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563-508-3584 (MOBILE)
4814 Dove Court jlbenge@msn.com
Bettendorf, Iowa 52722
Experienced Project Manager with the comprehensive knowledge and the practical experience gathered by
means of a diverse background from a multitude of commercial and heavy industrial projects both within the
public and private sectors. I am currently looking for employment opportunities in project management, project
controls management and/or operations and do note that my availability is immediate.
Managed in a multiple project setting with multiple contractors/subcontractors/suppliers and with self
performing construction trades over a wide range of project site conditions including green field, facility
modernizations/additions and complete facility renovations. I have been a Project Manager and/or Construction
Professional for (+) 33 years while my professional experience also involved both the development and
maintenance of project PDM/CPM schedules. I have accumulated (+) 28 years of computerized project
control/scheduling and computerized estimating experience for projects that includes usage of the most current
and industry accepted computer software tools such as Primavera Finest Hour - P3/P5/P6, Primavera SureTrak
and Primavera Contractor. Also on numerous occasions utilized Microsoft Project Planner on complex projects
for schedule controlling and monitoring. Performed cost estimating and project budget analysis and cost
control on projects with Timberline Estimating, Timberline Project Cost Management and through the use of
personally developed Microsoft Excel macros.
Meanwhile, my professional experience since 1981 has allowed me the opportunity to perform in a variety of
roles and assignments. Key management positions and roles include Design & Construction Coordinator,
Project Controls Engineer, Senior Project Controls Specialist, Project Manager, Project Engineer, Construction
Manager, Owners Agent, Owners Engineer, Design Consultant Construction Project Representative, Site
Field Manager/Representative, Site Engineer, Civil Construction Superintendent, Estimator, Scheduler,
Draftsman/Piping Detailer, General Contractor, Design Builder and Mechanical Subcontractor.
Note that additional documents including Project Experience Listing, Project Experience Details, Project
Profit Performance Details, Project Duties/Responsibilities and then a listing of Project Accomplishments
can also be forwarded for further reference and focus on my professional project experience and capabilities.
(Public Facility/Public Entity as City of Davenport Public Works departments maintains, protects and oversees the
installation of all public infrastructure for the +100,000 population residences.)
Coordinator of Design & Construction, Construction Project Manager and Chief of Construction
Assigned to the Engineering Division of the Public Works department office in Davenport, Iowa. Provided
both preconstruction and construction coordination for multiple infrastructure projects with as many as ten
different and simultaneously occurring projects from design phase initiation to active construction site
progress through project completion/closeout. The position required close interaction and then coordination
of fiscal planning efforts with City Engineer, Capital Improvement Program Manager, Real Property
Manager and Chief Financial Officer. The scope and size of the individual projects would vary from paving
replacement type work projects, inner city Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) highway type
projects, waste water treatment mechanical upgrades to large scale multi-year utility infrastructure building
upgrades of (+)$60,000,000 in value. Responsibilities include review of design documents, bidding
documents, preconstruction reviews, review of proposals for both design & construction, interviews and
Jim Benge ~ Page 2 of 4
subsequent recommendation on proposals, review progress of construction, conduct progress meetings on
active projects, oversee the project coordination with other city services, departments and public facilities,
insure that quality assurance is being adhered to and that city codes and ordinances are upheld.
(An engineering, design, construction and environmental services firm which has a company history that spans a 100 years
while completing projects in all 50 U.S. states/territories, 93 countries with over 21,000 projects of experience. The firm has
an annual volume in services at over a $180 million per year.)
Senior Project Controls Specialist/Construction Project Representative, Project Manager
Assigned to the Energy Business unit/department with the corporate headquarters office in Muscatine,
Iowa. Provided project controls involving critical path project scheduling, constructability reviews, cost
engineering and cost estimating on over a 100 different projects for the main corporate office and then for
branch-field offices located both US and/or international locations Guam, Rajkot-Gujarat(India), United
Arab Emirates, Monrovia-Liberia, Libya, Egypt, Kuwait as well as Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin,
Missouri, Texas and Louisiana. Also, provided scheduling training/software instruction for internal project
management  corporate staff for both the Government Commercial and Plant & Building Services business
units/departments located in both the main corporate office location and branch office facilities.
SWANSON CONSTRUCTION CO., Bettendorf, IA 2006- 2007
(General contractor/design-build firm that specializes in commercial/institutional and industrial projects. Company self
performs on projects and employs union building trades such as carpenters and laborers. This private held company has
over forty years of experience with an annual volume in services at $5 to $7 million per year.)
Project Manager
Manage, estimate and coordinate commercial/education-healthcare projects with project management duties
covering all facets of construction management from pre-construction programming and development
through contract execution, project completion and closeout/commissioning.
C.D.I. CORPORATION, INC., Bettendorf, IA 2005 - 2006
(CDI is a multi billion dollar international technical services firm that specializes in providing consultants, technicians,
engineers and administrative personnel.)
Client/Site Location: Nichols Aluminum  Casting Facility  Davenport Ia.
Plant Engineering Representative  Staff Mechanical Engineer
On-site representative with responsibility for the staff mechanical engineering duties. This engineering
position reported directly to the Corporate Engineering Director. Duties included modifications to existing
facilities and engineering investigation that centered on main capital projects. Provided engineering
leadership role for the new equipment purchasing, cost detailing/budgeting, soliciting of manufacturers,
interviewing of manufacturers, setting up test studies which leads to the performance evaluation/capability
study of the new equipment. One of the requirements for internal review and approval of capital
improvements involved an RFE process or Request for Expenditure process which this position had to
author the detailed documentation. Other responsibilities involved day to day coordination and
communication with plant maintenance and production department forces that the individual capital
improvements (i.e. projects) would affect with their implementation.
(Merit shop general contractor/design-build/construction management firm that specializes in commercial/institutional and
industrial projects. Company self performs on projects and employs skilled trades such as Operators, Carpenters, Cement
Finishers, Laborers and site surveying specialists. Annual volume in services is at $35 to $70 million per year.)
Project Manager
Manage, estimate and coordinate heavy commercial and institutional projects with overall project
management duties covering all facets of construction management from preconstruction project setup
through the construction project execution. Was part of the estimating team involved with the detailed
pricing/bidding as it related to both public and private competitive opportunities to obtain future work.
Jim Benge ~ Page 3 of 4
RUSSELL CONSTRUCTION CO., Davenport, IA 1994 - 2004
(General contractor/design-build firm that specializes in commercial and industrial projects. Company self performs on
projects and employs union trades such as Carpenters, Cement Finishers and Laborers. Annual volume in services is at $75
to $100 million per year.)
Project Manager & Estimator
Manage and coordinate industrial, commercial and public sector projects with overall project management
duties covering all facets of construction management from pre-construction program development through
project execution, project completion and closeout. Responsible as a profit center for the operations
department and functioned as a stand-alone site manager. Played a substantial role as a project manager in
helping the company volume grow from $8 million a year to over $100 million a year and then becoming
one of the largest contractors in the region. Typically managed their largest projects and some of their most
complex sites.
SEITHER & CHERRY CO., Davenport, IA 1994
(A specialty industrial contractor that performs steel erection/equipment installations in heavy commercial and industrial
type projects. The company self performs on projects and employs union trades such as Millwrights, Ironworkers and
Laborers. Annual volume in construction averaged $10 to $15 million per year.)
Project Manager & Estimator
Manage and coordinate industrial projects with overall project management duties covering all facets of
construction management from pre-construction planning and scheduling through preconstruction, project
execution, completion and project closeout/commissioning.
C.D.I. CORPORATION, INC., Bettendorf, IA 1987 - 1994
(CDI is a multi-billion dollar international technical services firm that specializes in providing consultants, technicians,
engineers and administrative personnel.)
Client/Site Location: ALCOA Construction Management  Alcoa Davenport Works
Civil Construction Superintendent, Site Construction Engineer, Civil/Mechanical Construction
Engineer/Inspector, Owner's Engineer and Owners Representative
On-site field representative and construction engineer with responsibility for managing outside contractors
and inside plant construction forces. Represented and functioned within the four person on site ALCOA
Davenport Works Construction Management Department. During the (7) seven year period had over (57)
individual project assignments that would range in size from $10,000 to $300,000,000 and covered all main
areas of the plus 100 acre facility.
PLANT SERVICES, INC., Davenport, IA 1986 - 1987
(Merit shop specialty industrial contractor that self performs steel erection/equipment installations/piping/concrete/
demolition work in commercial and heavy industrial projects with an annual construction volume of $5 to $10 million per
Project Manager / Project Engineer
Manage and coordinate industrial & commercial projects with overall management duties covering all
facets of construction project management from pre-construction planning and scheduling through project
completion and closeout and/or commissioning.
H. & H., INC. - HUXTABLE HAMMOND, INC., - HI-TECH, INC. 1981 - 1986
Davenport, Iowa/Overland Park, Kansas/Olathe, Kansas
(Engineering and Construction firm that specialized in power piping, plumbing and equipment for industrial clients. They
self performed on projects and employed union trades such as Pipe Fitters, Plumbers, Millwrights, Ironworkers, Operators
and Laborers with an annual volume in construction contracts at $60 to $75 million per year.)
Project Manager, Project Engineer, Estimator/Scheduler, Site/Field Engineer
Manage and coordinate industrial projects with overall project management duties covering all construction
management from pre-construction job planning and scheduling through project completion and
Jim Benge ~ Page 4 of 4
B.S. Construction Engineering with Mechanical Emphasis
Iowa State University, Ames Iowa - May 1981
Engineering (E.I.T.), State of Iowa
 Primavera-Oracle P6/Finest Hour/P3/Contractor/SureTrak - Scheduling/Resource/Cost Engineering
 Microsoft Project 95, 98, 2007, 2010, 2012
 Microsoft Office Professional Suite  Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook etc.
 AutoCAD - Computer Aided Drafting & Design Documentation
 Bentley ProjectWise and Navigator V8i Series 3 & 4  Document Control - 4D Project Controls
 Timberline Accounting/Estimating/Project Management
 Constructw@re  Internet/Web Based Project Management Software Collaboration Tools
 AIA (American Institute of Architects) and AGC (Associated General Contractors) Formats for Owner,
Construction Manager and Subcontractor Agreements
 Primavera Software Training  Modules 6.1, 6.2 & 6.3 Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Project Scheduling
Applications relating to Planning, Scheduling, Report Generation, Graphics, Managing & Controlling
 Primavera Software Systems Agent  Regional Representative Eastern Iowa/Western Illinois from 2005-
 Managing Multiple Projects, Objectives and Deadlines  Skillpath Seminars/Graceland College Center for
Professional Development
 Construction Liabilities  Iowa State University Continuing Education/Civil Engineering Department
 Certified in Standards for Safety in Excavation (defined under OSHA 1926, subpart P)
 10-hour Occupational Safety and Health Training Course in Construction Safety & Health
 Sigma Lambda Chi  National Honorary Scholastic Construction Engineering Society

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Resume-L-Gen_Jim Benge 6-14r1

  • 1. JIM BENGE 563-508-3584 (MOBILE) 4814 Dove Court jlbenge@msn.com Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 OVERVIEW Experienced Project Manager with the comprehensive knowledge and the practical experience gathered by means of a diverse background from a multitude of commercial and heavy industrial projects both within the public and private sectors. I am currently looking for employment opportunities in project management, project controls management and/or operations and do note that my availability is immediate. Managed in a multiple project setting with multiple contractors/subcontractors/suppliers and with self performing construction trades over a wide range of project site conditions including green field, facility modernizations/additions and complete facility renovations. I have been a Project Manager and/or Construction Professional for (+) 33 years while my professional experience also involved both the development and maintenance of project PDM/CPM schedules. I have accumulated (+) 28 years of computerized project control/scheduling and computerized estimating experience for projects that includes usage of the most current and industry accepted computer software tools such as Primavera Finest Hour - P3/P5/P6, Primavera SureTrak and Primavera Contractor. Also on numerous occasions utilized Microsoft Project Planner on complex projects for schedule controlling and monitoring. Performed cost estimating and project budget analysis and cost control on projects with Timberline Estimating, Timberline Project Cost Management and through the use of personally developed Microsoft Excel macros. Meanwhile, my professional experience since 1981 has allowed me the opportunity to perform in a variety of roles and assignments. Key management positions and roles include Design & Construction Coordinator, Project Controls Engineer, Senior Project Controls Specialist, Project Manager, Project Engineer, Construction Manager, Owners Agent, Owners Engineer, Design Consultant Construction Project Representative, Site Field Manager/Representative, Site Engineer, Civil Construction Superintendent, Estimator, Scheduler, Draftsman/Piping Detailer, General Contractor, Design Builder and Mechanical Subcontractor. Note that additional documents including Project Experience Listing, Project Experience Details, Project Profit Performance Details, Project Duties/Responsibilities and then a listing of Project Accomplishments can also be forwarded for further reference and focus on my professional project experience and capabilities. WORK EXPERIENCE CITY OF DAVENPORT PUBLIC WORKS - ENGINEERING DIVISION, DAVENPORT, IA 2013- Present (Public Facility/Public Entity as City of Davenport Public Works departments maintains, protects and oversees the installation of all public infrastructure for the +100,000 population residences.) Coordinator of Design & Construction, Construction Project Manager and Chief of Construction Assigned to the Engineering Division of the Public Works department office in Davenport, Iowa. Provided both preconstruction and construction coordination for multiple infrastructure projects with as many as ten different and simultaneously occurring projects from design phase initiation to active construction site progress through project completion/closeout. The position required close interaction and then coordination of fiscal planning efforts with City Engineer, Capital Improvement Program Manager, Real Property Manager and Chief Financial Officer. The scope and size of the individual projects would vary from paving replacement type work projects, inner city Iowa Department of Transportation (IDOT) highway type projects, waste water treatment mechanical upgrades to large scale multi-year utility infrastructure building upgrades of (+)$60,000,000 in value. Responsibilities include review of design documents, bidding documents, preconstruction reviews, review of proposals for both design & construction, interviews and
  • 2. Jim Benge ~ Page 2 of 4 subsequent recommendation on proposals, review progress of construction, conduct progress meetings on active projects, oversee the project coordination with other city services, departments and public facilities, insure that quality assurance is being adhered to and that city codes and ordinances are upheld. STANLEY CONSULTANTS, INC., MUSCATINE, IA 2007- 2013 (An engineering, design, construction and environmental services firm which has a company history that spans a 100 years while completing projects in all 50 U.S. states/territories, 93 countries with over 21,000 projects of experience. The firm has an annual volume in services at over a $180 million per year.) Senior Project Controls Specialist/Construction Project Representative, Project Manager Assigned to the Energy Business unit/department with the corporate headquarters office in Muscatine, Iowa. Provided project controls involving critical path project scheduling, constructability reviews, cost engineering and cost estimating on over a 100 different projects for the main corporate office and then for branch-field offices located both US and/or international locations Guam, Rajkot-Gujarat(India), United Arab Emirates, Monrovia-Liberia, Libya, Egypt, Kuwait as well as Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Missouri, Texas and Louisiana. Also, provided scheduling training/software instruction for internal project management corporate staff for both the Government Commercial and Plant & Building Services business units/departments located in both the main corporate office location and branch office facilities. SWANSON CONSTRUCTION CO., Bettendorf, IA 2006- 2007 (General contractor/design-build firm that specializes in commercial/institutional and industrial projects. Company self performs on projects and employs union building trades such as carpenters and laborers. This private held company has over forty years of experience with an annual volume in services at $5 to $7 million per year.) Project Manager Manage, estimate and coordinate commercial/education-healthcare projects with project management duties covering all facets of construction management from pre-construction programming and development through contract execution, project completion and closeout/commissioning. C.D.I. CORPORATION, INC., Bettendorf, IA 2005 - 2006 (CDI is a multi billion dollar international technical services firm that specializes in providing consultants, technicians, engineers and administrative personnel.) Client/Site Location: Nichols Aluminum Casting Facility Davenport Ia. Plant Engineering Representative Staff Mechanical Engineer On-site representative with responsibility for the staff mechanical engineering duties. This engineering position reported directly to the Corporate Engineering Director. Duties included modifications to existing facilities and engineering investigation that centered on main capital projects. Provided engineering leadership role for the new equipment purchasing, cost detailing/budgeting, soliciting of manufacturers, interviewing of manufacturers, setting up test studies which leads to the performance evaluation/capability study of the new equipment. One of the requirements for internal review and approval of capital improvements involved an RFE process or Request for Expenditure process which this position had to author the detailed documentation. Other responsibilities involved day to day coordination and communication with plant maintenance and production department forces that the individual capital improvements (i.e. projects) would affect with their implementation. STORY CONSTRUCTION CO., Davenport, IA 2005 (Merit shop general contractor/design-build/construction management firm that specializes in commercial/institutional and industrial projects. Company self performs on projects and employs skilled trades such as Operators, Carpenters, Cement Finishers, Laborers and site surveying specialists. Annual volume in services is at $35 to $70 million per year.) Project Manager Manage, estimate and coordinate heavy commercial and institutional projects with overall project management duties covering all facets of construction management from preconstruction project setup through the construction project execution. Was part of the estimating team involved with the detailed pricing/bidding as it related to both public and private competitive opportunities to obtain future work.
  • 3. Jim Benge ~ Page 3 of 4 RUSSELL CONSTRUCTION CO., Davenport, IA 1994 - 2004 (General contractor/design-build firm that specializes in commercial and industrial projects. Company self performs on projects and employs union trades such as Carpenters, Cement Finishers and Laborers. Annual volume in services is at $75 to $100 million per year.) Project Manager & Estimator Manage and coordinate industrial, commercial and public sector projects with overall project management duties covering all facets of construction management from pre-construction program development through project execution, project completion and closeout. Responsible as a profit center for the operations department and functioned as a stand-alone site manager. Played a substantial role as a project manager in helping the company volume grow from $8 million a year to over $100 million a year and then becoming one of the largest contractors in the region. Typically managed their largest projects and some of their most complex sites. SEITHER & CHERRY CO., Davenport, IA 1994 (A specialty industrial contractor that performs steel erection/equipment installations in heavy commercial and industrial type projects. The company self performs on projects and employs union trades such as Millwrights, Ironworkers and Laborers. Annual volume in construction averaged $10 to $15 million per year.) Project Manager & Estimator Manage and coordinate industrial projects with overall project management duties covering all facets of construction management from pre-construction planning and scheduling through preconstruction, project execution, completion and project closeout/commissioning. C.D.I. CORPORATION, INC., Bettendorf, IA 1987 - 1994 (CDI is a multi-billion dollar international technical services firm that specializes in providing consultants, technicians, engineers and administrative personnel.) Client/Site Location: ALCOA Construction Management Alcoa Davenport Works Civil Construction Superintendent, Site Construction Engineer, Civil/Mechanical Construction Engineer/Inspector, Owner's Engineer and Owners Representative On-site field representative and construction engineer with responsibility for managing outside contractors and inside plant construction forces. Represented and functioned within the four person on site ALCOA Davenport Works Construction Management Department. During the (7) seven year period had over (57) individual project assignments that would range in size from $10,000 to $300,000,000 and covered all main areas of the plus 100 acre facility. PLANT SERVICES, INC., Davenport, IA 1986 - 1987 (Merit shop specialty industrial contractor that self performs steel erection/equipment installations/piping/concrete/ demolition work in commercial and heavy industrial projects with an annual construction volume of $5 to $10 million per year.) Project Manager / Project Engineer Manage and coordinate industrial & commercial projects with overall management duties covering all facets of construction project management from pre-construction planning and scheduling through project completion and closeout and/or commissioning. H. & H., INC. - HUXTABLE HAMMOND, INC., - HI-TECH, INC. 1981 - 1986 Davenport, Iowa/Overland Park, Kansas/Olathe, Kansas (Engineering and Construction firm that specialized in power piping, plumbing and equipment for industrial clients. They self performed on projects and employed union trades such as Pipe Fitters, Plumbers, Millwrights, Ironworkers, Operators and Laborers with an annual volume in construction contracts at $60 to $75 million per year.) Project Manager, Project Engineer, Estimator/Scheduler, Site/Field Engineer Manage and coordinate industrial projects with overall project management duties covering all construction management from pre-construction job planning and scheduling through project completion and commissioning.
  • 4. Jim Benge ~ Page 4 of 4 EDUCATION B.S. Construction Engineering with Mechanical Emphasis Iowa State University, Ames Iowa - May 1981 Engineering (E.I.T.), State of Iowa COMPUTERIZATION AND TECHNOLOGY SKILLS Primavera-Oracle P6/Finest Hour/P3/Contractor/SureTrak - Scheduling/Resource/Cost Engineering Microsoft Project 95, 98, 2007, 2010, 2012 Microsoft Office Professional Suite Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook etc. AutoCAD - Computer Aided Drafting & Design Documentation Bentley ProjectWise and Navigator V8i Series 3 & 4 Document Control - 4D Project Controls Timberline Accounting/Estimating/Project Management Constructw@re Internet/Web Based Project Management Software Collaboration Tools AIA (American Institute of Architects) and AGC (Associated General Contractors) Formats for Owner, Construction Manager and Subcontractor Agreements CERTIFICATIONS, SPECIALIZED TRAINING AND PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS Primavera Software Training Modules 6.1, 6.2 & 6.3 Basic, Intermediate & Advanced Project Scheduling Applications relating to Planning, Scheduling, Report Generation, Graphics, Managing & Controlling Projects Primavera Software Systems Agent Regional Representative Eastern Iowa/Western Illinois from 2005- 2007 Managing Multiple Projects, Objectives and Deadlines Skillpath Seminars/Graceland College Center for Professional Development Construction Liabilities Iowa State University Continuing Education/Civil Engineering Department Certified in Standards for Safety in Excavation (defined under OSHA 1926, subpart P) 10-hour Occupational Safety and Health Training Course in Construction Safety & Health Sigma Lambda Chi National Honorary Scholastic Construction Engineering Society