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Contact No: +971554495119
Personal Details
 Fathers Name : Joel Bablu Mondal
 Nationality :Indian
 Date of Birth : 31-10-1987
 Sex : Male
 Address P.O  Begopara Ranaghat dist Nadia- WestBengal
 Marital status : Single
 Religion : Roman catholic
 Language Known : English ,Hindiand Bengali
e-mail : richard.mondal1987@gmail.com
Career Objective
Seeking a position in an organization where I can utilize my confidence also
working with my innovative skills with the organization & contributing towards
the benefits of the hospitality industry especially in food
production in Western kitchen, bakery and confectionary.
Education Qualification
 Secondary and senior secondary certification
 St. MarysDay School.
 Craftsmanship of Food Production and patisserie from Institute of Hotel
ManagementKolkata India
Work Experience
 Worked in Thai cuisine and continental live cooking at DUBAI WORLD
TRADE CENTER, DUBAIsince2012-November 2015
 Worked as an assistant cook in Dubai JAWAD BUSSINESS GROUP (Thai
(1 year &6 months)
 Worked as apprentice cook after 6 months industrial training in The
Oberoi grand hotel.
Presently Working
Presently Workingin Toko Restaurant, Downtown, DubaisinceDecember 2015
Certificates Achieved
Certificate of Appreciation (DubaiAirshow 2013)
Certificate of Achievement (Level2 award in hygiene and food safety 25th July
Certificate of Achievement (HACCP Awarenesstraining13thAugust2012)
Emirates Culinary Guild (amerit award for beef practical cookery Dubai2013)
Guinnes world records (the world's largest gathering of chefs Dubai 4th January
Character Reference  Mr. James Joseph McGinnis ST. MARYS ORPHANAGE Ph :
25482060 ; +918481058431 New Delhi Chef Patel Dubai world trade centre
Key skills
 Committed to provide excellent quality service.
 Willingto go out of my way to make guests comfortable.
 Learn quickly, and able to work under pressure.
 Provideexcellent service and develop good relation with costumers.
 Result oriented, self started with experience.
 Strongly developed management, Supervisory and trainingskill.
 Provencommitment to team building, Demonstrated by the ability to lead
and motivate staff to perform at top efficiency levels
 Excellent analytical and communication skills.
 Reputation for being motivated, Dedicated and dependable in all
 Hard working.
 Excellent Communication Skill.
 Positive Attitude.
 Team Oriented.
Passport Details
 PassportNo : G 9575416
 Date of Issue : 23-07-2008
 Date of Expiry : 22-07-2018
 Place of Issue :India
I hereby declare that the above furnished information are true and correct
to the best of my knowledgeand belief.

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richard mondal cv (1)

  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE RICHARD SHYAMOL MONDAL Contact No: +971554495119 Personal Details Fathers Name : Joel Bablu Mondal Nationality :Indian Date of Birth : 31-10-1987 Sex : Male Address P.O Begopara Ranaghat dist Nadia- WestBengal India Marital status : Single Religion : Roman catholic Language Known : English ,Hindiand Bengali e-mail : richard.mondal1987@gmail.com Career Objective Seeking a position in an organization where I can utilize my confidence also working with my innovative skills with the organization & contributing towards the benefits of the hospitality industry especially in food production in Western kitchen, bakery and confectionary. . Education Qualification Secondary and senior secondary certification St. MarysDay School. Craftsmanship of Food Production and patisserie from Institute of Hotel ManagementKolkata India Work Experience Worked in Thai cuisine and continental live cooking at DUBAI WORLD TRADE CENTER, DUBAIsince2012-November 2015 Worked as an assistant cook in Dubai JAWAD BUSSINESS GROUP (Thai Express. (1 year &6 months) Worked as apprentice cook after 6 months industrial training in The Oberoi grand hotel. (9months) Presently Working
  • 2. Presently Workingin Toko Restaurant, Downtown, DubaisinceDecember 2015 Certificates Achieved Certificate of Appreciation (DubaiAirshow 2013) Certificate of Achievement (Level2 award in hygiene and food safety 25th July 2012) Certificate of Achievement (HACCP Awarenesstraining13thAugust2012) Emirates Culinary Guild (amerit award for beef practical cookery Dubai2013) Guinnes world records (the world's largest gathering of chefs Dubai 4th January 2013) Reference Character Reference Mr. James Joseph McGinnis ST. MARYS ORPHANAGE Ph : 25482060 ; +918481058431 New Delhi Chef Patel Dubai world trade centre 0506950780 Key skills Committed to provide excellent quality service. Willingto go out of my way to make guests comfortable. Learn quickly, and able to work under pressure. Provideexcellent service and develop good relation with costumers. Result oriented, self started with experience. Strongly developed management, Supervisory and trainingskill. Provencommitment to team building, Demonstrated by the ability to lead and motivate staff to perform at top efficiency levels Excellent analytical and communication skills. Reputation for being motivated, Dedicated and dependable in all employment. Competencies Hard working. Enthusiastic. Reliable. Responsible. Excellent Communication Skill. Positive Attitude. Integrity. Proactive. Team Oriented.
  • 3. Punctuality. Passport Details PassportNo : G 9575416 Date of Issue : 23-07-2008 Date of Expiry : 22-07-2018 Place of Issue :India Declaration I hereby declare that the above furnished information are true and correct to the best of my knowledgeand belief.