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2602 Whispering
Pines Dr
Grayson, GA
OBJECTIVE Seeking a position where I can use my patient care skills and experience to
ensure quality care and service within a hospital setting. I would liketo
secure a position with a well-established organization with a stable
environment that will lead to a lasting relationship in the medical field.
SKILLS & ABILITIES  Implement new or enhanced methods of process lab turnout
faster for MD to see.
 Team leaderships on weekends for the front desk and outgoing
mail and call list.
 EKGs, Collecting Blood and UDS.
11/13/2000  Current
I am responsible for collecting and receiving blood samples, pathology samples, body fluids,
and many other samples that comes through the lab. Iam also responsible for all STL (sent
to labs from outside clinics) they have to be put in the mainframe and then I order the test. I
am skilledwith both verbal and written orders. I can multitask at any time when needed. I
have very strong customer service skills and I enjoy people. Data entry and processing of
sample is a must with efficiency.
Patient Care Technician
I provide daily care for in hospital patients. Assessed vital signs maintain charts, EKG and
properly applied telemetry monitors. I have provided proficiency in all of the following:
blood collections for over 13 years blood collections sites from venipuncture and
capillary technique from all ages (from infants to adults) also I have had to collect from
patients on the psychiatric ward at our facility.
My past experience as a phlebotomist and patient care tech combined with my recent
course work has enhanced my ability to provide compassionate and dedicated care
Page 2
June 29, 1994
Degree- GED
American College
Degree in medical assistance
Itt Technical Institution
Forensic Science-current GPA 4.0
COMMUNICATION What I bring to the position is a combination of quality patient services,
team leadership and attention to detail. I work diligently to provide
excellence in all my professional endeavors and have earned a reputation
for my technical proficiency and results-driven work ethic. In my present
position I work to provide excellence in service for all patients. I would
continue to do the same for your organization. I look forward to the
opportunity to meet with you to discuss the qualifications I would bring to
your organization. Thank youfor your consideration.
LEADERSHIP Excellent knowledge of the clerical and computer skills likeword, excel,
outlook, access.
Exceptionally good demonstration skills and communication skills both
verbally and written.
Great ability of customer service and interpersonal skills. Exceptional
ability to carry out the instructions verbally, written and
Feeding the homeless women at the MissionCenter.
Lab Manger-
Dash Tax Service
NicoleGardner (Owner)
Page 3
Wendy Clark R.N.
(Manager Cancer Unit)
Shelia Powell
Sbp302@jaguar1.usouthal .edu

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  • 1. 2602 Whispering Pines Dr Grayson, GA 30017 404-883-9408 Mzruru61@gmail.com RUTHIE PRESTON OBJECTIVE Seeking a position where I can use my patient care skills and experience to ensure quality care and service within a hospital setting. I would liketo secure a position with a well-established organization with a stable environment that will lead to a lasting relationship in the medical field. SKILLS & ABILITIES Implement new or enhanced methods of process lab turnout faster for MD to see. Team leaderships on weekends for the front desk and outgoing mail and call list. EKGs, Collecting Blood and UDS. EXPERIENCE Labatory SRVC-Phlebotomy/INFIRMARY HEALTH 11/13/2000 Current I am responsible for collecting and receiving blood samples, pathology samples, body fluids, and many other samples that comes through the lab. Iam also responsible for all STL (sent to labs from outside clinics) they have to be put in the mainframe and then I order the test. I am skilledwith both verbal and written orders. I can multitask at any time when needed. I have very strong customer service skills and I enjoy people. Data entry and processing of sample is a must with efficiency. Patient Care Technician I provide daily care for in hospital patients. Assessed vital signs maintain charts, EKG and properly applied telemetry monitors. I have provided proficiency in all of the following: blood collections for over 13 years blood collections sites from venipuncture and capillary technique from all ages (from infants to adults) also I have had to collect from patients on the psychiatric ward at our facility. My past experience as a phlebotomist and patient care tech combined with my recent course work has enhanced my ability to provide compassionate and dedicated care
  • 2. Page 2 EDUCATION MURPHY HIGH SCHOOL June 29, 1994 Degree- GED American College Degree in medical assistance Itt Technical Institution Forensic Science-current GPA 4.0 COMMUNICATION What I bring to the position is a combination of quality patient services, team leadership and attention to detail. I work diligently to provide excellence in all my professional endeavors and have earned a reputation for my technical proficiency and results-driven work ethic. In my present position I work to provide excellence in service for all patients. I would continue to do the same for your organization. I look forward to the opportunity to meet with you to discuss the qualifications I would bring to your organization. Thank youfor your consideration. LEADERSHIP Excellent knowledge of the clerical and computer skills likeword, excel, outlook, access. Exceptionally good demonstration skills and communication skills both verbally and written. Great ability of customer service and interpersonal skills. Exceptional ability to carry out the instructions verbally, written and diagrammatically. Feeding the homeless women at the MissionCenter. REFERENCES EMILY BEEBE Lab Manger- 251-435-3990 Dash Tax Service NicoleGardner (Owner)
  • 3. Page 3 251-776-8451 Wendy Clark R.N. (Manager Cancer Unit) 251-533-6869 251-435-4661 Shelia Powell Sbp302@jaguar1.usouthal .edu 251-786-3237