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Mark Dimmitt
Construction Management And Leader
 Extensive general construction management experience who holds a vast amount of knowledge that
benefits the organization or company to help reduce costs and improve ROI.
 In-depth knowledge of many different construction design methods: 2D & 3D BIM, Conventional
Construction Design, Design Build GMP, Hard Bid Build. Adaptability to conform to any building contract.
Experienced with managing design build methods in Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Fire-life Safety and
IT integration.
 Hands on trade experience of coordination and implementation of a construction site, ability to analyze
projects and make recommendations for cost effectiveness.
 Management experience ranging from Design Consultant Team Leader, Company Representative,
Construction Manager of CM/ multiple prime contract and design, Build Sr. Superintendent. Supervise and
oversee large numbers of sub-trade contractors, design consultants and main point of contact with
governing agencies.
 Managed and coordinated projects with both large and small scopes including, tenant improvements to
existing commercial space, ground up commercial building, mixed use high-rise buildings.
 Liaison between Owners, General Contractors, Architects, Engineers and Sub-Contractors. Engineered the
ability to communicate between all entities to ensure effective communication between all parties.
 Trade sequencing and ability to schedule projects utilizing LEAN practices and outside
manufacturing commitments for ROJ (required on job) drop dead dates.
 Able to understand and work within budget constraints while maintaining quality control and
required design intent for the end-user.
 Extensive experience processing ASI's, RFI's, PCO's and complete documentation of all actions during the
progression of a project.
 Experienced managing and issue RFP's and follow the progression through the impact analysis to a fully
issued change order.
 Mindfully protects future projects that will benefit from low insurance and bond rates which translate into
lower bids and new contract awards. Protects the contractors bond and MOD rate through good business
practices and full implementation of a safety program. Compliant with all of OSHA standards and best
 Understanding of all the various aspects of contracts and the different levels of inclusion that increase
 Effective Leader, Construction Manager, Sr. Superintendent, Owners representative of a variety large
design build projects. BIM Team leader conflict resolution and field implementation.
 Poured in place high-rises, structural steel, CMU buildings and type 5 structures.
 Responsible for all LEED coordination and documentation for LEED silver and gold projects. LEED coordinator for
the general contractor points (LEED on line). Presently working toward LEED accreditation.
 Fully versed in all Microsoft Office programs proficient in Microsoft Projects, Primavera, Prolog
 Experienced in contract implementation and enforcement of contractual obligations.
 Construction of design build projects including working knowledge of Structural, Mechanical,
Electrical systems including BMS, Server rooms and LEED start-up, Fire-life safety, and IT integration.
 Well versed in the latest codes and requirements as mandated by local and state jurisdictions by utilizing a
variety of resources
 Effective leader and mentor, ability to lead employees and sub-contractors.
Employment History:
Cormorant Construction Management 10/12- Present
Sr. Construction Management Consultant
 Lead development project consultant; advises on project planning and construction evaluation,
pre-construction planning, master schedule development, general contractor selection.
 Oversees budget and ensures projects are completed in a timely manner and stays within the budget
 Liaison as development representative between project developer and city building and planning committees
 Value engineering and cost analysis, phasing and sequencing development.
Highland Partnership, Inc. ($30 million to $75 million) 4/07  10/12
Senior Superintendent
 Oversee high-rise projects and large scale projects including; on and off site development ranging up to
10 acres.
 Implementation coordination and control of offsite utilities in close proximity to down town traffic and
installations main infrastructure of lengths of up to 1/2 mile in distance. Coordinate with City and obtained
proper permits as needed.
 Team Leader who motivated and effectively managed employees to complete building time lines which
saved in costs and resulted in bonus funds from clients for project completion on time or early.
 Team Leader who oversaw the interviews of general contractor elimination and selection.
 Pre-contract negotiations with subcontractors during contract negotiations and consultation with Sr. Project
manager during selection and elimination.
 On site construction management of all team members.
 LEED coordinator, BIM team leader of various projects and building consultant representing contractor in
various meetings.
 Clash detection and resolution, design build detection and implementation of missed scope, CD design
development, develop master schedule for project with scheduling programmer.
 Update scheduling as needed and ensured information was communicated to the client to ensure client
awareness of project completion dates.
 Oversaw a team of 150 employees and sub-contractors.
Swinerton Management/ Pointe of View Development ($250 million) 02/06  04/07
On-site Construction Manager
 Site Manager of a 42 story poured in place high-rise (Vantage Pointe) mixed use high-rise, additionally
installation of a 6 story parking structure below grade one city block square.
 Owners representative tasked with managing of design build development and coordination of all MEP and Fire
systems as well as structural and architectural coordination. Worked directly with the architects, clients and city
officials to ensure compliance.
 Managed any conflict resolution with the architect and construction team.
 Liaison between different agencies of the City of San Diego and project team, obtained proper permits and
permissions from city entities.
 Oversaw a construction team of over 300 employees and sub-contractors.
R.D. Olson Construction ($20 million to $65 million) 08/02 -01/06
Construction Manager/Superintendent
 Oversee ground up multilevel hotels, resorts and student housing/ senior living facilities.
 On-site Construction Manager /Superintendent of type 5, steel framed and poured in place concrete post tension
multilevel and mid-level high-rises for the purposes of hospitality, student housing, resort, hotel and residential
living complexes, oversee day to day on site and off site construction.

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Word Version for Resume Mark Dimmitt 2.5.15

  • 1. Mark Dimmitt dimmitt.m@gmail.com (760)891-0126 Construction Management And Leader SUMMARY: Extensive general construction management experience who holds a vast amount of knowledge that benefits the organization or company to help reduce costs and improve ROI. In-depth knowledge of many different construction design methods: 2D & 3D BIM, Conventional Construction Design, Design Build GMP, Hard Bid Build. Adaptability to conform to any building contract. Experienced with managing design build methods in Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, Fire-life Safety and IT integration. Hands on trade experience of coordination and implementation of a construction site, ability to analyze projects and make recommendations for cost effectiveness. Management experience ranging from Design Consultant Team Leader, Company Representative, Construction Manager of CM/ multiple prime contract and design, Build Sr. Superintendent. Supervise and oversee large numbers of sub-trade contractors, design consultants and main point of contact with governing agencies. Managed and coordinated projects with both large and small scopes including, tenant improvements to existing commercial space, ground up commercial building, mixed use high-rise buildings. Liaison between Owners, General Contractors, Architects, Engineers and Sub-Contractors. Engineered the ability to communicate between all entities to ensure effective communication between all parties. Trade sequencing and ability to schedule projects utilizing LEAN practices and outside manufacturing commitments for ROJ (required on job) drop dead dates. Able to understand and work within budget constraints while maintaining quality control and required design intent for the end-user. Extensive experience processing ASI's, RFI's, PCO's and complete documentation of all actions during the progression of a project. Experienced managing and issue RFP's and follow the progression through the impact analysis to a fully issued change order. Mindfully protects future projects that will benefit from low insurance and bond rates which translate into lower bids and new contract awards. Protects the contractors bond and MOD rate through good business practices and full implementation of a safety program. Compliant with all of OSHA standards and best practices. Understanding of all the various aspects of contracts and the different levels of inclusion that increase profitability. SPECIALTIES: Effective Leader, Construction Manager, Sr. Superintendent, Owners representative of a variety large design build projects. BIM Team leader conflict resolution and field implementation. Poured in place high-rises, structural steel, CMU buildings and type 5 structures. Responsible for all LEED coordination and documentation for LEED silver and gold projects. LEED coordinator for the general contractor points (LEED on line). Presently working toward LEED accreditation. Fully versed in all Microsoft Office programs proficient in Microsoft Projects, Primavera, Prolog Experienced in contract implementation and enforcement of contractual obligations. Construction of design build projects including working knowledge of Structural, Mechanical, Electrical systems including BMS, Server rooms and LEED start-up, Fire-life safety, and IT integration. Well versed in the latest codes and requirements as mandated by local and state jurisdictions by utilizing a variety of resources Effective leader and mentor, ability to lead employees and sub-contractors.
  • 2. Employment History: Cormorant Construction Management 10/12- Present Sr. Construction Management Consultant Lead development project consultant; advises on project planning and construction evaluation, pre-construction planning, master schedule development, general contractor selection. Oversees budget and ensures projects are completed in a timely manner and stays within the budget parameters. Liaison as development representative between project developer and city building and planning committees Value engineering and cost analysis, phasing and sequencing development. Highland Partnership, Inc. ($30 million to $75 million) 4/07 10/12 Senior Superintendent Oversee high-rise projects and large scale projects including; on and off site development ranging up to 10 acres. Implementation coordination and control of offsite utilities in close proximity to down town traffic and installations main infrastructure of lengths of up to 1/2 mile in distance. Coordinate with City and obtained proper permits as needed. Team Leader who motivated and effectively managed employees to complete building time lines which saved in costs and resulted in bonus funds from clients for project completion on time or early. Team Leader who oversaw the interviews of general contractor elimination and selection. Pre-contract negotiations with subcontractors during contract negotiations and consultation with Sr. Project manager during selection and elimination. On site construction management of all team members. LEED coordinator, BIM team leader of various projects and building consultant representing contractor in various meetings. Clash detection and resolution, design build detection and implementation of missed scope, CD design development, develop master schedule for project with scheduling programmer. Update scheduling as needed and ensured information was communicated to the client to ensure client awareness of project completion dates. Oversaw a team of 150 employees and sub-contractors. Swinerton Management/ Pointe of View Development ($250 million) 02/06 04/07 On-site Construction Manager Site Manager of a 42 story poured in place high-rise (Vantage Pointe) mixed use high-rise, additionally installation of a 6 story parking structure below grade one city block square. Owners representative tasked with managing of design build development and coordination of all MEP and Fire systems as well as structural and architectural coordination. Worked directly with the architects, clients and city officials to ensure compliance. Managed any conflict resolution with the architect and construction team. Liaison between different agencies of the City of San Diego and project team, obtained proper permits and permissions from city entities. Oversaw a construction team of over 300 employees and sub-contractors. R.D. Olson Construction ($20 million to $65 million) 08/02 -01/06 Construction Manager/Superintendent Oversee ground up multilevel hotels, resorts and student housing/ senior living facilities. On-site Construction Manager /Superintendent of type 5, steel framed and poured in place concrete post tension multilevel and mid-level high-rises for the purposes of hospitality, student housing, resort, hotel and residential living complexes, oversee day to day on site and off site construction.