This document summarizes an event called RoNewMedia 5.0 that will take place in November 2010 in Bucharest, Romania. Some key details:
- The event will bring together over 500 participants over 3 days, with speakers from companies like Google, i-Level and Orange UK.
- Day 1 will focus on inspiring keynote speeches. Day 2 will have workshops and demonstrations. Day 3 will include awards ceremonies and a party.
- There are various sponsorship packages available, ranging from 4,000 for an exhibitor booth to 25,000 for a platinum sponsor. All sponsors receive logo placement and media coverage. Higher levels of sponsorship include additional benefits like speaking opportunities.
- The
3. Figures
Over 2.000 participants in the previous 4 editions
Over 50 international speakers
Exceptional media coverage (50 print articles and over 400
online articles)
Live blogging (over 300 blog articles)
Live twittering (over 2.500 twitter posts)
Live TV broadcasts and coverage in the highest audience TV
Journals (8 hour live broadcasting and 6 hour records)
First RoWebTV Gala (8 awards) and 2 RoWebDesign Galas (29
winners in the two past editions)
meaning the largest international event of the Romanian digital
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9. On the 3rd of November, at World Trade Center Bucharest,
RoNewMedia 4.0 brought together the team of Google
experts, top Western European specialists from companies
like i-level, vanguardSEO, magneticNorth, and Orange U.K, as well as over 500
participant audience.
The 4th edition focused on the exhange of ideas and know-
how. There were 6 workshops, each one approaching some
of the highly debated new media trends.
At the end, RoNewMedia Gala awarded the most efficient
and daring design and video production projects recently
launched in the Romanian web. People at home had the
opportunity to watch the live streaming of the entire event on and live broadcasts on The Money
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10. For the
FIRST time in
TOPspeakers from: and may more
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15. Program
Day 1: Inspiring Day
(a 3 days exhibition will be held at the
- Keynotes Presentations
conference site, gathering all the
- International leaders of the industry
technology trends & leaders)
Days 1, 2 & 3 EXHIBITION!
-A large audience
Day 2: Working Day
- Workshops
- Demonstrations
Day 3: Celebration Day
- RoWebDesign Gala
- RoWebTV Gala
- RoWebCampaign Gala
- Partyyyyy!!!!!
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18. Delivering your messages to relevant core target
Building brand equity while bonding with potential
partners and clients from the Romanian new media
Associating with a prestigious brand
Bridging communication channels towards your
Networking opportunities
Well-targeted and consistent media coverage
NOTE: The partnership packs can be customized according to your requests in
order to best fit your brand strategy
20. Platinum, Gold, Silver sponsors have the following
common benefits:
the logo displayed on the event website
the logo published on all the materials and invitations distributed
before the event
the logo displayed on the indoor directories that will guide people to
the conference room
the logo on banners promoting the event (according to the media
exposure during the event
coverage on all media channels: TV, radio, online and print
the possibility to insert promotional materials in the events paper
PR&Communications plan customized for the market sectors
targeted by the sponsor
interviews with the companys representatives on
TBC: passwords for watching the conference online
22. Before the event
The Platinum Gold Silver Workshop Exhibitor
companys sponsor sponsor sponsor sponsor (4.000 )
logo on: (25.000 ) (20.000 ) (17.000 ) (5.000 )
TV Spot up to 5 up to 3 up to 3
(according to
media plan)
Radio Spot up to 5 up to 3 up to 3
(according to
media plan)
Web one frame in a common in a common the ones
banners frame frame which promote
Gold+Silver Gold+Silver the workshop with the with the with the on the in the
website mention mention Gold mention Silver workshops exhibitor
Platinum sponsor sponsor page category
Printed invitations with the with the with the exclusively on
and newsletters mention mention Gold mention Silver the ones which
Platinum Sponsor Sponsor promote the
sponsor workshop
Print ads with the with the with the
mention mention Gold mention Silver
Platinum sponsor sponsor
23. During the event
Platinum Gold Silver Workshop Exhibitor
sponsor sponsor sponsor sponsor (4.000 )
(25.000 ) (20.000 ) (17.000 ) (5.000 )
Logo on the
paper case,
Speaches 30 keynote 20 Keynote in
speech in the the second part
first part of D1 of D1
Free invitations 15 (+ 50% buy 10 (+ 40% buy 5 (+ 30% buy For the
for the event discount) discount) discount) workshop
Flyers and In the Throughout
brochures workshop day the event
distribution at the
Promotional lasting 2 lasting 1 lasting 30 In the
movie in off-time workshop day
Branding one of Lunch offered Coffee break
the events of the by Platinum offered by Gold
day Sponsor Sponsor
Preferential visual with the with the with the
presence mention mention Gold mention Silver
Platinum sponsor sponsor
24. Special packages: Inspiring Sponsor (Day 1)
(7.000 )
Before the event:
exposure in the press releases and articles (Day I is offered by ... )
logo on the page dedicated for Day I on the events website
exposure in the newsletters sent to the target audience
PR & Communications plan customized for the market sectors targeted
by the sponsor
interviews with the companys representatives on and
During the event:
sampling of promotional materials in Day I
flayer insertion in the paper folder
branded badge for the Day I participants
notebooks and pens for the Day I participants
1 representative in Day I Inspiring Day (30 keynote speech in the first
part of the day)
preferential visual presence of the Inspiring Sponsor will be configured for
the events rooms.
the possibility to brand the live streaming page for Day I
10 invitation for Day I event and 5 invitations for the workshops in Day II
25% discount for purchasing additional tickets
25. Post-event
the full list of participants for follow-up
the presentations held by keynote speakers
and during the workshops
the video&audio records of the event
(common advantages for all the sponsors)
26. The event and each of its parts can be
modulated in order to efficiently meet
every request you might have in order to
get the most appropriate interaction with
RoNewMedia 5.0 audience.
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27. all aboard!
For further details contact:
phone: 0730.555.040
See all the latest news on
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