fluids, drilling engineer, Knowledgeable in the following Drilling Fluids, Drilling Operations, Geological Engineering, I've more than 31 years oil field experience as a Senior Drilling Fluid Engineer, I'm seeking to join an international company in my career. Courses completed include Applied Basic Mud School, Jowfe sponsored seminars and courses, Drilling Fluids Technology Courses, IWCF Well Control, Fire Fighting, HUET Training, Drilling Engineering and Advanced DF, Defensive Driving Course, Solid control School ,QHSE School, Control, Standard Units and ScomIOiltools Software Courses HyPR CALC & HyPR FORM, Operations Manual, Helicopter Underwater Escape, Fire Fighting & Breathing Protection, H2S, Welsight Software Halliburton. Extensive work with Drilling Mud and Drilling Mud Engineer in daily treatment of drilling fluid, maintaining solids control equipment, managed water loss and lost-circulation problems, experienced in increasing mud weight (routine and wellbore intrusions) . Drilling Fluids Engineer: Trained in and practical application experience in construction of, utilization, and maintenance of water based and oil based weighted ,un weighted mud systems; My degree background is Geological Engineering which empowers me to relate drilling and Completion with HSE. Provide onsite drilling fluid services by testing, measuring and supervising the operation of fluid pumping and mixing, which includes technical analysis in addition to specific product and practical recommendations for maintaining and controlling fluid properties. Oversee the fluid mixing and pumping while on the drilling rig, and making specific recommendations for maintaining the fluid specifications. Responsible for providing effectual customer service by giving coordinators and rig-site customers information related to the Drilling fluids in addition to creating and implementing solutions to various Drilling problems. Hafed Abdu Aziz Al Azzabi Drilling Fluids Engineer E- Mail: hafezabi@yahoo.com Contact No:218-91-3469276 Zwara-Libya Summary
  • 2. 2 Responsible for treating drilling fluid maintaining ph, weight, shakers and pumping equipment on high tech drilling rig. Recognized a need for more efficient fluid drilling systems in, (high natural flow) wellsl. Designed a drilling Fluids programs for Operator Companies, I have run a many important drilling fluid systems that are currently used at oil Fields:. Conducted research on formulation of compatible drilling fluids for high pressure (HP)/high temperature (HT) wells. Provides constant support to aid operations in providing customers the most efficient, environmentally safe drilling fluids that are available Developed new in depth relations with several major oil field service producers, These included drill-in fluids, completion fluids, and filtration systems. Knowledge of drilling fluids that are current used in Libya Fields offshore, onshore, Abu Dhabi Fields. Qatar offshore. Operate as well as maintain stock point systems for mixing, loading and unloading drilling fluids for offshore rigs. Waste Management of Haulage: arrangements to send for Disposal area. Drilling Fluids Engineer Halliburton, Libya Feb 2013 Dec 2015 Review Drilling fluid programs and corresponded with the Drilling Fluids Engineer/ Well Site Supervisor to ensure the plan is followed. Extensive work with Mud Supervisor and Drilling Supervisor in daily treatment of drilling fluid, maintaining solids control equipment, managed water loss and lost-circulation problems, experienced in increasing mud weight (routine and wellbore intrusions) . Reviewed reports, with the office Supervisor, and Solids Control third party. I am worked as a drilling fluid specialist and I provide a technical service on the rig site for drilling fluids with a various responsibility as mentioned below which are included, but not restricted:. Work Experience
  • 3. 3 Responsible for providing effectual customer service by giving coordinators and rig-site customers information related to the Drilling fluids in addition to creating and implementing solutions to various Drilling problems. Mixing, Testing & Treatment of Drilling Fluids in addition to Follow up all drilling & Geological Operations and solving down hole complications including but not limited to cement contamination, mud loss, stuck pipe, caving, high pressure kick Trained in understanding the various properties and applications of water-based and invert emulsion drilling fluids. Provide on-site services to the operators by measuring, testing, and supervising the drilling fluids system. Analyze drilling fluid in/out of hole and apply treatment principles and procedures for contaminants. Perform daily checks on drilling fluids, make recommendations for treatment, and maintain sufficient inventory of chemical additives as well as liquid inventory. Liquid Mud Plant Supervisor M-I SWACO, UAE/Abu Dhabi May 2012 Jan 2013 Supervising and participating in the treatments & transfer of OBM and brine. Plant - Responsible for all plant operation production, compounding, shipping and receiving, maintenance and chemical unloading in a Liquid Filling plant. As well as assisting in the transfer of liquid mud, water, cement, barite and other various drilling/production bulk products. Tested the Liquid Oil Base received and manganese in the contaminated liquids for Solids Removal and required treatments or for proper disposal area . Plant - Responsible for all plant operation production, compounding, shipping and receiving, maintenance and chemical unloading in a Liquid Filling plant. Maintain inventory of, and process potentially hazardous and. Responsible for site, operations, and inventory planning for liquid, including capital forecasts and daily/weekly/monthly/Yearly coordination with Oil Base Mud treatments and movements from and to Rig site, and customer service. Managed Mud Plant responsible for all the Operators on the site plant: vacations the Make the required chemicals to treat the OBM and give the instructions to m
  • 4. 4 Operations Coordinator Scomi Oil Tools, UAE/Abu Dhabi Feb 2006 Nov 2011 Coordinate with various staff for operational support activities of the unit serve as a liaison between departments and operating units in the resolution of day by day administrative and operational problems. Tracked and maintained status of impacting operations related to Drilling Fluids on Rig Site and submitted required reports. Coordinate with various staff for operational support activities of the unit serve as a liaison between departments and Client in the resolution of day-to-day operational problems. Planned, coordinated and executed employment of Special Technical Operations capabilities, and service component operations in support of the Unified Commander's highly sensitive, compartmented operational plans. Monitors, crews reporting for duty, & coordinates changes to during current day operations or anticipated problems, Oversee daily rig operations including team travel, supervising all Mud Engineers l, managing organizing daily office operations. Provided, coordination and supervised daily operations, recorded data and , systematically resolved company safety, service and operational issues, performed Daily/weekly/monthly and year-end closing reports. Oversaw the closure of the company's Abu Dhabi office as well as * Monitors and coordinates operations, Time sheets receivables, Engineers payroll, schedules, hotel and Travel tickets booking and operating expenses. Responsible for scheduling and coordinating of operations for 22 Engineers to include Temporary Duty Assignments, Demolition Range Operations, Training Operations, and appointments. .Coordinate with Range Users, Mud Engineering and personnel to ensure that various job requirements were coordinated properly to accomplish various responsibilities. Involves technical knowledge for daily conversations with Field Engineers, Managed and operated the payroll office smoothly for 5 years.
  • 5. 5 Initial communication with Country manager to coordinate with field operations, leasing agents, or owners to coordinate documentation such as rent rolls, master utility bills, or lease addendums. I coordinated and managed the agency's broadcast e-mail communications system, and I also served as coordinator for the Office of Public Affairs Emergency Response Group and Continuity of Operations activities. Oversaw the daily operations of the program, Coordinated care of the injured employee, Completed all Bureau documents, Determined type of claim, Analyzed and reconciled drafts of, bills//invoices and initiated payments, Maintained all working Files. And sent to Main office Company promoted me as a project manager on Solid Control Equipment contract with ADCO oil Provide onsite solid Control operators services, provided instructions, to ensure a smooth workflow and adherence to Department performance-based service goals I manage 25-30 employees and I am equipped with a solid background in safety implementation, Prepare spreadsheets for cost control, inventory, equipment, labor, materials, weather, delays and modifications, solid control Equipments understand project controls, procurement and Assisted Field Supervisor and interacted extensively with equipment, Quality Control-Oversee project work, manage Solid control equipments, utilize proper equipment and materials relative to project work. Operation and maintenance of all solid's control equipment, including shakers, centrifuges, H G Dryer, Auger, various pumps, etc. Provide the Main Office, Manager, and accounts division, with numerous projects such as equipment inventory, security access control, document management as well as day-to-day operations, Arranged employees work schedule with Field Supervisor (Excel Spreadsheets), kept records of Daily rate via computer software, discussed defect with quality, Control/inspections personnel to determine source of defects and equipment. Assisted Branch Manager and Project Owner in Backlog Reviews for Controls and Equipment to review mid month progress towards forecasted Revenue, Margin and Scheduled Completion, . Responsible for all material, service and equipment needs for ADCO Oil Company project In Abu Dhabi, controlling inventory, overseeing shipping/receiving and fulfillment
  • 6. 6 Mud Engineer Al Sharif HSE, Abudhabi Aug 1998 Feb 2006 Extensive work with as A mud Engineer in ADCO Oil Company Fields Using Gel mud, gel polymer mud, Kcl polymer mud, Low solid non dispersed mud, Salt saturated mud,. Reporting a mud report to the client representative on a daily basis including many information like mud type, mud parameters, consumed chemicals and their costs, losses analysis, rig pump data, hydraulics calculations, ect.. Watched and maintained proper mud handling equipment while overseeing mud pits and national mud pumps. Pre-trip and post-trip trucks, haul water &, haul mud to storage mud tanks, send for disposal Area, . Prepared mud pit according to company standards for the switch of water based mud to oil based mud. Have a high experience in the drilling industry, with an emphasis on Field Information Gathering, Documentation, Analysis, and Reporting. I have experience at onshore and offshore rig operations and I have worked with Water Based mud systems, Oil base mud systems and different completion fluid systems. Pre-rig meeting, with rig personal in charge such as the TP, PE, DSV, ,. Drilling mud preparation and controlling its parameters within acceptable range in order to avoid the various hole problems like hole cleaning issues, shale problems, pipe sticking, ect. Testing fluid properties and analyzing and interpreting well site data periodically on daily basis with running a pilot testing to safe cost and time as well as achieving the required mud properties. Management mud system and evaluate its efficiency and solid control equipments and. reporting any problems observed with recommendations to fix them Mud Chemicals and yard organization and viewing all the material safety data sheets for all chemicals on the rig location.
  • 7. 7 Mud Engineer JOWFE OIL TECHNOLOGY, LIBYA Jan 1985 Aug 1998 Extensive work with Drilling Mud and Drilling Mud Engineer in daily treatment of drilling fluid, maintaining solids control equipment, managed water loss and lost-circulation problems, experienced in increasing mud weight (routine and wellbore intrusions) . , provided management of solids control, equipment, well control, well bore hydraulics and chemicals. Gel mud, gel polymer mud, Kcl polymer mud, Low solid non dispersed mud, Salt saturated mud, INVERMUL,OBM mud. Reporting a mud report to the client representative on a daily basis including many information like mud type, mud parameters, consumed chemicals and their costs, losses analysis, rig pump data, hydraulics calculations, ect. Monitored mud weight and viscosity, Instructed and advised derrick man with drilling mud, circulation material and mixed. Drilling Fluids Engineer: Trained in and practical application experience in construction of, utilization, and maintenance of water based and oil based weighted mud systems; Analysis to prevent any risk and detection early sign of kick, stuck pipe and any losses of drilling mud. Data entry for mud checks in/ out hourly, chemicals used daily and any occurrences that may of occurred during the shift. Mixing drilling muds to specs given by customer, proper amount loading per truck and keeping track of all load tickets, drilling fluids simulation of offshore wellbore conditions and the respective mud to keep the wellbore from caving in. Mixing of drilling mud October, 1995 attached work as District Engineer Responsible for all daily operations, including, yard and facilities management, and safe operation, Supervise and coordinate Mud Engineers on multiple job sites., provide them with technical advise and discus the daily operations and any problems countered ,arrange schedules for engineers, Contact and meeting with the clients to discuses the requirements to run a high performance job and solve any problems countered while drilling operations, advise for proper proposals of drilling fluids
  • 8. 8 Bachelor Degree Tripoli University, Tripoli/Libya /1979 1984 I hold a bachelor of Geological Engineering degree in Faulty of petroleum and mining Engineering and I practice as the only full time hygienist in my Application experience of 31 years on drilling Fluids as a drilling Fluids Engineer and work with the service companies, onshore offshore rigs most of Libya Fields and Abu Dhabi Fields, on Qatar offshore. Drilling Fluids, Hydraulics Optimization, Drilling Fluids Programs & Proposals, Field Services, Statistical Analysis, Presentation Skills, Technical Writing Skills, etc. Relevant Coursework: Mud Engineering, Engineering Leadership, Survey engineering, Technical Writing. Extensive growing knowledge of drilling fluids (muds) and there proper application in various hole conditions, depths, and formulas. Work History in Mud Engineering & Drilling Fluids F/ February 1985 to December 2015 Experience on field work in preparing and processing Oil base and water base Mud and all mud systems used world wide & fluids chemicals used in Libya fields and Abu Dhabi Fields. Mud Engineer with 31 years of experience in the drilling industry, with an emphasis on Field Information Gathering, Documentation, Analysis, and Reporting. I've experience on management wise on drilling Fluids engineering, technical advises, prepare proposals, mud formulations administrations, coordination. . Education Additional Information