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Emma Wang
Name: Ruinan (Emma) WANG
Gender: FEMALE
Birth Date: 1987/02/20
Experience: >6 years
Email: emma.wang3@hotmail.com
Mobile: (+86) 13601859829
Specialties: Rich Quality Management Experiences in Apple PC/iPhone industry.
 Quality Program/project management & process improvement
 ODM SMT/FATP manufacturing process & product quality management
 OEM parts quality management
 Early warning process management
 Product/spare parts RMA process management
 Quality strategy & tactics development
 Customer experience enhancement
 Data mining & analytics
Personalities: Collaboration, support, enthusiasm, listening, accomplished, highly motivated, results oriented.
 Command  leads me to take charge. Confrontation and presenting facts or truth is the first step toward resolution.
 Context  Look back to a time of blueprints to understand the present, make better decisions and become wiser about
 Ideation  Delighted by idea when discover beneath the complex surface an elegantly simple concept to explain why things
are the way they are.
 Analytical  Armed with data to understand how certain patterns affect one another. Others see me as logical and rigorous.
 Responsibility  Focus me to take psychological ownership for anything I commit to, feel emotionally bound to follow it
through to completion.
Product Quality Senior Specialist
Quanta Computer Inc.
May 2011 - Present (more than 5 years) | Shanghai Suburb, China
Worked as Product Quality Manager for Apple Products (13 & 11 Mac Book Air & 12 MacBook)
 Product Quality Plan
From Engineer phase, work with Apple PQE to draft PQP to make sure one sufficient quality assurance activity in place in
factory based on the issue seen in EFFA of former products, XVT build or new features requested.
 EFFA (Earlier Field Failure Analysis) Forum
Starting from product Ok2ship, host daily EFFA forum with Apple and Quanta core team to discuss early field issues and
immediate CAs which can be deployed in factory. Lead them in Cupertino twice for onsite EFFA activities.
 TWR (Total Warranty Repair) Improvement
Lead factory team (PD/EE/PE/SQE/QA) to get TWR improved continuously. The TWR of 13 & 11MBA keep down trend
dramatically from 12.1% to 7.8%, The 1st
TWR of 12 is 4.57%, which is the first time that MB MacBook (a new iconic
Portable product) achieved a proud TWR record of under 5%.
 Field Complaint
Manage the analysis of field return units; work with PE and RD department to dig out the root cause for help of quality
improvement. Provide problem solving (root cause failure analysis) and corrective action services to Operation processes.
 Weekly MIL (Main issue list) Review
Weekly review main issues that detected in process and post process with Apple PQE, SQE, and STM. Track and review the
corrective action for each failure to make the process and quality improve.
 Factory Audit
Audit SMT, FATP, FATP, IQC and FQA area on regular basis, for the findings to work with PE and QA team for CAPA.
 Quality (Pre) Alert following
Work with Apple PQE/STM/Ops create a quality alert to implement deprioritize input/stop Production/Hold shipment and
follow all actions until the alert completed.
 SMT & FATP Yield Improvement
According to SMT & FATP daily yield report, factory weekly P-chart & SPC-chart, lead discussion with PE, SQE and QE to
figure out potential problems, broaden test coverage to improve production yield continuously.
 ORT Management
Create Bi-weekly ORT system and weekly boards build matrix based on different materials performance for reliability test,
identify the potential time-to-fail parts, drive CA in place, or as the lesson learn for next generations.
 Design Feedback
Collect and categorize quality issue detected at both factory and field through entire product cycle, feedback classic issues
to R&D to prevent replicable failure symptoms and improve product quality from design perspective.
Achievements Highlighted:
Leader of Quality management for 11 & 13-inch MacBook Air generated projects
 201206  201208 lead a group with 7 engineers to US Cupertino for EFFA systems FA, which is to dig out failed root cause
for those earlier returned units by customer. The feedback to supplier or factory to do improvement to ensure better quality
product shipped to end-user.
Leader of Quality management for 12-inch MacBook generated projects
 201504  201506 lead a group with 5 engineers to US Cupertino for EFFA systems FA, Daily con-call meeting with customer
and factory to discuss the failed systems. Work with factory to improve shipment product quality.
 201604  201605 lead a group with 4 engineers to Cupertino for the EFFA systems FA support after the project announced.
Same as previous experiences, daily meeting with Customer and Factory; the best experience is using the flexible methods
to confirm the returned reason and do the further FA.
Quality Test Engineer
Pegatron Corp.
August 2010 - April 2011
Work as Quality test engineer for Apple iPhone4.
 According to Apple requirement and products specialty, review with Apple test engineer for test procedures and define SOP.
 Function as the lead quality example & spokesperson for System operations and provide strategic planning in Quality area.
 Team with Customer for new products development through Pro-Launch. Support and participate in customer Production
Trial Runs.
 Investigate and eliminate causes of sporadic quality problems and follow up on corrective actions.
 Analyze cost of quality and identify major opportunities for improvement.
Achievements Highlighted:
Leader of QC test process and procedure for iPhone4
2008/Sep - 2010/Jul Nanyang Institute of Technology Bachelor
2005/Sep  2008/Jul Henan Industrial University Chemical Technology Vocational College
English Chinese
Professional working proficiency Native or bilingual proficiency
Skills & Endorsements
1. Process Management
2. Quality Assurance
3. Quality Management
4. Service Delivery
5. Supplier Quality
6. Quality Strategy
7. GR&R/Kappa
8. Cpk/Ppk
9. IPO
10. FMEA
Work, Tennis Ball, Dancing, Swimming, Hiking, Fiction

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  • 1. Emma Wang Name: Ruinan (Emma) WANG Gender: FEMALE Birth Date: 1987/02/20 Experience: >6 years Email: emma.wang3@hotmail.com Mobile: (+86) 13601859829 Summary Specialties: Rich Quality Management Experiences in Apple PC/iPhone industry. Quality Program/project management & process improvement ODM SMT/FATP manufacturing process & product quality management OEM parts quality management Early warning process management Product/spare parts RMA process management Quality strategy & tactics development Customer experience enhancement Data mining & analytics Personalities: Collaboration, support, enthusiasm, listening, accomplished, highly motivated, results oriented. Command leads me to take charge. Confrontation and presenting facts or truth is the first step toward resolution. Context Look back to a time of blueprints to understand the present, make better decisions and become wiser about future. Ideation Delighted by idea when discover beneath the complex surface an elegantly simple concept to explain why things are the way they are. Analytical Armed with data to understand how certain patterns affect one another. Others see me as logical and rigorous. Responsibility Focus me to take psychological ownership for anything I commit to, feel emotionally bound to follow it through to completion. Experience Product Quality Senior Specialist Quanta Computer Inc. May 2011 - Present (more than 5 years) | Shanghai Suburb, China Worked as Product Quality Manager for Apple Products (13 & 11 Mac Book Air & 12 MacBook) Product Quality Plan From Engineer phase, work with Apple PQE to draft PQP to make sure one sufficient quality assurance activity in place in factory based on the issue seen in EFFA of former products, XVT build or new features requested. EFFA (Earlier Field Failure Analysis) Forum Starting from product Ok2ship, host daily EFFA forum with Apple and Quanta core team to discuss early field issues and immediate CAs which can be deployed in factory. Lead them in Cupertino twice for onsite EFFA activities. TWR (Total Warranty Repair) Improvement Lead factory team (PD/EE/PE/SQE/QA) to get TWR improved continuously. The TWR of 13 & 11MBA keep down trend dramatically from 12.1% to 7.8%, The 1st TWR of 12 is 4.57%, which is the first time that MB MacBook (a new iconic Portable product) achieved a proud TWR record of under 5%. Field Complaint Manage the analysis of field return units; work with PE and RD department to dig out the root cause for help of quality improvement. Provide problem solving (root cause failure analysis) and corrective action services to Operation processes. Weekly MIL (Main issue list) Review Weekly review main issues that detected in process and post process with Apple PQE, SQE, and STM. Track and review the corrective action for each failure to make the process and quality improve. Factory Audit Audit SMT, FATP, FATP, IQC and FQA area on regular basis, for the findings to work with PE and QA team for CAPA.
  • 2. 2 Quality (Pre) Alert following Work with Apple PQE/STM/Ops create a quality alert to implement deprioritize input/stop Production/Hold shipment and follow all actions until the alert completed. SMT & FATP Yield Improvement According to SMT & FATP daily yield report, factory weekly P-chart & SPC-chart, lead discussion with PE, SQE and QE to figure out potential problems, broaden test coverage to improve production yield continuously. ORT Management Create Bi-weekly ORT system and weekly boards build matrix based on different materials performance for reliability test, identify the potential time-to-fail parts, drive CA in place, or as the lesson learn for next generations. Design Feedback Collect and categorize quality issue detected at both factory and field through entire product cycle, feedback classic issues to R&D to prevent replicable failure symptoms and improve product quality from design perspective. Achievements Highlighted: Leader of Quality management for 11 & 13-inch MacBook Air generated projects 201206 201208 lead a group with 7 engineers to US Cupertino for EFFA systems FA, which is to dig out failed root cause for those earlier returned units by customer. The feedback to supplier or factory to do improvement to ensure better quality product shipped to end-user. Leader of Quality management for 12-inch MacBook generated projects 201504 201506 lead a group with 5 engineers to US Cupertino for EFFA systems FA, Daily con-call meeting with customer and factory to discuss the failed systems. Work with factory to improve shipment product quality. 201604 201605 lead a group with 4 engineers to Cupertino for the EFFA systems FA support after the project announced. Same as previous experiences, daily meeting with Customer and Factory; the best experience is using the flexible methods to confirm the returned reason and do the further FA. Quality Test Engineer Pegatron Corp. August 2010 - April 2011 Work as Quality test engineer for Apple iPhone4. According to Apple requirement and products specialty, review with Apple test engineer for test procedures and define SOP. Function as the lead quality example & spokesperson for System operations and provide strategic planning in Quality area. Team with Customer for new products development through Pro-Launch. Support and participate in customer Production Trial Runs. Investigate and eliminate causes of sporadic quality problems and follow up on corrective actions. Analyze cost of quality and identify major opportunities for improvement. Achievements Highlighted: Leader of QC test process and procedure for iPhone4 Education 2008/Sep - 2010/Jul Nanyang Institute of Technology Bachelor 2005/Sep 2008/Jul Henan Industrial University Chemical Technology Vocational College
  • 3. 3 Languages English Chinese Professional working proficiency Native or bilingual proficiency Skills & Endorsements 1. Process Management 2. Quality Assurance 3. Quality Management 4. Service Delivery 5. Supplier Quality 6. Quality Strategy 7. GR&R/Kappa 8. Cpk/Ppk 9. IPO 10. FMEA Interests Work, Tennis Ball, Dancing, Swimming, Hiking, Fiction