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Rhetorica 12
General Quiz Prelims
Rhetorica '12 - Prelims
On which political controversy is this photo-comic based?
Also knows as the White Chapel Murderer and Leather Apron was a serial killer most
active around White Chapel district of London. It is said he got his most popular name
from a letter written by someone, claiming to be the murderer. He was one of the earliest
child-bogeymans, and the name became a popular feature of most fiction works
centering around serial murder themes. Who am I talking about?
Which Indian company claims to be the first one to have completed a half century in terms of
celebrity endorsements ? Its first brand ambassador was actress Rekha, wayback in the year
1974 and the 50th one was Mahendra Singh Dhoni in 2011.
The wikimedia foundation on 16th january announced to do a mass protest on January 18th by
organising a mass blackout for 24 hrs from 05:00 UTC on its English Wikipedia.Why is this protest
The CAG of India is an authority, established by the Constitution of India,
who audits all receipts and expenditure of the Government of India and the state governments,
including those of bodies and authorities substantially financed by the government. Expand
Kalaalit Nunaat is one of the least populated countries in the world. Dependency is a much
better word to describe it though as it falls under the Kingdom of Denmark. However most of us
who speak English Language have known it by a more popular name. In fact Kalaalit Nunaat
translates to Land of the ________. How do we better know Kalaalit Nunaat as?
Which famous dance form is originally known as Raqs Sharqi?
We all know about Uncle Sam. How do we know his American Female counterpart?
With which philosophical or religious school would you mainly relate
to with the above symbol?
With which famour personalitys road accident would you associate the Pont de l'Alma road
In the Cricket World Cup 2011, Amul was the
  main sponsor of which team?
If Prancing Horse : Ferrari then Raging bull : ?
What does the Amazon logo stand for?
Which famous consulting firm was previously
 known as Andersen Consulting?
This organisation was involved in a controversy over its members'
persistent refusal to allow female membership well into the 1990s.
Eventually, the govt. of that country intervened threatening to cut
funding on the grounds it was being sexist, ending 212 years of male
Name the organisation
Rhetorica '12 - Prelims
Rhetorica '12 - Prelims
On which political controversy is this photo-comic based?
Russian Presidential election controversy where it was discovered that
polls were rigged as the actual voter turnout turned out to be 140%.
Also knows as the White Chapel Murderer and Leather
Apron was a serial killer most active around White
Chapel district of London. It is said he got his most
popular name from a letter written by someone, claiming
to be the murderer. He was one of the earliest child-
bogeymans, and the name became a popular feature of
most fiction works centering around serial murder
themes. Who am I talking about?
Jack the ripper
Which Indian company claims to be the first one to have completed a half century in terms of
celebrity endorsements ? Its first brand ambassador was actress Rekha, wayback in the year
1974 and the 50th one was Mahendra Singh Dhoni in 2011.
The wikimedia foundation on 16th january announced a mass protest on January 18th
by organising a mass blackout for 24 hrs from 05:00 UTC on its English Wikipedia. Why
was this protest organised?
Protest the SOPA and PIPA
The CAG of India is an authority, established by the Constitution of India,
who audits all receipts and expenditure of the Government of India and the state governments,
including those of bodies and authorities substantially financed by the government. Expand
Comptroller and auditor general
Kalaalit Nunaat is one of the least populated countries in the world. Dependency is a much
better word to describe it though as it falls under the Kingdom of Denmark. However most of us
who speak English Language have known it by a more popular name. In fact Kalaalit Nunaat
translates to Land of the ________. How do we better know Kalaalit Nunaat as?
Which famous dance form is originally known as Raqs Sharqi?
Belly Dance
We all know about Uncle Sam. How do we know
his American Female counterpart?
With which philosophical or religious
school would you mainly relate to
with the above symbol?
With which famous personalitys road accident
would you associate the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel?
Princess Diana
Towers of Hanoi
In the Cricket World Cup 2011, Amul was the
  main sponsor of which team?
If Prancing Horse : Ferrari then Raging bull : ?
What does the Amazon logo stand for?
Sells all products from A-Z
Which famous consulting firm was previously
 known as Andersen Consulting?
This organisation was involved in a controversy over its members'
persistent refusal to allow female membership well into the 1990s.
Eventually, the govt. of that country intervened threatening to cut
funding on the grounds it was being sexist, ending 212 years of male
Name the organisation
Marylebone Cricket Club

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Rhetorica '12 - Prelims

  • 3. On which political controversy is this photo-comic based?
  • 4. Also knows as the White Chapel Murderer and Leather Apron was a serial killer most active around White Chapel district of London. It is said he got his most popular name from a letter written by someone, claiming to be the murderer. He was one of the earliest child-bogeymans, and the name became a popular feature of most fiction works centering around serial murder themes. Who am I talking about?
  • 5. Which Indian company claims to be the first one to have completed a half century in terms of celebrity endorsements ? Its first brand ambassador was actress Rekha, wayback in the year 1974 and the 50th one was Mahendra Singh Dhoni in 2011.
  • 6. The wikimedia foundation on 16th january announced to do a mass protest on January 18th by organising a mass blackout for 24 hrs from 05:00 UTC on its English Wikipedia.Why is this protest organised?
  • 7. The CAG of India is an authority, established by the Constitution of India, who audits all receipts and expenditure of the Government of India and the state governments, including those of bodies and authorities substantially financed by the government. Expand CAG.
  • 8. Kalaalit Nunaat is one of the least populated countries in the world. Dependency is a much better word to describe it though as it falls under the Kingdom of Denmark. However most of us who speak English Language have known it by a more popular name. In fact Kalaalit Nunaat translates to Land of the ________. How do we better know Kalaalit Nunaat as?
  • 9. Which famous dance form is originally known as Raqs Sharqi?
  • 10. We all know about Uncle Sam. How do we know his American Female counterpart?
  • 11. With which philosophical or religious school would you mainly relate to with the above symbol?
  • 12. With which famour personalitys road accident would you associate the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel?
  • 14. In the Cricket World Cup 2011, Amul was the main sponsor of which team?
  • 15. If Prancing Horse : Ferrari then Raging bull : ?
  • 16. What does the Amazon logo stand for?
  • 17. Which famous consulting firm was previously known as Andersen Consulting?
  • 18. This organisation was involved in a controversy over its members' persistent refusal to allow female membership well into the 1990s. Eventually, the govt. of that country intervened threatening to cut funding on the grounds it was being sexist, ending 212 years of male exclusivity. Name the organisation
  • 22. On which political controversy is this photo-comic based?
  • 23. Russian Presidential election controversy where it was discovered that polls were rigged as the actual voter turnout turned out to be 140%.
  • 24. Also knows as the White Chapel Murderer and Leather Apron was a serial killer most active around White Chapel district of London. It is said he got his most popular name from a letter written by someone, claiming to be the murderer. He was one of the earliest child- bogeymans, and the name became a popular feature of most fiction works centering around serial murder themes. Who am I talking about?
  • 26. Which Indian company claims to be the first one to have completed a half century in terms of celebrity endorsements ? Its first brand ambassador was actress Rekha, wayback in the year 1974 and the 50th one was Mahendra Singh Dhoni in 2011.
  • 27. Emami
  • 28. The wikimedia foundation on 16th january announced a mass protest on January 18th by organising a mass blackout for 24 hrs from 05:00 UTC on its English Wikipedia. Why was this protest organised?
  • 29. Protest the SOPA and PIPA legislations.
  • 30. The CAG of India is an authority, established by the Constitution of India, who audits all receipts and expenditure of the Government of India and the state governments, including those of bodies and authorities substantially financed by the government. Expand CAG.
  • 32. Kalaalit Nunaat is one of the least populated countries in the world. Dependency is a much better word to describe it though as it falls under the Kingdom of Denmark. However most of us who speak English Language have known it by a more popular name. In fact Kalaalit Nunaat translates to Land of the ________. How do we better know Kalaalit Nunaat as?
  • 34. Which famous dance form is originally known as Raqs Sharqi?
  • 36. We all know about Uncle Sam. How do we know his American Female counterpart?
  • 38. With which philosophical or religious school would you mainly relate to with the above symbol?
  • 39. Toism
  • 40. With which famous personalitys road accident would you associate the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel?
  • 44. In the Cricket World Cup 2011, Amul was the main sponsor of which team?
  • 46. If Prancing Horse : Ferrari then Raging bull : ?
  • 48. What does the Amazon logo stand for?
  • 49. Sells all products from A-Z
  • 50. Which famous consulting firm was previously known as Andersen Consulting?
  • 52. This organisation was involved in a controversy over its members' persistent refusal to allow female membership well into the 1990s. Eventually, the govt. of that country intervened threatening to cut funding on the grounds it was being sexist, ending 212 years of male exclusivity. Name the organisation