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Robotprogrammatie: enkele
lessen uit de praktijk, trends
en uitdagingen
Eric Demeester
Faculteit Industri谷le Ingenieurswetenschappen
Technologiecampus Diepenbeek
Onderzoeksgroep ACRO
CEVORA IT event, 25 oktober 2015
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan
o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan
o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan
o Industrial robots with vision and a plan
 Programming robots: learnt lessons
o The RADHAR project as an example
o Requirements
o Solutions
 Trends and challenges for the future
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Overview ACRO activities
 Profibus & profinet, PLC (UCLL)
o Training for operators in industry
o Service and consultancy regarding industrial networks
 Vision and robotics (KU Leuven)
o Vision: choice of cameras, optics, lighting, image processing
o State estimation and machine learning, e.g.:
 Object recognition/classification and 6D pose estimation
 Mobile robot localisation and mapping
 Estimation of human intentions by robots
o Sensor-based decision making and planning, e.g.:
 Collision-free trajectory planning for mobile robots and industrial
 Shared human-machine control
Remark: ACRO is part of Faculty of Engineering Technology => research closer to
industry (higher TRL levels)
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan
o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan
o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan
o Industrial robots with vision and a plan
 Programming robots: learnt lessons
o The RADHAR project as an example
o Requirements
o Solutions
 Trends and challenges for the future
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
 Semi-autonomous robotic wheelchairs
o Motivation:
 Many elderly and disabled people suffer from a reduced mobility
 Electric wheelchairs enhance this mobility, but manoeuvring an
electric wheelchair is often difficult and time-consuming
 Consequences: accidents, frustration, dependence on others,
reduced social contact, reduced self-esteem, lower quality of life
o Solution? Equip electric wheelchairs with sensors and
computing power
=> Combine the strengths of both human (global planning) and
computer (fine motion control)
Collaborations/cases with: Permobil, Invacare, HMCI, Ottobock, BlueBotics, National MS Centre
Belgium, Windekind + various research institutes
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Research questions
 Semi-autonomous robots should be able to answer
three questions:
1. Where am I?
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Research questions
2. Where am I going?
o Key assumption: user should not be required to
communicate explicitly the desired navigation assistance
o Consequence: user (navigation) plans or intentions are
hidden and should be estimated from uncertain user signals
and sensor signals
o This is the problem of plan (intention) recognition:
Plan recognition is the problem of inferring the goal of
an actor and his plan to achieve this goal, based on a
sequence of actions performed by the actor.
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Research questions
3. How should I get there?
o Even if it is known where the user would like to drive to, it
remains unclear how the manoeuvre should be executed
jointly by human and robot
o This is the problem of shared control:
The situation in which the control of a device is
shared between one or more users and one or more
robotic controllers.
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Research questions
o Results with different interfaces: standard joystick, switch
interface, brain-computer interface, haptick joystick
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan
o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan
o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan
o Industrial robots with vision and a plan
 Programming robots: learnt lessons
o The RADHAR project as an example
o Requirements
o Solutions
 Trends and challenges for the future
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Autonomous apple picking
o It is hard to find personnel for fruit picking
o High wages, low prices for fruit on the global market
o Orchard management: selective spraying/fertilization
 Research questions:
o Autonomously determine the fruits position
o Autonomously pick the fruit without damaging the fruit nor the
tree, keeping the stem on the apple
o Feasibility study: is it possible to perform this operation with
vision and a robot arm?
o Can it be performed fast enough?
o And many other ... (logistics, wheather conditions, fruit
selection on the spot, etc.)
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Autonomous fruit picking
 Current state:
This image cannot currently be displayed.
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan
o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan
o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan
o Industrial robots with vision and a plan
 Programming robots: learnt lessons
o The RADHAR project as an example
o Requirements
o Solutions
 Trends and challenges for the future
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Random bin picking (IWT Tetra RaPiDo)
 Nowadays, objects are typically fed to robots in a well-defined,
mechanised manner, which takes time and money to setup
 Alternative: random bin picking:
 Make a 3D scan of a bin with randomly positioned objects
 Recognise and estimate pose of objects
 Compute a collision-free trajectory taking size of robot, gripper, objects,
environment into account
 Research goals:
o Build an open demonstrator
o Evaluate existing open source code
o Focus on integration of vision and robotics
o Speed up of object detection and path planning
o Evaluate potential of novel sensors and algorithms
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Random bin picking (IWT Tetra RaPiDo)
 Current state:
o Bin picking setup with sheet-of-light working
o Analysis of randomised path generation techniques
Collaborations/cases with: ABB, KUKA, Sick, Materialise, Ceratec, Egemin, cards PLM
solutions, Clock-O-Matic, Dewilde Engineering, Vision++, Exmore Benelux, Flanders Food,
Intrion, Optidrive, PEC, Intermodalics, Rabbit, Robberechts, Robosoft, Robomotive, Sedac
Meral, SoftKinetic, Beltech, Borit, Meditech, Sirris, Phaer,Gibas, Octinion, Dana, Van Hool
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Flexible robot welding (IWT VIS SmartFactory)
o Current trends:
 globalisation, individualised products, small lot sizes =>
production industry should become highly flexible
 High wages, lack of skilled labour, global competion => production
industry should become highly automated
 Factory of the future: combine flexibility and automation by using
novel technologies: machine vision, path planning software, force
control, intelligent transport
 Research goals: zero ramp-up & auto-programming
 Recognise and determine the pose of objects to be welded using
2D or 3D vision,
 perform quality checks before and after welding
 Computation of optimal (time, energy) trajectories for robots
taking into account: robot geometry, kinematics and dynamics,
singularities, components mounted on the robot, environment
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Flexible robot welding (IWT VIS SmartFactory)
 Current state:
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Vision-based wood waste sorting
o SME innovation project for NV Gielen
o Business model: grind wood waste to wood chips and sell
o Problem: percentage MDF: 15% to 50% => price of wood
chips very low
o Solution: separate MDF from wood
 Research questions:
o How to separate MDF from wood?
 Not possible using only infrared reflection, density, colour
 => classify using vision?
o How to classify it accurately enough?
o How to separate it fast enough?
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Vision-based wood waste sorting
o Determine several features based on colour, texture, shape
o Train multilayer perceptrions to classify wood and MDF
o Onsorted input (45-55% MDF) to sorted output with 5%
MDF in wood output and 2% wood in MDF output
o Capacity: 7.5 tons/hour
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan
o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan
o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan
o Industrial robots with vision and a plan
 Programming robots: learnt lessons
o The RADHAR project as an example
o Requirements
o Solutions
 Trends and challenges for the future
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
The RADHAR project as an example
Vision: Robotic ADaptation to Humans Adapting to Robots
heterogeneous user groups
with (time)varying skills
dynamic, 3D environments
robots adapting to humans
signals and responses
Requires life-long
adaptation between
two interacting
learning systems
(human & machine)
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
The RADHAR project as an example
2 user
NMSC, Nationaal
Multiple Sclerosis
Centrum V.Z.W.
school for
children with
3 companies
1 research
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
The RADHAR project as an example
General overview of the framework
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
The RADHAR project as an example
Developed hardware:
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan
o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan
o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan
o Industrial robots with vision and a plan
 Programming robots: learnt lessons
o The RADHAR project as an example
o Requirements
o Solutions
o Problems encountered
 Trends and challenges for the future
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
o Hardware level:
 Be able to deal with different sensors, wheelchairs, interfaces,
 Real-time (predictable, fast) control even if data-intensive
o Algorithmic level:
 Easily transfer algorithms to other platforms
o Robotics-related challenges:
 How to program the robot to perform what it should do?
 Environment: uncertain/unknown, changing, 3D, soft
 Robot: kinematics and dynamics, slippage, castors, size
 Concurrent tasks/processes/threads
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
o System level: large-scale collaborative research and
 Several research groups across Europe develop software
 Portability, different platforms (Windows/Linux, Java/C++)
 Little time during integration weeks (tests on the hardware)
 Runtime robustness: stopping/crashing a module of a running
robot application should not result into an overall
stopping/crashing of the robot application
 Runtime flexibility: be able to change algorithms of modules at
runtime, extend the robot application with new modules at run-
time, probe ingoing and outgoing data of modules at runtime.
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan
o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan
o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan
o Industrial robots with vision and a plan
 Programming robots: learnt lessons
o The RADHAR project as an example
o Requirements
o Solutions
 Trends and challenges for the future
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Solutions (lessons learnt)
1. Hardware abstraction and algorithmic level:
 Use of object-oriented programming (C C++):
 C++ has more features => more complex, but more readable and less
maintenance cost
 C++ might be slightly slower
 Timely reaction, real-time control is very important =>
maintainability, reusability is sometimes ignored (nicely
encapsulated software runs slower)
 => lesson learnt: avoid optimisation until it is needed
 use of GPU results were not that spectacular (< 10x improvement)
 ... sometimes just use a faster PC
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Solutions (lessons learnt)
 Use of design patterns,
 e.g. to abstract implementation details away from the functionality (e.g.
Factory Method): => easily adopt higher-level code on different
wheelchairs, user interfaces, sensors, ...
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Solutions (lessons learnt)
 Component-based software engineering:
 Compose sw from off-the-shelf and custom-built components
 Well-defined external interface that hides its internals, independently
developed from where it is going to be used, clear specification of what
it requires and provides and depends on => it can be composed
 5Cs principle of separation of concerns separating the communication,
computation, coordination, configuration, and composition aspects in
the overall software functionality. Design patterns exist to decouple
these aspects 
- Composition: group entities together, model interactions (= an art)
- Computation: algorithmic part (the useful part of the sw)
- Configuration: change settings of a system
- Coordination: how do entities work together, life-cycle FSM
- Communication
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Solutions (lessons learnt)
 Evolution towards a more complex but very structured and motivated
Composition Pattern as the basic building block
Vanthienen, Klotzb端cher, Bruyninckx, "The 5C-based architectural Composition Pattern: lessons
learned from re-developing the iTaSC framework for constraint-based robot programming", Journal
of Software Engineering for Robotics, pp. 17-35, May 2014.
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Solutions (lessons learnt)
2. Robotics related level:
 Probabilistic robotics: explicitly model uncertainty on all
information sources, and use that uncertainty when taking
 For intention estimation (plan recognition)
 For shared control
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Plan recognition
 How to represent intentions?
1. We assume: users wish to reach a certain end pose pe (xe,
ye, 慮e) with an end velocity ve (ve, e), e.g.:
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Plan recognition
2. Furthermore, we assume that users have a certain mental
trajectory in mind to arrive at an end state, e.g.:
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Plan recognition
 Intention estimation scheme:
1. Generate plan hypotheses i based on local paths or paths to
learned end poses or end poses indicated on an a priori
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Plan recognition
2. A probability distribution is maintained over the set of
possible user plans i. Initially, a uniform distribution is
3. This distribution is updated every time new user signals uk
are obtained according to Bayes rule.
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Plan recognition
 Example of plan recognition performance:
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Shared control
 The probability distribution over user plans may be
 Nevertheless, decisions should be made at each
time instant regarding navigation assistance
 3 approaches have been proposed to make these
o Maximum Likelihood (ML)
o Maximum A Posteriori (MAP)
o Greedy Partially Observable Markov Decision Process
(greedy POMDP)
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Shared control
 Maximum likelihood versus Maximum a posteriori
versus POMDP
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Shared control
 Example of shared control performance:
o Benchmark test: visit the goal locations 4  9  6  11  2 
14  5  10 and back to position 4
o Execute this in user control mode, in ML shared control
mode, in POMDP shared control mode
o In shared control, the wheelchair can drive farther than in
user control mode, with the danger of making wrong
decisions and driving too far
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Shared control
 Example of shared control performance:
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Solutions (lessons learnt)
3. System level:
 we adopted ROS (Robot Operating System), an open-source
middleware initiative that allows:
 Easy and +/- efficient data exchange
 Tools (rosbags) for data collection and replay
 Dynamic configuration of components (nodes) parameters
 Interactive GUI for data visualization
 ... And other (multi-language support  C++/Python), support for
distributed systems
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Solutions (lessons learnt)
 We developed a module base class, built on top of ROS
 Used to share common functionality between modules (reuse)
 This implemented a finite-state-machine: stop/start a component, be
robust against errors, ...
 Health monitor: each component sends a heart-beat message to
let a central controller know about the wellbeing of a component
 The central controller sends a heart-beat to a hardware watchdog
 A GUI allows to display the health state of all modules, to
activate/deactivate modules
 This worked for us, but:
 Required lots of integration work and programming
 Will probably be duplicated by others
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan
o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan
o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan
o Industrial robots with vision and a plan
 Programming robots: learnt lessons
o The RADHAR project as an example
o Requirements
o Solutions
 Trends and challenges for the future
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Trends and challenges for the future
 Probabilistic programming
o Trend towards probabilistic robots (due to many successes)
o Can we incorporate these probabilistic and machine learning
concepts into the programming language?
 E.g. prob distributions as new data type, automatically tune code
using built-in learning functions (program fails => indicate the
correct behaviour and learn from this example)
o Initial successes: much fewer lines of code; e.g. Darpa grand
challenge (autonomous car): 100.000 lines of code
o But: how can it be debugged (randomness plays a crucial
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Trends and challenges for the future
 Insurance and liability
o Robots should be safe, e.g. implementing obstacle avoidance
but how reliable are these? Bugs keep popping up, in
unpredictable way (e.g. memory leaks)
o E.g. by feeding random input or pseudo-random input and
see if the system crashes - a sort of automated unit tests
rather than manually crafted unit tests
 Currently, typically only nominal behaviour is evaluated; for
safety worst-case behaviour is important
 Reliable communication
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk
Trends and challenges for the future
o there are no standard methods for connecting sensors,
motors, actuators, cameras and other components to robots
 E.g. plug a device in, detect the device, install a driver, know what
can be performed with it, ...
o Its starting (Orocos, ROS, OpenCV), but this requires still
much programming at lower levels
 Software deployment support:
o Robot apps should be made to work easily on different
platforms, have example programs available and good
Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk 49
Dank voor uw aandacht!
Eric Demeester
eric.demeester _at_ kuleuven.be
tel: +32 (0)11 27 88 15

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Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk, trends en uitdagingen

  • 1. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk, trends en uitdagingen Eric Demeester Faculteit Industri谷le Ingenieurswetenschappen Technologiecampus Diepenbeek Onderzoeksgroep ACRO CEVORA IT event, 25 oktober 2015
  • 2. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Outline 2 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan o Industrial robots with vision and a plan Programming robots: learnt lessons o The RADHAR project as an example o Requirements o Solutions Trends and challenges for the future
  • 3. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Overview ACRO activities 3 Profibus & profinet, PLC (UCLL) o Training for operators in industry o Service and consultancy regarding industrial networks Vision and robotics (KU Leuven) o Vision: choice of cameras, optics, lighting, image processing o State estimation and machine learning, e.g.: Object recognition/classification and 6D pose estimation Mobile robot localisation and mapping Estimation of human intentions by robots o Sensor-based decision making and planning, e.g.: Collision-free trajectory planning for mobile robots and industrial manipulators Shared human-machine control Remark: ACRO is part of Faculty of Engineering Technology => research closer to industry (higher TRL levels)
  • 4. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Outline 4 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan o Industrial robots with vision and a plan Programming robots: learnt lessons o The RADHAR project as an example o Requirements o Solutions Trends and challenges for the future
  • 5. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Introduction 5 Semi-autonomous robotic wheelchairs o Motivation: Many elderly and disabled people suffer from a reduced mobility Electric wheelchairs enhance this mobility, but manoeuvring an electric wheelchair is often difficult and time-consuming Consequences: accidents, frustration, dependence on others, reduced social contact, reduced self-esteem, lower quality of life o Solution? Equip electric wheelchairs with sensors and computing power => Combine the strengths of both human (global planning) and computer (fine motion control) Collaborations/cases with: Permobil, Invacare, HMCI, Ottobock, BlueBotics, National MS Centre Belgium, Windekind + various research institutes
  • 6. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Research questions 6 Semi-autonomous robots should be able to answer three questions: 1. Where am I?
  • 7. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Research questions 7 2. Where am I going? o Key assumption: user should not be required to communicate explicitly the desired navigation assistance o Consequence: user (navigation) plans or intentions are hidden and should be estimated from uncertain user signals and sensor signals o This is the problem of plan (intention) recognition: Plan recognition is the problem of inferring the goal of an actor and his plan to achieve this goal, based on a sequence of actions performed by the actor.
  • 8. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Research questions 8 3. How should I get there? o Even if it is known where the user would like to drive to, it remains unclear how the manoeuvre should be executed jointly by human and robot o This is the problem of shared control: The situation in which the control of a device is shared between one or more users and one or more robotic controllers.
  • 9. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Research questions 9 o Results with different interfaces: standard joystick, switch interface, brain-computer interface, haptick joystick
  • 10. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Outline 10 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan o Industrial robots with vision and a plan Programming robots: learnt lessons o The RADHAR project as an example o Requirements o Solutions Trends and challenges for the future
  • 11. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Autonomous apple picking 11 Introduction: o It is hard to find personnel for fruit picking o High wages, low prices for fruit on the global market o Orchard management: selective spraying/fertilization Research questions: o Autonomously determine the fruits position o Autonomously pick the fruit without damaging the fruit nor the tree, keeping the stem on the apple o Feasibility study: is it possible to perform this operation with vision and a robot arm? o Can it be performed fast enough? o And many other ... (logistics, wheather conditions, fruit selection on the spot, etc.)
  • 12. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Autonomous fruit picking 12 Current state: This image cannot currently be displayed.
  • 13. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Outline 13 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan o Industrial robots with vision and a plan Programming robots: learnt lessons o The RADHAR project as an example o Requirements o Solutions Trends and challenges for the future
  • 14. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Random bin picking (IWT Tetra RaPiDo) 14 Introduction: Nowadays, objects are typically fed to robots in a well-defined, mechanised manner, which takes time and money to setup Alternative: random bin picking: Make a 3D scan of a bin with randomly positioned objects Recognise and estimate pose of objects Compute a collision-free trajectory taking size of robot, gripper, objects, environment into account Research goals: o Build an open demonstrator o Evaluate existing open source code o Focus on integration of vision and robotics o Speed up of object detection and path planning o Evaluate potential of novel sensors and algorithms
  • 15. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Random bin picking (IWT Tetra RaPiDo) 15 Current state: o Bin picking setup with sheet-of-light working o Analysis of randomised path generation techniques Collaborations/cases with: ABB, KUKA, Sick, Materialise, Ceratec, Egemin, cards PLM solutions, Clock-O-Matic, Dewilde Engineering, Vision++, Exmore Benelux, Flanders Food, Intrion, Optidrive, PEC, Intermodalics, Rabbit, Robberechts, Robosoft, Robomotive, Sedac Meral, SoftKinetic, Beltech, Borit, Meditech, Sirris, Phaer,Gibas, Octinion, Dana, Van Hool
  • 16. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Flexible robot welding (IWT VIS SmartFactory) 16 Introduction: o Current trends: globalisation, individualised products, small lot sizes => production industry should become highly flexible High wages, lack of skilled labour, global competion => production industry should become highly automated Factory of the future: combine flexibility and automation by using novel technologies: machine vision, path planning software, force control, intelligent transport Research goals: zero ramp-up & auto-programming Recognise and determine the pose of objects to be welded using 2D or 3D vision, perform quality checks before and after welding Computation of optimal (time, energy) trajectories for robots taking into account: robot geometry, kinematics and dynamics, singularities, components mounted on the robot, environment
  • 17. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Flexible robot welding (IWT VIS SmartFactory) 17 Current state:
  • 18. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Vision-based wood waste sorting 18 Introduction: o SME innovation project for NV Gielen o Business model: grind wood waste to wood chips and sell o Problem: percentage MDF: 15% to 50% => price of wood chips very low o Solution: separate MDF from wood Research questions: o How to separate MDF from wood? Not possible using only infrared reflection, density, colour => classify using vision? o How to classify it accurately enough? o How to separate it fast enough?
  • 19. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Vision-based wood waste sorting 19 Solution: o Determine several features based on colour, texture, shape o Train multilayer perceptrions to classify wood and MDF o Onsorted input (45-55% MDF) to sorted output with 5% MDF in wood output and 2% wood in MDF output o Capacity: 7.5 tons/hour
  • 20. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Outline 20 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan o Industrial robots with vision and a plan Programming robots: learnt lessons o The RADHAR project as an example o Requirements o Solutions Trends and challenges for the future
  • 21. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk The RADHAR project as an example 21 Vision: Robotic ADaptation to Humans Adapting to Robots heterogeneous user groups with (time)varying skills dynamic, 3D environments robots adapting to humans signals and responses Requires life-long adaptation between two interacting learning systems (human & machine)
  • 22. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk The RADHAR project as an example 22 Consortium 2 user groups NMSC, Nationaal Multiple Sclerosis Centrum V.Z.W. Windekind, school for children with disability 3 companies 3 universities 1 research institute
  • 23. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk The RADHAR project as an example 23 General overview of the framework
  • 24. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk The RADHAR project as an example 24 Developed hardware:
  • 25. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Outline 25 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan o Industrial robots with vision and a plan Programming robots: learnt lessons o The RADHAR project as an example o Requirements o Solutions o Problems encountered Trends and challenges for the future
  • 26. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Requirements/challenges 26 o Hardware level: Be able to deal with different sensors, wheelchairs, interfaces, people Real-time (predictable, fast) control even if data-intensive o Algorithmic level: Easily transfer algorithms to other platforms Safety Calibration Debugging o Robotics-related challenges: How to program the robot to perform what it should do? Environment: uncertain/unknown, changing, 3D, soft Robot: kinematics and dynamics, slippage, castors, size Concurrent tasks/processes/threads
  • 27. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Requirements/challenges 27 o System level: large-scale collaborative research and development Several research groups across Europe develop software Portability, different platforms (Windows/Linux, Java/C++) Little time during integration weeks (tests on the hardware) Runtime robustness: stopping/crashing a module of a running robot application should not result into an overall stopping/crashing of the robot application Runtime flexibility: be able to change algorithms of modules at runtime, extend the robot application with new modules at run- time, probe ingoing and outgoing data of modules at runtime.
  • 28. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Outline 28 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan o Industrial robots with vision and a plan Programming robots: learnt lessons o The RADHAR project as an example o Requirements o Solutions Trends and challenges for the future
  • 29. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Solutions (lessons learnt) 29 1. Hardware abstraction and algorithmic level: Use of object-oriented programming (C C++): C++ has more features => more complex, but more readable and less maintenance cost C++ might be slightly slower Timely reaction, real-time control is very important => maintainability, reusability is sometimes ignored (nicely encapsulated software runs slower) => lesson learnt: avoid optimisation until it is needed use of GPU results were not that spectacular (< 10x improvement) ... sometimes just use a faster PC
  • 30. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Solutions (lessons learnt) 30 Use of design patterns, e.g. to abstract implementation details away from the functionality (e.g. Factory Method): => easily adopt higher-level code on different wheelchairs, user interfaces, sensors, ...
  • 31. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Solutions (lessons learnt) 31 Component-based software engineering: Compose sw from off-the-shelf and custom-built components Well-defined external interface that hides its internals, independently developed from where it is going to be used, clear specification of what it requires and provides and depends on => it can be composed 5Cs principle of separation of concerns separating the communication, computation, coordination, configuration, and composition aspects in the overall software functionality. Design patterns exist to decouple these aspects - Composition: group entities together, model interactions (= an art) - Computation: algorithmic part (the useful part of the sw) - Configuration: change settings of a system - Coordination: how do entities work together, life-cycle FSM - Communication
  • 32. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Solutions (lessons learnt) 32 Evolution towards a more complex but very structured and motivated Composition Pattern as the basic building block Vanthienen, Klotzb端cher, Bruyninckx, "The 5C-based architectural Composition Pattern: lessons learned from re-developing the iTaSC framework for constraint-based robot programming", Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics, pp. 17-35, May 2014.
  • 33. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Solutions (lessons learnt) 33 2. Robotics related level: Probabilistic robotics: explicitly model uncertainty on all information sources, and use that uncertainty when taking decisions For intention estimation (plan recognition) For shared control
  • 34. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Plan recognition 34 How to represent intentions? 1. We assume: users wish to reach a certain end pose pe (xe, ye, 慮e) with an end velocity ve (ve, e), e.g.:
  • 35. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Plan recognition 35 2. Furthermore, we assume that users have a certain mental trajectory in mind to arrive at an end state, e.g.: i1
  • 36. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Plan recognition 36 Intention estimation scheme: 1. Generate plan hypotheses i based on local paths or paths to learned end poses or end poses indicated on an a priori map.
  • 37. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Plan recognition 37 2. A probability distribution is maintained over the set of possible user plans i. Initially, a uniform distribution is adopted; 3. This distribution is updated every time new user signals uk are obtained according to Bayes rule.
  • 38. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Plan recognition 38 Example of plan recognition performance:
  • 39. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Shared control 39 The probability distribution over user plans may be multi-modal Nevertheless, decisions should be made at each time instant regarding navigation assistance 3 approaches have been proposed to make these decisions: o Maximum Likelihood (ML) o Maximum A Posteriori (MAP) o Greedy Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (greedy POMDP)
  • 40. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Shared control 40 Maximum likelihood versus Maximum a posteriori versus POMDP
  • 41. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Shared control 41 Example of shared control performance: o Benchmark test: visit the goal locations 4 9 6 11 2 14 5 10 and back to position 4 o Execute this in user control mode, in ML shared control mode, in POMDP shared control mode o In shared control, the wheelchair can drive farther than in user control mode, with the danger of making wrong decisions and driving too far
  • 42. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Shared control 42 Example of shared control performance:
  • 43. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Solutions (lessons learnt) 43 3. System level: we adopted ROS (Robot Operating System), an open-source middleware initiative that allows: Easy and +/- efficient data exchange Tools (rosbags) for data collection and replay Dynamic configuration of components (nodes) parameters Interactive GUI for data visualization ... And other (multi-language support C++/Python), support for distributed systems
  • 44. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Solutions (lessons learnt) 44 We developed a module base class, built on top of ROS Used to share common functionality between modules (reuse) This implemented a finite-state-machine: stop/start a component, be robust against errors, ... Health monitor: each component sends a heart-beat message to let a central controller know about the wellbeing of a component The central controller sends a heart-beat to a hardware watchdog A GUI allows to display the health state of all modules, to activate/deactivate modules This worked for us, but: Required lots of integration work and programming Will probably be duplicated by others
  • 45. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Outline 45 ACRO activities: robots with vision and a plan o Mobile, assistive robots with vision and a plan o Agricultural robots with vision and a plan o Industrial robots with vision and a plan Programming robots: learnt lessons o The RADHAR project as an example o Requirements o Solutions Trends and challenges for the future
  • 46. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Trends and challenges for the future 46 Probabilistic programming o Trend towards probabilistic robots (due to many successes) o Can we incorporate these probabilistic and machine learning concepts into the programming language? E.g. prob distributions as new data type, automatically tune code using built-in learning functions (program fails => indicate the correct behaviour and learn from this example) o Initial successes: much fewer lines of code; e.g. Darpa grand challenge (autonomous car): 100.000 lines of code o But: how can it be debugged (randomness plays a crucial role)
  • 47. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Trends and challenges for the future 47 Insurance and liability o Robots should be safe, e.g. implementing obstacle avoidance but how reliable are these? Bugs keep popping up, in unpredictable way (e.g. memory leaks) o E.g. by feeding random input or pseudo-random input and see if the system crashes - a sort of automated unit tests rather than manually crafted unit tests Currently, typically only nominal behaviour is evaluated; for safety worst-case behaviour is important Reliable communication
  • 48. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk Trends and challenges for the future 48 Plug-and-play o there are no standard methods for connecting sensors, motors, actuators, cameras and other components to robots E.g. plug a device in, detect the device, install a driver, know what can be performed with it, ... o Its starting (Orocos, ROS, OpenCV), but this requires still much programming at lower levels Software deployment support: o Robot apps should be made to work easily on different platforms, have example programs available and good documentation
  • 49. Robotprogrammatie: enkele lessen uit de praktijk 49 Dank voor uw aandacht! Eric Demeester eric.demeester _at_ kuleuven.be tel: +32 (0)11 27 88 15