Rusutløste psykoserSvein ØverlandForelesningen ble holdt for en nasjonal politikonferanse sammen med statsadvokat Carl Graff Hartmann. Hans lysbilder omhandlet Halloween-drapet. Hans lysbilder er fjernet. Noen av lysbildene mine er fjernet.
Enterprise 2.0 MSL GermanyJannis Tsalikis, MSLGroup GermanyEnterprise 2.0 refers to the use of Web 2.0 technologies within an organization to enable collaboration and streamline business processes. It aims to help employees, customers, and suppliers share and organize information through social media tools. The document traces the evolution of collaboration from face-to-face meetings and paperwork in 1960 to today's virtual collaboration enabled by tools for instant communication, blogging, microblogging, crowdsourced content, and secure collaborative spaces with features like profiles, communities, blogs, and file sharing. While new technologies enable collaboration, an idea or issue is still crucial to drive collaboration within an organization.
How To Start and Manage A Successful Consumer Law Practice; Doing It Ethicall...bbennett1) The document discusses how to avoid malpractice and disciplinary complaints as an attorney. It notes that every new attorney licensed after 1999 will likely have at least two disciplinary complaints against them.
2) It reviews the top 10 rule violations that attorneys receive complaints about, with neglect being the most common at 46%. It provides tips on reporting misconduct and resources for attorneys to assist with issues.
3) The presentation emphasizes the importance of competent representation, communication with clients, avoiding conflicts of interest, properly handling fees and client property, and not neglecting client matters. It aims to help attorneys start and manage a successful consumer law practice while staying out of disciplinary trouble.
The Winslow Communicator DeviceDoxhereThis presentation is a marketing tool for Thw Winslow Communicator Device. It depicts its need, use, and fit with nascar fans.
DorisDoritaa RamirezEste documento resume los errores más comunes en Excel, incluyendo el error #¡NOMBRE! que ocurre cuando una fórmula no está bien escrita o no existe, el error #¡VALOR! que ocurre cuando se usan tipos de datos distintos en un cálculo, y el error #¡DIV/0! que ocurre cuando se divide por cero. También describe el error #¡NULO! que ocurre al relacionar celdas o rangos que no se intersectan y el error de ancho de columna cuando un valor es más grande que el ancho de la columna.
Historiadelosgriegos itonicontrerasEl documento resume la civilización griega antigua en cuatro etapas:
1) Las culturas prehelénicas de Creta y Micenas dominaron Grecia antes del periodo griego clásico.
2) La época arcaica estuvo definida por el surgimiento de las polis y la colonización griega del Mediterráneo.
3) Atenas y Esparta lideraron la época clásica y se enfrentaron en las Guerras Médicas contra Persia y las Guerras del Peloponeso entre ellas.
4) Alejandro Mag
I Love MathsBloosCluesThe document provides two examples of expressing decimal numbers as fractions. The first example expresses 0.75 as a fraction by multiplying the top and bottom by 100 to get 75/100, which simplifies to 3/4. The second example expresses 0.625 as a fraction by multiplying the top and bottom by 1000 to get 625/1000, which simplifies in two steps to 5/8. The document emphasizes that math is very fun and interesting and provides the steps for the two examples.
Education of the 21st century MLIS student for technical agility.Steven MacCallMLIS professors focused on health library education are continually faced with challenge of preparing their students for personal and social media technology use for entering an ever more sophisticated professional workforce. The objective of this paper is to describe identified barriers and the instructional strategies to overcome them in order to facilitate technological agility for the MLIS students taking a health librarianship course (LS534) at the University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies (UA SLIS) between 2007 and 2012. "Technological agility" pertains to the capability of students to easily and invisibly ("without thinking about it") deploy networked personal and social technologies after course instruction on those technologies.
Since 2007, students enrolled the LS 534 Health Librarianship course at UA SLIS have received course instruction pertaining to the required adoption and use of networked personal and social technologies interwoven into the context of the pedagogical goals and various assignments of the course. Additionally, each student was required to compose an informal two page description of their impressions of the use of these technologies. This paper will report on the types of required networked personal and social technologies required for the course and how they changed during the period of the study (2007-2012). Additionally, results of a content analysis of the student impressions assignment over the time period will be presented with particular interest in evaluating comments related to agility defined as ease of use and invisibility.
Identified barriers to technological agility included the “why” question (why is this tool important?), reluctance in adopting technological innovation, and concerns relating to digital divide issues. Pedagogical methods included linking tool use to specific course communication needs, immersion after tool instruction, playful approach to interacting with technologies to minimize stress of adoption, and emphasis on importance of networked personal and social technologies in building distributed communities of colleagues. Also for those students who brought experience with personal technology and social media use to the course, stress was placed on the importance of understanding these technologies well enough to provide instruction on their use.
Preparing technologically agile MLIS graduates requires an understanding of barriers to adoption and pedagogical strategies for addressing these barriers.
Dossierunersgrupo5Las finanzas son el conjunto de actividades relacionadas con la obtención y uso de recursos financieros. Incluyen procesos como determinar fuentes de financiamiento, gestionar ingresos (impuestos, tasas) y gastos públicos. El objetivo es que las entidades económicas (personas, empresas, estados) optimicen de manera sostenible la forma de conseguir y emplear fondos para sus operaciones y proyectos.
Alison Specht_The Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (AC...TERN AustraliaThe document summarizes the Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS), which provides a national service to assist ecological research and natural resource management. It brings together researchers from 66 universities, government departments, and other organizations to analyze and synthesize ecological data. Working groups have generated new insights and publications. Participants found that ACEAS supported collaborations between diverse experts in a collegial environment, allowing them to address larger research questions. The center has helped expand ecological networks in Australia.
Spirits llLu AskEl vino de Oporto es un vino fortificado originario de la región de Oporto en Portugal. Se produce añadiendo brandy al vino tinto durante la fermentación para estabilizarlo y darle un sabor más dulce y un mayor contenido de alcohol de hasta el 25%. Los tipos principales son el tinto hecho con variedades como Tinta Roriz y el blanco con uvas como Malvasía Fina.
Projeto – agoradiretoriabragancaO documento descreve uma atividade para alunos do 8o e 9o ano onde eles devem escrever uma carta à Presidente Dilma Rousseff sobre que tipo de energia o Brasil precisa no futuro e de onde ela virá. Os alunos devem se inscrever até 20 de setembro e enviar as redações até 22 de outubro.
Tema1 organizssvvaguaysalesLaura Iglesias Donaire. IES Fray Andrés. PuertollanoEste documento presenta una introducción a la biología. Define la biología como la ciencia que estudia la materia viva y enumera algunas de sus ramas principales como la taxonomía, la citología y la ecología. También describe las características comunes de todos los seres vivos como poseer células, metabolismo celular y homeostasis. Además, explica la clasificación de los seres vivos en los cinco reinos de Monera, Protista, Hongos, Vegetales y Animales. Por último, introduce los conceptos de biomoléculas orgánic
La cpuDoritaa RamirezEste documento presenta información sobre la CPU (unidad central de procesamiento), incluyendo que es el componente principal de una computadora que procesa y ejecuta instrucciones, y que consta de una unidad aritmético lógica y una unidad de control. También describe varios tipos de tarjetas de expansión como tarjetas de video, de red, y de sonido. Finalmente, explica algunos sistemas de archivos comunes como FAT, NTFS, HFS+, y ZFS.
Foro EducacióN De Mercado AndréS MonaresDavid PinedaEste documento discute el impacto del mercado en la educación. Argumenta que históricamente la educación enseñaba valores sociales y habilidades para la vida, pero que ahora se ve principalmente como una mercancía que debe entrenar a estudiantes para el trabajo. Critica la visión de que la calidad educativa se mide solo por resultados en exámenes estandarizados y que la educación debe enfocarse en desarrollar competencias para competir en el mercado laboral. Concluye que se debe revisar el modelo de libre mercado en educación y que la gestión
Digital Narrative: Play!LoriLandayݺߣs used to introduce some major concepts by play theorists John Huizinga and Roger Callois in Week 1 of LHUM P410: Digital Narrative Theory and Practice, a course in the Visual Culture and Interactive Media Studies Minor and Video Game Scoring Minor at Berklee College of Music.
MolilalolandiaEste documento describe el trabajo del fotógrafo Albert O'remor, quien se dedicó a coleccionar sonrisas ajenas a lo largo de su vida. Comenzó tomando fotografías de sonrisas espontáneas de familiares y desconocidos desde niño. Más adelante viajó a zonas de conflicto para capturar sonrisas en contextos dolorosos, como la de una niña en medio de un ataque en Kuwait. Tras una pausa, reflexionó sobre lo que había aprendido de las distintas emociones detr
RegalomaryguayongeGran Canaria es un lugar donde vive el autor. Se describe a Gran Canaria como un lugar lindo que quizás el lector no se imaginaba de esa manera.
Education of the 21st century MLIS student for technical agility.Steven MacCallMLIS professors focused on health library education are continually faced with challenge of preparing their students for personal and social media technology use for entering an ever more sophisticated professional workforce. The objective of this paper is to describe identified barriers and the instructional strategies to overcome them in order to facilitate technological agility for the MLIS students taking a health librarianship course (LS534) at the University of Alabama School of Library and Information Studies (UA SLIS) between 2007 and 2012. "Technological agility" pertains to the capability of students to easily and invisibly ("without thinking about it") deploy networked personal and social technologies after course instruction on those technologies.
Since 2007, students enrolled the LS 534 Health Librarianship course at UA SLIS have received course instruction pertaining to the required adoption and use of networked personal and social technologies interwoven into the context of the pedagogical goals and various assignments of the course. Additionally, each student was required to compose an informal two page description of their impressions of the use of these technologies. This paper will report on the types of required networked personal and social technologies required for the course and how they changed during the period of the study (2007-2012). Additionally, results of a content analysis of the student impressions assignment over the time period will be presented with particular interest in evaluating comments related to agility defined as ease of use and invisibility.
Identified barriers to technological agility included the “why” question (why is this tool important?), reluctance in adopting technological innovation, and concerns relating to digital divide issues. Pedagogical methods included linking tool use to specific course communication needs, immersion after tool instruction, playful approach to interacting with technologies to minimize stress of adoption, and emphasis on importance of networked personal and social technologies in building distributed communities of colleagues. Also for those students who brought experience with personal technology and social media use to the course, stress was placed on the importance of understanding these technologies well enough to provide instruction on their use.
Preparing technologically agile MLIS graduates requires an understanding of barriers to adoption and pedagogical strategies for addressing these barriers.
Dossierunersgrupo5Las finanzas son el conjunto de actividades relacionadas con la obtención y uso de recursos financieros. Incluyen procesos como determinar fuentes de financiamiento, gestionar ingresos (impuestos, tasas) y gastos públicos. El objetivo es que las entidades económicas (personas, empresas, estados) optimicen de manera sostenible la forma de conseguir y emplear fondos para sus operaciones y proyectos.
Alison Specht_The Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (AC...TERN AustraliaThe document summarizes the Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS), which provides a national service to assist ecological research and natural resource management. It brings together researchers from 66 universities, government departments, and other organizations to analyze and synthesize ecological data. Working groups have generated new insights and publications. Participants found that ACEAS supported collaborations between diverse experts in a collegial environment, allowing them to address larger research questions. The center has helped expand ecological networks in Australia.
Spirits llLu AskEl vino de Oporto es un vino fortificado originario de la región de Oporto en Portugal. Se produce añadiendo brandy al vino tinto durante la fermentación para estabilizarlo y darle un sabor más dulce y un mayor contenido de alcohol de hasta el 25%. Los tipos principales son el tinto hecho con variedades como Tinta Roriz y el blanco con uvas como Malvasía Fina.
Projeto – agoradiretoriabragancaO documento descreve uma atividade para alunos do 8o e 9o ano onde eles devem escrever uma carta à Presidente Dilma Rousseff sobre que tipo de energia o Brasil precisa no futuro e de onde ela virá. Os alunos devem se inscrever até 20 de setembro e enviar as redações até 22 de outubro.
Tema1 organizssvvaguaysalesLaura Iglesias Donaire. IES Fray Andrés. PuertollanoEste documento presenta una introducción a la biología. Define la biología como la ciencia que estudia la materia viva y enumera algunas de sus ramas principales como la taxonomía, la citología y la ecología. También describe las características comunes de todos los seres vivos como poseer células, metabolismo celular y homeostasis. Además, explica la clasificación de los seres vivos en los cinco reinos de Monera, Protista, Hongos, Vegetales y Animales. Por último, introduce los conceptos de biomoléculas orgánic
La cpuDoritaa RamirezEste documento presenta información sobre la CPU (unidad central de procesamiento), incluyendo que es el componente principal de una computadora que procesa y ejecuta instrucciones, y que consta de una unidad aritmético lógica y una unidad de control. También describe varios tipos de tarjetas de expansión como tarjetas de video, de red, y de sonido. Finalmente, explica algunos sistemas de archivos comunes como FAT, NTFS, HFS+, y ZFS.
Foro EducacióN De Mercado AndréS MonaresDavid PinedaEste documento discute el impacto del mercado en la educación. Argumenta que históricamente la educación enseñaba valores sociales y habilidades para la vida, pero que ahora se ve principalmente como una mercancía que debe entrenar a estudiantes para el trabajo. Critica la visión de que la calidad educativa se mide solo por resultados en exámenes estandarizados y que la educación debe enfocarse en desarrollar competencias para competir en el mercado laboral. Concluye que se debe revisar el modelo de libre mercado en educación y que la gestión
Digital Narrative: Play!LoriLandayݺߣs used to introduce some major concepts by play theorists John Huizinga and Roger Callois in Week 1 of LHUM P410: Digital Narrative Theory and Practice, a course in the Visual Culture and Interactive Media Studies Minor and Video Game Scoring Minor at Berklee College of Music.
MolilalolandiaEste documento describe el trabajo del fotógrafo Albert O'remor, quien se dedicó a coleccionar sonrisas ajenas a lo largo de su vida. Comenzó tomando fotografías de sonrisas espontáneas de familiares y desconocidos desde niño. Más adelante viajó a zonas de conflicto para capturar sonrisas en contextos dolorosos, como la de una niña en medio de un ataque en Kuwait. Tras una pausa, reflexionó sobre lo que había aprendido de las distintas emociones detr
RegalomaryguayongeGran Canaria es un lugar donde vive el autor. Se describe a Gran Canaria como un lugar lindo que quizás el lector no se imaginaba de esa manera.
Pedofili, hebefili, omniofili og nepiofili, og litt om psykopati og somnofiliSvein ØverlandGjennomgang av overlappende begreper knyttet til seksuell tenning og overgrep
Introkurs Rask Psykisk Helsehjelp Samling 1Lene SundeIntrokurset er et tilbud som ca 90% av våre søkere starter med, før de eventuelt går videre i 1:1 terapi eller med veiledet selvhjelp. Kurset består av 4 samlinger a 2 timer.
Farlig PsykoseDag T. HanoaGjennomgår faktorer i voldsrisiko-vurdering V-RISK-10, med spesiell vekt på farlige psykotiske symptomer og risikovurderingen av disse.
What about the boys?Svein ØverlandBoys are in risk both for harming others and themselves. The presentation describes these challenges and advice for improving services.
Psykologi og fenomenkunnskap om vold og overgrep som støtte for politiarbeid ...Svein ØverlandFagseminar for Trøndelag politidistrikt om fenomener relevant for avhør og tiltak
Building the bridge between risk assessment and treatmentSvein ØverlandRisk assessment needs more focus on reducing actual risk. It is time we develop tools that combine scientific knowledge and clinical practice.
Fra Winnicott til White: familieterapi i kontekstSvein ØverlandMens verden dessverre er i ferd med å glemme kunnskapen fra familieterapiens begynnelse, bruker jeg den stadig mer. Dette er en forelesning jeg hadde for barnespesialistutdanningen i regi av Psykologforeningen i august.
The story of SuperEgoSvein ØverlandTarique made this presentation when invited by Trondheim kommune to tell the his and SuperEgos (hi)Story. I am proud of Tarique and the work we have done together
Naturlig vs bekymringsfull seksuell atferdSvein Øverland
Rusutløste psykoser
1. Min verden
• Seksjonssjef på
avdeling Brøset
• Rettspsykolog og
• Rettsoppnevnt
psykiatrisk sakkyndig
• Rådgiver og
sakkyndig for
n i Trondheim
2. Utvikling av psykiske lidelser
• Sårbarhetsfaktorer
• Utløsende faktorer
• Opprettholdende faktorer
• Ofte fokuserer vi mye på de to første punktene
og lite på det siste
• Kontroll mistes gradvis
8. Det er ikke psykosen som er
• Risiko for ny vold skyldes like mye og mer rus
selv når det ikke medfører psykose
• De fleste med psykose er redde og konfliktsky
• Det er særlig tidlig og gjentatt vold i
kombinasjon med dyssosialitet/dyssosial
personlighetsforstyrrelse og rus som gir økt
risiko for ny vold
Arbeid Pusher/arbeidsgiver Arbeidsløs
Økonomi 30.000 i mnd 4.000 i trygd
Karriere Etterspurt Uønsket
Rykte En å stole på/rå Kriminell/farlig/sleip
Nettverk En av gutta Narkoman
Språk Fungerer Uforståelig
Spandabel Uansvarlig
God Svartelistet
11. Diagnostikk
• Rus dersom symptom varer mindre enn 48
• Rusutløst psykose dersom symptom varer
inntil 1 måned
• Primær psykose dersom ingen bedring etter 1
• Med andre ord må man observere i institusjon
12. Primær psykose
• Dårlige premorbid
fungering, dårligere
innsikt, psykose i familie
• Mange
• Psykose uten rus, men
50 prosent har samtidig
• Mest negative
• Tydeligere
Rusutløst psykose
• Rus, - særlig amfetamin,
cannabis og Khat
• Flere traumer
• Vanligere med
• Mer innsikt
• Mer angst
• Kortere varighet
• Oftere traumer
• Mindre
13. TID
Beskjed om fest
Andre menn
Menn ser på
Kjæreste blir en
annen ut for å ta
en røyk
Er jeg bra
De har
lyst på
Hun er
kåt og tror
hun lurer
14. Kontekstavhengighet
• "Forhastede antagelser om kausalitet mellom
rus og psykose kan henge sammen med
manglende kunnskap, emosjonelle reaksjoner
eller fordommer i forhold til
Øydna, 2006
15. A
Petter ser og hører
personalet le på
Personalet trekker
igjen gardinen og
rister på hodet til
Petter tolker at de ler
av ham
”Typisk, de ler av meg
bak min rygg”
Personalet tolker
Petter som masete.
”Typisk, han maser
Petter stirrer inn og
banker på døren til
Personalet ser at han
er oppjaget og
forstyrrer rapporten
19. Kunnskap og dokumentasjon
• Generell kunnskap om rus og psykoser
• Forståelse av kontekst for atferd
• Innsikt i egne holdninger
• God dokumentasjon
21. Forelesningen ble holdt for en nasjonal
politikonferanse sammen med statsadvokat
Carl Graff Hartmann. Hans lysbilder
omhandlet Halloween-drapet. Hans lysbilder
er fjernet. Noen av lysbildene mine er fjernet.