The document provides a reverse storyboard for a scene between characters Danni and Bobby reconciling after an argument. It consists of 12 shots showing the characters talking through their perspectives and differences across shot reverse shots. They start apologizing to each other and discussing a fresh start as their dialogue becomes more empathetic.
This storyboard depicts 11 shots showing a character investigating a disturbance at a building. In shots 1-3, he requests entry and finds a concerning photograph. In shots 4-6, he hears noises and finds the room empty. Shots 7-11 show him fleeing the building in a panic, getting hit by a car but continuing to run after another man. The storyboard establishes mystery and increasing tension through the character's actions and percussive music cues.
The document outlines a reverse storyboard for a scene from a TV show involving two brothers. It describes 17 shots showing the younger brother rolling onto the couch and bothering the older brother by talking excessively about a documentary on TV while the older brother is trying to work. The shots alternate between mid-close ups and shot-reverse-shots of the brothers, with the younger brother talking continuously and the older brother trying unsuccessfully to interrupt him over the course of 2 minutes.
Moss is excitedly telling Roy and Jen that he has been accepted to be a contestant on Countdown. Jen is confused about what Moss is talking about and what he was accepted for. The scene cuts between shots of each character as Moss excitedly explains to Roy and Jen that he will be going on Countdown to compete.
This storyboard document outlines the shots, camera movements, sounds and dialogue for a film about love. It includes shots such as close-ups of flowers, medium shots of the male and female leads, and establishing shots panning left. There are voiceovers discussing how love can be weak, hurtful and lost. Text elements convey phrases like "When Love is New" and "When Love is Damaged". The storyboard ends by introducing the two main characters and displaying the film title "What is Love".
The document provides a timeline of visual and audio elements in a film scene. It begins with a character holding a letter and walking towards the scene accompanied by silent footsteps. Two characters then have a conversation set to incidental heartbeat music. Their discussion continues in mid shots. The camera then focuses on one character's chest tattoo before zooming out to show another character's head being sliced in half amidst blood dripping sounds. It concludes with close ups of the severed head and characters speaking amidst glass breaking and sword slicing sound effects.
The document provides a timeline of visual and audio elements in a film scene. It describes camera shots and character interactions from 0:00 to 2:25, including a character walking with a letter, conversations between characters, close ups of a tattoo and chopped head, and sound effects of blood dripping, glass breaking, and gunfire during dialogue between characters.
The document provides guidance for a task that involves creating a title sequence for a new sitcom. Students are asked to create at least 4 main character types and communicate their personalities through actions, costumes, and interactions in less than 5 seconds. They should consider using visual signifiers and shots that efficiently establish each character and their relationships to one another. Reflection questions encourage analyzing how effectively the signs convey meaning and where they drew inspiration for the signifiers.
This document provides an analysis of various shots from the trailer for the movie "Cabin in the Woods". It summarizes the purpose and meaning behind 14 different shots or sequences from the trailer. Key details that are highlighted include shots that build tension, mystery, and suggest that the group of characters are being watched and are in danger. Symbols like the grid wall and lights going out indicate that there is no escape. The shots are used to provide clues about the plot and create an unsettling, ominous tone.
The initial specification for the new Lynx point of sale display unit outlines key considerations in three areas: aesthetics, customer, and safety. Aesthetically, the display must clearly advertise the Lynx brand and products in a modern style using matching colors. It needs to attract but not overwhelm customers by being interactive yet easy to understand. Safety is also important, with no sharp edges or small parts that could harm customers or be a safety risk during assembly.
El documento lista los comandos b叩sicos de DOS para manejar archivos, directorios, discos y configurar la consola. Incluye comandos como COPY, MD, TYPE, SYS, DIR, REN, CD, RD, DEL, FORMAT, DISCKCOPY, VOL, LABEL, CHKDSK, CLS, DATE, PROMPT, TIME, HELP, VER y UNIDAD.
The Evolving Role of Payments In a Customer Centric World Chargebee
Chargebee's presentation from our recent talk at the Worldpay Rethink workshop held in Chennai, India.
The presentation, titled 'Evolving Role of Payments in a Customer Centric World', will take you through why we think pricing and payments are integral components of any recurring revenue relationship.
This document discusses Girlguiding's reputation issues and plans to address them. Specifically, it mentions an outdated public image, a lack of volunteers that led to girls being waitlisted, and lost membership fees. It then outlines a communications strategy to reposition Girlguiding through members, media, influencers and potential volunteers. The strategy involves partnership programs with corporations to modernize their image, boost volunteers and membership, and generate corporate support. It provides timelines and budgets for the recruitment campaign and partnership programs.
Fungsi merupakan blok kode yang mengembalikan nilai berdasarkan input. Terdapat fungsi standar seperti Ln, SQR, dan CHR yang digunakan untuk menghitung logaritma alami, kuadrat, dan mengubah kode ASCII. Fungsi dapat direkursi dan membuat fungsi sendiri dengan mendefinisikan tipe data hasilnya.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pelajaran matematika kelas 1 semester 1 tentang membilang banyak benda dan membaca lambang bilangan 1 sampai 5. Terdapat penjelasan tentang angka-angka dan contoh soal membilang bagian tubuh serta benda-benda sehari-hari.
As a leading Open Source enterprise software development company in USA, Corelynx provides high end software solutions based on the requirements of the client global.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pelajaran matematika kelas 1 semester 1, khususnya tentang membilang banyak benda dan membaca lambang bilangan 1 sampai 5. Siswa diajak untuk membilang anggota tubuh, menjawab pertanyaan tentang gambar, serta membaca dan menjawab pertanyaan mengenai lambang bilangan.
MetaSolv Post-implementation Services include maintenance, production support, and enhancements such as upgrades. Prodapt provides these services to help clients reduce costs associated with ongoing support and maintenance of the MetaSolv application. Their services include application maintenance, incident and problem resolution, 24/7 support, and upgrades to ensure compliance with new releases and industry standards.
Break dancing combines movements from various dance styles and requires discipline. It has 4 branches: top rocking (upper body movements to the beat), footwork (foot movements and steps), power moves (difficult, forceful movements), and freezes (holding a pose momentarily). Top rocking emphasizes hand movements and style. Footwork incorporates creativity. Power moves demand physical strength. Freezes need balance and control to pause in the air or on the ground.
The document discusses considering Scrum as a collection of working agreements rather than rigid rules. It suggests identifying patterns from successful past projects and agreeing as a team to implement those patterns. Examples of patterns include short feedback loops, clear priorities and responsibilities, and empowered team members. The document proposes treating Scrum as opportunities to ask powerful questions at each event, such as setting reasonable sprint goals and ensuring work quality.
The document discusses customer service standards that require agents to respond to customers with zero complaints. It asks customer service agents to work in groups of 4 to define "phone etiquette" by coming up with a definition, including at least 5 examples related to things like inflection, courtesy, tone, understandability, pronunciation. The document also includes a question asking how close the groups' definitions were and provides a citation for Weebly, Inc. from 2012.
The scene involves characters conversing in a cabin about a newspaper article announcing the end of the world that night. It consists of 9 shots showing the characters in various groupings discussing their reactions to the news. The shots are mainly medium in length and focus on dialogue with no music to allow the audience to focus on what is being said.
The initial specification for the new Lynx point of sale display unit outlines key considerations in three areas: aesthetics, customer, and safety. Aesthetically, the display must clearly advertise the Lynx brand and products in a modern style using matching colors. It needs to attract but not overwhelm customers by being interactive yet easy to understand. Safety is also important, with no sharp edges or small parts that could harm customers or be a safety risk during assembly.
El documento lista los comandos b叩sicos de DOS para manejar archivos, directorios, discos y configurar la consola. Incluye comandos como COPY, MD, TYPE, SYS, DIR, REN, CD, RD, DEL, FORMAT, DISCKCOPY, VOL, LABEL, CHKDSK, CLS, DATE, PROMPT, TIME, HELP, VER y UNIDAD.
The Evolving Role of Payments In a Customer Centric World Chargebee
Chargebee's presentation from our recent talk at the Worldpay Rethink workshop held in Chennai, India.
The presentation, titled 'Evolving Role of Payments in a Customer Centric World', will take you through why we think pricing and payments are integral components of any recurring revenue relationship.
This document discusses Girlguiding's reputation issues and plans to address them. Specifically, it mentions an outdated public image, a lack of volunteers that led to girls being waitlisted, and lost membership fees. It then outlines a communications strategy to reposition Girlguiding through members, media, influencers and potential volunteers. The strategy involves partnership programs with corporations to modernize their image, boost volunteers and membership, and generate corporate support. It provides timelines and budgets for the recruitment campaign and partnership programs.
Fungsi merupakan blok kode yang mengembalikan nilai berdasarkan input. Terdapat fungsi standar seperti Ln, SQR, dan CHR yang digunakan untuk menghitung logaritma alami, kuadrat, dan mengubah kode ASCII. Fungsi dapat direkursi dan membuat fungsi sendiri dengan mendefinisikan tipe data hasilnya.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pelajaran matematika kelas 1 semester 1 tentang membilang banyak benda dan membaca lambang bilangan 1 sampai 5. Terdapat penjelasan tentang angka-angka dan contoh soal membilang bagian tubuh serta benda-benda sehari-hari.
As a leading Open Source enterprise software development company in USA, Corelynx provides high end software solutions based on the requirements of the client global.
Dokumen tersebut membahas pelajaran matematika kelas 1 semester 1, khususnya tentang membilang banyak benda dan membaca lambang bilangan 1 sampai 5. Siswa diajak untuk membilang anggota tubuh, menjawab pertanyaan tentang gambar, serta membaca dan menjawab pertanyaan mengenai lambang bilangan.
MetaSolv Post-implementation Services include maintenance, production support, and enhancements such as upgrades. Prodapt provides these services to help clients reduce costs associated with ongoing support and maintenance of the MetaSolv application. Their services include application maintenance, incident and problem resolution, 24/7 support, and upgrades to ensure compliance with new releases and industry standards.
Break dancing combines movements from various dance styles and requires discipline. It has 4 branches: top rocking (upper body movements to the beat), footwork (foot movements and steps), power moves (difficult, forceful movements), and freezes (holding a pose momentarily). Top rocking emphasizes hand movements and style. Footwork incorporates creativity. Power moves demand physical strength. Freezes need balance and control to pause in the air or on the ground.
The document discusses considering Scrum as a collection of working agreements rather than rigid rules. It suggests identifying patterns from successful past projects and agreeing as a team to implement those patterns. Examples of patterns include short feedback loops, clear priorities and responsibilities, and empowered team members. The document proposes treating Scrum as opportunities to ask powerful questions at each event, such as setting reasonable sprint goals and ensuring work quality.
The document discusses customer service standards that require agents to respond to customers with zero complaints. It asks customer service agents to work in groups of 4 to define "phone etiquette" by coming up with a definition, including at least 5 examples related to things like inflection, courtesy, tone, understandability, pronunciation. The document also includes a question asking how close the groups' definitions were and provides a citation for Weebly, Inc. from 2012.
The scene involves characters conversing in a cabin about a newspaper article announcing the end of the world that night. It consists of 9 shots showing the characters in various groupings discussing their reactions to the news. The shots are mainly medium in length and focus on dialogue with no music to allow the audience to focus on what is being said.
This reverse storyboard contains 12 shots describing scenes between two characters, Bobby and Danni, meeting at a caf辿 to discuss problems in their relationship. The shots progress from medium shots of them individually arriving and meeting, to close-ups of them conversing and apologizing to each other, to longer shots of them walking together with their dogs by the end. The dialogue shows them working to resolve conflicts and seeming happier in the final scene.
A reverse storyboard of Misfits to help me understand the mechanics of an actual storyboard and to help me make my own.
This will also include details on common shshots and angles used in film making.
This reverse storyboard summarizes 9 shots from Shameless series 10 episode 1. Shot 1 establishes the corner shop setting. Shots 2-7 show a customer interacting with store workers at the counter, discussing items and making a purchase. Shot 8 has characters continuing their conversation. Shot 9 shows the customer paying at the till while the storekeeper makes a lewd joke. The storyboard provides visual descriptions, character actions, durations and editing details for each shot.
The document provides a reverse storyboard for a 2005 Hollyoaks episode. It describes 6 shots involving characters playing and discussing the drinking game "strip bricks" at a bar. Shot descriptions include angles, actions, dialogue between characters, duration, and editing details. The shots discuss the rules of the game, one character's lack of skill at it, their insistence he play again, and another character refusing to play more. Background music and sound effects are also noted.
The document provides a photographic storyboard for a short film consisting of 38 shots. It describes each shot including the shot description, action, dialogue, duration, and edit. The story appears to follow a teenage girl named Emily at college who becomes interested in a boy named Tyler after he helps her when she gets stuck in some doors at the library.
How to attach file using upload button Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide, well discuss on how to attach file using upload button Odoo 18. Odoo features a dedicated model, 'ir.attachments,' designed for storing attachments submitted by end users. We can see the process of utilizing the 'ir.attachments' model to enable file uploads through web forms in this slide.
Digital Tools with AI for e-Content Development.pptxDr. Sarita Anand
This ppt is useful for not only for B.Ed., M.Ed., M.A. (Education) or any other PG level students or Ph.D. scholars but also for the school, college and university teachers who are interested to prepare an e-content with AI for their students and others.
Blind Spots in AI and Formulation Science Knowledge Pyramid (Updated Perspect...Ajaz Hussain
This presentation delves into the systemic blind spots within pharmaceutical science and regulatory systems, emphasizing the significance of "inactive ingredients" and their influence on therapeutic equivalence. These blind spots, indicative of normalized systemic failures, go beyond mere chance occurrences and are ingrained deeply enough to compromise decision-making processes and erode trust.
Historical instances like the 1938 FD&C Act and the Generic Drug Scandals underscore how crisis-triggered reforms often fail to address the fundamental issues, perpetuating inefficiencies and hazards.
The narrative advocates a shift from reactive crisis management to proactive, adaptable systems prioritizing continuous enhancement. Key hurdles involve challenging outdated assumptions regarding bioavailability, inadequately funded research ventures, and the impact of vague language in regulatory frameworks.
The rise of large language models (LLMs) presents promising solutions, albeit with accompanying risks necessitating thorough validation and seamless integration.
Tackling these blind spots demands a holistic approach, embracing adaptive learning and a steadfast commitment to self-improvement. By nurturing curiosity, refining regulatory terminology, and judiciously harnessing new technologies, the pharmaceutical sector can progress towards better public health service delivery and ensure the safety, efficacy, and real-world impact of drug products.
Prelims of Kaun TALHA : a Travel, Architecture, Lifestyle, Heritage and Activism quiz, organized by Conquiztadors, the Quiz society of Sri Venkateswara College under their annual quizzing fest El Dorado 2025.
How to Configure Flexible Working Schedule in Odoo 18 EmployeeCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure flexible working schedule in Odoo 18 Employee module. In Odoo 18, the Employee module offers powerful tools to configure and manage flexible working schedules tailored to your organization's needs.
2. Shot # 1
Shot Description
WS- showing Danni and booby sitting at the
2 characters around at a table greeting each
Dialogue Bobby is apologizing to Danni Duration 2
Music - none Cut/Edit - Cut
Noise/SFX ambient
3. Shot # 2
Shot Description
Two shot Mid (or Medium) OTS (Over the
Bobby is telling Danni what went wrong
Duration 2 secs
Dialogue talking about how they were both fueling
the argument
Cut/Edit shot reverse shot
Music none
Noise/SFX ambient/background
4. Shot # 3
Shot Description
Three shot Mid (or Medium) OTS (Over the
Shoulder) Reverse angle from previous
Danni tells Bobby her side of the story and
tells her what went so wrong.
Dialogue - talking about their differences
Duration 2 sec
Music - none
Cut/Edit Shot reverse shot
Noise/SFX ambient/background
5. Shot # 4
Shot Description
Two shot Mid (or Medium) OTS (Over the
Shoulder) Reverse angle from previous
Bobby is telling Danni what went wrong
Dialogue talking about how it started
Duration 5 sec
Music - none
Cut/Edit Shot reverse shot
Noise/SFX ambient/background
6. Shot # 5
Shot Description
Three shot Mid (or Medium) OTS (Over the
Shoulder) Reverse angle from previous
Danni tells Bobby her side of the story and
tells her what went so wrong.
Dialogue talking about how it started
Duration 6 sec
Music - none
Cut/Edit Shot reverse shot
Noise/SFX ambient/background
7. Shot # 6
Shot Description
Two shot Mid (or Medium) OTS (Over the
Shoulder) Reverse angle from previous
Bobby is telling Danni what went wrong
Dialogue talking about how it started
Duration 6 sec
Music none
Noise/SFX ambient/background Shot reverse shot
8. Shot # 7, 8, 9, 10
Shot Description
Two shot Mid (or Medium) OTS (Over the
Shoulder) Reverse angle from previous
Danni tells Bobby her side of the story and
tells her what went so wrong.
Dialogue talking about how it started Duration 6 sec
Music - none Cut/Edit
Shot reverse shot
Noise/SFX ambient/background
9. Shot # 11
Shot Description
Mid (or Medium) wide
Shot reverse
shot repeated Action
9 more times The two characters try to even out their
Dialogue talking about how it started Duration 2 sec
Music - none Cut/Edit
Shot reverse shot
Noise/SFX ambient/background
10. Shot # 12
Shot Description
Mid (or Medium) Three shot
Bobby is telling Danni what went wrong and they
both start apologizing.
Dialogue They start to chat about a new start 2 sec
Music - none Cut/Edit
Cut to a CU of their hands holding
Noise/SFX ambient/background
11. Shot #
Shot Description
Mid (or Medium) Three shot
Bobby is telling Danni what went wrong and
Duration 2 sec
Dialogue - They start to chat about a new start
Music - none Shot reverse shot
Noise/SFX ambient
12. Shot #
Shot Description
Mid (or Medium) Three shot
Danni apologizes to Bobby again and start to feel
empathy for him.
Dialogue Danni begins to feel emotional about it Duration 2 sec
Music - none Shot reverse shot
Noise/SFX ambient