Adowa 1896 . In 1896 The italian army suffered a terrible defeat in Ethiopia by Menelik II. That was the first big military defeat for a colonial army on the african soil!
This document summarizes a study that analyzed location and social media data from attendees at the 2015 Roskilde Music Festival in Denmark. The study collected GPS location data from over 39,000 festival attendees who opted-in to sharing their location via a festival mobile app. It also collected over 20,000 geo-tagged social media posts from Instagram and over 35,000 geo-tagged tweets. The study analyzed how attendees moved around the festival grounds and compared this physical movement data to the places they discussed and shared photos of on social media. It found that these two data sources revealed how attendees appropriated the festival spaces and experiences through both physical presence and online sharing with their social networks.
The document provides an overview of Commands and Colors Napoleonics, a board wargame that simulates Napoleonic battles like Waterloo. It discusses the game components, including the map, unit pieces, and rules. The rules cover movement, ranged and melee combat, morale, retreats, and more. The goal is to capture victory banners by eliminating enemy units and leaders. Examples of gameplay mechanics are described, such as forming infantry squares to defend against cavalry charges. The document concludes by discussing how the same system can be used for ancient battles with Commands and Colors Ancients.
The passage discusses the importance of summarization for processing large amounts of text data. It notes that automatic summarization systems aim to condense long documents into shorter summaries while maintaining the most important concepts and entities. The challenges of building such systems include identifying the most salient pieces of information, understanding natural language at a deeper level, and generating coherent summaries.
This document discusses using mobile sensor and social media data to measure livability across urban spaces. It proposes combining "hard" data like mobility patterns with "soft" data from sources like social networks, photos, and noise levels. This "Social-Local-Mobile" approach allows analyzing livability at a fine-grained, real-time level while harnessing crowdsourced information. The goal is to inform more data-driven urban decision making and create applications that provide personalized livability feedback to residents.
This document discusses using social media data to measure livability across city spaces. It explores how metrics like followers, tweets, hashtags and photos from platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare can provide insights into how people use and experience urban areas. It also examines tools for analyzing social media data and some of their features and limitations. Understanding these "soft metrics" from a local perspective can provide nuanced insights into urban planning.
The document provides instructions for an exercise analyzing Danish banks and telecommunication companies on Twitter using the Topsy analytics tool. Students are asked to analyze trends over time for each brand and combined, identify areas of increased tweets, potential marketing topics, influential Twitter accounts, highest performing content, geographic differences in mentions, relative reach and exposure of brands, and periods of positive and negative sentiment reactions.
The document summarizes the results of a Twitter analysis conducted for the #loveisinmyblood campaign run by the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Key findings include:
- The campaign was successful in raising awareness about HIV/AIDS on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. The hashtag and foundation's Twitter handle saw significant growth.
- Countries with the highest Twitter usage and celebrity presence, as well as regions with high HIV prevalence, were identified as priority areas for the campaign.
- Hashtag volume increased rapidly from just a few tweets per hour to over 1 tweet per minute. It trended in major cities around the world.
- The foundation gained thousands of new Twitter followers, exceeding growth predictions. Sent
This document presents a case study on the social media discourse surrounding the euthanization of a giraffe named Marius at the Copenhagen Zoo. It analyzes datasets from Twitter and Facebook to examine differences between the Danish and international conversations. Key findings include that the international discussion was larger in volume and more negative in sentiment, while the Danish conversation was more neutral and occurred more on Facebook than Twitter. Differences in word frequencies between the Danish and English texts provide clues about advocacy hashtags, descriptions of what occurred, and factors that increased virality of the story internationally.
Learning History by Playing - Highway to the Reichmauro faina
The document provides an overview of the board wargame Highway to the Reich, which simulates Operation Market Garden. It describes the game's phases and key mechanics, such as airborne drops, movement, firing, supply, and close combat. Examples are given of gameplay mechanics like direct and indirect firing. The goal is to help players understand and start playing scenarios that recreate battles from the operation.
This document discusses using mobile sensor and social media data to measure livability across urban spaces. It proposes combining "hard" data like mobility patterns with "soft" data from sources like social networks, photos, and noise levels. This "Social-Local-Mobile" approach allows analyzing livability at a fine-grained, real-time level while harnessing crowdsourced information. The goal is to inform more data-driven urban decision making and create applications that provide personalized livability feedback to residents.
This document discusses using social media data to measure livability across city spaces. It explores how metrics like followers, tweets, hashtags and photos from platforms like Twitter, Instagram and Foursquare can provide insights into how people use and experience urban areas. It also examines tools for analyzing social media data and some of their features and limitations. Understanding these "soft metrics" from a local perspective can provide nuanced insights into urban planning.
The document provides instructions for an exercise analyzing Danish banks and telecommunication companies on Twitter using the Topsy analytics tool. Students are asked to analyze trends over time for each brand and combined, identify areas of increased tweets, potential marketing topics, influential Twitter accounts, highest performing content, geographic differences in mentions, relative reach and exposure of brands, and periods of positive and negative sentiment reactions.
The document summarizes the results of a Twitter analysis conducted for the #loveisinmyblood campaign run by the Elton John AIDS Foundation. Key findings include:
- The campaign was successful in raising awareness about HIV/AIDS on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. The hashtag and foundation's Twitter handle saw significant growth.
- Countries with the highest Twitter usage and celebrity presence, as well as regions with high HIV prevalence, were identified as priority areas for the campaign.
- Hashtag volume increased rapidly from just a few tweets per hour to over 1 tweet per minute. It trended in major cities around the world.
- The foundation gained thousands of new Twitter followers, exceeding growth predictions. Sent
This document presents a case study on the social media discourse surrounding the euthanization of a giraffe named Marius at the Copenhagen Zoo. It analyzes datasets from Twitter and Facebook to examine differences between the Danish and international conversations. Key findings include that the international discussion was larger in volume and more negative in sentiment, while the Danish conversation was more neutral and occurred more on Facebook than Twitter. Differences in word frequencies between the Danish and English texts provide clues about advocacy hashtags, descriptions of what occurred, and factors that increased virality of the story internationally.
Learning History by Playing - Highway to the Reichmauro faina
The document provides an overview of the board wargame Highway to the Reich, which simulates Operation Market Garden. It describes the game's phases and key mechanics, such as airborne drops, movement, firing, supply, and close combat. Examples are given of gameplay mechanics like direct and indirect firing. The goal is to help players understand and start playing scenarios that recreate battles from the operation.
18. Etap 3
1. Umyć mięso w zimnej wodzie
Jak przyrządzić rosół?
19. Etap 3
 Włożyć mięso do garnka
 Zalać zimną wodą
Jak przyrządzić rosół?
 Lekko posolić
 Zagotować
ï‚— Po zagotowaniu siÄ™ wody
(ok. 30 min. ) zebrać szum,
tłuszcz, różne kłaczki
pływające po wierzchu
20. Etap 3
 Przygotować warzywa:
◦ Umyć warzywa
◦ Obrać marchew i pokroić w kawałki
Jak przyrządzić rosół?
◦ Obrać pietruszkę i pokroić w kawałki
◦ Obrać cebulę z zewnętrznych brudnych
części, pokroić w ćwiartki i przypiec na patelni
◦ Ząbek czosnku obrać i pokroić
◦ Odciąć ¼ selera
◦ Posiekać natkę pietruszki
21. Etap 3
 Po zebraniu szumu wrzucić
warzywa go garnka (bez natki
Jak przyrządzić rosół?
 Dodać listki laurowe, pieprz,
ziele angielskie
 Zagotować i zmniejszyć ogień
ï‚— ¸é´Ç²õół powinien spokojnie
bulgotać bez przykrycia przez
ok. 2-3 godziny, aż mięso
będzie miękkie
22. Etap 3
 Ugotować makaron
 Pod koniec gotowania rosołu doprawić solą
Jak przyrządzić rosół?
 Po ugotowaniu zdjąć z ognia
23. Etap 3
Jak przyrządzić rosół?
Dodać warzywa
Zebrać i przyprawy –
szum z gotować 2-3
Pokroić wody w godz.
warzywa garnku
Zalać mięso
zimnÄ… wodÄ…
i zagotować
mięso i Krótka historia
gotowania rosołu
25. Etap 4
Nakrycie do stołu
Jak podać do stołu?
26. Etap 4
◦ Przecedzić wywar do
dobrze nagrzanej wazy
◦ Można przełożyć
kawałki marchewki
Jak podać do stołu?
◦ Do głębokich talerzy
nałożyć makaron
◦ Posypać posiekaną
natkÄ… pietruszki
◦ Zalać makaron
27. Etap 4
Savoire vivre – podstawowe zasady:
 Wszystkich gości witamy jednakowo serdecznie -
należy z uśmiechem wskazać mu miejsce, które ma
Jak podać do stołu?
 Gospodarz domu nie powinien zajmować miejsca,
dopóki wszyscy goście nie usiądą.
 Gdy podajemy konkretną godzinę rozpoczęcia
przyjęcia należy zaczekać pół godziny na wszystkich
gości – po upływie tego czasu można zasiąść do stołu.
 Jeżeli nóź i widelec leżą na talerzu skrzyżowane lub
stykają się końcami tworząc odwrócona literę V,
znaczy to, że nasz gość jeszcze będzie jadł. Gdy
sztućce leżą równolegle – możemy sprzątnąć