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Mr. Robin R. Rabii
36 Willett Street
Albany, New York 12210
845-707-9700 (Cell)
Summary of Experiences and Skills
Over my 32-year career, I have held an assortment of mid, senior, and executive-level positions in
finance, human resources, budget management, project management, payroll administration, and
labor relations. My collective wealth of experience in these professional disciplines includes: a
verifiable track record of success in leading highly complex and demanding business services
programs within university and government environments, executive-level expertise in aligning
organizational goals and priorities to institutional strategic plans, extensive experience in
implementing and managing business systems, and proficiency in employing practical
methodologies to integrate business processes with business systems. I have led significant
changes in challenging environments by strategically engaging employees and stakeholders; and
Ive created forums to identify improvement opportunities and concerns, creating the opportunity
to address issues in advance before they become obstacles to success. Ive used this approach
consistently to help meet the rapidly changing needs of employees, customers and the business.
As a seasoned leader with considerable experience in public policy, program management,
financial management and operational planning, I take pride in rolling up my sleeves when
necessary to help complete a task in the day-to-day operations. I have led many organizations,
large and small, dynamic and static, high-functioning and challenged, and have had success
developing and communicating strategic plans, clear goals, and priorities to both the layman and
the professional. Through my exposure to diverse organizational environments, I have learned to
quickly adapt my style of leading to fit the needs and goals of the organization. Prompt adjustments
to my management style helped me develop the right approach to lead organizations to achieve,
through its employees, its mission and goals.
I bring more to the table than my managerial capacity, technological aptitude, and decades of
experience. I am an administrator with top-quality relationship and morale building skills who can
work effectively, collegially and strategically, within and outside the enterprise, to garner active
support of the organizational goals and objectives. This combination of professional and
interpersonal attributes can support efforts to advance the organizational mission, while
positioning it to exceed expectations.

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  • 1. Mr. Robin R. Rabii 36 Willett Street Albany, New York 12210 845-707-9700 (Cell) rabii2@aol.com Summary of Experiences and Skills Over my 32-year career, I have held an assortment of mid, senior, and executive-level positions in finance, human resources, budget management, project management, payroll administration, and labor relations. My collective wealth of experience in these professional disciplines includes: a verifiable track record of success in leading highly complex and demanding business services programs within university and government environments, executive-level expertise in aligning organizational goals and priorities to institutional strategic plans, extensive experience in implementing and managing business systems, and proficiency in employing practical methodologies to integrate business processes with business systems. I have led significant changes in challenging environments by strategically engaging employees and stakeholders; and Ive created forums to identify improvement opportunities and concerns, creating the opportunity to address issues in advance before they become obstacles to success. Ive used this approach consistently to help meet the rapidly changing needs of employees, customers and the business. As a seasoned leader with considerable experience in public policy, program management, financial management and operational planning, I take pride in rolling up my sleeves when necessary to help complete a task in the day-to-day operations. I have led many organizations, large and small, dynamic and static, high-functioning and challenged, and have had success developing and communicating strategic plans, clear goals, and priorities to both the layman and the professional. Through my exposure to diverse organizational environments, I have learned to quickly adapt my style of leading to fit the needs and goals of the organization. Prompt adjustments to my management style helped me develop the right approach to lead organizations to achieve, through its employees, its mission and goals. I bring more to the table than my managerial capacity, technological aptitude, and decades of experience. I am an administrator with top-quality relationship and morale building skills who can work effectively, collegially and strategically, within and outside the enterprise, to garner active support of the organizational goals and objectives. This combination of professional and interpersonal attributes can support efforts to advance the organizational mission, while positioning it to exceed expectations.