Check out the infographic showing some really amazing myths about teeth and dentistry!
For best dental treatment, visit Lookswoow; the best dental clinic in Dubai!
How Dynamic Search Ads Can Supercharge Your SEM CampaignsAdStage
The document discusses how to leverage dynamic search ads (DSAs) to improve search engine marketing campaigns. It covers how DSAs work, who should use them, their pros and cons, best practices, and advanced automated strategies. DSAs allow advertisers to target long-tail search queries without having to create many individual ads. The document provides tips on setting up DSAs, optimizing with negative keywords and analytics, and using automation to further optimize bids, budgets, and ad pausing based on performance metrics.
This document contains a list of 20 spelling words for Lesson 1, including blade, gray, past, afraid, magic, delay, amaze, drain, maybe, break, sale, hang, stain, glass, raft, jail, crayon, fact, stale, and steak.
This document discusses the API for FreeRTOS, an embedded operating system. It covers FreeRTOS functions for task creation, task control, direct task notification, queues, semaphores/mutexes, and software timers. For each topic, it lists relevant functions and provides a link to the FreeRTOS documentation for further details.
Bringing Characters to Life for Immersive Storytelling - Dioselin GonzalezWithTheBest
Bringing characters to life for immersive storytelling discusses techniques for animating virtual characters including behavior trees, finite state machines, and the Behavior Markup Language (BML). BML allows for synchronization of behaviors, animation, speech, and other signals. Behavior trees provide a way to organize complex character behaviors hierarchically and handle parallelism and priorities. The document references many tools and techniques for facial animation, speech recognition, and autonomous character systems that can be used to create believable immersive characters.
The document celebrates National Aviation Day and Orville Wright's birthday, honoring the Wright brothers' accomplishments in flight. Their idea and work with airplanes took flight and changed transportation. Orville Wright's birthday is being recognized.
This document discusses three emerging approaches to location-based marketing on smartphones: 1) GPS-based marketing which uses a phone's GPS to determine location and target ads, 2) geofencing which uses app-based virtual boundaries to trigger ads when a user enters or exits an area, and 3) zone and point-based marketing which delivers ads to specific shops or spots. It provides examples of each approach and tips for implementation, noting that while adoption is still challenging, location-based marketing offers opportunities to reach customers on mobile.
Use Analytics to Prevent Costly Product ReturnsPeter Sobotta
Product returns cost US ecommerce companies over $26B last year, and that number is growing due to generous returns policies and increased competition. Unfortunately most retailers are not well equipped to manage the massive returns problem they face because they lack the technology to make data driven decisions.
Busy managers often spend 25% of their time aggregating data and searching for trends only to arrive at the answer too late to make an impact.
The answer is real time analytics and trend detection.
Return Logic provides the tools - real time analytics and returns management software.
You have received tons of advices from upper management on how to become an effective and inspiring leader. But what does it look like, as a great manager from a follower's perspective ? Let's find out.
November 29 HighRoad U Toolkit of the Month Webinar: Blogging Maturity Assess...HighRoad Solution
This month's Blogging Maturity Assessment Toolkit was designed to evaluate where your organization stands when it comes to Blogging as a part of your digital marketing mix.
Key Benefits
self assessment based in excel
immediate results and evaluation
great for on-going re-assessment
discover strategic GAPS
This document provides guidance on using social media to market events. It recommends creating a memorable hashtag and promotion plan before the event. During the event, it suggests live tweeting, photos, video, and live streaming. After the event, follow up with attendees via email, gather feedback, and post recap photos and social media. The document also provides tips for highlighting guest speakers on social media and creating a targeted promotion plan across Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Consistent posting of attendee photos, speaker highlights, and follow-up content is recommended to promote the event and build community engagement.
Gingival enlargement, also known as gingival hyperplasia or hypertrophy, is an increase in the volume of gingival tissue that can be caused by various local and systemic factors. Common causes include plaque accumulation resulting in inflammation, certain medications like phenytoin and cyclosporine, pregnancy, and rare hereditary conditions. Left untreated, gingival enlargement can negatively impact oral health, function, and aesthetics. Treatment options depend on the underlying cause but may involve improved plaque control, changing medications, surgery to remove excess tissue, or resolving systemic conditions.
Check out the infographic showing some really amazing myths about teeth and dentistry!
For best dental treatment, visit Lookswoow; the best dental clinic in Dubai!
How Dynamic Search Ads Can Supercharge Your SEM CampaignsAdStage
The document discusses how to leverage dynamic search ads (DSAs) to improve search engine marketing campaigns. It covers how DSAs work, who should use them, their pros and cons, best practices, and advanced automated strategies. DSAs allow advertisers to target long-tail search queries without having to create many individual ads. The document provides tips on setting up DSAs, optimizing with negative keywords and analytics, and using automation to further optimize bids, budgets, and ad pausing based on performance metrics.
This document contains a list of 20 spelling words for Lesson 1, including blade, gray, past, afraid, magic, delay, amaze, drain, maybe, break, sale, hang, stain, glass, raft, jail, crayon, fact, stale, and steak.
This document discusses the API for FreeRTOS, an embedded operating system. It covers FreeRTOS functions for task creation, task control, direct task notification, queues, semaphores/mutexes, and software timers. For each topic, it lists relevant functions and provides a link to the FreeRTOS documentation for further details.
Bringing Characters to Life for Immersive Storytelling - Dioselin GonzalezWithTheBest
Bringing characters to life for immersive storytelling discusses techniques for animating virtual characters including behavior trees, finite state machines, and the Behavior Markup Language (BML). BML allows for synchronization of behaviors, animation, speech, and other signals. Behavior trees provide a way to organize complex character behaviors hierarchically and handle parallelism and priorities. The document references many tools and techniques for facial animation, speech recognition, and autonomous character systems that can be used to create believable immersive characters.
The document celebrates National Aviation Day and Orville Wright's birthday, honoring the Wright brothers' accomplishments in flight. Their idea and work with airplanes took flight and changed transportation. Orville Wright's birthday is being recognized.
This document discusses three emerging approaches to location-based marketing on smartphones: 1) GPS-based marketing which uses a phone's GPS to determine location and target ads, 2) geofencing which uses app-based virtual boundaries to trigger ads when a user enters or exits an area, and 3) zone and point-based marketing which delivers ads to specific shops or spots. It provides examples of each approach and tips for implementation, noting that while adoption is still challenging, location-based marketing offers opportunities to reach customers on mobile.
Use Analytics to Prevent Costly Product ReturnsPeter Sobotta
Product returns cost US ecommerce companies over $26B last year, and that number is growing due to generous returns policies and increased competition. Unfortunately most retailers are not well equipped to manage the massive returns problem they face because they lack the technology to make data driven decisions.
Busy managers often spend 25% of their time aggregating data and searching for trends only to arrive at the answer too late to make an impact.
The answer is real time analytics and trend detection.
Return Logic provides the tools - real time analytics and returns management software.
You have received tons of advices from upper management on how to become an effective and inspiring leader. But what does it look like, as a great manager from a follower's perspective ? Let's find out.
November 29 HighRoad U Toolkit of the Month Webinar: Blogging Maturity Assess...HighRoad Solution
This month's Blogging Maturity Assessment Toolkit was designed to evaluate where your organization stands when it comes to Blogging as a part of your digital marketing mix.
Key Benefits
self assessment based in excel
immediate results and evaluation
great for on-going re-assessment
discover strategic GAPS
This document provides guidance on using social media to market events. It recommends creating a memorable hashtag and promotion plan before the event. During the event, it suggests live tweeting, photos, video, and live streaming. After the event, follow up with attendees via email, gather feedback, and post recap photos and social media. The document also provides tips for highlighting guest speakers on social media and creating a targeted promotion plan across Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Consistent posting of attendee photos, speaker highlights, and follow-up content is recommended to promote the event and build community engagement.
Gingival enlargement, also known as gingival hyperplasia or hypertrophy, is an increase in the volume of gingival tissue that can be caused by various local and systemic factors. Common causes include plaque accumulation resulting in inflammation, certain medications like phenytoin and cyclosporine, pregnancy, and rare hereditary conditions. Left untreated, gingival enlargement can negatively impact oral health, function, and aesthetics. Treatment options depend on the underlying cause but may involve improved plaque control, changing medications, surgery to remove excess tissue, or resolving systemic conditions.
Learn how to build a differentiated, "full funnel testing" CRO model that will continuously win new business and retain clients year over year.
Partner presentation on #DigitalAgencyDay, hosted by Unbounce & HubSpot.
Michael McEuen, Director of Demand Generation, AdStage
Jason Puckett, CEO, AdBasis
A reflection-oriented program component can monitor the execution of an enclosure of code and can modify itself according to a desired goal related to that enclosure.
Reflection is one of those things like multi-threading where everyone with experience of it says ¡°Don¡¯t use it unless you absolutely have to¡±.
An endeavor to approach or remind some useful terms of Aviation,ideal for starting up Flight Attendants provides just a small idea of a such a unique occupation....
How do you become a better writer? Is it something you¡¯re born with or can you learn the skills that are needed. According to Paula Pant, you can get better. Here¡¯s how.
For many of you who have become more advanced in your search engine marketing (SEM) practices, automation offers a powerful appeal and it¡¯s easy to understand why.
Automation, once implemented, can significantly free up hours in your day, allowing you to shift your focus to other priorities.
There are a ton of ways to automate your marketing and relieve your team of the manual duties that diligent digital marketing demands.
Here, we focus on a few basic tactics to help you to automate your SEM:
Kajian ini bertujuan meningkatkan pencapaian murid dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Malaysia melalui penggunaan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi (TIK) seperti blog, email, dan Facebook. Hal ini dilakukan untuk mengatasi masalah murid yang sering tidak membawa buku teks dan buku latihan ke sekolah karena beban yang berat. Peneliti akan mengamati dan mendokumentasikan penggunaan alat-alat TIK tersebut dalam proses pembelajaran.
1. RancanganPengajaranHarian
Mata Pelajaran :Bahasa Malaysia
Tarikh / Hari : 03 Mei 2013/Jumaat
Masa : 10.20 pagi ¨C 11.10 pagi (50 minit)
Kelas : 1 Amanah
Bilangan Pelajar : 23/24 Orang
Tajuk : Jenis-Jenis Kenderaan di Darat
Objektif Pembelajaran : Pada akhir pengajaran dan pembelajaran, murid akan dapat :
1. Menyatakan jenis-jenis kenderaan di darat.
2. Menamakan jenis-jenis kenderaan yang terdapat dalam lembaran kerja.
Pengetahuan Sedia Ada : Pelajar telah mengetahui tentang pelbagai jenis kenderaan di darat.
Alat Bantu Mengajar : Komputer, LCD, lembaran kerja.
Pendekatan/strategi : Berpusatkan guru dan pelajar
Kaedah : Perbincangan, Penyoalan, Syarahan
Nilai-nilai : Kebebasan, keberanian, kerajinan, kesyukuran,rasional
KBKK : Mencirikan, menjana idea, menghubungkait
/ Masa
Isi Kandungan Aktiviti Pengajaran dan
Kaedah/ ABM/
Aktiviti Guru Aktiviti Pelajar
(5 minit)
¡ñ Pantun teka teki
¡ñ Seni kata lagu
1. Guru
membacakan tiga
pantun teka teki
2. Guru
menayangkan seni
2. Guru
pelbagai soal
untuk mengaitkan
kepada tajuk
1. Murid menjawab
satu demi satu
pantun teka teki
2. Murid
menyanyikan seni
kata lagu yang
3. Murid menjawab
soalan yang
Strategi :
guru & pelajar.
Kaedah :
Pantun teka teki,
seni kata lagu
2. pelajaran. dikemukan dan
tajuk pelajaran
dapat ditimbulkan.
Nilai :
Menjana Idea,
Kenderaan di
1. Guru
bebarapa jenis
kenderaan di darat
melalui tayangan
2. Guru menyoal
murid berkaitan
kenderaan yang
1. Pelajar melihat
gambar yang
2. Pelajar memberi
jawapan kepada
soalan yang
dikemukan guru.
3. Pelajar
mendengar setiap
penerangan guru
dengan prihatin.
Strategi :
pelajar dan guru
Kaedah :
Nilai :
Perkembangan 1. Guru meminta
beberapa orang
murid mengeja
nama kenderaan
yang ditunjukkan.
2. Guru menyoal
pelajar tentang
1. Murid yang
mengeja nama
mengikut arahan
2. Murid menjawab
setiap soalan yang
Strategi :
pelajar dan guru.
Kaedah :
komputer, LCD.
3. mereka berkaitan
powerpoint yang
3. Guru
sewaktu berada di
jalan raya.
dikemukakan oleh
3. Pelajar
mendengar setiap
penerangan guru
dengan prihatin.
Nilai :
Pengukuhan dan
pengayaan diri
1. Guru
lembaran kerja
kepada murid.
1. Murid menjawab
lembaran kerja
yang telah
Strategi :
pelajar dan
Kaedah :
Lembaran kerja
Nilai :
menjana idea,
(5 minit)
¡ñ Seni kata lagu
1. Guru bertanya
kepada murid
tentang tindakan
yang perlu diambil
1. Murid menjawab
pertanyaan guru.
2. Murid faham
dan dapat
Strategi :
4. sewaktu berada di
jalan raya.
2. Guru
bahawa jalan raya
bukanlah tempat
yang selamat.
3. Guru
mengaitkan tajuk
pelajaran dengan
tajuk sebelum ini.
4. Guru
semula seni kata
mengaitkan tajuk
yang dipelajari
dengan tajuk
sebelum ini.
3. Murid
menyanyikan lagu
Nilai :
menjana idea,
Refleksi: Seramai 23 daripada 24 orang murid yang hadir dapat mengikuti pembelajaran
dengan penuh minat. Murid juga aktif ketika melakukan setiap aktiviti yang
dijalankan. Objektif pembelajaran dapat dicapai sepenuhnya.